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Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Produk, Harga, dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Pada Pembelian Handphone "Cross" di Sukoharjo Yuniati, Neneng
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 33 (2014): November
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price and promotion to purchases Cross handphone either partially or simultaneously, and know the most dominant factor influence on the purchase of “Cross handphones” in Sukoharjo. Using multiple regresion analysis, F test, t test, the results of a study of 100 consumers, proving that there is simultaneously a positive and significant influence between product quality, price and promotion on purchase decisions. Partially positive and significant influence purchasing decisions contained in the price and promotion, where the price is the most dominant factors that influence on purchasing decisions. With the above results, it is expected the company always pay attention to pricing strategies, namely at an affordable price, the suitability of the price with quality products, competitive price and features. For product quality should be improved by adding features, more easily repaired, the model is more up to date and durable. For promotion company is expected to always promote “Cross Handphone” by improving the quality of the promotion in an attractive form of advertising that consumers are curious and raises interest to buy
Kecerdasan Emosional, Kompetensi Kepemimpinan Transformasional Nurtantiono, Andri
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Transformational leadership is the ability of leaders to motivate followers to reach beyond what is normally done. Competence or ability to realize ones own feelings, aware of the feelings of others, distinguish between them, and use information to guide ones thinking and behavior is the competence of Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Quotient / Emotional Intelligence). Emotional Intelligence is Intrapersonal dimension, as an indicator of self-awareness and self-expression, interpersonal used to measure the social awareness and interpersonal relationships, Stress Management is used for Management and Control of Emotion, Adaptation is used as an indicator of the ability to Managing Change, and General Mood is used as an indicator of Motivation self.
Pengaruh Dimensi Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Sepeda Motor Yamaha "MIO" di Kelurahan Makamhaji, Kecamatan Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo Sulistyowati, Erna; Nurtantiono, Andri
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 31 (2013): November
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Peran Moderasi Pengetahuan Produk Dan Keinovativan Pelaku Bisnis Dalam Pengaruh Dimensi Pertimbangan Pada Niat Menjadi Nasabah Bank Syariah, Studi Pada Pengusaha Kecil Dan Menengah Di Surakarta Nurtantiono, Andri
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 28 (2012): November
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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This study objective to analyze the influence of Attitude, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control The Intention Of Becoming Customer moderated by Knowledge Products And Innovation. The problems posed and formulated is: Do Attitudes, Subjective Norms and Control of the perceived behavior of the business together and the partial effect on the intention to customers of Islamic banks in the city of Surakarta, whether the moderating effect of product Knowledge Attitude, Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavior Control of Intention to be a customer, and whether the level of business innovation moderate the effect of Attitude, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control of Intention to customers.Data analysis was performed with the Multiple Regression and Test Interactions to analyze the influence of moderating variables and the level of Product Knowledge Innovation, showed that (1) Attitude, Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioral Control jointly affect a customers intent, (2) Partially, attitude does not significantly influence the intention to customers of Islamic banks in the city of Surakarta. While variable Subjective Norms and Behavioral Control of perceived intention to significantly affect customers, (3) Knowledge of good products do not moderate the influence of attitude on intention as a customer, Subjective Norms intentions as a customer and. Perceived behavior control to intention as a customer, (4) Rate of Innovation moderating effect only on Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioral Control of intention to become a customer.
Analisis SWOT Sebagai Dasar Penentu Strategi Bersaing Radio Suara Salatiga Yusuf, Mohammad; Utomo, Hardi
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 34, No 2 (2015): November
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Radio  is  a  medium  of  information that  has  been  known  for  a  long  time. Besides  as  information  medium,  radio  can  also  be  used    medium  of  entertainment  for the  community  .  With  the  ease  and  "mercy  "  in  use  ,  the  radio  became  one  of  the selected alternative for entertainment as well as to access information around .   The objective in this study was to analyze the internal and external factors that include  (  strengths  and  weaknesses  and  the  potential  opportunities  and  threats magnitude  )  in  determining  what  is  the  right  competitive  strategy  applied  to  the  radio Voice of Salatiga in the face of competition . This study used a qualitative descriptive - quantitative, in which the data obtained directly from the radio Voice Salatiga, as well as interviews with relevant parties and obtained from the study of literature .   The  author  uses several  analytical  methods  Research  is  used,  the  first  is  the matrix analysis Internal- External ( IE ) used to determine the value  weighted on each of the factors, both internal and external , then the authors explain in more detail about how  the  opportunities  and  threats  radio  Salatiga  sound  with  matrix  analysis  SWOT   ( Strength , Weakness, Opportunity , Threat ) . IE  matrix  analysis  results  of  the  matches  between  the  weighted  value  matrix IFE  and  EFE  matrix  produces  a  weighted  value  of  3.17292 and  2.79886  .  With  these results  put  the  radio  Voice  Salatiga  on  cell  matrix  IV  in  IE  ,  it  means  the  right competitive  strategy  applied  to  the  radio  Voice  Salatiga  namely  Stability  strategy,  in which this strategy can be executed with the maintain and nurture . Salatiga sound can implement  the  strategy  without  changing  the  direction  of  the  strategy  that  has  been implemented , tujuanya relatively defensive , that is by maintaining the trust of listeners to the brand and Imaj radio sound good to Salatiga
Faktor–Faktor Yang Dapat Mempengaruhi Pemahaman Atas Informasi Akuntansi Terhadap Persepsi Para Pelaku Pengrajin Tahu Didaerah Kecamatan Kartasura Darnawan, Nanang; Ismunawan, Ismunawan
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 32 (2014): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Understanding of accounting information is one of the companys activities to determine the extent of its business development and as a decision making for businesses to determine the policy to be taken, accounting is an indicator of operating performance in declsion-niakirq2 so as to Improve the management of the business of the small and medium businesses can identify and predict problems that arise in order to quickly take timely policy.  Issues in this study include whether the knowledge, the attitude of the offender, and motivation affect the perception of the industry players in the area ofsmall artisans knows Kartasura district. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of accounting knowledge, attitudes and motivations of the perpetrators of the perceptions of business people on understanding the accounting information partially or simultaneously. Analysis and research methods in research on industrial business craftsmen know who was in the area Kartasura districts with a sample of 60 artisans out using quota sampling method. The data collection method using questionnaires with multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test, and coefficient determination (R2) which is accompanied with the analysis of the classical assumptions. Partial results analysis, accounting knowledge, attitudes, motivation arid long efforts positively influence the perception of UKM over accounting, information this is evident from the value of each variable of t count > t table (2.005) with the significance of each variable < 0,05. Both variables simultaneously also a positive effect on the perception of SME’s over accounting information. This is evident from the value of F count (75.903) > F table ( 2.78 ) with significance 0.000 < 0,05. The accounting knowledge, attitudes, motivation and long effort by 83.5% influences on the perception of UKM on understanding the accounting information. Based on the analysis it can be concluded among other things that buiness people have an understanding of the craftsmen know that positive accounting information to the perception of the perpetrator knows, and the attitude and motivation of actors in the decision making attempt to determine the progress and development of their business.As for the suggestion that the author can give the actors are expected to include craftsmen know more detail in understanding the accounting information in decision making.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan konusmen Dalam Melakukan Pinjaman Pada KSU Jati Diri SIMO Boyolali Handayani, Rumyani; Nurtantiono, Andri
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 30 (2013): Spesial Issue
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Intention of this research is : 1) To know reputation factor influence of company, loan procedure and level of service to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. 2) To know factor having an effect on most dominant to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali.    Hypothesis  submitted  is  :  1)  Anticipated  there  is  influence  between  company reputations, loan procedure and level of service to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali; 2) Anticipated loan procedure factor to have influence very dominan to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali.    Population from this research is consumer (client) what does loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. Level of sample in this research 80 responders. Data source applied is  primary  data.  Data  collecting  technique  applied  is  observation,  questionaire  and documentation.  Analyzer  applied  is  validity  test,  reliability  test,  multiple  linear regression, test t, F test and coefficient of determination.    Based  on  result  of  analysis,  hence  inferential  :  1)  There  is  influence  between company  reputations,  loan  procedure  and  level  of  service  to  decision  of  consumer  in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. 2) Loan procedure factor has influence that is most dominant to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. Based on the conclusion, hence can be suggested : Management KSU JATI DIRI SIMO BOYOLALI is expected to pays attention to factors influencing decision of consumer in doing loan for example reputation of company, loan procedure and level of service.
Pengaruh Sikap dan Norma Subyektif Terhadap Niat Membeli Produk Barik di Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta Hartati, Dhian Putri; Nurtantiono, Andri
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 34, No 1 (2015): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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The  purpose  of  this  research  is:  1)  To  determine  the  effect  of simultaneously between  attitude  and  subjective  norm  on  the  intention  to  buy  the  product  as  namely Kampung  Batik  Laweyan  in  Surakarta,  2)  To  determine  the  effect  of  partially  between attitude  and  subjective  norm  on  the  intention  to  buy  the  product  as  namely Kampung Batik Laweyan in Surakarta. The  analyze  used  in  this  research  are:  Multiple  Regression  Analysis,  t  test,  F test, analysis Coefficient of Determination. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded: 1)  Attitudes  and  Subjective  Norms  have  significant effect  on  the  intention  to  buy  the product simultaneously as namely Kampung Batik Laweyan in Surakarta, 2) There is a partial effect between attitude and  subjective norm on the intention to buy the product as namely Kampung Batik Laweyan in Surakarta.  The advice  given  is:  1) The  advice  given is: 1) To  the enterprises as  namely  Kampung Batik Laweyan in Surakarta, cultivated more attention to consumer attitudes and subjective norms that influence  the intention to  buy batik clothes. 2) To other researchers, is  expected  to incorporate other  variables that  affect  the intention to  buy batik  products.2)  To  other  researchers,  is  expected  to  incorporate  other  variables  that affect the intention to buy batik products
Dampak Konfersi IFRS Terhadao BUMN Atiningsih, Suci
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 27 (2012): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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The purpose of this study is to determine the development of IFRS convergence to   BUMN(Stated Government) in Indonesia. Type of research is a qualitative research study provides an overview of the actual implementation of IFRS in a company in relation to financial reporting.             The results of the study. This study is expected to determine the development of IFRS convergence for BUMN( Stated Government) in Indonesia
Analisis Keterlibatan Faktor Demografi Pada Niat Menjadi Nasabah Bank Syariah Nurtantiono, Andri
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 29 (2013): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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The study objective was to determine the involvement of factors Age, Gender, Level of Education and Income on the influence of attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on the intention of the business to customers of Islamic banks in Surakarta. The study design used in the design of the survey population SME business in the city of Surakarta with a sample of 100 businesses. Of the four demographic variables are Age, Gender, Education and Income, Education Levels only a moderate influence of Attitude, Subjective norms and perceived behavioral control to the customers intention to Islamic banks. Education has an individual doing a lot more consideration, in which 1) the intent to influence customer attitudes will be stronger when business people are more educated than when businesses less educated, 2) Subjective norms influence a customers intentions will be stronger when businesses less educated than when businesses are more educated and 3) the effect of perceived behavioral control on the intention to clients will be stronger when business people less educated than when businesses better educated.