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Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian Vol 27, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian

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The potential of  Exotic  Earth worm  Endogeik  (Pontoscolex corethrurus)  for Production Vermikompos    granules (Vermigran) Local Organil-Based Materials. In 2011, total demand for  organic fertilizer in Indonesia was 12.394 million tons and 2.601 million tons  of new available. This requirement will continue to increase until 2015, so the  opportunity   to   develop   great organic fertilizer. One  disadvantage  of the  use of organic fertilizers is very much in    volume (bulky), it is necessary    vermikompos manufacturing  innovation in   the   form   of granules to   be   more efficient   in   the applicationand transport. Research objectives are: (1) study the potential     of earthworms in producing vermikompos Pontoscolex    corethrurus of l local organic ingredients, and (2)produce quality vermikompos in the form of  granules.  The study    was   conducted in   a   greenhouse Fak. Agriculture and in   the   yard   of a house in Ngesrep,   Boyolali, in July-November 2011. The     study design using a Completely  Randomized Design, factorial,two factor. Factor 1 is  composed of three types  of  worms   cedar, and  the  second  factoris  the variation  of the  type of organic material, consisting of 7 cedar. The variablesmeasured were vermikompos nutrient quality and speed  of the  water  solubility  vermikompos   granules. The  results showed  that  Pontoscolex corethrurus high potentialto produce vermikompos  that meet ISO   quality   compost.   Cow   pile, pile quail, water  hyacinth   can  be  used as  a  raw material   vermikompos.   Clay,   starch, starch and claymixture (1:1) can be  used as  an adhesive vermikompos granules (vermigran) soluble in   water at <48 hours. Production vermigran great potential for   developmentas a high-quality organic fertilizer.
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 11, No 1 (2010): April 2010
Publisher : Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development - MOA

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Rice planting on dry and wet seasons faces a specific climatological characteristic, which affects directly on rice growth and yield. Fifteen rice genotypes were evaluated for their seasonal planting adaptation at Sukamandi Experimental Station, Subang, West Java, during the dry and wet seasons of 2009-2010.Randomized complete block design with three replications was applied on the experiment. Plot size was 4 m x 6 m and plant spacing was 20 cm x 20 cm. Standard agronomic practices were applied on both planting season experiments. Data were collected for major morphological traits, days to grain maturity and grain yield, measured on wet and dry basis (11% moisture content). Data were analysed for analyses of variance for each season and for combined seasons, and mean values separation of the variable used the 5% Duncan Multiple Range Test. Correlation between grain yields and morphological variable data were computed for each season and for combined seasons. The correlation coefficients of variables and grain yield were partitioned into direct and indirect causes using path analyses. Combined analyses of variances indicated significant effects of genotypes, seasons and genotypes x seasons interaction for almost all variables, including grain yields, suggesting there were seasonal adaptation specificity among genotypes. Five genotypes were identified as suitable for dry season planting, and ninegenotypes as suitable for wet season planting. Among those genotypes, three genotypes, namely Mekongga, Inpari-10 and OM 5240 were suitable for both dry and wet season planting. Ciherang and Cigeulis varieties were more suitable for dry season, while Cibogo, Inpari-1, Inpari-3, Inpari-5, and Inpari-8 were more suitable for wet season planting. Adopting the most productive rice varieties for planting on dry or wet season as was suggested on this research should increase rice production substantially. To facilitate the availability of varieties adaptedfor a specific planting season, rice breeding should purposedly apply a directional selection of lines suitable for specific planting season, starting on the early generation of selection. 
Peran Serta Masyarakat dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Link and Match Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Nasional Sumarno, Sumarno
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 2, No 2 (1995): Dinamika Pendidikan No. 2/TH. II/Desember 1995
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UNY

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Peran Serta Masyarakat dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Link and Match Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Nasional
Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian

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Utilization of farm wastes in order to realize the concept of integrated farming is a sustainable agriculture community service program in cooperation with two partners , namely : ( 1 ) quail - catfish Breeders Agribird , and ( 2 ) dairy farms and agricultural businesses " Andini Mulyo " . This service activities conducted through outreach / awareness , mentoring and manufacture of demonstration plots . Preparation of demonstration plots to make an example of earthworm cultivation ( vermikultur ) and the making of silage . Testing vermicompost and organic fertilizer from cow dung to plant corn and kale using plots measuring 50 x 9 meters , divided into 3 blocks , each 3 x 50 meters . Outcome in the form of products include : Biomass earthworm number 5 Kg / month ; Vermicompost 50 Kg ; Silage , 300 Kg once manufacture ; and quality organic fertilizer from cow dung , 600 kg / process . Outcome in the form of a test product to the plant : the use of manure , vermicompost fertilizer in Litosol very real increase maize crop which includes fresh weight of corn stover , corn stover dry weight and dry weight of seed corn ; the use of manure and fertilizer plants in the ground grumosol not significantly different with kale stover fresh weight , while the use of vermicompost highly significant increase stover fresh weight of spinach
Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian

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Produksi padi di Indonesia masih belum mampu menutupi kebutuhan nasional. Rendahnya produktivitas ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh penurunan tingkat kesuburan tanah. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kandungan fosfat didalam tanah adalah dengan memberikan pupuk fosfat alam dan juga inokulum azolla. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dosis yang tepat dari inokulum azolla dan fosfat alam untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan fosfat dan meningkatkan hasil tanaman padi pada tanah alfisol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode RAL faktorial dengan dua faktor pembanding perlakuan pupuk kandang dan pupuk N,P,K. Analisis data hasil pengamatan menggunakan analisis ragam pada taraf 5% dan apabila terdapat pengaruh beda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT taraf 5% untuk membandingkan antar perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan pemberian inokulum azolla dan fosfat alam dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan fosfat pada tanah alfisol dan mampu meningkatkan hasil padi. Pada parameter P tersedia hasil tertinggi menunjukan pada perlakuan azolla 2,5 ton/ha tanpa fosfat alam dan azolla 5 ton/ha fosfat alam 350 kg/ha yaitu 10,81 ppm. Selain itu pemberian inokulum azolla dan fosfat alam memberikan peningkatan terhadap kadar KTK, bahan organik, N total dalam tanah dan pH tanah.
Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian

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This research to determine the effect of azolla-based organic fertilizers, rock phosphate, and rice husk ash, and the best combination treatment to peanut yield on Alfisols. The experiment was conducted in April-November 2013 at the paddy fields of farmers in Sukosari village, Jumantono, Karanganyar District and in Laboratory of Soil Chemistry and Fertility and Soil Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture UNS for soil chemical and biological properties respectively. This experimental design used was Randomized Block Completely Design (RCBD) with 5 treatments and each repeated 5 times. Statistical analysis of the data using the F test at 5% level of confidence followed by DMRT if any signicant influence. The variabels observed were soil organic matter content, soil pH, total number of soil bacteria, plant height, number of root nodules, and seed weight. The results showed that there was significant differences among the treatments. The treatment of P1 (5 tons/ha azolla compost, 100 kg/ha phosphate rock and 75 kg/ha rice husk ash) provide the highest of soil organic matter content (4.31%) while P2 (5 tons/ha azolla compost, 50 kg/ha phosphate rock and 37.5 kg/ha rice husk ash) provide the highest dry seed yield (1011.09 kg/ha) which was 11.06 % higher than control treatment (910.38 kg/ha).
Pemupukan sebagai Penentu Produktivitas Ubi Jalar Paturohman, Eman; Sumarno, Sumarno
Buletin Iptek Tanaman Pangan Vol 10, No 2 (2015): Desember 2015
Publisher : Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan

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Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a cosmopolitan crop, grown on 116 countries in the world. A total of 34 countries harvested 200,000 tons or more fresh tuber annually, and 82 countries with a national production less than 200,000 tons per year. China accounted for 68% of the world’s sweet potato production or 90% of the Asian fresh tuber production. The sweet potato productivity varies among countries in the world, from less than 5 t/ha to 24 t/ha, mainly related to the amount use of inorganic fertilizers of N, K, and organic fertilizer. The recommended use of fertilizers for sweet potato is as follow: low to moderate dosage of N (40 to 75 kg N/ha), low dossage of P (20-50 kg P2O5 /ha), and medium to high dosage of K (75-100 kg K2O/ha), combined with organic manure (3-10 t/ha). Indonesian sweet potato productivity is relatively high as compared to that in other countries in the world with an average of 14.75 t/ha. In the provincial production center, sweet potato productivity ranges from 18 to 22.7 t/ha fresh tuber except in Nusa Tenggara Timur (7.5 t/ha) and Papua (10.9 t/ha). In other provinces, the productivities range from 7.1 to 15.5 t/ha fresh tubers. Commercial sweet potato farming is always carried out under an optimum agroecology condition; however farmers do not always obtain optimum yield due to inoptimum application of fertilizer. Application of the recommended dosage of inorganic fertilizers with the addition of 3 to 5 t/ha organic manure is expected to improve sweet potato productivity to 24-25 t/ha fresh tubers. Improvement on sweet potato productivity will increase the supply of fresh tubers to the markets and thus, increases the sweet potato consumption as a rice substitute.
Jurnal Sekolah Dasar Vol 24, No 1 (2015): Tahun 24, Nomor 1, Mei 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Sekolah Dasar

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Abstract: The current study was intended to obtain the description of the construct model of emotional intelligence of the elementary school students in Medan city. This study utilized two exogenous variables which were parenting and teachers’ competence and two endogenous variables as well which were the teaching and learning quality and emotional intelligence. There were 511 students and 68 teachers coming from 11 schools schools as the samples of the study. The results suggested that the students’ emotional intelligence was 82% affected by the parenting and 34% was influenced by the teaching and learning. The teachers’ competence gave 12% contribution to the teaching and learning which implied that the teaching and learning quality was dominantly affected by factors other than the 4 teachers’ competences.Keywords: construct model, emotional intelligent, elementary school studentsAbstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran model konstruk kecerdasan emosional siswa SD Kota Medan. Pada penelitian ini melibatkan dua ubahan eksogen, yaitu: pola asuh dan kompetensi guru, serta dua ubahan endogen, yaitu: kualitas pembelajaran dan kecerdasan emosional. Sampel 11 sekolah, dengan jumlah 511 siswa; dan 68 guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan emosional siswa SD 82% dipengaruhi oleh pola asuh orang tua; dan 34% oleh kualitas pembelajaran. Kompetensi yang dimiliki guru memberi sumbangan sebesar 12% terhadap kualitas pembelajaran, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pembelajaran dominan dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain di luar 4 kompetensi guru.Kata Kunci: Model Konstruk, Kecerdasan Emosional, Siswa SD.
CO2 Frost Phenomenon for Binary System of Methane-Carbon Dioxide Mixtures Wibawa, Gede; Mustain, Asalil; Sumarno, Sumarno; Gunawan, Setiyo
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 47, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

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In the present study, the CO2 frost phenomenon of CH4-CO2 mixtures has been observed for the rational design of CO2 removal from natural gas using a controlled freeze out area. The CO2 frost conditions were estimated using the ZNE method and process simulation software (Aspen HYSYS® v7.3). The experiment was carried out using a double pipe heat exchanger (DPHE) with the concentration of CO2 in the gas mixture at 5 and 10% and pressure of the gas mixture from 1 to 20 bar. The equilibrium temperature predictions of the ZNE method and the process simulation software only had a slight difference, with a magnitude deviation of less than 1% for pressures below 20 bar and 3% for pressures in the range of 20-30 bar, respectively. In the experimental study, CO2 frost formation was detected at pressures of 1, 5, 10 and 20 bar. The locations of the initial CO2 frost formation were determined using a pressure drop indicator associated with the predicted frost temperatures obtained from the ZNE method and the process simulation software. For all studied variables, the locations of initial CO2 frost formation were found at 0.887-1.531 m from the inlet.
Peran Komplemen, Fagosit (Leukosit) dan Antibodi dalam Menurunkan Jumlah Mycobacterium tuberculosis Izzati, Seravina Adila; Sumarno, Sumarno; Winarsih, Sri
Majalah Kesehatan FKUB Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya

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Mycobacterium tuberculosis adalah bakteri patogen penyebab timbulnya penyakit tuberkulosis. Peningkatan koloni bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) dapat dihambat dengan pemberian komplemen, fagosit (leukosit), dan antibodi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek pemberian komplemen, fagosit (leukosit), dan antibodi terhadap jumlah penurunan M. tb. Penelitian eksperimental ini dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu K (PBS), P1 (leukosit), P2 (leukosit + komplemen), P3 (pemberian leukosit + komplemen + antibodi). Koloni  M. tb diidentifikasi dengan pewarnaan BTA, difoto dengan kamera yang dihubungkan dengan mikroskop (100x). Hasil uji statistik ANOVA menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (p = 0,000). Hasil uji post hoc HSD didapatkan jumlah koloni bakteri M. tb kelompok P2 dan P3 menurun bermakna (p = 0,000) dibandingkan dengan kelompok K dan P1. Kelompok P1 menurun tidak bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok K. Berdasarkan uji korelasi Pearson didapatkan nilai r = - 0,931 dan p = 0,0000, yang berarti bahwa semakin lengkap perlakuan yang diberikan (leukosit + komplemen + antibodi), maka semakin rendah jumlah koloni bakteri M. tb. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi pemberian leukosit, komplemen, dan antibodi  akan semakin menurunkan jumlah koloni bakteri M.  tb. Kata kunci : Antibodi, Komplemen, Leukosit, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Co-Authors ', Suarman Suarman A. Nugroho A. Nugroho A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W afandi, huldan Aulia Afina, Nur Agus Suprijono Agustina Tri Endharti Agustina, Sari Alfonds Andrew Maramis Ali Rizqi, Nur Kholish Ali Rizqi, Nur Kholish Aloysius Duran Corebima Amalina, Zahratu Amborowati, Arum Dwi Amin Nugroho Anandeya Satrio Sambodo, Anandeya Satrio Andrew Halim Andri Praja S, Andri Praja Andriawan Hendra Susila, Andriawan Hendra Anggi Wahyu Nur Cahyani Anis Murniati Ariani Trisna Murti, Ariani Trisna Aryaningrum, Ida Asalil Mustain Astri Proborini Astuti, Satria Dwi Astuti, Satria Dwi Awa, Susanti Ana Bambang Soepeno Bebhe, Gabriela Berek, Ambrosius Br. Hutabarat, Renita Budi Susatia Budiharto Budiharto Canggih Jati Nusantara, Canggih Jati CE Lusiani, CE Chair Effendi, Chair Christanti Putry, Anak Agung I. Sanjiwani Damayanti, Nurul Darwin Darwin David Christianto Debby Christinne Sumantri, Debby Christinne Debby Shintiya Dewi Denah Suswati Dina Dewi SLI Dini Rachmawati Djie, Tessalonika Natalia Djuma’ali Djuma’ali, Djuma’ali Djuma’ali, Djuma’ali Dwi, Anggun Dwidjatmika, Heri Dyah Primarini, Dyah E.O. Ningrum, E.O. Edi Eskak Edi Setiawan Edi Widjajanto Efendi, Salasin Eka Fitasari Eka Irawan Ellis Nihayati Eman Paturohman Emma Savitri Entis Sutisna Erik Priyo Santoso, Erik Priyo Ervina Eka Ervina Eka Subekti Ery Olivianto Eskak, Edi Faisal Faisal Faransiska, Debi Farisah, Husna Febriyati Puspasari Fitri Anggraini, Fitri Gani Haryana Gede Wibawa Gimin Gimin Halim K Malik, Halim K Hanugalih Hanugalih, Hanugalih Hardisem Syabrus Hariadi Darmawan, Hariadi Harry Soesanto Haryanti Haryanti Helmin Elyani Elyani Hendripides, Hendripides Henny Indrawati Heru Satria Tambunan, Heru Satria Hidayat Suyuti Hindarto, Hindarto HMS Chandra Kusuma I Ketut Gede Muliarta I Ketut Gede Muliartha Iba, Wa Indah, Anjar Indra Gunawan Indra Indra Indriyanto, Anang Ari Irawan, Roni Iskandar, Ahmad Izazi, Nabilah Imamah Jalaludin Jalaludin Jauhari Syamsiyah Jefri, Inin Joko Susilo Karatikowati, Sri Kartika, Mela Kayan Swastika Keiya, Ronald Khoiriyah, Ainin Kirana, Ika Okta Kirana, Ika Okta Kristianto, Fesa Putra Kusworini Handono Lailatul Qadariyah Lamato, Husam Lingga, Putri Ramadani Liu, Novitasari Maramba Loeki Enggar Fitri Lubis, Izhar Fuadi Luh Dina Ekasari M.Pd S.T. S.Pd. I Gde Wawan Sudatha . Mahariati, Mahariati Mahfud Mahfud Maimun Zulhaidah Arthamin, Maimun Zulhaidah Manurung, Herman Maora, igna Martien Herna Susanti Meha, Gerson Nyungga Mochamad Alfan Rosid Moh. Amin Mohamad Amin Muhamat Rajab, Nur Echsan Muhammad Luthfi Muhammad Zarlis, Muhammad Murti, Ariyani Trisna Murwani Murwani Nasution, Zulaini Masruro Ngatmini Ngatmini Ningsih, Lulu Tia Noer Aini Nofianti*, Rita Nonot Soewarno Nortaviana, Arista Novi Damayanti, Novi Noviani, Shindi Noviyanti, Adhystya Indah Dwi Novry Saputra, Ryan Numba, Melani Day Aba Nunuk Sri Muktiati Nur Kholis Nurul Laili Arifin, Nurul Laili Nurul Umamah Oeryana Agustin Widayanti Oktaviana, Eka P.N. Trisanti, P.N. Pertiwi, Intan Nurma pratama, ahmad ryan Prida Novarita Trisanti PUJI LESTARI purba, lia cintia Pusaka, Semerdanta Putra, Adam Sukarno Putri, Irresta Zainistya Qoriah, Yaumil Rahmadanita, Fathia Faza Rahul, Mirza Rasjad Indra Ratih Anggraini, Ratih Ratih Dewi Puspitosari Ratnawati Ratnawati Ridwan, Ridwan Rita Hayati Riyanti, Uut Rully Putri Nirmala Puji Rurini Retnowati Ruslaini, Ruslaini S Siswanto S, Noorhamdani A S.P., Anggun Dwi Safitri, Yolani Sahana, Bambang Sakdanur Nas, Sakdanur Saramoni, Riswanto Saraswati, Dyah Sardjono, Teguh Wahyu Sari, Efinda Selfina Gala Seravina Adila Izzati, Seravina Adila Seskoati Prayitnaningsih Setiyani, Neti Setiyawan, Ahmad Iskandar Setiyo Gunawan Setya Putri, Anggun Dwi Siahaan, Septri Wanti Sianipar, Kristin Daya Rohani Sianipar, Markus Parulian Simanjuntak, Agnes Gracella Fepdiani Sin, Maria Yohaneta Sinaga, Desinawati Siti Nurul Mubarokah SJ, Semedi Soebaktiningsih Soebaktiningsih Sofiyatin Reni Sonata, Utari Sri Handayani Sri Kartikowati Sri Murwarni Sri Rossati Sudadi Sudadi Suhada Suhada, Suhada Suharjo, Sri Suharjono, Suharjono Sulistiani, Novi Sulistiyoningsih, Dwi Sumakto Sumakto Sumardi . Sumarjono Sumarjono Sunarto Sunarto Suroto, Karunia Setyowati Suryono Suryono Susanti, Yosa Syakdanur Nas, Syakdanur Syarifa Nahara Amari Syuhada Sufian T Budi Sulistya Tassie, Susanti Astriani Tatik Wardiyati Teguh Prihanto Teguh R. Sartono Tinny Endang Hernowati Tri Yudani Mardining Raras Triwahju Astuti Triyoto, Triyoto Tunjungsari, Arima Ratih Tunjungsari, Arima Ratih Tzou Chi Huang, Tzou Chi Wahono Sumaryono Wardhani, Ratih Kusuma Wati, Salistia Watu, Oktavianus Wawan Priyanto, Wawan Widyatmani Sih Dewi Wildan Saugi, Wildan Wisnu Barlianto Wiwi Wikanta Yani Jane Yasiran, Yasiran Yoga Asmara Yulian Wiji Utami, Yulian Yuly Peristiowati Yuniati T, Yuniati Yunita Wulandari Yusuf Abdurrajak Yuyun Yuniati Zamroni Zamroni