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Kampanye Politik melalui Media Sosial pada Pemilu Legisatif 2014 di Kota Pekalongan Rusda, Aisya; Ngabiyanto, Ngabiyanto; Munandar, Moh. Aris
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Election have relationship to close with political campaign. In 2014 legislative election, political campaign not only did with face to face system expect for began to use a new tool such as trough with social media. In the Pekalongan city, some people make use of social media via gadget smartphone as well as computer. So campaign via social media capable embed influence in Pekalongan city. Issues who examine in this research: (1) How implementation political campaign with social media on legislative election 2014 in Pekalongan city. (2) How effectivity political campaign with social media on legislative election 2014 in Pekalongan city. (3) What support factor and resistor political campaign with social media on legislative election 2014 in Pekalongan city. The purpose of research is to be know implementation of political campaign with social media on legislative election 2014 in Pekalongan city. Method of research is qualitative. Sorting data with interview and documentation. Legality testing data with trianggulasi technique. Result in this research are as follow; (1) Implementation political campaign with social media on legislative election 2014 in Pekalongan city are did with some candidate with kind social media Facebook and YouTube. a campaign message to be delivered on posts with form submission vision and mission ideas and program ideas, activity photo and politic issue who then forming an image. (2) Effectivity campaign with social media on legislative election 2014 in Pekalongan city ablity of candidate only extent interesting a user social media but not to be effective with affecting publicly listed the candidates. (3) Factor booster politic campaign with social media on legislative election 2014 in Pekalongan city is: a) gadget and internet, b) the ablity a candidate with using social media, and c) bearer of political party.
Pelaksanaan Program Cygos (Cyber Government Semarang) Sebagai Penunjang Pelayanan Publik di Kota Semarang Firmansah, Ardhi
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Currently the technology has developed rapidly, especially internet access technology. Semarang City Government to respond to input from the community and then create a program Cyber Government Semarang to reach the needs of the community in the form of information and administrative services. The purpose of this study are: to describe the implementation of the program CyGoS as supporting public service with reference to the theory of EGovernment implementation by Sharon S.Dawes, describes a model of political communication Semarang government in implementation CyGoS terms of political communication theory, analyzing the perception of the public about the program CyGoS use the theory of public service Groonroos. Results from this study that uses qualitative methodology to conduct research observation section PDE (Electronic Data Processing) Semarang government and conducted interviews to Dr.Ir.NanaStorada, SE.MM as Head. PDE generate some information that answers the following research: a description of the program, carried out political communication and public perception regarding the program. Expected results of this study can serve as a reference as an evaluation of the government for public services based on information technology and communications in the city of Semarang optimized so as to create good public service in Semarang City Government.
Gerakan Dakwah sebagai Sistem Kaderisasi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Tunjungsari, Arima Ratih; Lestari, Puji; Sumarno, Sumarno
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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All of political parties need cadre recruitment processes to continue the regeneration leadership of their party, each member of candidate cadre have to follow selection to be the cadre. After the candidate cadre passes the selection, those members have to follow regeneration process which is done by politic party on implementation function of political education. By that cadre system, the leader or manager party has assessment about cadres which eventually it will be recommended to be candidate who represent their party on government positions. The research method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative. The data source consists of primary data and secondary data. The techniques of collecting data are interviewing, observation and documentation. The writer uses triangulation technique to prove the validity of the data. Data analysis can be illustrated into some steps, there are collecting data, reduction data, presentation data, and drawing conclusion or verification. The research shows that Partai Keadilan Sejahtera is political party which declares that their selves as da’wah party, it is also applied on the regeneration process. Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) is religious, the implementation of their cadre is done by some activities which usually related with the party, there are using some coaching, recitation, routine ta’lim, champing, seminar, dauroh and the other meeting. Regeneration process of PKS party is done officially by leadership of the party from twig until center, this formal recruitment process constitutes the tool of cadre founding and ladder to them who will implicate on distribution character and structural position in PKS. Coaching which is done by PKS uses steps by steps or hierarchy, there are first ta’rif is introduction process. Second, taqwin is character development and Muslim lesson internalization. Third, tanfidz is the steps of da’wah work realization. Output is hoped from that tarbiyah movement is the cadre has da’wah skill with capacity adequately will emerge.
Marketing Politik Pasangan Hendrar Prihadi – Hevarita Gunaryanti Rahayu Dalam Pilkada Tahun 2015 Di Kota Semarang Larasanti, Firna; Susanti, Martien Herna; Suhardiyanto, Andi
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Political marketing are all means used in political campaigns to influence voters choices. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) Political marketing applying pair Hendi - Ita in the elections of 2015 in the city of Semarang. 2) Supporting and inhibiting factors. Test the validity of the data using triangulation. Data analysis was performed through four grooves namely the collection, reduction, presentation and verification of data. The results showed that 1) Pair-ita Hendi can apply with good political marketing. This is evidenced in which the couple did not take a long time and is difficult to embed the political image as the figure that has been known by the public. The images-images that are sold in the nomination, campaign and political promises. 2) The supporting factors that figure and track record, the incumbent, the bearer party support for the winning team and a team of volunteers, to build a network-based organization and network with community leaders. Whereas the inhibiting factor that is limiting the open campaign. The proposed recommendation is 1) The election of pair-Ita Hendi as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Semarang from 2015 to 2020 they had to run what has been promised. 2) Need to political education for the community that pilihanya according to the thinking and logical consideration.
Sikap Politik Petani dalam Pilkada Kabupaten Semarang 2015 di Kelurahan Pringapus Kecamatan Pringapus Ladini, Malisa
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Political farmers in the elections of 2015 in Semarang Sub District Pringapus reflect developments in the political consciousness. This study aimed to political attitudes of farmers in the village Pringapus in the elections of 2015 to the Semarang political parties/coalition of political parties and candidates stretcher couple Cabup/regent. The study used a qualitative approach, the research background Pringapus Village, the focus of research in political attitudes of farmers towards political parties/coalition of political parties and candidates stretcher couple Cabup/regent, the primary data source for farmers, Team Winning Candidate 1, Candidate 2 Success Team, secondary data is written and photographs data collection techniques of observation, documentation, interviews with technical validity of the data triangulation techniques, triangulation, data analysis techniques interactions. The results that the farmers in the village Pringapus active in Farmers have a political stance against the political parties/coalition of political parties and candidates stretcher couple Cabu/regent in the elections of 2015 Semarang better knowledge and understanding of the political parties Cabup/regent, his emotions like the political parties and Cabup/regent, and conative choose political parties and Cabup/cawabup cares farmers, but the farmers who are not active in the farmers Group has a political stance worse, yet his knowledge and understanding of the political parties Cabup/regent, his emotions did not like the performance of political parties and Cabup/regent, conative and confusion. Saran, the need for a more intense approach of Political Parties and Candidates Regent/Vice Regent of the peasantry.
Interaksi Simbolik dalam Budaya Ngarot Masyarakat Desa Jambak Kecamatan Ciedung Kabupetan Indramayu Yasin, Moch. Fikri; Priyanto, AT. Sugeng; Setiajid, Setiajid
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Budaya ngarot adalah salah satu upacara adat di Desa Jambak yang masih sangat dipercayai dan selalu dilestarikan. Kebudayaan ngarot ini merupakan sarana pewarisan nilai-nilai luhur dan sistem pertanian melalui seni pertunjukkan tradisional. Dengan adanya budaya ngarot ini generasi muda selanjutnya dapat terus melestarikan dan memahami nilai yang terkandung dalam budaya ngarot. Mitos terkait budaya ngarot yaitu pada dasarnya adalah kegiatan hiburan di mana diawali dengan adanya kegiatan para pemuda yang menanami sawah desa secara bergotong royong pada siang hari dan kemudian pada malam hari diadakan sebuah hiburan untuk mengobati rasa lelah di siang hari kegiatan ini diadakan untuk menyambut musim tanam tiba. (2) Interaksi simbolik terjadi selama rangkaian kegiatan upacara adat ngarot meliputi iring-iringan pengantin cilik, persembahan tarian topeng, dan hiburan rakyat. Interaksi simbolik dalam budaya ngarot berupa pertukaran simbol. Benda simbolis tersebut meliputi riasan bunga kepala kasinoman perempuan, perhiasan emas, busana kasinoman perempuan, keris yang dibawa kasinoman laki-laki, bibit padi, bambu, kendi, daun pohon, saweran kepada penari topeng. Saran yang peneliti rekomendasikan adalah (1) Kepada Kepala Desa Jambak, Tokoh Agama/masyarakat, dan sesepuh desa untuk lebih memperhatikan ngarot sehingga ngarot yang dilaksanakan menjadi lebih bermakna dan tata kegiatan serta pelaksanaannya dapat lebih tradisional sesuai ngarot yang terdahulu. (2) Kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten Indramayu diharapkan adanya dukungan baik pendanaan maupun pembinaan serta perhatian lebih agar ngarot dapat terus dilestarikan.
Pengaruh Dimensi Struktural, Dimensi Rasional, dan Dimensi Kognitif Modal Sosial terhadap Persepsi Kinerja Perangkat Desa di Kabupaten Kudus Luthfi, Muhammad; Susanti, Martien Herna; Sumarno, Sumarno
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Village should be able to provide optimal service, either through the village official performance or the rules which support the village development process. As one of the element in village government, village officials are appointed, to help run errands village chief administrativelyas well as implement policy, and dismissed by village head. Therefore, besides on the chief, the central of a village is on the village officials. The population in this study were 1955 people of village officials, while the sample taken were 95 people of village officials. The method used in this study involved questionnaire, documentation, observation and interview. The data analysis used descriptive-analysis of percentage, multiple linear regression testing analysis and hypothesis testing analysis. The result of multiple regression equation obtained from the is Y=1.380+0.314 X₁+0.533X₂+0.803X₃. From the regression equation test with F-test equation, obtained that F = 61.570 with 0,000 < 0,05 significance. This result shows that F is significant, so the influence of structural, rational and cognitive dimension of social modal affect the performance of the village officials as much as 65,8%, while the influence for each dimension partially are 7,18% for structural dimension, 11,90% for rational dimension, and 17,47% for cognitive dimension. It can conclude in this study that there are positive influence and significant structural, rational and cognitive dimension to the village officials in Kudus district.
Pengembangan Kapasitas Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum (Bawaslu) Provinsi Jawa Tengah Dalam Menjalankan Fungsi Pengawasan Pemilu Ummah, Siti Muslikhatul
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The offenses of elections law always occur at every elections in Indonesia. Central Java has the number of offenses which fluctuate and the same type of offense at every general elections. Thus, the need for capacity building Bawaslu Provinsi Jawa Tengah to exercises the supervision of elections. The research aims to describe capacity building of Bawaslu Provinsi Jawa Tengah to exercises the supervision of elections, to describe the factors that affecting capacity building of Bawaslu Provinsi Jawa Tengah to exercise the supervision of elections. The research method uses qualitative methods. The research object is Bawaslu Provinsi Jawa Tengah. The results showed that the capacity building of Bawaslu Provinsi Jawa Tengah to exercises the supervision of elections carried out through training of trainers, bimbingan teknis, rapat koordinator, recruitment and selection, and the socialization of participative supervision. The factors that affect it, among others, leadership, commitment, networks and information and communication media. The advice given is the socialization of participative supervision participatory surveillance conducted in public open spaces and improvement of regulations related by the authority of Bawaslu Provinsi Jawa Tengah to impose sanctions of the offenders election laws.  
Kinerja Birokrasi Pemerintah dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Masyarakat dengan Aplikasi Quick Respone dan WEB Di Kantor Kelurahan Kalisegoro Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang Widayat, Aditya Putra; Munandar, Moh. Aris; Sumarto, Slamet
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The development of technology in particular telecommunication multimedia and information technology when it’s going to change the order of the organization and social relationships. Change to the goverment a democratic, transparent and accountable are starting to be done to good governance or good government. Issues that are examined in this study is (1) How the utilization of the aplication of the Quick Response and WEB by village goverment KalisegorO the district Gunungpati city of Semarang? (2) How the quality of public complaints in complaint to the village Kalisegoro thr district Gunungpati city of Semarang? (3) How the performance of the village Kalisegoro the district Gunungpati city of Semarang to provide service to the public after the application of the Quick Response and WEB? As a result of this study is the utilization of the application of the Quick Response and WEB in the village Kalisegoro aims to bring convenience to people and exellent service conductes by the village to the public. The quality of the complaint the community through the Quick Response and WEB is still low, due the factors of human resources some communities are still low. Performance af the village Kalisegoro to make the application of the Quick Response and WEB, to the villages that have age in over 45 year still be hired and given training in using the application. Good advice presented in this study is the need for improvements to the implementation of the application Quick Response and WEB in the village Kalisegoro, to the addition of officer (admin) which handles complaints public, the addition of the computer for more data capacity by the application of the Quick Respone and WEB. There needs to be officials of the violence and thhoroughly to the village Kalisegoro as application of the Quick Respone and WEB to complaints given by the standards provided by the village Kalisegoro.
Implementasi Ketentuan Kuota 30% Keterwakilan Perempuan Di DPRD Kota Salatiga Raqim, Ukhti; Lestari, Puji; Handoyo, Eko
Unnes Political Science Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The reality of politics showed the low representation of women in Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) and was under proportion, it indicated that the women representation in political life was ignored. The demand of gender equality was also increasing, so that the goverment issued Acts Number  8 of 2012 and KPU Regulations which some of their articles regulated about the 30% women representation. This case was also occured in Salatiga City. In the 2004 legislative election, there were only 5 women who got the seats. In 2009 there were 7 women and in 2014 there were still only 7 women. The problems that were investigated in this study were 1) How the implementation of 30% quota of women regulation fulfillment in DPRD of Salatiga City was, 2) What obstacles in fulfilling the 30% quota of women representation in Salatiga City were. This study used qualitative methods. The methods of collecting data in this study were observation, interview, and documentation. The methods of validating data used sources triangulation. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman qualitative data analysis which consists of 1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data presentation, 4) conclusion.  The results of the study showed that: 1) 30% quota regulation had been implemented, however it did not succeed. Although the 30% quota was not fulfilled, the members of Salatiga City DPRD increased from 2004-2009. The 2004-2009 period reached 5 women, in 2009-2014 there were 7 women, and in 2014-2019 were also 7 women, and it only reached 28%. 2) the problems were the lack of effort of political parties in performing, implementing, and fighting for activities and interests of women that made those activities were not working, and the powerful social construction in citizens, especially in women themselves. Based on these results, the researcher suggested that 1) The demand to increase the women representation must be balanced with efforts to assure that women who will be people’s representatives are really qualified in leading people, understanding women’s interests and willing to figh for them. 2) To the stakeholders or policies implementer, they must give more efforts in promoting gender education or political education through the empowerment of women to change people’s perceptions or mindsets, especially for women who think they cannot compete with men.

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