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Membangun Sebuah Pengajaran Filosofi Personal : Konsep dari Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Dasar Alfurqan Alfurqan; Zulvia Trinova; M Tamrin; Annisaul Khairat
Tarbiyah al-Awlad Vol 10, No 2 (2020): Vol 10, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/alawlad.v10i2.2579


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat filosofi pengembangan pendidikan dasar. Dimana para guru harus mempertimbangkan serangkaian masalah yang muncul ketika merencanakan pendidikan dasar anak. Dengan cara apa konsep, prinsip, dan perspektif perkembangan tercermin dalam ruang kelas dasar, Apa itu pendidikan, mengapa filosofi pendidikan penting, mengapa kemitraan keluarga-sekolah-komunitas penting. Guru yang memahami perkembangan anak lebih mampu membangun lingkungan belajar yang efektif dan berkomunikasi dengan profesional anak dari berbagai bidang. Mengembangkan filosofi personal pendidikan dasar yang menghubungkan perkembangan anak-anak dengan praktik pendidikan sangat penting dalam menerapkan informasi baru tentang pembelajaran dan perkembangan masa kanak-kanak, menjelaskan pentingnya perilaku anak-anak kepada orang lain, dan membenarkan praktik pengajaran pribadi. Sebagai seorang guru, akan dituntut menjelaskan bagaimana pelaksanaan pembelajaran kelasnya. Sulit untuk menjelaskannya tanpa memahami filosofi pendidikan dasar yang mencerminkan konsep, prinsip, dan perspektif perkembangan dan pendidikan. Filosofi pendidikan tidak hanya akan memandu interaksi dengan peserta didik, tetapi juga akan membantu untuk lebih memahami dan membenarkan perbedaan antara praktik mengajar dilakukan dan praktik yang dilakukan guru.
Ta'dib Vol 22, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (801.152 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v22i1.1446


The objectives of this study to develop a model of religious extracurricular activities and produce a model book of the religious extracurricular activities based on a practical scientific approach. The research method used was a Research and Development (R and D) with the Borg and Gall model. The data collection tool was observation sheet. Then the data were analyzed quantitatively by using Aiken V index calculation, if the index is 0.0 <V ≤ 0.200 it is said that the validity is very low, if 0.200 <V ≤ 0.400 is said to be low, 0.400 <V 600 0.600 is said to be practical, 0.600 <V 800 0.800 is practical, 0800 < V ≤ 1.00 can be said to be very practical. The results of the practicality test of the religious extracurricular activity model based on the scientific approach obtained an average of 0.85 in the very practical category after field trials were carried out, so that the model of religious extracurricular activities was feasible to use.
Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Forward And Backward Chaining untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa Zul Harfi; Nur Azizah; Annisaul Khairat
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 8 No 4 (2022): Ideas: Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (November)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v8i4.1014


Only one teaching material is held by the teacher, namely the Al-Qur'an Hadith package book, even though the teacher has a laptop and a school projector as a tool for developing learning media and teaching materials. However, teachers rarely develop the teaching materials they use. This study aims to determine the validity and practicality of e-modules based on Forward and Backward Chaining. The method used is R&D using the ADDIE model. 20 students of class XI IPA are the subject of this research. Questionnaires, practicality sheets, validity sheets, interview guides are the instruments that researchers use in collecting data. E-Modules based on Forward and Backward Chaining that have been developed are then carried out practicality tests and validity tests. Analysis of student needs 90.1% with very high category. The validation result of 89% is categorized as very valid, the practicality result of 88% is stated in the very practical and usable category.
Jurnal Kiprah Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Kiprah Pendidikan | Oktober 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendididikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33578/kpd.v1i4.123


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran Magic Disc menggunakan Adobe Animate CC 21agar dapat mening katkan pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi pembelajaran yaitu hukum bacaan mad ‘Iwad, mad layyin, dan mad ‘Aridh lissukun dan menghasilkan media pembelajaran Magic Disc yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pedoman wawancara, instrument validitas, dan instrument praktikalitas. Teknik analisis data terdiri atas dua cara yaitu teknik analisis data kualitatif dan teknik analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Magic Disc menggunakan Adobe Animate CC 21 memiliki nilai validitas sebesar nilai 3.59 dengan kategori sangat valid dari segi relevansi, keakuratan, kelengkapan sajian, konsep dasar materi dan kesesuaian sajian dengan tuntutan pembelajaran yang terpusat pada peserta didik. Hasil praktikalitas media pembelajaran Magic Disc menggunakan Adobe Animate CC 21 sangat praktis dengan nilai sebesar 3.58 oleh guru dan sangat praktis oleh peserta didik dengan nilai 3.39 dari segi kemudahan penggunaan, efesiensi waktu pembelajaran dan manfaat.
Evaluation of the Bundo Kanduang Institute in Nagari Balai Panjang, Lareh Sago Halaban District Annisaul Khairat; Iskandar Fuaddin
AGENDA: Jurnal Analisis Gender dan Agama Vol 4, No 2 (2022): AGENDA: Jurnal Analisis Gender dan Agama
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.822 KB)


Minangkabau customary institutions have strong sociological and psychological ties with the surrounding environment. Women are the driving force behind the Bundo Kanduang institution, which deals with issues concerning women, children and the household. But usually the problem that arises is the authority of women to carry out activities outside the home. The aim of this research is to strengthen the Bundo Kanduang institution in the nagari and promote development. In the context of implementing bundo kanduang activities in Nagari Balai Panjang, Lareh Sago, Halaban Regency, this study aims to determine (1) community participation and needs for bundo kanduang institutions (2) motivation, participant characteristics, and resources, funds, facilities, and infrastructure . The data collection in this study, using a descriptive methodology with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques that is used were observation, interviews, documentation, and written sources. The findings of this study indicate that (1) the community supports the existence of the bundo kanduang institution; (2) the motivation and enthusiasm of the participants is relatively strong, and the implementation of the activities causes changes in the attitudes of the participants, including their technical and social skills.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis E-Book pada Mata Kuliah Manajemen Strategi Vicky Rizki Febrian; Annisaul Khairat; Muhammad Fazis; Husnani Husnani
MANAZHIM Vol 5 No 1 (2023): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Manajemen Pendidikan Islam STIT Palapa Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36088/manazhim.v5i1.2959


The research aims to determine the feasibility or validity of teaching materials in the form of teaching materials in the form of E-Books as a medium for student learning in strategic management courses and to determine the practicality of teaching materials developed by researchers. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) or research and development using the 4D development model consisting of define, design, develop, disseminate. The results of research and development of teaching materials in the form of E-Books are based on the assessment of material experts, media experts and linguists, namely the score obtained on the material expert aspect based on validator 1 is 87.50% and validator 2 is 85%, on the media expert aspect based on the Validator 1 is 90% and validator 2 is 80% and on the linguist aspect based on validator 1 is 85% and validator 2 is 80%. Then for the practicality of teaching materials in the form of E-Books get a score of 84.6%. From the results of this study it can be concluded that this research produces teaching materials in the form of e-books that are valid and practical. The results of the material validation reached the "Very High" category, the media expert validation achieved the "Very High" category, and the language validation achieved the "Very High" category. The practicality category is included in the "Very Practical" category. So it can be concluded that the resulting product is said to be valid and practical.
Validitas Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Autoplay dalam Mata Pelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti untuk Sekolah Dasar Firza Erisa; Sirajul Munir; Lita Sari Muchlis; Annisaul Khairat
FONDATIA Vol 7 No 1 (2023): MARET
Publisher : Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah STIT Palapa Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36088/fondatia.v7i1.3066


Based on the characteristics of elementary school students who are in line with Pieget's theory of development, children aged 7-11 years are in the concrete operational phase. Grade II students at SDN 04 Balimbing have visual and kinesthetic learning styles. So it requires learning media that is concrete and aligned with the characteristics of students, especially in PAI subjects and Taharah material. The aims of this study were (1) to develop autoplay-based interactive learning media for PAI subjects and Class II SD Taharah subject matter and (2) to determine the validity of autoplay-based interactive learning media. The research method used is research and development using the ADDIE development model. Stages of research using the ADDIE model. The results showed that autoplay-based interactive learning media for PAI subjects and morals in thaharah material were stated to be very valid with an average of 0.847. Validation was carried out by expert lecturers and Islamic education and ethics subject teachers. Based on these results, interactive learning media based on autoplay can be used in learning.
JISPE Journal of Islamic Primary Education Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): JISPE Journal of Islamic Primary Education
Publisher : Institut Daarul Qur'an Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.999 KB) | DOI: 10.51875/jispe.v3i2.72


The aim of this research is to produce a book on a valid model of PAI learning planning and manners based on a humanistic approach. Research and development is the research methodology used (research and development). The ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) was used in this development research. The validation sheet serves as a data collection instrument. The learning planning model based on Islamic and humanistic religious education for elementary schools was tested using a validation sheet. Aiken V's analytical methodology was used in the data analysis along with the qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The results showed that the validity of the learning planning model book for Islamic Religious Education and manners obtained an average of 0.79 with a valid category. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the book on the learning planning model for Islamic religious education and character based on the humanistic approach developed can be declared valid
Pelaksanaan Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di MTsN 1 Tanah Datar Hidayatul Fitri; Suswati Hendriani; Sirajul Munir; Annisaul Khairat
ISLAMIKA Vol 5 No 2 (2023): APRIL
Publisher : Pendidikan Agama Islam STIT Palapa Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36088/islamika.v5i2.3016


The aims of this study were 1) to find out the planning of learning English with an innovative learning model based on a pendekatan saintifikat MTsN 1 Tanah Datar, 2) to find out the implementation of learning language with an innovative learning model based on a pendekatan saintifikat MTsN 1 Tanah Datar. This type of research is case study research with a qualitative approach. The research location is at MTsN 1 Tanah Datar. The research informants were 3 English teachers at MTsN 1 Tanah Datar. The research instruments were interview guides, observation sheets and documentary evidence. The data collection technique used is through in-depth interviews, participatory observation and documentation studies. The data analysis technique is by means of data triangulation. The results of the study include showing that 1) lesson planning is carried out by the English teacher in coordination with teachers of the same family, homeroom teachers, other subject teachers, representatives of the curriculum sector, representatives of the infrastructure sector and other related parties; 2) In the implementation stage, the English teachers at MTsN 1 Tanah Datar are in accordance with the learning implementation indicators.
Pengembangan E-Modul Fikih Berbasis Integratif Menggunakan Flip PDF Corporation untuk Siswa MTs Ria Nofia; Fadriati Fadriati; Nurlaila Nurlaila; Annisaul Khairat
ISLAMIKA Vol 5 No 2 (2023): APRIL
Publisher : Pendidikan Agama Islam STIT Palapa Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36088/islamika.v5i2.3194


The lesson material in Class VIII Fiqh subject at MTsN 5 Tanah Datar does not vary and is less attractive to students so based on a needs analysis an integrative-based e-module is needed using Flip Pdf Corporation. This study aims to determine the results of the validity and results of the practice of integrative-based e-modules on the subject matter of halal and haram food and beverages in Islamic Jurisprudence subjects at MTsN 5 Tanah Datar. The research method used is research and development (research and development) of the 4D model through four stages of define, design, develop and disseminate. The research that the researchers did was only the 3 D stage, namely define, design, develop. The test subjects in this study were 26 class VIII students. The instruments for collecting data in this study were validity sheets and practicality sheets. Quantitative data analysis techniques in this study used Aiken V with a minimum validity and practicality score of 71. Qualitative data analysis techniques used quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that the results of validating the development of an integrative Jurisprudence module on halal and haram food materials using the Flip Pdf Corporation application for Madrasah Tsanawiyah is 83% with a very valid category. While the practicality result is 88% in the very practical and usable category.