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Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 4, No 7 (2014): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM)

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Siti Nurfajrina, 2013. The Achievement of General Election Commission (KPUD) in Suceeding Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU)Regent Election Years 2012-2017. Sarjana’s Thesis of Citizenship Department. Social Knowledge of FKIP Lambung Mangkurat University. Advisor (I) Wahyu, (II) Harpani Matnuh. General election had strategical role in the process of develoving democratic nation where societies were involedin the process of voting of political desicions by using their political rights and obligations as responsible citizen. Interrelated to the importance of general election in the pocess of democracy in a country, so it was important to manifest the really-based-democratic-values general election and support the democracy it self. So that there would be optimum achievement of the general commissions comitee to manifest honest, free and fair. But in Regent General Election (Pemilukada) 2012 Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara that was held by KPUD HSU exposing accusation and dissapointment of General Election participants to KPUD HSU. The purpose of this study was to analyze the achievement KPUD HSU monitored by 5 aspects, that is, productivity, responsivity, responsibility and accpuntability.The methode of this research is qualitative approach, and to determine data source, this study used purposive sampling. Collecting data technique was conducted by observing, semi-structural interviewing, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted by reducing,  providing and concluding the data.The reseacrh result sowed (1) The Productivity of KPUD Kabupaten HSU can be stated to be fair optimum. (2) The quality of service KPUD HSU in serving the participants in Regent General Election (Pemilukada) 2012 was categorized as the good one. (3) Responsivity KPUD HSU in conducting Pemilukada 2012 was stated optimum. (4) Responsibility of KPUD HSU is less optimum in vertification stage. (5)  The accountabilty of KPUD HSU in conducting Pemilukada 2012 was optimum as well. Based on the research result, it  was suggested that (1) KPUD HSU should increase the understanding about Regent General Election to the society. (2) The KPUD HSUshould increase the quality of service tio the society and provide more complaint medium. (3) The KPUD HSU is expected to pvercome the problem well. (4)  The KPUD HSU should prepare in advance to conduct th trainings in order to undertand the stage of regent general election process. (5) The KPUD HSU should give more attention to the officials or members of KPUD like motivation, work ethic, and the model in develoving the quality of their workers.Keywords: KPUD HSU, Achievement, Regent Election
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 4, No 7 (2014): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM)

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Pendidikan merupakan suatu sistem yang mempengaruhi dan/atau dipengaruhi oleh sistem-sistem kehidupan lain yang terjadi di luar sistem pendidikan. Dalam kerangka keterkaitan antara sistem pendidikan dengan bidang-bidang kehidupan di luar sistem tersebut terdapat beberapa faktor di luar sistem pendidikan yang perlu memperoleh perhatian serius agar tampak adanya keterkaitan fungsionalnya masing-masing.Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 menyatakan bahwa salah satu tujuan Negara Republik Indonesia adalah mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Pendidikan merupakan hak asasi setiap warga negara Indonesia, karena itu setiap warga negara Indonesia berhak memperoleh pendidikan yang bermutu sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dimilikinya tanpa memandang status sosial, ras, etnis, agama, dan gender.Bagi bangsa Indonesia, pandangan hidupnya adalah Pancasila. Pancasila sebagai landasan filosofis pendidikan mempunyai makna 1. Dalam merumuskan pendidikan harus dijiwai dan didasarkan pada Pancasila 2. Sistem pendidikan nasional haruslah berlandaskan Pancasila 3. Hakikat manusia haruslah diwujudkan melalui pendidikan, sehingga tercipta manusia Indonesia yang dicita-citakan Pancasila.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 4, No 8 (2014): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Indonesia

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Gazali Rahman, 2014. Political Orientation Societies against the Selection Political Parties in the Melayu Village District of Banjarmasin Middle. Skripsi. Program Study of Citizenship and Pancasila Education, Department of Sosial Sciences Education, Faculty of Teacher and Education Science, University of Lambung Mangkurat. Counselor(I) Sarbaini, (II) Mariatul Kiptiah. Political real conditions is now happening just to get sheer power and political parties are still not showing good performance, This is evidenced by not channeled aspirations, unfulfilled campaign promises, many corruption and this affects public confidence at the party. This study is intended to know how big the orientation change choice and The highest reason in a choose a political party.This research used the quantitative approach and the sampling technique is simple random sampling. Data was collected by questionnaire technique, interview and documentation.The results showed that the moving party choice 39,56%, remain on the choice 20,33%, golput 3,02%, and not yet decided 37,09%. While supreme reason for the move option because not mercy (do not feel that the perceived), problem of corruption and political program. The highest reason remains that choice is the mercy and good political party program. The highest reason golput namely because dishonesty, not mercy leader and problem of corruption.Based on this study, can be suggested the need for consistency and commitment of a party and party cadres in the fight for the rights of real people. Political parties should also be careful in the selection and recruitment of party cadres in order to have a good quality. moreover, KPU must also continuously socialize election, such as how to choose a good, and the importance of voter participation. Keyword: politics, political orientation, political party
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 6, No 11 (2016): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Indonesia

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Involvement of the country in employment case related with function and duty of the country/government is how to create, to look after, to maintain, and to increase the orderliness of social condition that to flow into public service. So, the function of country (government) basically is the function of public service. The definition of duty of the country in macro context is to do the policies to get the goal of the country governance, and the country governance basically is the national goal of its country.Involvement of the country (government) in law context about employment is to create fair employment relationship to become a part of function and duty of the government. However, if the relationship between worker and boss/entrepreneur that very different in social economy is delivered to all sides, so the goal to create social justice in life society is very difficult to get, because the strong side will be always control the weak side, that case already become an adagio, which the strong and authorized side will inclined to delude the weak side. Because of that, the weak side should be get protection from the country.In context of collective work agreement, the involvement of the country is a rule of legislation that should be bothered, concerning the system of remunerating (mulberry minimum such as UMR), health, working safety, and others, basically those as a part of government duty in running of function of political  that including in formula of national goal in Indonesian Republic that loaded in fourth paragraph of opening of UUD 1945, that is “to create social justice and to move forward public prosperity for socialize and for Indonesian nation. Key Words: Function of Country, Collective work agreement
Peran Masyarakat dalam Pelestarian Sungai di Desa Mangunang Kecamatan Haruyan Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah Shalihah, Nazmatus
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 5, No 10 (2015): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Indonesia

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Human life can not be separated from the environment both natural environment and social environment. The government does not pay attention to the benefits of a small river in life, then it is deemed necessary for the preservation of the river make arrangements. This study aims to determine the stream function Mangunang to peoples lives in the village Mangunang Haruyan District of Hulu Sungai Tengah and the role of communities in the conservation of the river in the village Mangunang Haruyan District of Hulu Sungai Tengah.The method used in this study is a qualitative method. Source of data extracted using purposive sampling technique, which determines the subject or object to the purpose of research. Data was collected through direct observation, interviews, documentation. Data analysis techniques used namely through three stages namely data reduction, data presentation, draw conclusions.The results of this study indicate that the stream function for the life of the village community Mangunang has undergone a change or a decrease in the local community and the role performed villagers Mangunang to the preservation of the river is very alarming. Which caused a decline in water quality is due to the lack of awareness and concern for the environment, especially the river.Based on the research results, it can be suggested that the public is more concerned about the environment by creating a program that is coordinated by village officials example by cleaning up the river every 6 (six) months and to local governments in order to conduct a briefing form of counseling so that people do not throw garbage into the river and also semabrangan dredging the river so shallow that the river no longer be swift river currents.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 4, No 8 (2014): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Indonesia

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Muzada Isrianti. 2013. The Pedagogical Competence of Civic Teachers in SMA KORPRI Banjarmasin.Sarjana’s Thesis. Civic Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin. The first advisor (I) Acep Supriadi, the second advisor(II) Harpani Matnuh Pedagogical competence is a basic competence for the teachers in implementing teaching process. In fact, the teachers do not fully apply pedagogical competence in teaching and learning process yet. Therefore, this research was purposed to find out the quality of pedagogical competence of civic teachers, and efforts that the teachers done to increase their pedagogical competence.The research method used was qualitative method through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data sources were taken by the result of interviews with the key informants and documentation to the research objects. Then they were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and taking conclusion.The result of this research showed that the civic teachers in SMA KORPRI Banjarmasin had good pedagogical competence in teaching. The teachers understood their students’ characteristics, mastered learning theory and educated principal teaching and learning. They were also able to develop curriculum of civic subject, to make teaching instructional media, to conduct assessment and evaluation of teaching, and to use the result of assessment as the input for the next teaching process. However, there were some pedagogical competences that were not maximally implemented yet. Some obstacles during the implementation of pedagogical competence were the lack of teachers’ motivation in increasing the competence, the lack of teaching and learning facilities, the lack of mastering information and technology (IT) and the students’ condition. Several efforts done by the teachers to improve their pedagogical competence were following diklat (education and training) and other kinds of activities and training.Based on the results above, it can be suggested to the teachers, especially to teachers of SMA KORPRI Banjarmasin, to fully apply their pedagogical competence in conducting teaching and learning process and always to try improving their knowledge and skills to develop their pedagogical competence. Keywords: Pedagogical Competence, Teacher, Civic education
Hubungan Persepsi Siswa tentang Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru PKn dengan Prestasi Belajar di Kelas X SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Banjarmasin Khairunnisa, Yulia
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 5, No 9 (2015): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Indonesia

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Pedagogical competence is a competence a teacher has in managing students’ learning process. Besides, pedagogical competence is also indicated in giving help, guiding, and leading the students. A good pedagogical competence will result in students’ good learning achievement. Furthermore, this research aims to find out how strong the correlation between the students’ perception about pedagogical competence of civic education teachers and the students’ learning achievement. Additionally, it aims to find out the significant correlation between the students’ perception about pedagogical competence of civic education teachers and the students’ learning achievement at the tenth-grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Banjarmasin.      This research used quantitative approach with the sampling technique using table of Krejcie and Morgan. The sample was obtained randomly by lottery. In collecting the data, techniques used were observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. The research findings were analyzed by using descriptive analysis and testing of Product Moment correlation.  The result of this research shows that there is significant correlation between pedagogical competence of teachers and the students’ learning achievement. It is seen from the testing result of Product Moment correlation as much as 0,596, which was adjusted to table of r value interpretation. Thus, 0,596 value was categorized into coefficient interval between 0,40 to 0,599. This interval is interpreted as medium category.  Based on the result of this research, it is suggested that the school should increase the teachers’ pedagogical competence and it needs cooperation between the school and the government in order to select teachers whose high quality, are able to educate, teach, guide, lead, train, assess and evaluate the students. Therefore, this effort can increase the education quality in Indonesia.  Keywords: pedagogical competence, students’ learning achievement 
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 4, No 7 (2014): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM)

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Muhammad Najibuddin, 2013.”Public Perception of the Former Prisoners In Jingah Continent Village District of Barabai , Kabupaten Hulu Sungai middle (Study of Socio Cultural) ”. Skripsi Program Study of Citizenship and Pancasila Education, Department of Sosial Sciences Education, Faculty of Teacher and Education Science, University of Lambung Mangkurat. Counselor (I) Drs. Zainul Akhyar, MH (II) Drs. Harfani Matnuh M, MH.The phenomenon of todays society, that people still adhere to the norms of decency in society therefore they are of the view that ex-convict was still a disease of society after being released from house arrest, Similarly is the case today in the village of Continent Jingah. This study aims to find out the views of the public Continental Village Jingah to ex-convict, know the forms of discrimination against former prisoners, determine the factors that led to the former prisoners are discriminated against and to know the response of former inmates and their families against discrimination from society.The method used in this research is qualitative methods. Sources of data selected by purposive sampling. Data was collected through observation techniques, interview, and documentation. Analysis of the research results is the analysis of the reduction steps data, data display dan verification. Based on the results of research in village Benua Jingah Subdistrict Barabai District Hulu Sungai tengah Province South Kalimantan, the results showed that (1) view of society in village Benua Jingah against ex-convict, people think of them as social problems which is contrary to the public, because people whove imprisoned considered a bad person and violate the norms of decency. (2) forms of discrimination against former prisoners is compounded discrimination in matters of making ID cards, not been included in the activities of the Youth dan in terms of finding a job. (3) factors that led to the former prisoners are treated discriminatory because behavior shown ”eks” narapidana This after getting out of prison does not change, such as drug,gambling,anarchist, spoke disrespectful and rude. (4) response ex-convict and their families against discrimination from society, they keep coming back to the community to get together again with family, and they still want to try to be a person who could be accepted in society. The family of former inmates could also just put up with the treatment of their children.            Based on the results of this study, can be suggested that the ex-convict who has been out of custody so be nice, polite and not do anything they have done in the past in order to be accepted by the community well, need the cooperation of the government ,society and of the ex-inmates in an attempt to build confidence and convince them not to be shunned in societyKeywords: Elapsed Understanding Cross, Student.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 6, No 11 (2016): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Indonesia

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Tiara Ernita, 2013. Correlation between Students’ Learning Style and Students’ Learning Achievement at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarmasin. Sarjana’s Thesis. Civic Education Department, Social Science, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Fatimah, the second advisor: Rabiatul Adawiah. Learning style is a key factor which determines the success of learning. Each student certainly has different learning style from one another. The level of understanding and mastery on lesson material are influenced by the students’ learning style. This research aims to analyze the students’ learning style at home, to analyze the students’ learning achievement, and to analyze the correlation between the students’ learning style and the students’ learning achievement in civic education lesson at the tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarmasin. This research uses quantitative approach with sampling technique which utilizes the table of Krejcie and Morgan. The sample is obtained randomly by using lottery. Techniques of data collection are questionnaire, interview, observation, documentation, and also objective and subjective test both in written form. Analyses used on the research result are descriptive analysis and testing of Product Moment correlation.The finding of this research shows that the students’ learning style has significant correlation with their learning achievement. It is indicated on the testing result of Product Moment correlation namely 0,879. After the value was adjusted to table of r value interpretation, 0,879 value is in the interval coefficient between 0,80 to 1,000. It is interpreted as very strong category.Based on the finding of this research, it is suggested that the students should employ effective learning style. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the awareness of the importance of good learning style, so the leanring achievement can be improved. It is also expected that the teachers can motivate the students to have effective learning style, both at home and at school. In addition, it is also suggested that the school fulfil the conditions which can fully support the students’ learning achievement. In this case, the school should create learning atmosphere that can increase the students’ learning motivation, so they can actively engaged in learning process in the classroom. For the Civic Education department, this research can add the theory  about the correlation between students’ learning style and the students’ learning achievement. For the researcher herself, this research can add knowledge about students’ learning style, so that the researcher can implement the findings of this research when executing the teacher profession later.   Keywords: learning style, students’ learning achievement
Menanamkan Nilai Disiplin Anak pada Lingkungan Keluarga di Desa Sungai Pinang Lama Kecamatan Sungai Tabuk Kabupaten Banjar Maryana, Maryana
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 5, No 10 (2015): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Indonesia

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Inculcate discipline for children is certainly not easy , requiring a habituation and perseverance , and certainly it needs the example of their parents . In other words , all of things must start from the parents . As caregivers and mentors in the family , the parents are the foundations for their children s behavior. Attitudes, behaviors and habits of the elderly has always been viewed, assessed and imitated by children that consciously or unconsciously become habits for them anyway. Whatever the reason why parent gives discipline for the child is for their future. Hopefully that one day in the future the child will have  good morals according to expectations of parents.Keywords : discipline , family environments.

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