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Jurnal Fisika FLUX
ISSN : 1829796X     EISSN : 25411713     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Jurnal Fisika FLUX is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, as well as short communication in all areas of physics including applied physics, which includes: physics instrumentation and computation, biophysics, geophysics, physics materials, theoretical physics, and physics education. Journal use single peer reviewed to publish. This journal is published by Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Press. ISSN 1829-796X (print) and ISSN 2541-1713 (online) Jurnal Fisika FLUX is published twice a year. Articles will be peer reviewed first. Once ready to be published immediately on the current edition.
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Pemanfaatan Citra Landsat ETM+ dan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Pendugaan Limpasan Permukaan di DAS Jene’berang Hulu Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Nurfaika, Nurfaika; Nurlina, Nurlina
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Fisika Flux Edisi Februari 2009
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v6i1.3047


River basin of Jene’berang is a main river in Gowa Regency of South Sulawesi. The aims of the research are: 1) to study ability of Landsat ETM+ imagery in collecting data and information of land physical parameter’s to estimate runoff coefficient, 2) to estimate and mapping spatial distribution of surface runoff using Landsat ETM+ and GIS application. The method in this research, were visual image interpretation for extraction landform and soilinfiltration parameter’s, and digital image interpretation for extraction landcover/landuse. Data image was Landsat ETM+ imagery. Evaluation result of interpretation Landsat ETM+ imagery used Short Method. The processing andanalyzing data used Geography Information System with overlay and scoring the based of Cook Method to yield spatial distribution of surface runoff map. The mapping unit used land unit approach the result of overlay map: landform, slopeand land use. Procedure of data collecting was used stratified proporsional  random sampling. The result of runoff coefficient was evaluated with hydrograph analyzing approach. The result of this research were: 1) the data of remote sensing could be used for estimation runoff coefficient. Interpretation of the landphysical parameter’s showed the accurate of the result Landsat ETM+ interpretation to the parameter landform 100%, the land cover/land use 88.37%, the soil infiltration 80%, and the slope started from surging to very steep difficultto interpretation of the Landsat ETM+ imagery, so it was needed secondary data such as digital contour map to extract DEM, 2) The upper of Jene’berang river basin had runoff coefficient distribution of normal class, high class, and extremeclass, the major class was the highest class. Runoff coefficient value 64.60 % its the highest class category.
Termometer dengan Keluaran Suara Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega8535 untuk Mengukur Suhu Ruang Misto, Misto
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Fisika Flux Edisi Februari 2009
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v6i1.3051


A thermometer with sound output has been developed. The systemconsists of a temperature sensor, a microcontroller, a voice device, and aspeaker. The temperature sensor of DS18S20 will convert the temperature todigital data. The is feed to ATmega8535 microcontroller. On the otherhand, intwelve memory of voice deviceISD2590 is recorded some numerical sound signalfrom zero to nine and word of temperature unit. For reproducing the sound signalthe data from microcontroller will switch on the memory according to it’stemperature quantity. The sound electronic signal is linked to the speaker toproduce sound. The temperature is designed to operate from 24 to 350C.
Simulasi Perambatan Gelombang Georadar (GPR) pada Suatu Media Berlapis Suprianto, Agus
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Fisika Flux Edisi Februari 2009
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v6i1.3046


The simulation of the wave propagation of the radar in the sub-surface was very important to be understood before being carried out of field acquisition,to maximize the design of the acquisition and to optimized radar gram data’s.One of the approaches in the simulation of the data was to use propagationmodeling of the electromagnetic wave by using the Finite Difference TimeDomain solution (FDTD). Modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation in theGPR requires a solution of Maxwell’s equations or present a finite-differencetime-domain (FDTD) solution of Maxwell’s that permit accurate computation ofthe radiated field from a transmitting antenna. Propagating through the air-earthinterface, scattering by subsurface targets and reception of the scattered fieldsby receiving antenna. This technique is second-order accurate in time andfourth-order accurate in space. In this paper, I demonstrate the synthetic radargram by applying this technique to two-dimensional examples from a subsurfaceof stratified media.
Perumusan Fungsi Green Sistem Osilator Harmonik dengan Menggunakan Metode Integral Lintasan (Path Integral) Sutisna, Sutisna
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Fisika Flux Edisi Februari 2009
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v6i1.3050


The path integral is a method that often used in the quantum problemscalculation. For example; the calculation of quantum system energy that hascomplex potential form. The method gives more easily than perturbation method.The method is also used to derive Green function, which usually used Fouriertransformation. The Green function has widely application in quantum physics,since it used to compute solution of inhomogen differential equation asSchrodinger equation. In the particle physics, the Green function used aspropagator in Feynman’s diagram. Considering the importance of Green function,and the powerfull of path integral method, in the paper, the method used toderive the formula of Green function for quantum harmonic oscillator system. Thesystem has widely application to give more information of physical phenomena,for example, the atomic vibration in solid state. The result was also comparedwith Fourier transformation method and both give the same result as hoped.
Analisis Spektral Campuran Linier untuk Deteksi Tutupan Lahan di Daerah Perkotaan menggunakan Data Satelit Landsat ETM+ (Studi Kasus Kota Banjarbaru dan Sekitarnya) Nurlina, Nurlina
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Fisika Flux Edisi Februari 2009
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v6i1.3045


Evaluated from remote sensing perspective, urban region is a real district heterogeneous, what gives reflectance from different some land cover type and material. The limitation of the spatial resolution from middle resolution sensor such as Landsat requires analysis at level sub-pixel. Mixture pixel in remote sensing data is one of the source of error in accuracy assessment result in conventional classification. This research tries to apply Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis (LSMA) method to detect land cover change (vegetation, impervious surface, bare soil and water) at level sub-pixel in Banjarbaru City based on Landsat temporal data. LSMA is approach with analysis sub-pixel which can give information of the fraction in each pixel, so that is a potential solution to classify one pixel. Maximum Likelihood Classifier applied as comparable from LSMA. Accuracy assessment to this method use a higher spatial resolution IKONOS image. Some processing phases applied in this research to increase the accuration, are Atmospheric Correction, Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) and Pixel Purity Index (PPI). The percentage of each land cover component in eachpixel shown by fraction image from method LSMA with RMS Error average is 0,016 indicated that each endmember land cover has been dissociated well with small deviation standard. The accuration test result of abundance for eachendmember using IKONOS image equal to 95%, indicates that LSMA have a high accuration to detect the endmember land cover at level sub-pixel.
Pemetaan Lokasi Fishing Ground dan Status Pemanfaatan Perikanan di Perairan Selat Madura Muhsoni, Firman Farid; Efendy, Mahfud; Triajie, Haryo
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Fisika Flux Edisi Februari 2009
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v6i1.3049


This research aims at finding the map of waters quality to predictfishing ground, examining the determinant of modeling parameter of fish catchingregion, analyzing catch unit effort (CpUE) and status of fish utilization. Mappingwaters quality parameter is constructed with method of field sample datainterpolation. Besides, the mapping of surface temperature and chlorophyll isextracted from satellite image Landsat. ETM+. In addition, the mapping ofcatching region is resulted in scoring and weighting factors. Accuracy test isdone by method of RMSE. Fishery utilization status is acquired from method ofapproaches holistic (production surplus model). Map waters salinity at straitsMadura ranges between 27 ppm - 46 ppm, pH range from 8-9, brightnessranges from 0-2 m. Sea level temperature from image landsat in dry seasonranges from 24,1 0C - 27,3 0C in rainy season between 24,7 0C - 28,6 0C.Optimum temperature in rainy season is lower than in dry season. Chlorophyll indry season ranges between 0 mg/m3 - 19,6 mg/m3, in rainy season between -0,02 mg/m3 - 41,95 mg/m3. In dry season, the most appropriate catching regionis 58,04 %, appropriate region 36,99% and inappropriate region 4,96 %, while inrainy season, inappropriate region achieves 94,44 %, appropriate 2,89 % andinappropriate 2,65 %. Sea level temperature accuracy test gets RMSE 2,32 andfor chlorophyll content 2,31. Fishery estimation result pelages get CpUE 0.10ton/trip with utilization status indicating over-fishing in tahun1997 and fisherydemersal CpUE 0.03 ton/trip with utilization status indicating a surplus incatching in last three year.
Pemodelan Sebaran Sistem Hidrotermal dan Identifikasi Jenis Batuannya dengan Metode CSAMT (Studi Kasus Gunungapi Ungaran) Hadi, Arif Ismul; Brotopuspito, Kirbani Sri; Wahyudi, Wahyudi
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Fisika Flux Edisi Februari 2009
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v6i1.3048


The investigation of the hydrothermal system distribution andidentification of its rock type has been done by CSAMT method at Ungaran Volcano area. The acquisition data has been done around 750 m x 100 m area with 4 lines at N750E direction. Sounding site distanced 250 m, whereas the data was measured by Stratagem model 26716-01 Rev.D. Processing of the data wasstarted by 1-D inversion of Robust method. The 1-D results were then used as the input of MT2D software. The results showed that subsurface resistivity were 8.6 to 46.4 Ωm estimated as hydrothermal system, 55.8 to 102.6 Ωm estimated as aquifer zone or permeable saturated zone, 145.3 to 495.7 Ωm  stimated as pra-caldera rock associated with vapor dominated zone, and 1420.5 to 15.083 Ωm estimated as lava pile associated with basaltic and andesitic rock. The most prospective hydrothermal system area existed at all along line 4 on 30 to 140 m depth.
Karakterisasi Antena Mikrostrip dengan Metode FDTD dalam Substrat FR4 untuk Frekuensi Kerja 2,4 GHz Sari, Nurma; Manik, Tetti Novalina
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Fisika Flux Edisi Februari 2009
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v6i1.3052


Sistem komunikasi memerlukan media transmisi untuk mengirimkaninformasi agar sampai ke penerima informasi. Antena memegang perananpenting pada sistem unguided transmision media. Bentuk dan desain antenayang diharapkan adalah antena yang mempunyai gain yang tinggi, efisiensitinggi, bandwidth yang lebar, profil rendah, bobot yang ringan dan biaya murah.Antena mikrostrip dapat memenuhi kriteria semacam itu. Dengan metode FDTDpersoalan medan elektromagnetik dapat ditransformasikan ke dalam bentuknumerik. Pada simulasi menggunakan metode FDTD diperoleh antena mikrostrippatch dengan sebuah slot dalam substrat FR4 yang bekerja pada frekuensi2,40019 GHz dengan return loss -40,5565 dan VSWR 1,018 (Nilai VSWRmendekati sempurna ≈ 1) pada ukuran 4,0 cm x 4,0 cm x 0,3 cm, ukuran feedline 0,25 cm x 2,5 cm, slot 2,0 cm x 0,25 cm dan patch 2,2 cm x 2,5 cm. Denganmengubah panjang patch diperoleh bahwa semakin pendek patch frekuensikerja akan semakin besar, sedangkan pergeseran return loss pada perubahanpanjang patch tidak dapat dijadikan acuan perubahan. Pada perubahan lebarpatch diperoleh bahwa semakin lebar patch maka frekuensi kerja semakin kecildengan return loss yang semakin kecil pula. Pada perubahan panjang slotdiperoleh bahwa semakin panjang slot nilai frekuensi kerja akan semakin besarsedangkan nilai return loss tidak dapat dijadikan acuan pada pergeseranpanjang slot ini. Untuk perubahan lebar slot diperoleh bahwa semakin lebar slotnilai frekuensi kerja akan semakin besar sedangkan pergeseran lebar slot tidakdapat dijadikan acuan sebagai bergesernya nilai return loss.

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