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Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
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Articles 184 Documents
Citizenship Education Model For The Establishment Of Legal Awareness To Implement The Social Functions Of Land Rights Rejekiningsih, Triana
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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This study aims to explore: (1) The importance of citizenship education to shape of legal awareness ofcitizens’; (2) the essence of the implementation of the principle of the social function of land rights; and (3) Competence citizens’ awareness applying the principle of the social function of land rights. This study used a qualitative approach, the method of socio legal research, by looking at the effectiveness of the law in society. Data analysis techniques in this study conducted with interactive analysis of data items, namely the data collection, data reduction, the data presentation and conclusion. Conclusions The results were obtained: (1) Civics is very important to establish the legal awareness of citizens’, who can participate and be responsible for applying the law, to achieve the greatest prosperity of the people; (2) The essence of the application of the principle of the social function of land rights be realized through the use of land that does not harm the public interest, land tenure the which does not exceed the maximum limit of land ownership, working on their own land with the characteristics of the soil, preventing the ways extortion and maintain the land, including adding and prevent damage fertility; and (3) Competence citizens’ awareness applying the principle of the social function of land rights consist of legal knowledge of citizens’ against the principal of social function of land rights, the attitude of citizens to comply with the rights and obligations of land, and establish skills of citizens in harnessing and using the land, as living resources together to achieve the greatest prosperity of the people
Strategy Of Curriculum Development Based On Project Based Learning (Case Study : SMAN 1 Tanta Tanjung Tabalong South Of Kalimantan) Agustin, Rima Sri; Puro, Sarjono
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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Curriculum Development must be continuously assessed and developed appropriate to the circumstances by taking into account the challenges that exist so that the directions of development are aligned answer the challenges future. This research aimed: (1) to identification of school potential, mapping and grouping of school experiences, (2) making time line of activity and setting of development method, and (3) curriculum documentation. The subject of research conducted in SMAN 1 Tanta in Tanjung Tabalong South of Kalimantan. Techniques of collecting data used were observation, interview, and document analysis. The data analysis method employed was an interactive model of qualitative analysis. Results of collecting data through observation found unproductive land in the school yard, and there are several local potential that can be used as a basic for curriculum development, interviews with teachers and students that the school requires an integrated between the curriculums with teaching learning activities. Dokumem curriculum in the schools has not shown the existence of curriculum development. Facilitation is done in curriculum development through the implementation of project based learning. The data analysis method employed was an interactive model of qualitative analysis. Curriculum development results showed that: (1) the potential of the school and school experiences: the school garden and organic farming project activities, (2) the school has a distinctive curriculum documentation. 
The Education on Emergency Response and Disaster for Junior High School Students of Surakarta Sjarifah, Ipop; Setyawan, Haris
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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Emergency is abnormal and dangerous situations that threaten or require quick action to control, fixed and restored it to the safety condition. Most parts of Indonesia territory are vulnerable to disasters, whether natural and non-natural disasters or social disaster. Catastrophic incident may cause an emergency situation that must be carried out prevention and control into a safe condition, especially in the city of Surakarta that have strong possibilities to have floods, fires, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Geographically Surakarta located in watersheds of Bengawan Solo that potentially to face emergencies situation and disasters. Floods is possible to occur due to Surakarta is surrounded by more than three large reservoirs i.e. Waduk Gajah Mungkur, Waduk Cengklik, Waduk Delingan, Waduk Lalung and Waduk Kedungombo. Surakarta is also located near to Mount Merapi, which its eruption in 2013 had covered Yogyakarta and Surakarta .Junior High School (SMP) students are aged between 13-15 years who psychologically are able to receive information properly and to follow an appropriate education and training. Education on emergency response and disasters has not been implemented adequately in Indonesia, especially in Surakarta. Through this kind education and training, junior high school students are able to well cope with the emergency response procedures including fire emergency response, evacuation of flood disasters, first aid to victims of disasters, and determine the line of communication and make a proper coordination during the disaster situation with Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, Police, Hospitals and Fire Fighter.
Professional Development for Novice EFL Lecturers: Policy and Practices at University of Muhammadiyah Malang Sumarsono, Puji
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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Higher education institutions tend to recruit experienced lecturers instead of novice lecturers because experienced lecturers guarantee the quality of teaching and learning process as well as effective management since it does not take time, more money, and special programs to make them qualified. In contrast, Language Center (LC) of UMM prefer recruit novice lecturers. This paper, therefore, aims to explore the policy, practices as well as the challenges of professional development for novice English as a Foreign Language (EFL) lecturers. In-depth interview and document analysis were applied to investigate the problems. It was found that the policies of LC are to be the center for professional development which should recruit novice lecturers and most of the lecturers are alumni of English department of UMM. The practices for the professional development are in form of workshop on teaching and learning English especially ESP, workshop on writing ESP book, workshop on writing articles, induction program, religious speech. Meanwhile, the challenges that the institution face to run this program are divided into internal and external challenges.
List of Participants Participants, List of
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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Measurement Model Value Aspects Of Teacher Leadership In Vocational Education Mohammad, Nazeri
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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Teaching profession at present is very challenging and the teachers themselves must be prepared to deal with it. The issue of teachers and the teaching profession continue to gain attention and often widely debated whether in the media, among the general public and even discussed until the national level. Negative sentiment against teachers often receives media attention although not authentic, and it creates a feeling of prejudice and less happy society on the individual teacher. These issues need to be addressed wisely by all teachers and the parties involved so that the dignity of the profession remain respected. Teachers need to show good values of the students, school and community. This is important because there is value in teachers will influence others to stay in school or otherwise. People often look at the behavior of teachers and assess externally only. Teachers must have admirable traits that can guide and educate students to become excellent once formed their personal character. This study aimed to verify the instrument model aspects of the leadership of teachers in technical and vocational education. Specifically, the objectives of this study were to confirm the scale of the measurement model teacher leadership and to identify the reliability of the instrument model. This study used a questionnaire to collect data from respondents. The questionnaire used is divided into two parts, Part A and Part B Section A consisted of demographic data, while Part B contains 53 item questionnaire measuring aspects of the leadership of the teachers in improving teaching and student learning, teacher leadership skills in improve relations and cooperation with the community and other parties, leadership skills and attributes of teachers in skill lead. And practice leadership skills teacher professional learning for continuous improvement. The study population consisted of all students of semester 8, IPG Zone east coast of peninsular Malaysia. This study used a sample of all the population to study. However, only 153 questionnaires that can be used for analysis and the respondents for this survey. This questionnaire has been validated by a panel of experts consisting of a lecturer who specializes in the study in IPGK Zone east coast of Malaysia, to get the validity of the content. The questionnaire was constructed and tested for suitability in the context of teacher education in IPGK Zone east coast of Malaysia.
Are The Graduate Students of English Language Teaching Program Ready To Teach The Undergraduates? Anugerahwati, Mirjam
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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According to the curriculum of the Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Malang, the graduate (S2) students of the English Language Teaching program have to take teaching practicum in their third semester, where they have to teach the undergraduate students. In the past, they could choose and apply for the subjects that they wanted to teach, either skill or content courses. Since the academic year 2012, however, the practice has changed. The students no longer have to teach at the undergraduate program; instead they only have to do Peer Teaching with their classmates. In the past, graduate students were mostly teachers or lecturers of English; while currently they enrol at the Graduate Program straight after graduating from their undergraduate (S1) degree. Some of them are teachers of private courses, some are junior lecturers with 1-5 years’ experience, while the rest are fresh graduates who have nevertaught. Questions then arise: are these students ready to teach the undergraduates? What difficulties do they have in the teaching practicum? What do they hope to get from the course? This paper presents the results of my mini research concerning the readiness of the students to do the teaching practicum, and their hopes and expectations regarding the conduct of the Teaching Practicum Course. Data were taken from observations and questionnaire to 35 students from two classes of the 2014 cohort. Most of them stated that they still needed further lessons, especially in Classroom management and  materials selection to equip them. This is in line with the writer’s observations which show that many of their practicum are still teacher-centered, and there is some apparent difficulty in time management. Some suggestions on improving the curriculum for the graduate program are provided.
Teachers’ Implementation of Lesson Study to Preschoolers Yuniar, Ghitha Loka; Justicia, Risty
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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The point of departure in this article is to describe pre-schoolers‟ learning during the study and the teachers‟ expectations of each child learning experience through lesson study. Lesson study is a tool for building and sharing practitioner knowledge which the teachers are part of the research; they do planning, teaching, observing, and discussion about the lesson applied in a classroom. In Indonesia, lesson study is started to be commonly implemented in elementary to university level. But nowadays, preschool level is also improving to make the lesson study for early childhood education proper to be applied. One of preschool in Bandung which has opened a class for lesson study is Gagasceria preschool Bandung. In this case, qualitative descriptive, as a design, to describe the phenomenon, was utilized to get information on how the activities in the classroom carried out. The data were obtained from observation, field notes, and photos, as the units of analysis to research and understand the way teachers create meaning in their aims in teaching. Analysis of observation data showed that lesson study implementation of pre-schoolers is conducted by implementing the sequence of activity that generally can be divided into one set of preparation, before, during, and after teaching. By conducting lesson study, not only the pre-schoolers who got fun and meaningful learning, the teachers also got many benefits to improve their skill in teaching. With the references to findings, it is recommended that lesson study to preschool level is implemented to provide teaching-learning improvement in preschool.
Befizel, Learning Physics by Using Puzzle as Learning Media Innovation Muslikhah, Umi; Rahmasari, Lita
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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Learning media has a very important role in learning process of students. BEFIZEL is one of learning media innovation. Due to the design of collaboration on BEFIZEL childrens games, technology and material physics puzzle design that is packed in. By using befizel as learning media will give a new color in the learning process. BEFIZEL consists of puzzle board (batteries, LED: Light-Emitting Diode, switches, cables and PCB, Printed Circuit Board) and design drawing. BEFIZEL can stimulate memory and intelligence of the learners so that learners can easily understand the material in the design puzzle.
Video Recording Mobile Phone Camera of Micro Teaching Subject in Teaching Skills of Students Teacher : The Case of Students Teacher Education in Islamic Kalimantan University MAB Banjarmasin Dayu, Angga Taufan; Haura, Raudhatul
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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Teacher training and education programme has activities that are in the form of  lecture intended to train students to have experience with factual and technical readiness about the learning process, and basic skills learning which can then be used in preparation to develop themselves as prospective educators before plunging into school. The research design is qualitative research. This study investigated the perceptions of student teachers to video recording mobile phone camera as the media in teaching micro teaching. The data were collected through in depth semi-structured interviews with 18 student teachers in English Department Programme of Faculty of Teacher Training Education of Islamic Kalimantan University MAB Banjarmasin. Participatns indicated that they used video recording handphone camera in learning/exploring theory of teaching practice of hands on experience. The research has also shown that by using video recording handphone camera the students had more to do teaching practice, as they need the application skills of teaching. Based on the findings in this study, it is recommended that the teacher education training programme in Islamic Kalimantan University recomended increase the amount of time for teaching practice for student teachers by using video recording handphone camera.

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