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Analisis Perbedaan Abnormal Return Pada Perusahaan Merger dan Akuisisi Sukmajati, Amru
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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This research aims to determine the difference in abnormal returns generated by the company before and after mergers and acquisitions. Measurement variables used in this study is Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) which is divided into several event window that is CAR-20,-2; CAR0; CAR1, - 1; and CAR2, 20. It is also used abnormal return for each day during 41 days of observation. The study found no significant abnormal return on announcement of mergers and acquisitions. Other results show, there were no differences in abnormal return for each event window periods being compared. While on the daily abnormal stock returns for 41 days were compared in pairs, obtained the result that there are significant differences in abnormal return in a few days before and after mergers and acquisitions
Metode Keteladanan dan Etika Mulia dalam Model Pembelajaran STAD (Student Team Achievement Divisions) Sebagai Suatu Pola Interaksi Edukatif pada Pembelajaran Akuntansi dan Matematika Rosita, Rosita; Haryanto, Tri; Sulistorini, Eni Jufriyah
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Education is a power and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of studying in the learning process, so that learners are active developing their potential. Modeling method and ethics is a very important method and factual is ever happen by the Prophet Muhammad during in the process of education and learning. The history of education had proven that the Prophet Muhammad is a figure of educator and learner who succeed in forming an educated generation and strong personality through modeling method and ethic noble morality.            When further, based on the results of previous studies on model of excellence STAD and indisputable historical facts about the success of Prophet Muhammad SAW builds human’s character’s into a generation educated and ethic noble morality, modeling method and ethics are reflected in the model STAD and learning are inextricably linked to cultivate students’ personality that ethic noble. In the process of development in the world of education, it is urgent if fostered noble ideals and ethics within which learners can be integrated in the learning model employed by teachers and lecturer.            Modeling idealsand ethics that need to be developed and nurtured in the learning process through STAD models so that learners used to develop a positive attitude to form the personality of an independent, strong, caring and moral in turn achieved success and the learner’s successful achieve performance. In the last of the formation of character education as a result of the modeling ideals and ethics in learners’ selves.
Kecerdasan Emosional, Kompetensi Kepemimpinan Transformasional Nurtantiono, Andri
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Transformational leadership is the ability of leaders to motivate followers to reach beyond what is normally done. Competence or ability to realize ones own feelings, aware of the feelings of others, distinguish between them, and use information to guide ones thinking and behavior is the competence of Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Quotient / Emotional Intelligence). Emotional Intelligence is Intrapersonal dimension, as an indicator of self-awareness and self-expression, interpersonal used to measure the social awareness and interpersonal relationships, Stress Management is used for Management and Control of Emotion, Adaptation is used as an indicator of the ability to Managing Change, and General Mood is used as an indicator of Motivation self.
Dampak Konfersi IFRS Terhadao BUMN Atiningsih, Suci
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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The purpose of this study is to determine the development of IFRS convergence to   BUMN(Stated Government) in Indonesia. Type of research is a qualitative research study provides an overview of the actual implementation of IFRS in a company in relation to financial reporting.             The results of the study. This study is expected to determine the development of IFRS convergence for BUMN( Stated Government) in Indonesia
Preferensi Pemilihan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Surakarta Istiyanto, Budi; Rosita, Rosita; Kosasih, Ida Ayu Kade
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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College is a public institution that provides educational services to the community. Community preference in selecting colleges vary widely, because each individual has different desires in choosing a college. But in general, the level of public preference may be obtained based on the factors on which the consideration of the selection of a college.
Pengaruh Upah dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Motivasi Kerja, Implikasinya Pada Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Tekstil PT. ABC Sukoharjo Mutmainah, Hestin
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Faktor-Faktor Yang Dapat Mempengaruhi Independensi Akuntan Public (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi AKuntansi di Surakarta) Jumingan, Jumingan; Makmuroh, Ari
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Relationship Marketing dan Aliran Pemikiran Sistem Pemasaran Ardyan, Elia
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Penerapan Akuntansi Syariah Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia Ismunawan, Ismunawan
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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