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Insisiva Dental Journal : Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Insisiva
ISSN : 22529764     EISSN : 26859165     DOI : 10.18196/idj
Core Subject : Health,
Insisiva Dental Jurnal memberikan informasi tentang ide, opini, perkembangan dan isu-isu di bidang kedokteran gigi meliputi klinis, penelitian, laporan kasus dan literature review.
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Perbandingan Pemberian Ekstrak Kayu Siwak (Salvadora Persica) 50% Dan Larutan Sodium Fluorida 2% Terhadap Ketahanan Email Gigi Rattus Norvegicus Diana, Sherli; Triawan, Andi
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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Miswak (Salvadora Persica) Has A Substance Of Anti Bacterium Which Can Decrease The Amount Of Bacteria In Mouth So That The Tooth Become Health And Prevent Dental Caries And Also The Disinfectant Effect Of Miswak That Can Discontinue Gum Bleeding. While Sodium Fluoride Pursue Decalcification And Enamel Condensation In Mouth And Also Remineralization Of Tooth Enamel. The Aim Of This Research Is To Compare The Effect Between Extract Of Wood Miswak 50% And Solution Of Sodium Fluoride 2% To Enamel Resistant In Rattus Norvegicus On Tooth. The Subjects This Research Are 10 Rattus Norvegicus Which 20 Days Old. During 30 Day Of Rattus Norvegicus Is Given The Same Feed And Drink With Different Intervention That Is Lower Jaw Teeth Of 5 Rattus Norvegicus Was Dabbing With Extract Of Wood Miswak 50% And Other Lower Jaw Teeth Of 5 Rattus Norvegicus Was Dabbing With Solution Of Sodium Fluoride 2%. After 30 Day, All Rattus Norvegicus Were Decapited By Using Ether. Afterwards, Lower Jaw Of Rattus Norvegicus Was Extracted, Next Nub With 37% Phosphoric Acid Gel During 60 Second Then Cleaned With Refine Water And Digitally Periapical Roentgen. Then, They Were Scored To Get Data Of Each Variable And Statistical Test With Mann-Whitney Test. Statistical Test With MannWhitney Test Resulted ( P=0,419) Because ( P>0,05) Means There Is Influence Which Not Significantly Different Between Extract Of Wood Miswak 50% And Solution Of Sodium Fluoride 2%. Research Result Indicates That Extract Of Wood Miswak 50% And Solution Of Sodium Fluoride 2% Have Influence Which Not Significantly Different To Enamel Resistance Of Rattus Norvegicus Tooth Which Assessed With Score Using 5 Point Of Belief Scale.
A Fossa Canina Abscess Originated From First Maxillary Primary Molar: A Case Report Management Rochim, Abdul
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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A possible complication of fossa canina infections is reactive thrombosis of the vena angularis, which can lead to cavernous sinus phlebothrombosis. According to the literature there are different opinions about the treatment protocol of fossa canina abscesses. This study reports theunusual case of odontogenic infection in children. A four years old girl patient arrived at a dental clinic with her mother and sister. The patient presented with massive swelling and redness in the region of left eye. According to the subjective data obtained from her mother and sister, the swelling occurs in the morning, six hours before being taken to the dentist. We suspect that the left maxillary first primary molar caused the case. Management of this case is open bur and there was bleeding from the pulp without pain. After 4 min, swelling in the lower eyelid decreased. The condition is getting better after 39 min before the patient took the drug. The patient still get medicine for healing efforts.
Pengaruh Komplikasi Neuropati Terhadap Xerostomia Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe Ii Kartika Sari, Rina; Widiajmoko, Agung
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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Diabetes Mellitus merupakan The Great Initiator, yaitu salah satu penyakit yang dapat menimbulkan banyak sekali komplikasi salah satunya neuropati (Neuropati diabetik). Neuropati diabetik yaitu sekumpulan gejala (sindrom) yang disebabkan oleh degenerasi saraf perifer atau otonom sebagai akibat dari diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus sering menimbulkan banyak manifestasi oral salah satunya xerostomia (sindrom mulut kering). Hubungan antara xerostomia pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe II masih banyak menimbulkan kontroversi, salah satunya dikarenakan adanya kerusakan saraf pada kelenjar saliva, namun banyak juga studi yang menyebutkan xerostomia tersebut dikarenakan gejala poliuri pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe II. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Bertujuan meneliti pengaruh komplikasi neuropati terhadap xerostomia pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe II dengan metode meludah. Subyek penelitian dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 30 orang. Kelompok I terdiri atas 10 orang penderita diabetes mellitus tipe II dengan komplikasi neuropati, kelompok II 10 orang penderita diabetes mellitus tipe II tanpa komplikasi neuropati dan kelompok III 10 orang normal. Tiap subyek diukur curah saliva rata – ratanya(ml/menit) dengan stimulasi asam sitrat 2% dan tanpa stimulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata – rata curah saliva tidak stimulasi adalah; kelompok I 0,14±0,69; kelompok II 0,33±0,12; kelompok III 0,73±0,16. Sedangkan nilai rata – rata curah saliva stimulasi adalah; kelompok I 0,43±0,24; kelompok II 1,00±0,35; kelompok III 2,44±079. Berdasarkan anamnesis keluhan subyektif, insidensi xerostomia kelompok I sebanyak 7 dari 10 orang (70%) ; kelompok II 2 dari 10 orang (20%); kelompok III tidak ada. Uji one way ANOVA menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan antar kelompok baik stimulasi maupun tidak stimulasi (p<0,05), kecuali curah saliva stimulasi antara kelompok II dan kelompok III (p>0,05). Uji Chi-square menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan antar kelompok (p<0,05) kecuali antara kelompok II dan kelompok III (p>0,05) Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh antara komplikasi neuropati terhadap xerostomia pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe II. Hal ini dilihat dari rata-rata curah saliva stimulasi maupun tidak stimulasi dan keluhan subyektif yang menyertai
Infection Control Implementation At Private Dental Practice In Yogyakarta City Dewanto, Iwan; Septario, Medi
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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Dentist As A Health Worker Claimed To Be Responsible Widely In A Variety Of Existing Public Health Efforts, Especially In The Dental Clinic. Infection Control Is An Effort To Control And Prevent The Spread Of Infectious Diseases In Practice Setting. This Study Aimed To Describe The Implementation Of Infection Control In Dental Practices In The Yogyakarta City In The Availability And Utilization Of Facilities And Infrastructure. A CrossSectional Study Was Conducted In Yogyakarta City With Subjects Of 30 Dentist Who Has Independent Private Practice Chosen By Simple Random Sampling. Observational Techniques Using Check List Was Applied To Assess The Implementation Of Infection Control. Results Showed Existing Deficiencies Of Control Infection In The Components Of Equipment, Dentist, And Room. It Can Be Concluded That The Implementation Of Infection Control In The Yogyakarta City Has Not Gone Well, It Is Source Of Concern As The Possibility Of Infectious Disease Transmission In Dental Clinic Occured. This Because The Level Of Awareness Is Still Lacking And The Dentist Thinks Will Impact The Length Of The Culture Is Still Neglected
The Effect Of Arrowroot Starch (Marantha Arundiceae L) Into Alginate Towards Alginate Impression Setting Time Yustri Anita, Lelly; Agustiono, Purwanto
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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The demand of alginate increase overtime, in otherhand, Indonesia could not produce its own alginate yet. Limited access to get alginate in certain region of Indonesia raise an idea to apllicate arrowroot starch into alginate to reduce alginate using. One of impression material requirment is has suitable setting time. The effect of adding arrowroot starch into alginate towards its dimensional stabillity has been published, but the effect toward its setting time has not been evaluated. Methods : This study using 60 sample that divided into 4 groups (control, 45%, 50%, and 55% of added arrowroot starch). Acrilic stick is used by entering it into alginate after 10 second, and replied until no alginate on acrilic stick. The time when no alginate on acrilic stick was record by stopwatch. Result : Statistically, KruskallWallis test is show that arrowroot starch which add into alginate have significant effect towards alginate impression setting time with p=0,000. Conclusion : Arrowroot starch which has been added into alginate has an effect towards alginate impression setting time.
Metode Pemilihan Pasta Gigi Yang Tepat Untuk Anak Usia Dini Sukanto, Sukanto
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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Karies gigi pada anak usia dini masih banyak terjadi. Sebagian penyebabnya adalah kebersihan gigi yang kurang, anak belum bisa memelihara kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya secara mandiri. Salah satu bahan bantu untuk membersihkan gigi adalah pasta gigi. Pemilihan bahan tersebut harus tepat, agar menghasilkan kebersihan yang optimal dan tidak memberikan dampak negatif. Produk dipasaran yang ditawarkan umumnya mengaku yang terbaik, dengan keunggulan yang ditonjolkan masing-masing, mulai dari mengandalkan merk, kemasan yang menarik, harga rendah, kualitas yang ditonjolkan. Hal tersebut mengharuskan konsumen terutama orang tua harus pandai dalam memilih pasta gigi yang tepat untuk anak. Pemilihan pasta gigi sebaiknya mempertimbangkan komposisi, perkembangan usia anak, kriteria yang diperlukan sesuai usia, variasi produk dan efek samping. Kesimpulannya, kriteria pasta gigi yang dipilih: warna, bau dan rasa disukai anak, kemasan menarik dan aman bagi tubuh.
Efektivitas Antara Scaling Root Planing (Srp) Dengan Dan Tanpa Pemberian Ciprofloxacin Per Oral Pada Penderita Periodontitis Andriani, Ika
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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Periodontitis adalah suatu penyakit infeksi pada jaringan pendukung gigi disebabkan mikroorganisme menyebabkan kerusakan progresif pada ligamen periodontal dan tulang alveolar, jika tidak dilakukan perawatan yang tepat dapat mengakibatkan kehilangan gigi.Perawatan periodontitis adalah menghilangkan patogen periodontal dengan scaling rootplaning (SRP) yaitu menghilangkan deposit keras dan lunak serta bakteri yang menempelpada permukaan gigi dan dalam subgingiva, sehingga mengeliminasi bakteri. Pembersihan patogen periodontal dan produknya dengan SRP kadang-kadang tidak maksimal karena terdapat bagian yang tidak dapat diakses oleh alat SRP, sehingga pemberian antimikroba secara sistemik ataupun lokal dianjurkan untuk meningkatkan hasil terapi SRP. Ciprofloxacin adalah generasi kedua derivat fluroquinolon, aktif dengan jangkauan yang luas pada bakteri gram negatif dan gram positif fakultatif patogen periodontal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas hasil perawatan antara scaling root planing (SRP) tanpa dan dengan pemberian ciprofloxacin per oral pada penderita periodontitis diukur dari parameter hitung jenis leukosit terdiri dari neutrofil, basofil,eosinofi, limfosit dan monosit pada cairan sulkus gingiva. Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 kasus periodontitis kronis kedalaman poket >5 mm, subyek dibagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu 10 penderita periodontitis dilakukan scaling root planing (SRP) tanpa ciprofloxacin per oral dan 10 penderita periodontitis dengan pemberian ciprofloxacin per oral. Pengambilan dan pengukuran hitung jenis leukosit terdiri dari neutrofil, eosinofil, basofil, monosit dan limfosit cairan sulkus gingiva dilakukan sebelum SRP dan hari ke 8 sesudah SRP. Hasil analisis uji non parametrik Mann Whitney menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan bermakna (p>0,05) pada hitung jenis leukosit pada neutrofil, limfosit dan eosinofil. Jumlah neutrofil pada SRP tanpa dan dengan ciprofloxacin menunjukkan kenaikan, jumlah limfosit dan eosinofil pada SRP dengan dan tanpa ciprofloxacin mengalami penurunan, Jumlah basofil dan monosit 0 (nol) sehingga tidak dapat dihitung secara statistik. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil perawatanscaling root planing (SRP) tanpa ciprofloxacin per oral sama efektifnya dengan SRP dengan pemberian ciprofloxacin per oral pada penderita periodontitis diukur dari parameter hitung jenis jumlah leukosit yaitu jumlah neutrofil, limfosit dan eosonofil dalam cairan sulkus gingiva.
Effect Extract Rosella (Hibiscussabdariffa) As An Alternative To Natural Tooth Bleaching Agent On External Discoloration Case Sugianti, Nanik
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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Tooth bleaching is one effort that has long been known in the science of dentistry. Unfortunately material used to whiten tooth until now they are still nature are toxic to tissues of the mouth cavity. Whereas with traditional natural materials exploration in Indonesia, give all one plant used as a safe teeth bleaching, rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa). The research to find out effect extract rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) to external discoloration. Methods: An experimental research with Pre and Post Controlled Group Design. The sample consist of 12 teeth which divided into two groups. The first group, as control, were soaked in aquadest and the second group, as treatment were soaked in extract rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) for 3 days. Colour analysis is conductedbyCIELAB method. The colected data were analized by Pairing t-test. Discussion: Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) containing bioactive compounds, saponins that foam can bind colourants. With the power of his work which can bind the colourants can be used to whiten teeth. In addition, vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) that high can cause email erosion. The compound is capable of damaging colour substance molecules become neutral color so that the color and causing bleaching effects. Conclusion: Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) can be used as an alternative natural tooth bleaching agent because it contains the active agent of saponin and vitamin C are high.
Potential Of Mangosteen Xanthones As Anti-Oral Cancer Agents By Induction Of Apoptosis Corvianindya Rahayu, Yani
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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The pericarp of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is rich in various xanthones that are known to possess unique biological activities. The aim of this study was to determine of antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities of mangosteen xanthones. The researchers found that all tested xanthones inhibited the growth of the cancer cells. They observed cytotoxic properties against three human cancer cell lines, epidermoid carcinoma of the mouth, breast cancer, and small-cell lung cancer. The specific xanthones include alpha-mangostins, showed that mangosteen xanthones not only inhibit the proliferation of target cells but also induce their death by apoptosis that involves the activation of the caspase cascade. To establish a more precise mechanism of action, a cell free biochemical kinase assay against multiple cyclins/CDKs involved in cell cycle progression; the most significant inhibition in the cell free based assays was CDK4, a critical component of the G1 phase.Through molecular modeling α-mangostin against the ATP binding pocket of CDK4, and propose three possible orientations that may result in CDK4 inhibition. Histopathological evaluation and biochemical analysis of tumors that received mangosteen xanthones indicate the induction of apoptosis in tumors, which resulted in the repression of their growth and the reduction of their sizes. The study concluded that mangosteen xanthones potentially as an agent for cancer prevention and the combination therapy with anti-cancer drugs.
The Prospect Of Heat Shock Protein (Hsp) As Biomarker Of Oral Disease Nurul Amin, Muhammad
Insisiva Dental Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Insisiva Dental Journal

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The prevalence of oral diseases is increasing and caused by many factors. It can be caused by environmental, genetic, malignancy or side effects of dental treatment. The research detect these disease has been done, but still not getting satisfactory results. Heat shock proteins (HSP) are intracellular proteins that mediate the cytoprotective function and other essential functions. This protein is expressed and synthesized under conditions of stress/harmful or nonstress. The oral disease is a form of adverse conditions, and the course will also trigger HSP expression.

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