Ariwibowo, Daniel
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

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Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Hamba Tuhan Dalam Pertumbuhan Kerohanian Jemaat Gereja GPdI ‘Zion’ Krebet, Tembalang, Wlingi - Blitar Rumiyati Rumiyati; Kasiatin Widianto; Juanda Juanda; Lilis Setyarini; Daniel Ari Wibowo
Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kerusso Vol 3 No 2: Jurnal Teologi & Pelayanan KERUSSO - September 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (934.106 KB) | DOI: 10.33856/kerusso.v3i2.93


Ada alasan untuk pertumbuhan gereja di gereja karena kepemimpinan yang dilakukan oleh hamba atau pendeta Tuhan dalam pelayanan mereka dapat membawa pertumbuhan rohani yang baik untuk jemaat. Dan juga karakter yang mendukung dalam kehidupan hamba Tuhan atau pendeta bisa menjadi berkat bagi gereja yang dipimpinnya. Seorang pemimpin adalah orang yang pantas menjadi teladan bagi orang lain karena para pemimpin memiliki karakter yang baik dan merupakan berkat bagi para pemimpin yang dipimpinnya. Melalui penelitian tentang Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Pelayan Tuhan dalam Proyeksi Rohani Gereja Krebet 'Zion' GPdI, Tembalang, Wlingi - Blitar, penulis ingin mengetahui tingkat pengaruhnya.
Critical Study of Rita Wahyu’s Interpretation of Matthew 1:20 - Is Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit? Harman Ziduhu Laia; Ponco Mujiono Basuki; Daniel Ari Wibowo
Theological Journal Kerugma Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Theological Journal Kerugma April 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33856/kerugma.v6i1.271


An article titled “Yesus dan Roh Kudus” written by Rita Wahyu and published on the website “Sarapan Pagi Biblikal” became highly controversial in 2021, particularly regarding her interpretation of the text in Matthew 1:20. The article contains elements of Modalism, Modalistic Monarchianism, or Sabellianism, which teach about the Oneness of God, meaning that God has one nature and one person with three names: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Rita emphasizes her thesis on the preposition ἐκ in the text, which she believes should be interpreted as “of” in English, indicating that the child in Mary’s womb is the Holy Spirit. However, research on the preposition ἐκ in Matthew 1:20 using exegetical methods based on Biblical grammatical laws shows that Rita’s interpretation lacks a basis that can be sustained exegetically. Her interpretation of the preposition is eisegesis, not exegesis. From an exegetical standpoint, the preposition ἐκ in the text indicates the source or origin of the child; the cause or agent of Mary’s pregnancy; and/or the giver of the seed of the baby in Mary’s womb, namely the Holy Spirit.
Does Pancasila Support Religious Pluralism in Indonesia in Postmodern Era Philip Suciadi Chia; Frederich Oscar Lontoh; Surja Permana; Juanda Juanda; Daniel Ari Wibowo
Jurnal Didaskalia Vol 2 No 2: Journal Didaskalia - Oktober 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.205 KB) | DOI: 10.33856/didaskalia.v2i2.118


Since Indonesia is also one of the most diverse societies in the world such as there are over three hundred different ethnic groups in Indonesia, each with its own cultural identity, and more than two hundred and fifty distinct languages are spoken, then Pancasila is created as philosophic fundamentals of the state to supports the diversity in Indonesia. Pancasila (from a Sankrit word: panca: five and sila: principle) consists of five principles that are interrelated and inseparable to generate unity in diversity (bhinnekatunggalika). In this paper, I will argue that Pancasila promotesand facilitates religious diversity although religious culture in Indonesia does not promote religious pluralism.
The Influence Of The Leadership And Character Of A Pastor On The Spiritual Growth Of The Congregation At The GPdI Alfa Omega Church. Setya Hari Purnomo; Daniel Ari Wibowo
Jurnal Didaskalia Vol 4 No 2: Journal Didaskalia - Oktober 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.164 KB) | DOI: 10.33856/didaskalia.v4i2.215


Leadership is a task given by Jesus Christ to Christians through His Church. Leaders are needed by every human being to achieve happiness and prosperity in all fields. Thus the Church has an important role in improving leadership for the spiritual growth of God's congregation because through qualified leaders people can understand correctly how to actually follow God. With this quality leader, people can understand who and for what God created them. Seeing the existence of a congregation that always needs guidance in spiritual growth, and that requires someone who can accompany The congregation is a leader or shepherd who is often referred to as the Pastor of the congregation. And not many Christian ministers or often referred to as Congregational Pastors have these criteria. So that they cannot be an example in the lives of the people they lead. So there are criteria set out in the Bible to become a Christian leader with quality and character. A leader is someone who deserves to be a role model for others because the leader has good character and becomes a leader blessing for the church he leads.
The Relationship Between Professionalism of Christian Religious Education Teachers and Interest in Learning Christian Religious Education for Middle School Students in Donokerto Surabaya Apri Tarigan; Daniel Ari Wibowo
Jurnal Didaskalia Vol 5 No 1: Journal Didaskalia - April 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33856/didaskalia.v5i1.239


The objectives of this research are: The author wants to know Is there a relationship between the professionalism of Christian Religious Education teachers and students' interest in learning Religious Christian education. Professional Relations of Religious Education Teachers Christian (X) with an interest in learning Christian Religious Education of SMP Donokerto Surabaya students (Y) there is a relationship. From the results of the simple regression statistical test between the variables of Professionalism of Christian Religious Education Teachers (X) with Interest in Learning Christian Religious Education of Donokerto Junior High School students Surabaya, the results obtained the finding of ryx value, is 0.701 and is positive. This means, that the magnitude of the relationship between the Professionalism of Christian Religious Education Teachers with interest in learning Christian Religious Education students of Junior High School students Donokerto Surabaya is 70.1%, then the relationship between variables X and Y is included in the category of high relationship.
The Effect Of Competence On The Performance Of Middle And High School Teachers At Cita Hati Schools In Surabaya Yeremia Chrisbiyanto; Daniel Ari Wibowo; Agustinus Foat
Jurnal Didaskalia Vol 5 No 2: Journal Didaskalia - October 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33856/didaskalia.v5i2.257


This study aims to determine the effect of (1) pedagogical competence, (2) professional competence, (3) social competence, and (4) teacher personality competence simultaneously on the performance of Middle and High school Cita Hati Surabaya teachers. The type of research used is quantitative research. The research subjects were all teachers of Middle and High school Cita Hati Surabaya with a total of 120 teachers, and the object of this research was teacher competence and teacher performance. Data were collected using a questionnaire, and analyzed by 'ryx' test, F test, and linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was a relationship between the competency variable (X) and the performance variable for junior-senior high school teachers at Cita Hati Surabaya School (Y) with a ryx value of 0.701 and a positive value. There is a significant relationship between the competency variable (X) in shaping the teacher performance variable for Middle and High school at Cita Hati Surabaya School (Y) with an F value of 72,343 with a value of = 0.00 which is significant at < 0.05. The equation of the linear regression line is = 18.534 + 0.742 X. This means that for every improvement in competence once, the performance of Middle and High school teachers at Cita Hati Schools in Surabaya is 0.742 times.
Pemahaman Orang Yang Berbahagia Daniel Ari Wibowo
Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kerusso Vol 1 No 2: Jurnal Teologi & Pelayanan KERUSSO - September 2016
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.404 KB) | DOI: 10.33856/kerusso.v1i2.83


There are many definitions for understanding the meaning of happiness. Every way is done by people to be able to get happiness in their lives. Many think that happiness is based solely on material problems. Is that right? Given that many are wallowing in wealth, but their lives are not happy. Then through Psalm 119: 1-3 this will be explained the meaning of happiness expected by God to happen to humans. Various problems may exist, but if you still hope and rely on God, then someone will be able to enjoy happiness in his life.
Bertahan Sampai Kesudahan Akan Diselamatkan Agustinus Faot; Jonathan Octavianus; Juanda Juanda; Daniel Ari Wibowo
Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kerusso Vol 4 No 1: Jurnal Teologi & Pelayanan KERUSSO - Maret 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (658.252 KB) | DOI: 10.33856/kerusso.v4i1.102


The case that is quite serious in theology is the doctrine of salvation, there is also a text which may confuse readers of the Bible if it does not have the ability to expose the Bible, Matthew 24:13, which can reveal that those who endure to the end are saved that, defense is an effort in every human being to strengthen himself or confirm life against all the problems he faces. It is important to note also that survival also does not always explain an active action to boast of itself, but surviving can be understood as a definite action subjected to actions by other people, other events. Then last into a passive position where people are required to be ready to bear claim, action or punishment; related to the concept of human salvation that God works fully. But there is a time when humans are obliged to survive. An idea more suitable to understand the text of Matthew 24:13, requires accurate observation of the Gospel of Matthew to understand actely the entire discussion from Matthew 24:13, must read and understand this paper from beginning to end. Because the questions relating to blessed salvation and those who survive in Matthew 24:13, are discussed in this scientific work.
Profil Hamba Tuhan Sejati & Hubungannya Dengan Efektivitas Para Pelayan Tuhan di GSJPDI ‘Adityawarman’ Surabaya Widi Prasetyo; Daniel Ari Wibowo
Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kerusso Vol 5 No 1: Jurnal Teologi & Pelayanan KERUSSO - Maret 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (644.998 KB) | DOI: 10.33856/kerusso.v5i1.124


The organization is a complex unit that seeks to allocate resources fully for the achievement of objectives. Both the resources relating to facilities and infrastructure as well as human resources. If an organization is able to achieve its stated goals, it can be said that the organization is effective. One of the goals of the organization is to achieve employee effectiveness and efficiency. Every organization needs to pay attention to the issue of work effectiveness where work effectiveness is the ability of employees to carry out work to bring the results that have been determined previously. For the Director, effectiveness is the key to organizational success. Effectiveness is not just doing the job right but how to focus resources and efforts for it. Efficiency is the use of minimum resources to achieve optimum results. Efficiency assumes that the correct goals have been determined and tries to find the best ways to achieve these goals. Efficiency can only be evaluated by relative judgments, comparing input and output received. An organization, both government and private organizations formed to achieve goals, needs factors that can be in the form of human resources, materials and tools to support activities. Of these three factors, human factors are the most dominant factors. In the effort to achieve organizational goals, humans are very important factors. Because humans are the main actors of the organization, it needs special attention compared to others. As the most important factor, people with the ability to carry out their duties will influence the success or failure of the organization in achieving its objectives. Abstrak Indonesia Setiap organisasi perlu memperhatikan masalah efektivitas kerja di mana efektifitas kerja merupakan kemampuan dari para karyawan dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan untuk mendatangkan hasil yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Bagi Direktur, efektifitas adalah kuncikeberhasilan organisasi. Efektifitas tidak hanya melakukan pekerjaan dengan benar tetapi bagaimana melakukan memusatkan sumber daya dan upaya untuk itu. Efisiensi adalah penggunaan sumber daya secara minimum guna pencapaian hasil yang optimum. Efesiensi menganggap bahwa tujuan-tujuan yang benar telah ditentukan dan berusaha untuk mencari cara-cara yang paling baik untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan tersebut. Efisiensi hanya dapat dievaluasi dengan penilaian-penilaian relatif, membandingkan antara masukan dan keluaran yang diterima. Suatu organisasi baik organisasi pemerintah maupun swasta yang dibentukuntuk mencapai tujuan, perlu faktor-faktor yang dapat berupa sumber daya manusia, material dan alat-alat penunjang kegiatan. Dari ketiga faktor tersebut, faktor manusia merupakan faktor yang paling dominan.Dalam usaha mencapai tujuan organisasi, manusia merupakan faktor yang sangat penting. Karena manusia menjadi pelaku utama organisasi maka perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dibanding yang lainnya. Sebagai faktor yangpaling penting, manusia dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki dalam menjalankantugasnya akan mempengaruhi berhasil tidaknya organisasi dalam mencapai tujuan.
Dilematika Teologis Karakter Allah Dan Kehendak Bebas Firaun Dalam Keluaran 9:12 Harman Ziduhu Laia; Widi Prasetyo; Daniel Ari Wibowo
Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kerusso Vol 7 No 1: Jurnal Teologi & Pelayanan KERUSSO - Maret 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1012.447 KB) | DOI: 10.33856/kerusso.v7i1.226


The texts concerning God’s hardening of Pharaoh's heart (in Ex. 9:12, and related texts) have introduced a very complex question and tension within the Christian community, namely the very difficult theological dilemma concerning the character of God and Pharaoh's free will as a human being. On the one hand, some people have fallen into interpretations that exalt the sovereignty of God and ignore the free will of man, while on the other hand some exalt the free will of man but ignore the sovereignty of God. The most appalling consequence is that some people leave Christ and Christianity because of this unresolved text issue. However, an in-depth exegetical study of the issue proves both God's sovereignty over Pharaoh and his responsibility for his own free will. Abstrak Indonesia Teks tentang Allah mengeraskan hati Firaun (Kel. 9:12, dan sebagianya) telah membawa persoalan yang sangat kompleks dalam kekristenan, di mana di dalamnya terdapat dilematika teologis yang sangat sulit antara karakter Alllah dan kehendak bebas Firaun sebagai manusia. Di satu sisi, beberapa orang telah jatuh pada tafsiran yang meninggikan kedaulatan Allah dan mengabaikan kehendak bebas manusia, sedangkan di sisi lain sebagian meninggikan kehendak bebas manusia namun mengabaikan kedaulatan Allah. Bahkan hal yang paling mengerikan adalah beberapa orang meninggalkan kekristenan akibat persoalan teks ini. Studi eksegesis yang mendalam, sebaliknya menunjukkan bahwa persoalan itu membuktikan kedaulatan Allah atas Firaun dan tanggung jawabnya atas pilihan kehendak bebasnya sendiri.