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Journal of Governance and Public Policy
ISSN : 24600164     EISSN : 25497669     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
The journal aims to publish research articles within the field of Public Policy and Governance, and to analys a range of contemporary political and governing processes.
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Articles 16 Documents
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Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Pada Komunitas Adat: Studi Kasus Komunitas Orang Lom di Kabupaten Bangka Tahun 2012-2013 Ristian, Andre; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v1i2.2100


The purpose of  this study was to describe the quality of  public services in the Air Abik dan Pejam, Gunung Muda in2012-2013. While the service quality measurement instrument in this study using Zeithaml thinking that; direct evi-dence / keterwujudan (tangible), responsiveness (responsiveness), reliability (Reliability), assurance (assurance)and empathy (empathy). Accompanied programs, practices and factors of quality of health care in the hamlet Air Abikand closed. The method used is the method mix (mix method). The results of  the study indicate that the quality ofhealth services provided by Polindes and Pustu to Komunitas Adar Terpencil (KAT) People in Dusun Air Abik dan Pejam,Desa Gunung Muda and closed is good with 3:50 cumulative index value of a maximum value of  5. The dimensions ofempathy into the dimension with the highest value ie 4:10 and indicators assurance to a low of  2:30. tangible scored3.73, responsiveness got 3.78 and reliability with a value of  3.62. The service practices are in accordance SOP, andthe health care program is still equated with the program in the  district. Is a factor that affects the law of  customary/local knowledge, infrastructure, location and quality of the resource geogerafis aparatur. Conclusion of this researchis that the quality of  health services provided by Polindes and Pustu on KAT People Lom in Hamlet Air Abik and closedeither with the index value 3.50 of  the maximum value. The practice of health care provided was appropriate SOPexisting health services. The recommendation is that the government should pay more attention Bangka khsusunyahealth care quality improvement and  infrastructure  facilities.
Transisi Pengelolaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan Dan Perkotaan Di Kabupaten Sleman Sarwana, Tamzis; Mutiarin, Dyah
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v1i2.2106


Strengthen central government’s  financial policy areas mor e pronounced with enactment of  Law No.28/2009 onLocal Taxes and Levies which authorizes 11 types of  local taxes, including authority to manage land and building taxRural and Urban (PBB-P2). The study was conducted in Sleman regency government to know pendaerahan process,transition and implementation as well as the picture before and after the transition of  the management PBB-P2 years2009-2013. Descriptive and qualitative research methods, data collection techniques with interviews, documentation,and questionnaires. Qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques and interactive data analysis. Conclusion research1. Tax Pendaerahan under Law No.28/2009 implemented by the authority manages the collection of  10 of the 11types of  taxes for 2-6 years on average above 100%. 2. Transition PBB-P2 management optimal implemented by theRegional Regulation and drafting the decree, the formation of  Receipt, preparation and improvement of  human re-sources, the availability of budget, equipment, data, and the establishment of  partnerships. 3. Implementation ofPBB-P2 management authority in the transition to establishment of technical regulations, administration, and man-agement system PBB-P2. 4. Picture before and after the transition of  the PBB-P2 management in Sleman regencygovernment showed its management work well. Researchers suggestion is to expand co-operation, maintenance andrenewal of  the United Nations data bases PBB-P2, increased capacity and welfare of  the United Nations managersPBB-P2.
Implementasi Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Kesehatan Di RSUD Kota Baubau Dedi Rahmat Saputra; Suranto Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v1i2.2101


The hospital has a strategic role in the effort to accelerate the improvement of  public health degree. The new para-digm of  health care requires hospitals provide quality services according to the needs and wishes of  the patient withreference to the code of  professional conduct and medical. Performance of health care organizations typically use aminimum standard criteria of  service in accordance with the Regulation of  the Minister of Health No. 741 / Menkes /Per / VII / 2008. These regulations outline covers; a) basic health services, b) health care referrals, c) epidemiologicalinvestigation and prevention of  outbreaks and d) health promotion and community development. The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the implementation of  the minimum service standards in the field of  health referral at RSUDBaubau and to determine the factors that affect the minimum service standard reference in the field of  health at RSUDBaubau. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques in this research isinterview and documentation. Meanwhile, the techniques used to analyze the data in this study is a descriptive analysistechniques. This analysis includes data checking, data grouping, data checking, data analysis and conclusion. Theresults of  this experiment showed that the implementation of the minimum service standards in the field of  healthreferral at RSUD Baubau has been good. A slight lack of implementation of  the health sector MSS reference in RSUDBaubau is the amount of  human resources required. The factors that affect the implementation of  minimum servicestandard reference in the field of  health, namely RSUD Baubau; Communication, disposition and bureaucratic struc-ture. As for the factor of  resources because there is still a shortage of  only 80% to meet the needs of  humanresources at RSUD Baubau.
Peran Partai Politik dalam Formulasi Kebijakan Publik: Studi Kasus PDIP Kabupaten Kulonprogo Periode 2010-2012 Istana, Istana; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v1i2.2104


The purpose of  this study was to describe the role of the  PDI-P in the formulation of  public policy in Kulon Progo2010-2012. This research method is qualitative research. Data collection techniques used were interviews and docu-mentation. Retrieval of  data from these sources is snowball, which is derived from selected informants that in theperspective of  researchers mengetahuiproses public policy formulation. Data analysis technique used is the tech-nique of  triangulation. The results of  this study of the PDI-P, Kulon Progo Regency has a strategic role for the welfareof  the people through various programs and building articulation of  community interests. Factors that affect the roleof  the PDI-P Kulon Progo is a factor in the formulation of a strong party leadership as well as the solidity of  the partyorganization. as the three pillars is a key player in the process of the emergence of public policy formulation. Each ofthese pillars has aspirations and authority, but in the unity of  responsibility.
Akuntabilitas BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Utama Yogyakarta Dalam Penanganan Klaim Asuransi Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Januari – April 2014 Eko Subardi; Suranto Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v1i2.2103


Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS) is a government program, that started on January 1,  2014. at the EarlyImplementation is not yet completed. and has shor tcomings, among others payment of  claims insurance JKN toGovernment’s Partner hospitals (BPJS). The aims of  this research was to describe Healthcare and Social SecurityAgency (BPJS) accountability in claims insurance handling and factors that influence, This study used descriptive andqualitative data, While the research analysis using the da ta analysis process based on the result of  in depth interviewand documents.. the result showed that accountability in claims insurance handling generally the result has beenaccountable (80,5 %) although several indicators to measure showed any discrepancy / not accountable. whenmeasured with indicator refers to a predetermined scheduler that is not accountable. The presence indicator adher-ence to rules and procedures have not been fully accountable. while ability indicator for do performance evaluationand Transparency Indicator in decision-making and to implement effecti veness and cost-eff iciency perf ormance of  itsduties has been accountable. Then, to determine the factor s that the effect of  accountability in claims insurancehandling used a variable factor of  service rules, factor of bureaucratic apparatus and factors of  priority interests andservice users. Application and implementation of  the third factor have relevance and has a causal impact that influ-ence the Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS) in claims insurance handling.
Strategi Pemerintah Daerah Poso Periode 2010-2015 dalam Menghadapi Konflik Sosial Zulkifli Hi Manna; Inu Kencana Syafiie
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v1i2.2099


The purpose of  this study was 1) to determine the government’s strategy in dealing with the Poso area of  socialconflict and 2) to assess the constraints faced by local governments in dealing with conflict in Poso sosial.Jenis in thisresearch is a qualitative descriptive study using a case study approach took place in Poso, Central Sulawesi. Descrip-tive study (descriptive research) is a research method that is intended to describe the phenomena that exist, whichtakes place in the present or the past. Methods of  data collection in this research is to use interviews and documen-tation. The informant in this research is the Local Government Poso, Poso Regional Police and Community LeadersPoso. Results from the study is that there are three strategies Poso district governments in the face of  social conflicts.The first economic development policy by opening jobs, economic empowerment, providing educational facilities andhealth facilities. Both of  multicultural education by building schools harmony in collaboration with religious leaders andreligious organizations. The third inter-religious dialogue by establishing the Forum for Religious Harmony which isfunded budget. While the constraints faced by the local authorities in the face of  social conflict in Poso: First there is no permanent reconciliation. Both recovery funds for humanitarian tragedy of  the central government has not been well targeted and Third stigma that religion causes conflict. The results of  this study can be used as a reference for otherregions in anticipation of a conflict that could lead to social conflict. The conflict in the region is generally caused byeconomic factors, but wrapped in religious conflicts.

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