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Journal of Economic Education
ISSN : 23017341     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Education,
Journal of Economic Education publishes articles of original researchs and conceptual studies economics teaching and learning. This journal is published by Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang.
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Articles 396 Documents
The Influence of Family Environment, ICT Literacy, Infrastructure on Learning Outcomes of Online Learning with Learning Motivation as Intervening Variables in State Vocational High Schools in Jepara Regency
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68632


This study aims to examine the online learning outcomes of basic accounting subjects in State Vocational Schools throughout Jepara Regency which are influenced by family environment, ICT literacy, infrastructure with motivation as an intervening variable. The type of research used is quantitative research. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed using path analysis. The population in this study were all students majoring in accounting at State Vocational Schools throughout Jepara Regency which included SMK Negeri 3 Jepara, SMK Negeri 1 Batealit, SMK Negeri 1 Kedung, SMK Negeri 1 Bangsri. The total population in this study was 288 students, with a sample of 168 students. The results of this study indicate that this research model is good in measuring the research theme. (1)Family environment has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes of 0.303, (2) ICT literacy has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes of 0.187, (3) Infrastructure has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes of 0.433, (4) Learning motivation has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes. significant to the learning outcomes of 0.242. (5) Family environment has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes through learning motivation of 0.05544, (6) ICT literacy has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes through learning motivation of 0.110, (7) Infrastructure has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes through learning motivation of 0.011.
The Influence of Field Work Practices, Entrepreneurship Knowledge, and Family Environment on Entrepreneurial Interests Through Soft Skill
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68633


Interest in entrepreneurship will increase if it is supported by students' field work practices, entrepreneurial knowledge, family environment, and soft skills possessed by students. This study aims to determine the effect of field work practices, entrepreneurial knowledge, and family environment on the interest in entrepreneurship through the soft skills of students of SMK Negeri Kabupaten OKU Timur. The research population was all students of class XII Accounting at SMK Negeri Kabupaten OKU Timur as many as 297 students and the sample was taken using a proportional random sampling cluster technique, a sample of 161 respondents was obtained. Data collection techniques were carried out through questionnaires given to respondents directly through validity and reliability tests. The data analysis technique used linear regression with prerequisite test and path analysis. The results showed: (1) there was a positive and significant effect of field work practice on soft skills (28.09%), (2) there was a positive and significant influence on entrepreneurial knowledge on soft skills (4.12%), (3) there was an influence positive and significant family environment on soft skills (1.69%), (4) there is a positive and significant effect of field work practices on interest in entrepreneurship through soft skills (55.4%), (5) there is a positive and significant influence of entrepreneurial knowledge on interest in entrepreneurship through soft skills (22.1%), (6) there is a positive and significant influence of the family environment on interest in entrepreneurship through soft skills (8.6%), and (7) there is a positive and significant influence of soft skills on interest in entrepreneurship ( 43.03%). The conclusion of this study is that field work practices, entrepreneurship recruitment, and family environment affect students' interest in entrepreneurship through soft skills of students at SMK Negeri Kabupaten OKU Timur.
Analysis of Income Determinants of Start Up Coffee Shop Business in Semarang City During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68634


.The researcher decided to conduct research by focusing on the analysis of the determinants of business income in a coffee shop start-up business, namely a coffee shop that is new to startup or has just been established and or is 3 years old in the city of Semarang. This study uses a purposive sampling method with the research sampling technique is Start Up Coffee Shop as many as 70 respondents based on Roscoe theory. The independent variable is derived from each of the factors that affect operating income according to production theory, supply theory and digital economic theory namely the variables of venture capital ( X1 ) , length of business ( X2) , work experience ( X3 ), working hours ( X4 ) , labor ( X5 ) , and technology ( X6 ) . While the dependent variable is operating income ( Y ). The data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the variables of working capital ( X1 ) , labor ( X5 ), and technology ( X6 ) had a significant positive effect on operating income. While the variables for length of business ( X2 ) , work experience ( X3 ), working hours ( X 4 ) does not have a positive effect on the income of a coffee shop start-up in Semarang City. This is the result of research before the existence of covid 19. Meanwhile, when there was covid 19, the only variable that had a positive effect on operating income was the technology variable ( X 6 ).
The Determinants of Consumptive Behaviour of Social Studies Students in State Senior High School Salatiga
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68639


The development of technology is increasingly changing the order of people's lives in various activities in an effort to meet every need. The use of technology is expected to facilitate the activities of human life to be practical, effective and efficient. This situation encourages Social Studies Students in State Senior High School Salatiga to spend all their pocket money through online shopping applications and payments in excess and not based on need. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of using electronic money, performance expectancy, self concept, and economic literacy on consumptive behavior through lifestyle. Data collection used instruments in the form of questionnaires and tests. Data analysis was done by descriptive analysis of research variables, path analysis, and Sobel test. The population in this study was the social studies students of the State Senior High School of Salatiga, which amounted to 1,133 students with a sample of 296 students. The results of data analysis show, 1) there is no effect of using electronic money on lifestyle. 2) performance expectancy has a positive effect on lifestyle. 3) self concept has a positive effect on lifestyle. 4) economic literacy has a positive effect on lifestyle. 5) the use of electronic money has no effect on consumptive behavior through lifestyle. 6) performance expectancy effect on consumptive behavior through lifestyle. 7) self concept effect on consumptive behavior through lifestyle. 8) economic literacy effect on consumptive behavior through lifestyle. 9) lifestyle has a positive effect on consumptive behavior.
The Self-Efficacy Roles in Mediating Students’ Readiness to Become a Teacher
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68640


Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) contributes to the availability of teachers. However, alumni of UNNES who work as teachers have decreased over the last two years. This study aims to analyze digital literacy, communication, creativity, and perception of the teaching profession to readiness to become a teacher and explores the influence of digital literacy, communication, creativity, and the teacher profession perception on readiness to become a teacher through self-efficacy. This research method is a quantitative study with a population of 350 Economic Education students, at the Faculty of Economics, UNNES batch 2018. The sample is 187 students. The sampling technique used in this study was proportional random sampling. Then, the descriptive test, path analysis, and Sobel test were the tests for the study. The findings show that simultaneously the four variables affect readiness to become a teacher by 68.9%. Then, digital literacy and communication positively and significantly affect readiness to become a teacher. However, creativity has a negative and insignificant effect on readiness to become a teacher; and teacher profession perception has a negative and significant impact on readiness to become a teacher. Further, indirectly digital literacy, mediated by self-efficacy, has a negative and insignificant effect on readiness to become a teacher. Communication, creativity, and teacher profession perception indirectly impact significantly the readiness to become a teacher. The students should join a seminar on the noble duties of teachers and teacher training to understand the teaching profession better.
Determinant Analysis of Open Unemployment Rate in West Java Province
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68641


Unemployment is a condition where individuals belonging to the workforce want to get a job but have not yet found a job. One of the unemployment problems that needs to be solved immediately is Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka. Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka is the percentage of the number of unemployed to the total labor force. This study aims to determine the determinants of TPT in West Java Province. The data source used comes from BPS for the 2018-2021 period where the determinants of TPT include PDRB, IPM, population, TPAK, and LPP. Data analysis used panel data regression with the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) approach. The results showed that simultaneously PDRB, IPM, population, TPAK, and LPM had an effect on TPT. Partially, PDRB has a significant negative effect on TPT, IPM has a non-significant negative effect on TPT, population has a significant positive effect on TPT, TPAK has a non-significant negative effect on TPT, and LPP has a non-significant positive effect on TPT. The coefficient of determination (R2) shows the number 0.877 which means that the total variation in TPT in West Java Province in 2018-2021 can be explained by PDRB, IPM, population, TPAK, and LPM of 87.7%..
Development of Environment-Based Comic Learning Media for Junior High School Class VIII
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68642


Based on interviews that have been conducted by researchers with teachers and also the school. The results of field observations obtained data that so far the learning media used is still fixated with printed books in schools. The media used only uses learning media such as power points. This research used the Research and Development (R&D) method of the ADDIE model. The data source is obtained from primary data and secondary data. The subjects in this study were students of SMP Negeri 1 Seponti Jaya VIII IPS for the 2022/2023 academic year which consisted of two classes, namely class VIII. The data collection techniques used in this study used observation and questionnaire methods. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used in this study is qualitative analysis using walkthrough techniques. Based on the results of the research and discussion, the following conclusions were obtained: (1) This development research uses the concept of the ADDIE development model. Model development consists of five stages, namely: Analysis, Design (desing), Development (Development), Implementation (Implementation), Evaluation (evaluation), (2) Environmental-based digital comics are declared valid with validity according to validators of 85.3 with very valid categories, and (3) Environmental-based digital comics are declared effective according to the results of the N-Gain calculation which shows that the N-Gain score of 0.31 is included in the category of quite effective.
The Role of the Human Development Index in Moderating the Effect of Household Consumption Expenditure, Government, and General Population Consumption Expenditure on Economic Growth
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68643


Economic growth is used to assess economic performance, especially to analyze the results of economic development efforts undertaken by districts/cities of Central Java Province. This research examined the role of the human development index in moderating household consumption expenditure, government expenditure, and population on economic growth from the perspective of economic growth theory. This research design used a quantitative approach with panel data. The number of observations used in this study was 175 analysis units, consisting of time series data from 2017 to 2021 and cross-data from 35 districts/cities in Central Java Province. Data had obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Regional Finance and Asset Management Department. Data analysis used descriptive and inferential analysis with Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA) absolute differences test. The results showed that household consumption expenditure and government expenditure had a positive and significant effect, while the population did not affect economic growth. In addition, the human development index variables had used to moderate household consumption expenditure's impact on economic growth. However, the human development index has not been able to moderate the effect of government expenditure and the population on economic growth. This research had expected to enrich the treasury of science and the theory of classical economic growth on economic growth and as a basis for policy in the government world. In particular, the economic development of Central Java became a guide in increasing economic growth.
The Determination of Interest in Entrepreneurship for Students of the State Vocational School of Business and Management in Semarang City
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68644


This study aims to analyze the effect of entrepreneurial knowledge, family environment, and self-efficacy both directly and indirectly on interest in entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial motivation. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study is 608 students of the State Vocational School for business and management in Semarang City. The determination of the sample in this study uses the proportionate stratified random sampling method with a total of 138 students. The data collection technique uses questionnaires. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive, path analysis, and Sobel test. The results of this study conclude (1) the positive effect of entrepreneurial knowledge on entrepreneurial motivation is 36.4%. (2) the positive effect of the family environment on entrepreneurship motivation is 22.9%. (3) the positive effect of self-efficacy on entrepreneurial motivation is 35%. (4) the positive effect of entrepreneurship knowledge on the interest in entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial motivation is a total of 42.8%. (5) the positive effect of thse family environment on the interest in entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial motivation is a total of 6.95%. (6) the positive effect of self-efficacy on interest in entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial motivation is a total of 79.4%. (7) the positive effect of entrepreneurial motivation on the interest in entrepreneurship is 65.7%.
The Role of Job Satisfaction in Moderating the Influence of Intrinsic Motivation, Work Environment and Transformational Leadership on Teacher Performance
Journal of Economic Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v11i2.68645


Teacher performance is influenced by various factors, this study aims to analyze teacher performance which is mediated by job satisfaction at SMK Negeri Pekalongan Regency. The study population was teachers at SMK Negeri Pekalongan district, 398 teachers in total. The sample of the study was 160 teachers spread over four State Vocational Schools in Pekalongan district. Data was collected through a questionnaire, which has been tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed by requirements analysis test, descriptive statistics, path analysis and Sobel test. The results showed: (1) the influence of work motivation on job satisfaction was 5.02%. (2) the influence of the work environment on job satisfaction is 2.79 % (3) the influence of the principal's leadership on job satisfaction is 27.55% (4 ) the influence of work motivation on teacher performance in total is 48.48%,; (5) the influence of the work environment on teacher performance is a total of 15.50%; (6) the principal's leadership on teacher performance is a total of 19.0%, (6) the influence of educational leadership on teacher performance is a total of 27.55%, (7) the influence of job satisfaction on teacher performance is 25.30% while the influence is positive and significant. It is recommended that teachers able to create and improve more conducive work environment, the Principal in leading expected to empower teachers and maintain two-way communication; for related agencies expected to make policies that are related to improving teacher performance.