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Edueksos : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi
ISSN : 22529942     EISSN : 25485008     DOI : -
Edueksos: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on critical studies of basic education. It investigates the dynamics of teaching and learning of social education, social and economic problems in the society context of the primary, senior, and high education level. Besides focusing on the development of studies issues of basic education, Edueksos also covers the critical view and comprehensive mind in the economic and social education. The scope is related to social and economics education, such as: Social Science (Economic, Sociologi, History, Citizenship, Study Gender) in Education Perspective Learning Innovation in Social Education Cultural Values in Education Multicultural education Humanities issues in education
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Articles 16 Documents
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The Collaboration Between The Government and Villager to Develop Gerabah Educational Tourism Rio Pradana Aquatama; Ravik Karsidi; Drajat Tri Kartono
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 13, No 01 (2024): Edueksos: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v13i01.16941


Rendeng Village in Indonesia has significant potential for developing a ceramic educational tourist village. It is necessary to have assistance from the local government regarding infrastructures, training, promotions, facilities and foster partnerships with the villager. This study aims to examine the collaboration between the government and the villager in the development of the Gerabah Educational Tourism Village in Rendeng Village, Malo District, Bojonegoro Regency. This study is qualitative-inductive. Data collecting methods include several procedures such as interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The analysis data used data reduction, classify, direct, remove unnecessary, and organize data. Data display involves organizing information to allow for analysis and decision-making. The individuals providing information for this study included the Head of Rendeng Village, the Chairman of BUMDes, Karang Taruna Management, and local villager. The result shows that Village - Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) play a crucial role in ensuring the long-term viability of programs and fostering the development of villages. Villagers engage in several activities, including serving as tour guides, undergoing Gerabah production training, and establishing micro-enterprises. Village government assumes a proactive role as regulators and regulatory providers, they actively promote, manage, and support the programs sustainability. Village - owned Enterprises play a significant role in financial contributions that ensue, including tax revenue, land rentals, and money generated from micro-entrepreneurs. Keywords: Tourism Village; Education, Partnership.
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Competence on Employee Performance Mediated by Job Satisfaction Tutik Lestari; Sarsono Sarsono; Supawi Pawenang
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 13, No 01 (2024): Edueksos: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v13i01.17168


The institution must enhance and cultivate staff performance to ensure that the institution's success is intrinsically tied to quality. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of emotional intelligence and competence on employee performance, while considering job satisfaction as a mediating factor, inside the Department of Trade of Surakarta City. This study employs a quantitative method, making use of both primary and secondary data. The study encompasses a total of 73 individuals employed at the Department of Trade of Surakarta. The sampling method employed is saturated sampling, which involves including all members of the population as samples. The study findings indicate that the T-statistic value of 3.444 demonstrates a positive and substantial impact of emotional intelligence on employee performance. Similarly, the T-statistic value of 2.213 indicates a positive and significant influence of competence on employee performance. Furthermore, the T-statistic value of 2.563 indicates that there is a statistically significant and positive relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance. The results indicate that the T-statistic value of 6.293 demonstrates a positive and substantial impact of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction. Similarly, the T-statistic value of 4.850 indicates a positive and significant influence of competence on job satisfaction. This study demonstrates that the T-statistic value of 2.337 indicates a positive and significant impact of emotional intelligence on employee performance through job satisfaction. Similarly, the T-statistic value of 2.254 indicates a positive and significant impact of competence on employee performance through job satisfaction. The study emphasizes the need of cultivating emotional intelligence and enhancing employee competence to enhance their performance.Keywords: Performance, emotional intelligence, competence, job satisfaction.
CSR as a Social Activity and Islamic Performance Index on The Profit Growth of Islamic Bank in Supporting Economic Lusy Annisya; Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 13, No 01 (2024): Edueksos: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v13i01.16902


Earnings growth is an indicator of company performance by using previous period earnings to calculate future earnings. Measures managerial efficiency in the economy of operating companies. There are several factors that can affect the profit growth of Islamic banks in general, including CSR as a corporate responsibility activity towards social and islamicity performance index. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the social activities of Islamic banks through CSR are able to influence the increase in profit or profit growth. The research method in this study is descriptive quantitative method. The population in this study is an Islamic bank in Indonesia. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling, namely Islamic banks registered with the Financial Services Authority and reporting annual financial reports from 2015 to 2022, so the sample in this study was 7 Islamic banks. The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from the financial statements of each bank sampled, CSR data obtained from the disclosure of CSR activities in the financial statements covering 8 dimensions of corporate social responsibility measurement GRI indicators, namely: Vision & Mission Statement, Board of Directors and Top Management, Products and Services, Zakat, Charity, and Benevolent Funds, Commitment to employees, Commitment to debtors, Commitment to customers, and Sharia Supervisory Board or DPS Sharia reported, and calculate the formula for each variable.  Data analysis in this study used panel data regression, and the model chosen was the fixed effect model. The data analysis technique in this study is panel data analysis (chow test, hausman test, classical assumption test, f test, t test, and coefficient of determination).  The results showed that partially CSR social activities affect the profit growth of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia, namely by helping the community in financial management, education, economy, health, environment, and transparency, Islamic banks can build a good image in the eyes of the community and strengthen relationships with stakeholders, which can have a positive effect on the profitability of Islamic banks. Islamicity Performance Index has no effect on the profit growth of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. And in the simultaneous test CSR and Islamicity Performance Index simultaneously affect profit growth.Keywords: Profit Growth, CSR, Islamicity Performance Index.
Partnership Patterns and Production Factors in Rice Farming (Case Study: PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera in Ponorogo Regency) Jesika Ayu Nur Islami; Nuriah Yuliati; Ida Syamsu Roidah
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 13, No 01 (2024): Edueksos: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v13i01.17046


Ponorogo Regency is one of the rice centers in East Java. However, farmers in Ponorogo Regency face challenges regarding limited capital for their agricultural activities and difficulties in obtaining fertilizers. PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera is a company that partners with farmers in Ponorogo Regency to provide the necessary facilities. Therefore, this study aims to analyze (1) the partnership pattern between PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera and partner farmers in Ponorogo Regency and (2) the factors influencing the production of partner rice farming. This research was conducted at PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera in Ponorogo Regency from December 2023 to March 2024. This study used a mixed-method research design. A sample of 33 respondents was determined using purposive sampling method. Data analysis was performed using Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) with frontier 4.1c software. The results showed that the partnership pattern between PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera and farmers in Ponorogo Regency is Agricultural Operational Cooperation (KOA). Factors such as land area, ANR fertilizer, organic fertilizer, and pesticides significantly influence rice production. However, seeds, liquid organic fertilizer, and labor do not significantly affect rice production. It is recommended that PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera establish a clear partnership framework through transparent written contracts to minimize risks. Farmers are advised to focus on managing factors that significantly influence rice production, such as land area, ANR fertilizer, organic fertilizer, and pesticide use, while evaluating other factors such as seeds, liquid organic fertilizer, and labor to improve rice production.Keywords: partnership patterns, farming, rice. 
Analysis of Gender Representation in The Main Characters of The Film Barbie 2023: A Social Science Educational Perspective Liza Dwi Eftiza Khairunniza; Sari Sri Handani; Dena Mustika; Yunita Haryani
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 13, No 01 (2024): Edueksos: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v13i01.15607


The Barbie 2023 film is an audiovisual work that provides an overview of popular culture and can influence gender perceptions in society. This research aims to explore gender representation among the main characters in the film Barbie 2023. Qualitative research methods with Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis techniques are used to find out the meaning construction of symbols and signs both verbal and nonverbal to explain gender representations in barbie films. The analysis displays gender stereotypes that influence the career choices, aspirations, and perceived abilities of the main characters. However, the film also depicts empowerment in which characters such as Barbie, Ken, and Midge challenge gender stereotypes, expand life options, and develop a social awareness of equality. The dynamics of relationships between characters also show changing views about gender. The correlation of this film with social studies education provides an opportunity to explore gender issues. This film is a learning material that stimulates critical thinking, reflection, and the development of students' social skills, such as empathy and cooperation, to fight for inclusive and just social change. The analysis of the Barbie 2023 film highlights the representation of the character's role in influencing gender perceptions, aspirations and the dynamics of social relationships. The film showcases the potential for overcoming gender stereotypes, promoting empowerment, and promoting gender equality as an integral part of social studies education to create an inclusive and just society for all individuals. Further studies could explore effective educational strategies to overcome gender stereotypes reflected in films, as well as their influence on students' mindsets in the context of gender equality.Keywords: Gender Stereotypes, Relationship Dynamics, Social Sciences Education.
The Influence of Digital Literacy on The Use of Online Tutoring Systems According To Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Nur Eka Istikomah; Sudarno Sudarno; Muhammad Sabandi
Edueksos Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 13, No 01 (2024): Edueksos: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v13i01.17214


ABSTRACTThe grade of education in Indonesia is still in the "Medium" category and the low level of digital literacy indicates that the learning process in the classroom is not yet optimal. One form of effort that can be made to deal with this problem is by following the online tutoring system in the hope of improving their learning abilities so that they can improve results according to expectations. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that can influence the use of an online tutoring system based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Some researchers try to add external variables with the aim of developing TAM theory. This research adds digital literacy factors that focus on students as new research. The population of this research was 9,042 senior high school students in Surakarta and 270 students were used as samples. This study used a quantitative method. Research data was collected by spreading questionnaires online with GForm. The data collection technique used was non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling approach. Data analysis was carried out using hierarchical regression analysis and the Sobel test. The research results show that perceived usefulness, ease of use, and digital literacy have a positive influence on the use of online tutoring systems. Digital literacy has also been proven to have an influence on perceptions of usefulness and ease of use. Then perceived usefulness and ease of use were also attested to mediate the connection between digital literacy and the use of online tutoring systems.Keywords: Digital Literacy, Online Tutoring System, TAM

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