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E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 23032304     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
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Articles 17 Documents
DAYAK LAWANGAN BALIAN BAWO IN CENTRAL DUSUN, EAST BARITO, CENTRAL KALIMANTAN Sigai, Ervanta Restulita Liber; Kumbara, Anak Agung Ngurah Anom; Cika, I Wayan; Arsana, I Gusti Ketut Gde
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Vol 9, No 1 (2016): February 2016
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

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Globalization with all its implications has affected the life of Dayak Lawangan living in Central Dusun. Modernization has caused balian bawo to be getting scarce. The number of the speakers of balian bawo is decreasing, and it seems that no young generation is interested in it, although its existence still functions in various aspects of the Dayak Lawangan community’s life. In addition, the young generation is less interested in becoming balian bawo. This will affect the process of the regeneration of balian bawo. The result of the present study shows that the practice of balian waho is obtained through the myth and process of becoming balian bawo. This causes balian bawo to be the central position in the practice of balian bawo ritual. Balian waho plays an important role in the healing and purifying processes. It functions to prevent both manifest and latent misfortunes. It is the socio-cultural supporting life regulation for Dayak Lawangan. It is made up of religiosity, culture conservation, social life, and aesthetics. The formal education, the discontinuity of the internationalization process in families, the low income earned by those who work as balian bawo, their risky responsibility, the spiritual and physical abilities they need, and their religious and psychological ideologies have caused those who are interested in becoming balian bawo to decrease. The impacts are that the dimensions of time and magic formula as part of the ritual practice will change. In addition, the ideological struggle for the ritual practice of balian bawo, and the change in the population of balian waho will also result from the scarcity of the population of balian waho. As well, the social and solidarity ties will be getting weaker and the funds needed for the ritual will be high enough.
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Volume 01, Nomor 01, Desember 2012
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

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This paper discusses the representation of local culture inDenpasar Festival. Denpasar Festival is Denpasar’s Governmentannual agenda which aimed at reviving the local culture ofDenpasar which more and more faded because it underminedby globalization. The increasing arrival of tourists and migrantshave been destabilizing the existence of Denpasar local culture.Denpasar Festival was serving traditional cuisine, dance andperforming arts and traditional textiles. Based on this background, the problem of this study is what were the implications of the representation of local culture in Denpasar Festival?This study was a qualitative interpretative research. Thedata were collected through field observations, interviews andliterature study. The theories used were the representation theory and theory of deconstruction. As a result of this study, it was found that Denpasar Festival has implications for the social, cultural and economic fields.
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Vol 10 No 20 (2014): Juli 2014
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

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Etnik Muna adalah salah satu etnik di Sulawesi Tenggara.Mayoritas agama yang dianutnya adalah agama Islam.Dalam praktik kehidupan keberagamaan, pada etnikMuna dijumpai sejumlah tradisi khususnya tradisi Haroa,yang berhubungan dengan perayaan hari-hari pentingdalam agama Islam. Dalam era globalisasi dewasa ini,tradisi Haroa masih tetap dilakukan oleh masyarakatetnik Muna meskipun sebagian masyarakat menganggaptradisi tersebut sudah tidak sesuai bahkan dari kelompokIslam tertentu, menganggap tradisi tersebut adalah sangatbertentangan dengan ajaran agama Islam, sebab dianggapkolot, mengadah-adalah atau bid’ah dan sebagainya.Namun demikian, oleh masyarakat pendukungnyaberanggapan bahwa tradisi Haroa dalam kehidupanberagama memiliki sejumlah fungsi dan makna yangsangat dijunjung tinggi,terutama dalam ranah kehidupansosial, budaya dan kehidupan religiusitas pendukungnya.
TRANSFORMATION OF TRADITION OF BARONG NGELAWANG IN TOURISM AREA OF UBUD, GIANYAR, BALI Sukerna, I Nyoman; Wirawan, Anak Agung Bagus; Kumbara, Anak Agung Ngurah Anom; Sukerta, Pande Made
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Vol 9, No 1 (2016): February 2016
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

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Globalization carries new values and touches all aspects of life, one of which is  the tradition of barong ngelawang. This present study is intended to discuss the pattern of transformation, ideology and meaning of the tradition of barong ngelawang in the tourism area of Ubud, Gianyar, Bali. The study views the tradition of barong ngelawang as a text of which the context, why and how it is performed should be understood. The theory of social practice, the theory of ideology, and the theory of semiotics were used to analyze the data. The descriptive and interpretative method was employed. The result of the study shows that the tradition of barong ngelawang in Ubud was transformed from being a scared performance into a secular performance, and from a secular performance into a sacred performance. The transformation also took place in the space dimension. The ideologies which led to the activity of barong ngelawang were the religious ideology and solidarity ideology. The secular activity of barong ngelawang was dominated by the ideology of creativity and the economic ideology. From the ideological context, the meanings which could be revealed from the activity of barong ngelawang were the religious meaning and artistic meaning. From the superstructure context, the meanings that could be revealed were the social stratification meaning, the job description meaning, and the educational meaning. From the infrastructure context, the meaning which could be revealed was the economic meaning.
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Volume 01, Nomor 01, Desember 2012
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

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Every man in the world cannot be separated from culture.Human and culture are a partner that cannot be separated. There is no culture without man and and there is no man without a culture. So they also nias, the role of culture in a ceremony of marriage is very important. Prove to be in every the mating exercised refers it always to the rules that apply to public nias customary compliance with that which is inherited by their fathers. But in fact for people Nias who live in areas perantauan esp. living in a municipality Denpasar experienced degradation in the ceremony of marriage. Prove to be in every marriage performed only perform the ceremony of invocations in the church and reception in the building. On things for people Nias ritual of customary this is very important from the rites of the other. Society Nias who live in areas nias a ceremony that first one was done any there was a wedding is ritual of customary, will be followed with with a procession of invocations in the church.Of the above occurred, caused by the influence of globalizationas the development of education, technology and media, theenvironment and the younger generation, the absence of knowledge about a ceremonial procession marriage.
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Vol 10 No 20 (2014): Juli 2014
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

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Tradisi malamang merupakan tradisi masyarakatKota Padang. Namun tradisi ini sudah banyak yangditinggalkan. Malamang adalah merupakan makanan khasyang mempunyai nilai dan makna-makna filosofi yangmendalam. Seiring dengan semakin memudarnya nilainilaidan makna filosofi masyarakat Minangkabau yangberasal dari tradisi malamang ini. Kepedulian pemerintahtiga tahun terakhir ini terlihat dengan masuknya tradisimalamang ke dalam Festival Siti Nurbaya yang diadakanoleh pemerintah Kota Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakanmetode tradisi lisan dengan menggunakan pendekatanetnografi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan berbagai faktoryang menjadikan tradisi malamang mulai memudar diKota Padang. Salah satunya adalah sistem pola pewarisantradisi malamang di Kota Padang yang tidak berjalandengan baik. Bahkan sistem pola pewarisan hampir tidakada. Hal inilah ang akan menjadikan tradisi malamangbisa menghilang di Kota Padang.
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Volume 01, Nomor 01, Desember 2012
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

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Gender’s of distinguished male and female as a resultof development social construction in society effect tosubordination female. That is seems in sector developmentcreative industry at Paksebali’s village. Claim job willhappen only for a male, meanwhile female job result arequalify tend on by its character helping their husband jobonly. That is bring on unsatisfactory among female worker,it has been impacted going on resistensi’s action. Farther,this research intended to know the forms, understanding ofmotivate factors, and to understand impact and interpretingthe meaning of resistensi’s Bali female on sector creativeindustry at Paksebali’s village.
RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY OF THE TRADITION OF MAKOTEK IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION Pradana, Gede Yoga Kharisma; Suarka, I Nyoman; Wirawan, AA Bagus; Dhana, I Nyoman
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Vol 9, No 1 (2016): February 2016
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

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Makotek is a cultural tradition which is performed as a ritual to ward off misfortune by the people living at Munggu Village, Badung Regency. It is performed once in six months, namely, every Kuningan Feast Day.  It has been inherited from generation to generation as an oral tradition. In the era of globalization, many parties and cultural components are involved in its performance.  It is still performed until now. However, the people living at Munggu Village do not close themselves to modernity. The data were collected through observation, interview, library research and documentary techniques. The informants were determined using the purposive and snowball technique. All the data were analyzed in order to draw conclusions. The result of the study shows that the religious ideology which has inspired the people living at Munggu Traditional Village to perform the tradition of Makotek. Ideologically, they believe that by performing the tradition of Makotek, they can protect their resources and the human unity in the middle of the social dynamics in the era of globalization. It is performed in stages, in accordance with the tradition they have adhered to since a long time ago. The performance of the tradition of Makotek at Munggu Village has been able to strengthen their belief in the existence of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi, Almighty God. In addition, such a religious practice is the supernatural source of happiness and health as it is believed to be able ward off misfortune.
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Volume 01, Nomor 01, Desember 2012
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

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To view the young people’s religiosity or adolescent in theseBuddhists students at SMP Taman Rama Denpasar always leaned closer to their life with the their religion’s teachings, it can be seen in the habits of these children, so the children can be classified as children who are religious or not religious. One people mentioned religious if in the life concordant of the middle way, it’s the Buddha teaching. The middle way is the way to protect from life style to follow desire and to torture of itself. In the lifedays young people or adolescent lived not concordant with the Buddha teaching. In this case visible many negative behavior from the young people in the city, such as Denpasar city. Such as using motor without filter exile to result in noise sound. Many young people or adolescent incluiding in these buddhist student at SMP Taman Rama influenced by consumerisme lifestile, such as using Black Berry Hand phone this time model. This study was formulated in three issues, first, how does the implementation of Buddhist students’ religiosity at SMP Taman Rama Denpasar, second, what are the factors that affect the implementation of the Buddhist students’ religiosity at SMP Taman Rama Junior Denpasar, third, what is the meaning of the religious implementation Buddhist students’ religiosity SMP Taman Rama Denpasar.This study uses qualitative methods to the design of datacollection techniques through observation, interview and literature study. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and interpretive. In analyzing the data using the three theories, namely theory of practice, deconstruction theory and symbolic interactionisme theory. The third theory is used in elective to dissect the issues raised in this study.These results indicate that the first: Religiosity conducted byBuddhist students in SMP Taman Rama Denpasar in general there are similarities, such as by implementing the climbing chanting and meditation, perform puja in the dark (ceit) and the moon light (capgo), Atthangasila, Pancasila Buddhist and implement in daily life. Second: the Buddha teachings as a spur to the religion practice and the power of self-religiosity. Third: the meaning of Buddhist students’ religiosity SMP Taman Rama Denpasar include the meaning of solidarity, harmony, and inner meaning of peace.
E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies) Vol 10 No 20 (2014): Juli 2014
Publisher : E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya (Online Journal of Cultural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.528 KB)


In Japan, after The Second World War, the pressure groupscame from big companies, which had important role toredevelop Japanese industries. Due to the fact that theywere involved in establishing the economic policiessince 1950, the political life style was expressed asthough the domination of triangle’s strength, such as; theLiberal Democracy Party (LDP) politician, bureaucrat,and businessman. Businessman (industrialist) as oneof pressure groups wanted to control the government ofruling party to give political finance.The pressure group, such as, Zaikei (the groupof big companies), they got unilateral eases in terms ofregulation, clearance and act. Nevertheless, the trianglerelation was not permanent because the economic growthhad made pollution and urbanization. It made contradictionto the politician’s interest. The Japanese people prosecutedthe LDP politician and bureaucrat to restrain the pollutionand increase the social welfare and the life quality. Thepressure group used many ways to influence and to controlthe government’s policies by making Advisory Board(Shingikai) which was consisted of professional andcommon people.The collusion, corruption and bribe scandal cameinto the fore involving the former Japanese prime ministerswho were from the LDP politicians. They were causedby some factors such as: (a) the Japanese culture and thepolitician morality; (b) the election system of the House of Representatives members; (c) the competition amongthe faction of LDP to become the president of LDP, whichhave a chance to be the Japanese prime minister.

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