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Kinerja Birokrasi Pemerintah dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Masyarakat dengan Aplikasi Quick Respone dan WEB Di Kantor Kelurahan Kalisegoro Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang Widayat, Aditya Putra; Munandar, Moh. Aris; Sumarto, Slamet
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The development of technology in particular telecommunication multimedia and information technology when it’s going to change the order of the organization and social relationships. Change to the goverment a democratic, transparent and accountable are starting to be done to good governance or good government. Issues that are examined in this study is (1) How the utilization of the aplication of the Quick Response and WEB by village goverment KalisegorO the district Gunungpati city of Semarang? (2) How the quality of public complaints in complaint to the village Kalisegoro thr district Gunungpati city of Semarang? (3) How the performance of the village Kalisegoro the district Gunungpati city of Semarang to provide service to the public after the application of the Quick Response and WEB? As a result of this study is the utilization of the application of the Quick Response and WEB in the village Kalisegoro aims to bring convenience to people and exellent service conductes by the village to the public. The quality of the complaint the community through the Quick Response and WEB is still low, due the factors of human resources some communities are still low. Performance af the village Kalisegoro to make the application of the Quick Response and WEB, to the villages that have age in over 45 year still be hired and given training in using the application. Good advice presented in this study is the need for improvements to the implementation of the application Quick Response and WEB in the village Kalisegoro, to the addition of officer (admin) which handles complaints public, the addition of the computer for more data capacity by the application of the Quick Respone and WEB. There needs to be officials of the violence and thhoroughly to the village Kalisegoro as application of the Quick Respone and WEB to complaints given by the standards provided by the village Kalisegoro.
Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pelaksanaan Program Desa Berdikari di Desa Ngrapah Kecamatan Banyubiru Kabupaten Semarang Tahun Pelaksanaan 2016-2017 Kuswantoro, Agam; Tijan, Tijan; Lestari, Puji
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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A self Reliant village is a program of the Central Java Provincial Government to complete poverty. Community participation is essential to run the Desa Berdikari program. The purpose of this research is to know and describe the participation of the community in the implementation and supporting factors and inhibiting the participation of the community in the implementation of the self-reliant village program in Ngrapah village in the implementation year 2016-2017. The method used in this research is qualitative with the test of data validity using source triangulation. The results of the study that the way the community participates in a self-supporting is a program of the Central Java Provincial Government program is divided into three, namely based on the organization, based on the stages of the program, and based on the shapes. Supporting factors consist of factors wanting to build the potential of Ngrapah Village and the factors of a self self-reliant village program, supplementing income and adding activities, Family support, raising the potential and development of Ngrapah Village, Assisting group members and raising village potential and learning in groups. The inhibiting factors for Kader Desa Berdikari and the people who are members of the productive economic business group are procedural factors, and funding, while the self-reliance of the community and the general public is the attention of the village government is lacking, public awareness is lacking.
Kinerja Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Dan Tata Ruang Kota Salatiga Dalam Pengembangan Tata Ruang Wilayah Tahun 2016 (Studi Kasus Taman Tingkir Kota Salatiga) Nahar, Akhmad Lutfi; Munandar, Moh. Aris; Susanti, Martien Herna
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Salatiga city is currently facing the influence over the function expansion of land where affected by the development of spatial locality. Public works-human settlements and Spatial planning Salatiga city as one of the Government agencies involved in standardization of spatial one public place to ensure the balance of the ecosystem of the city. Tingkir Park as one of place who became a city park and the activities of the citizens of most crowded at this time. Where is the year 2011-2016 public place in Salatiga city is just 15.9% meet the standard of 30%. Required performance improvements and spatial planning which can accommodate all kinds of activities to support the scope better. The issues examined in this study are (1) How the implementation of a performance carried out by the Department of public works and town of Salatiga in Spatial Development Tingkir Park in Salatiga city? (2) what factors affect the performance conducted Public works-human settlements and Spatial planning in Salatiga city spatial development in the region of the year 2016 (Case study on Tingkir Park, Salatiga)? This research in a research combination (mixed methods) with a model sequential exploratory. Research locations in the public works and of the city spatial salatiga and Tingkir Park. A kind of method research with qualitative and quantitative  approaches with the methods discriptive. The focus of this study is to understand  the implementation of the and the factors influences the performance of Public works-human settlements and Spatial planning in Salatiga pertaining with Tingkir park. The population and sample obtained using formulas Frank Lynch. Data collection in this research using interviews, the questionnaire, observation, documentation. The result of this research is the implementation of the performance of Public works-human settlements and Spatial planning in Salatiga in case study  Tingkir park  less fulfill standard green open space in Salatiga city with the central government 15.9 % of standard 30 %. But based on the research done through prespektif the community 60,3 % totally agree with an average 80,0 % so people really agree and satisfied with the Tingkir park  in salatiga city. After the Tingkir park, management less well until facilities damaged. As: game children and tiles. Factors that influences performance management department of Public works-human settlements and Spatial planning in Salatiga city seen from the individual, a personal capacity, and factors motivation. Where third this factor in public works agency and spatial planning prefer the ability and education. Employees to will be exposed through expression attitudes and the act of employees can perform the task and functions well. Advice for Salatiga city government should always involve the community in each phase because communities understand more what they want related policies implemented. And always optimize the implementation of performance management until progress of development of facilities and infrastructure that unkempt and efficiently beeing good. Salatiga Goverment must always support and provide development of facilities and infrastructure like city parks that  not only stop on building the park stage but until the maintenance and supervision to ensure the maintenance functions with good infrastructure.
Pelaksanaan Pemilihan Kepala Desa Tahun 2015 Di Desa Dagan Kecamatan Bobotsari Kabupaten Purbalingga Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 112 Tahun 2014 P., Catur Teguh; Suhardiyanto, Andi; Setiajid, Setiajid
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The village head is the figure of village leaders who have a very large role in leading the organization of village government, fostering the lives of villagers maintain peace and order in rural communities. Therefore, in selecting candidates for village chief should be selective and meets the requirements specified in the Regulation No. 112 of 2014. The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of village chief by Regulation No. 112 of 2014 on the election of village chief Dagan. This study used descriptive qualitative approach by using interactive analysis. The research location is in the village of Dagan Sub Bobotsari Purbalingga district. The focus of research is centered on the election of village chief in the village of Dagan of the stages of preparation, nomination, voting and determination. The results showed that at the early stages of the process of the election preparations village chief Dagan was in accordance with Regulation No. 112 of 2014, the stage of the nomination of the selection process of candidates Village Head up to the selection and administration according Regulation No. 112 of 2014 only on the campaign process is not appropriate regulations are still happening violation. In the voting process until the vote count goes according to Regulation No. 112 of 2014, on the stages of the establishment of the village chief is in conformity Regulation Number 112 of 2014. The existence of violations in the campaign that includes the installation of heads mounted before the appointed time and the distribution of money by the candidate Head the village through the Success team to the public. In term of the orderly administration of the election committee head should be scaled back. For the election of village chief Dagan next period, the Village Chief Election Committee is expected to be more transparent and decisive action, especially against a campaign that is not allowed in the regulations. The committee must remain neutral towards the prosecution of all violations that occur in the process of elections Village Chief. Coherence and transparency of the election committee village chief needed to maintain the integrity of democracy in the election of the chief.
Peran Kantor Pertanahan dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah antara Masyarakat Desa Pakis dengan Perhutani Kabupaten Kendal Saputro, Doni; Setiajid, Setiajid; Susanti, Martien Herna
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Land is included into one of human need which is functioning during the life and dead of the human himself. On one hand, the development of the era increases the needs of land. On the other hand, the land is unrenewable. It comes from the limitation of land-availability factors cannot afford the human breeding increase. Therefore, there is a big possibility of getting land-lawsuit among people and the officials. It can be seen from what happens in  Pakis village with the Forestry department of Kendal. Both of them are claiming the right of land owmership so that it needs mediation for the problem solving. This study is aimed at knowing the influence of Landlordy-department as the mediator and knowing the obstacles of this case. This study uses qualitative study by doing interviews to the informants related to this land-lawsuit case. The writer found that Kendal have passed through two mediation session and no clear result so the Land Office conduct the caucus as an alternative dispute settlement land by the people Village Pakis with Perhutani Kendal. The main closure  is that Forestry Department prosecutes the disputed-land in Pakis Village legally owned by the department and certified by the Forestry Department.
Konflik Pertanahan Di Blok Bleberan Dan Kalen Rembet (Studi Kasus Konflik Antara Perhutani Kph Balapulang Dan Masyarakat Desa Songgom Kecamatan Songgom Kabupaten Brebes) Fikri, Fito Akhsanul; Ngabiyanto, Ngabiyanto; Isdaryanto, Noorochmat
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The problems in this research are: (1) what are the factors that led to conflicts between Perhutani KPH Balapulang Songgom Village Society?, and (2) how the efforts undertaken Perhutani KPH Balapulang and Rural Community Songgom in resolving the conflict over land ?. The purpose of this study are: (1) determine the factors that led to conflicts between Perhutani KPH Balapulang and Songgom Village Society, (2) know the efforts made Perhutani KPH Balapulang and Rural Community Songgom in resolving the land conflicts. The method in this study used qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. These results indicate that there are several factors that cause conflict between Perhutani KPH Balapulang and Society Songgom namely: misuse of the seizure of land and property rights to land. Then in resolving the conflict made several attempts namely, socialization, mediation and last through the courts. Suggestions researcher for the parties involved kooflik that Perhutani KPH Balapulang and village communities Songgom suggested dissemination of the use rights over the land, or the status of the land, so that people understand the status of the land by Perhutani suggested for more to be improved, should Perhutani provide guidance to the public to plant ground with plant stands minimizing the occurrence of a disaster that causes a lack of catchment areas, should sharecropper and community awareness to safeguard natural resources for survival of harmony without damaging the surrounding nature, and tenant farmers should manage land set down rules perhutani, should mananami land in accordance with the command of the central government and not by planting plants with plants that have economic value to the exclusion of the benefits of the land as catchment areas.
Perjuangan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia Kota Semarang dalam Membela Hak-Hak Buruh Perempuan di Kota Semarang Utami, Luwes Tri; Lestari, Puji; Handoyo, Eko
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The role of women in the increase in activity of income, has lasted for so long. Along with the rapid progress industry in cities have pushed female workers into the sector. This leads to the increasing the number of job seekers female who did not accompanied by job are available so that allegedly they have to accept payment system and social security and occupational safety by the company, though often reflect treatment discriminatory and exploitation in various companies/industry. This study attempts to analyze perjuanganan obstacles ngos coalition women in indonesia semarang city in defending hak-hak workers women in semarang city. This research result indicates that struggle ngos coalition women in indonesia semarang city in defending hak-hak workers women in semarang city done through politics is included in the wages council and advocacy or penjembatan cases rights workers .Through the field non political done by providing information or training for workers in the form of education in class .In addition , the obstacles coalition women in indonesia semarang city covering internal problems of the time , and constraint ekstern derived from workers fear of workers , time , and thought pragmatic .Advice provided is increase it members and the performance of interest groups workers.
Keterbukaan Informasi Publik Dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Good Governance pada Pemerinah Kabupaten Tegal Fatullatifah, Menik; Ngabiyanto, Ngabiyanto; Munandar, Moh Aris
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research is motivated by the existence of freedom information which became one of the human rights that contained in the 1945 Constitution. The Public Information Openness existence is supported by the presence of UU KIP as legal security of information opennes in public agency. The existence of Public Information Openness (KIP) became one of the efforts to achieving Good Governance towards governmental that free from corruption. Tegal Regency Government have some significant corruption cases records from the Year 2011-2015. Based on this cases, It needs to do a research in the KIP of Tegal Regency Government. Based on the background, the research problem formulation, namely,  How is the Public Information Openness in  Tegal Regency Government and What kind of driving  factors and inhibiting factors of Public Information Openness in Tegal Regency Government. This research uses a qualitative approach method. The subject of of this research is the Vice Regent, Regional Secretariat of Public Relations, PPID, and Tegal Citizens. The results this research show the Public Information Openness of Tegal Regency Government seen from the governments efforts in providing information services, access to the documents, the existence financial transparency, and the existence of public aspirations shelters. Whereas the openness is not optimal due to the information services has not been supported by the local television media as the media which is more populist and have not establish a press center for media. The supporting factors of openness is the commitment of the leaders and the existence of legal protection. While the inhibiting factors of openness are the lack of socialization about KIP Act, lack of public knowledge about KIP, and the misuse of information. In order for public information openness on Tegal Regency Government run optimally, It is necessary to develop the information and communication media, such as local television media, It needs comprehension and public awareness about the right of public information with socialization and publication of the citizens right for information and mechanisms obtaining information, and it need for public participation in the use of Public Information Opennes to supervise the government.
Program Kerja Badan Kesbangpol dan Linmas Dalam Pengembangan Wawasan Kebangsaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2016 Sembiring, Nota Vianta; Isdaryanto, Noorochmat; Suhardiyanto, Andi
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Indonesia is a very diverse , so vulnerable to conflict in the community . Conflicts occurred in indonesia is religion conflict and terrorism by the radical. One of the provinces in indonesia with the number of cases related high religion conflict and terrorism is provincial central java , because last year 2016 according to the social studies and religion semarang ( elsa ) is 20 a case that occurred . Seen from the number of religion conflict and terrorism , it can be summed up the community in the central java has made their faded nationality insight. Indonesia has a special institution deal with associated nationality insight the national unity political and protect people.
Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumber Mata Air Di Desa Nyatnyono Kabupaten Semarang Ali Rizqi, Nur Kholish; Susanti, Martien Herna; Sumarno, Sumarno
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The source of water Nyatnyono are the areas that have the potential is large enough in order to improve the quality of revenue the Nyatnyono village. Perdes No. 2 Tahun 2015 as a product of the village Nyatnyono, to set up the management of the assets of the Nyatnyono village to be neat and have a clear legal basis. Management of the assets of the village Nyatnyono as Perdes No. 2 Tahun 2015 so as not to be misused by certain elements so that it will be useful for the village and surrounding communities in metting of the needs. The formulation of a problem in this study are: 1) how the implementation of policy managements of springs Nyatnyono village as Perdes No. 2 Tahun 2015 of the village assets. 2) the impact of Perdes No. 2 Tahun 2015 to improve the welfare of the Nyatnyono. The study with the qualitative. The research in the Nyatnyono village the district of semarang. The research  is the implementation of policy and policy impact of the managements of water resources in the Nyatnyono village. The method of collecting data in this study interviewing, documentation and observation. Methods of data analysis in research by using a step 1) data collection 2) the reduction data 3) the presentation of data 4) the withdrawal of the conclusion. The research result showed that: 1) implementation Perdes of the managements village assets. village chiefs as a full management assets of the Nyatnyono village, and human resources in the management of the necessary supervision. 2) a positive impact in terms of the management of water located in the Nyatnyono village is traders around spring Kalimah Toyyibah and improvement of access roads Nyatnyono. The negative, lack of control or supervision of human resources in the field, especially the water resulted in the revenue the village used by unscrupulous persons who are not responsible for personal again. Advice: there needs to be given to Perdes No. 2 Tahun 2015 of the village assetsto clarify the implementation of the management asset as well the rural need for awareness of the government and society on the management of water resources in the Nyatnyono village to in policy process because conflict and the impact of the policy can benefit the Nyatnyono village. 2) socialization between the government of the village by society about implementation of Perdes. In addition the government Nyatnyono village in the implementation of the policy should also be maximal in terms of supervision agency execution in the field.

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