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Jurnal Kebidanan Dan Kesehatan Tradisional
ISSN : 25027093     EISSN : 25805207     DOI : 10.37341
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Kebidanan Dan Kesehatan Tradisional merupakan jurnal yang menyediakan forum untuk bertukar ide tentang teori, metodologi dan isu-isu mendasar yang terkait dengan dunia kesehatan yang meliputi kesehatan tradisional, farmasi, farmasi tradisional, jamu (herbal), kebidanan dan pendidikan kesehatan.
Articles 135 Documents
Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Untuk Asam Urat Indri Kusuma Dewi; Agus Winarso; Rapim Yuanditra
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v1i1.20


Abstract: Knowledge, PKK Plants, Drugs For Gout. The purpose of this study was to determine how the PKK knowledge about the use of herbs for uric acid in the village of Klaten Danguran South. This research is quantitative descriptive study, with cross sectional approach to the subject of this study is the PKK of 50 samples. Measuring tool used is a questionnaire. The results showed that the PKK knowledge about the use of herbs for uric acid in the village of Klaten Danguran South included in the category enough by 52%, both by 38%, and 10% less category. PKK knowledge about the use of medicinal plants for acid in the village of Klaten Danguran South in the category enough.
Effektivitas Infusa Akar Manis Sebagai Anti Tukak Lambung Tikus Yang Diinduksi Asetosal Joko Santoso
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v2i1.21


Abstract: The use of NSAID-class drugs such as acetosal is widely used by the community, which can cause peptic ulcers. Gastric ulcers are damaged in the mucosal and sub mucosal tissues. Indonesia is rich in traditional medicinal ingredients such as liquorice that can serve as an ingredient of anti ulcers. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the effectiveness of the extract of sweet root as gastroprotektor. Design of laboratory experiment post test with control. A total of 30 male Wistar strains of 2-3 months old, with 100-250 gram weight divided into 6 groups, each group consisted of 5 randomly divided animal animals, ie KI (sweet root) 5 mg / 200g BB), K.II (sweet root 10 mg/ 200g BB), K.III (sweet root 15 mg / 200g BB), K. IV (sucralfat 72 mg / 200g BB), K. V (acetosal 90 Mg / 200 g BB) and K.VI (without treatment). All treatments were administered orally for seven days. Observations were macroscopic and microscopic gastric mice. The results of the study: Group III had the greatest gastroprotector compared with other groups as indicated by the number of lesions,lesion area, damage score, number of mast cells and eosinophil cells were lower than those given the assetosal group (p <0.05)
Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Tindakan Mencuci Tangan Yang Benar Pada Siswa Kelas 1 Dan 2 Di SDN 2 Karanglo, Klaten Selatan Aryani Kusumawardhani; Arsita Atmi Syahati; Safinatul Istiqomah Puspaningtyas; Aisyah Annas Rusmanto; Ledy Septyna Ayu Kusuma; Septianingrum Septianingrum
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v2i1.23


Abstrak: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Tindakan, Cuci Tangan, Siswa SD. Perilaku mencuci tangan yang tidak benar masih tinggi ditemukan pada anak usia 10 tahun ke bawah. Pada usia tersebut sangat rentan terhadap penyakit. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan, didapatkan bahwa kebiasaan cuci tangan siswa SDN 2 Karanglo, Klaten Selatan belum sesuai dengan cara mencuci tangan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan mencuci tangan yang benar pada siswa kelas 1 dan 2 di SDN 2 Karanglo, Klaten Selatan, Klaten tahun 2016/2017. Metode dalam penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Variabel pada penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 1 dan 2 yang berjumlah 29 siswa. Pada penelitian ini digunakan instrumen berupa kuesioner. Data primer diperoleh dari lembar kuesioner dan data sekunder diperoleh dari absensi siswa dan literatur. Hasil penelitian, pengetahuan siswa tentang mencuci tangan yang benar termasuk dalam kategori baik yaitu sebanyak 20anak (69%) dan kategori cukup sebanyak 9 anak (31%). Sikap siswa tentang cuci tangan yang benar termasuk dalam kategori baik yaitu sebanyak 29 anak (100%). Tindakan siswa tentang cuci tangan yang benar termasuk dalam kategori baik yaitu sebanyak 28 anak (97%) dan kategori cukup sebanyak 1 anak (3%). Kesimpulanya pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan mencuci tangan yang benar pada siswa kelas 1 dan 2 di SDN 2 Karanglo, Klaten Selatan dikategorikan baik.
Kesiapan Psikologis Ibu Hamil Trimester III Dalam Persiapan Persalinan Pasca Relaksasi Hypnobirthing Henik Istikhomah; Dyah Ayu Putri Mumpuni
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v1i1.24


Abstract: Psychological Readiness Pregnancy Trimester III, Post-Relaxation Hypnobirthing. A number of fear seen in pregnant women during the third trimester. Unpreparedness to face the birth mother to be one of the causes of high maternal mortality rate. Mother began to feel fear of pain and the physical dangers that will arise at the time of delivery. Because they were, the mother must make themselves maintain the harmony of mind and body through relaxation. Hypnobirthing techniques can help relax the muscles so that mothers avoid the anxiety and may help mothers more calm in the face of labor. The purpose of this study to describe the psychological readiness of third trimester pregnant women in childbirth after relaxation hypnobirthing. Quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study is the third trimester pregnant women who have followed the relaxation hypnobirthing ≥ 4 times in BPM and BPM Yessi Yosi Trihana Aprilia Klaten. Saturated sampling technique is sampling as many as 30 third trimester pregnant women who had attended relaxation hypnobirthing ≥ 4 times as respondents. Of the 30 respondents third trimester pregnant women who attended ≥ 4 times showed 19 respondents (63.30%) declared ready psychologically to face childbirth after following the relaxation of hypnobirthing ≥ 4 times. And 11 respondents (36.70%) are not ready psychologically to face the post-relaxation hypnobirthing childbirth ≥ 4 times. Most of the third trimester pregnant women are better prepared psychologically to face childbirth after following the relaxation of hypnobirthing ≥ 4 times in BPM and BPM Yessi Yosi Trihana Aprilia Klaten.
Penurunan Kecemasan Ibu Nifas Menggunakan Totok Wajah Di Fasilitas Pelayanan Persalinan Sumantri Sumantri; Dewi Susilowati; Dian Kurnia Wati
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v1i1.25


Abstract: Full-Blooded Face, Anxiety, Mother Postpartum. Post partum (puerperal) is the future return of the reproductive organs such as the state before becoming pregnant within six weeks after delivery. One of the psychological disorders suffered postpartum mothers is anxiety. Blooded face is a complementary therapy to reduce stress and anxiety. The aim of research to determine the effect on reducing anxiety blooded face puerperal women in childbirth care facility in Wonogiri districts. This study uses a pre-experimental design with one group pretest posttest design. Population in this research is the post partum mothers who gave birth and postpartum controls in BPM Siti Syamsiyah Wonogiri and RB. Nur Annisa Wonogiri in March-May 2014. The sampling technique using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. Assessment of anxiety 30 minutes before full blooded face the majority of mild anxiety, as many as 23 respondents (58.97%). Assessment of anxiety 24 hours after the majority of full-blooded face no anxiety as much as 33 respondents (84.61%). Blooded face significantly influence the decrease in anxiety scores. ρ = 0.00 (ρ <0.05); x = 16.20 to 8.46. The magnitude of the effect of ± 7.74. There is a full-blooded face effect on reducing anxiety postpartum mothers. Recommendations for delivery care facilities to be able to apply blooded face for postpartum mothers.
Aktifitas Tabir Surya Dengan Nilai Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Sediaan Losion Kombinasi Ekstrak Kayu Manis Dan Ekstrak Kulit Delima Pada Paparan Sinar Matahari Dan Ruang Tertutup Youstiana Dwi Rusita; Indarto A.S
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v2i1.26


Abstract : SPF, Kayumanis, Pomegranate, Lotions. The Sun produces ultraviolet radiation that causes damage to the skin texture, premature aging, burning skinreactions and skin cancer in exposed skin in a long period. One of the ways to protect skin from UV radiation use sunscreen lotions. Stem bark of cinnamon (Cinnamomun burmani) and pomegranate peel (Punica granatum) is known as an antioxidant activity and have a compound that is potentially as sunscreens. This research aims to know the activity of sunscreen with an SPF value of sunscreen lotions of pomegranate peel and cinnamon extract and the warming rays of the Sun and closed space. The determination of the value of the sun protection factor is done with methods of in vitro in Mansur using spectrophotometer UV-Vis. SPF Value calculated based on the Absorbance at a wavelength of 290-320 nm. The result is a non parametric Test is analyzed using MannWhitney test. Results of organoleptic the colored is yellow brown, like to emultion and shaped the distinctive, smell of cinnamon, less homogeneous, showed the value of pH5.63, dispersive power 6 cm, adhesion 1.75 seconds and viscosity 5,500 cps. Preparations that are exposed in the Sunlight showed the value of SPF 20.146 hereaspreparations stored in enclosed space showed the value of SPF 26.398. The results of statistical tests indicate that there is no difference between the SPF on reparations that are exposed to sunlight and in a closed space with alpha value > 0.05.
Uji Aktivitas Antiaging Invitro Lavender Body Butter Nutrisia Aquariushinta Sayuti
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v2i1.27


Abstract : Lavender, Body Butter, Antiaging. Antiaging product must contain antioxidant and sunscreens compound to protect skin from free radical. Lavender oilwas a popular parfume of cosmetic form because of its antioxidant dan sunscreen activity. Body butter form was needed to increase antiaging activity of lavender oil. The study aimed to evaluate antiaging activity of lavender body butter trough antioxidant and sunscreen activity evaluation. Body butter was made from combination of lavender oil, olive oil, coconut oil beside cocoa butter. DPPH method was used to evaluate antioxidant activity, sunscreen activity was evaluated of the Sun Protection Factor value (SPF), the percentage of erythema transmission (%Te) and percentage of pigmentation (% Tp). The study showed that the body butter formula had IC50 of 56,34 ppm, 6,68 of %Te, 16,34 of %Tp and the SPF value was 10,88. The formula can increase lavender oil’s antioxidant and sunscreen activity and it was need the addition of chemical sunscreen compound such as Zinci Oxyde or Titanium Oxyde. It can concluded body butter had strong antioxidant activity. It can protect the skin to againt UVA ray but less protect from UVB and UVC rays.
Perilaku Pekerja Seks Komersial Terhadap Pencegahan Penyakit Menular Seksual Di Lokalisasi Kalinyamat Bandungan Triwik Sri Mulati
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v1i1.28


Abstract: Behavior, Commercial sex workers, Sexually transmitted diseases. This study aims to reveal the phenomenon of Conduct Against Commercial Sex Workers Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention at Localization Kalinyamat, Bandungan. This study used a qualitative design with sample collection technique is purposive sampling with maximum sampling type of sampling variation. The collection of data by using a technique Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and In-depth Interviews (WM). In this study, researchers used informants DKT 6 and 8 informants WM. Test the validity of the data was done by using triangulation. The results showed that the behavior of prostitutes on the prevention of STDs seen from most of the knowledge already know about the definition, causes, types, signs and symptoms of STD prevention, of attitudes that are divided into several categories there who agree and disagree, on the activities on the prevention largely meet health standards.
Perbedaan Tekanan Darah Dan Indeks Massa Tubuh Pada Akseptor Suntik Kombinasi Dan Suntik Depo Medroxyprogesteron Asetat (DMPA) Rohmi Handayani; Siti Yulaikah
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v2i1.29


Abstract: Blood Pressure, BMI, and Injectable DMPA Injectable Combination. Hormonal contraception is a type of contraception most widely used by women,especially in developed countries because of this effectiveness in preventing pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives are currently available can be pills, injections or implants. Although effective in preventing pregnancy on the other hand can cause various side effects include is weight gain and increased blood pressure in the acceptor.The purpose of this reasearch is to determine differences in blood pressure rise acceptor combination hormonal injections and blood pressure acceptor DMPA injections and to determine differences in body mass index increase acceptors injectable hormonal combination with a body mass index in injectable DMPA acceptors.Type of this reasearch is an analytic survey with cross sectional study design. The population in this study are all injectable acceptor in the Klaten area totaling 95 512 acceptors. The sample size is 500 samples taken which comprises a group acceptor and acceptor combined injectable DMPA injections. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling. Analysis of data using non-parametric test with Mann Whitney test.There was no significant difference between the increase in systolic blood pressure acceptor and acceptor combined injectable DMPA injections, P = 0.338. There was no significant difference between the increase in diastolic blood pressure acceptor and acceptor combined injectable DMPA injections, P = 0,917.there was significant difference between the increase in BMI acceptor and acceptor combined injectable DMPA injections, P = 0.000.There was no significant difference between the increase in blood pressure and acceptor acceptor combined injectable DMPA injections. There is a significant difference between the increase in BMI acceptor and acceptor combined injectable DMPA injections.
Optimasi Campuran Manitol-Sukrosa Untuk Tablet Hisap Ekstrak Daun Dewa (Gynura Procumbens (Lour) Merr)) Secara Granulasi Basah Dengan Metode Simplex Lattice Design Youstiana Dwi Rusita
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v1i1.30


Abstract: Dewa Leaves, Lozenges, Simplex Lattice Design. Dewa is an Indonesian traditional medicinal plants are efficacious among others to the tonsils. Dewa leaf extract can be prepared as lozenges because it is more practical and effective than the traditional way in the form of infusion. This study aimed to get the optimum formula mannitol - sucrose using the simplex lattice design that has more value than triall error. Dewa leaf aqueous extract obtained by maceration leaf powder dewa with 70% ethanol and then evaporated to obtain a thick extract is dried with aerosil. This study is based on the method simplex lattice design with two components, namely FI (100% mannitol), F II (100% sucrose), F III (50% mannitol: 50% sucrose). The method used in the manufacture of leaf extract lozenges Dewa was wet granulation using the binder PVP. The granules tested flow rate, compactibility and granules ditablet to test the taste responses. Of the value of the response characteristics of the granules obtained the largest total selected as the optimum formula. Furthermore ditablet and tested physical properties which include uniformity of weight, hardness and friability of tablets. Data of physical properties of the granules suction of the optimum formula theoretically and statistically tested using the t test (T-test). The results showed that the optimum formula derived from a mixture of mannitol 70% - sucrosa 30%. From the results of the t test (T-test) and compactibility flow rate did not different significantly betwen theoretical experiment. To test the taste responses acceptable 98% of respondents. Dewa leaf extract lozenges optimum formula produced meets the physical properties of the tablet.

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