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Ajaran Tarekat Qadiriyyah Dan Naqsabandiyyah Dalam Naskah "Tarekat" Koleksi Museum Geusan Ulun Sumedang Hayunira, Sasadara; Supriatna, Agus
Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Vol 18 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Vol. 18 No. 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage, Agency for Research and Development and Training, Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (675.146 KB) | DOI: 10.31291/jlka.v18i1.612


This aims to reveal the contents of the ancient manuscripts, namely the ancient manuscript entitled "Tarekat" which is a collection of the Geusan Ulun Sumedang Museum, West Java. Philological approach was used as the method. The results obtained from the results of the edition as many as 82 pages, there are 128 words can't be read due to physical damage to the text and reading difficulties. There are copy errors on the text in the form of mechanical errors of 3 in the form of 2 repetitions of words, and 1 omission in the form of missing words. The contents of the text of the manuscript contain the teachings of the Qadiriyyah and Naqsabandiyyah orders. The teachings of the orders in this manuscript begin through the introduction of la??if, namely the collection of lat?fah (subtle parts of humans), then the introduction of various kinds of mur?qabah (behavior to draw closer to Allah), and then the procedure for performing both orders follows the reading of prayer 'wirid and the prize. This research provides important information that can add to the knowledge of previous researches about the tariqa in the Nusantara that is unique with the practice of incorporating the teachings of the tariqa in the Nusantara community. The founder figure of the merger between Qadiriyyah and Naqsabandiyyah orders is Sheikh Ahmad Khatib Sambas (1803 AD).Keywords: Teachings of the Qadiriyyah and Naqsabandiyyah Tariqa, Nusantara Ancient Manuscripts Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap isi naskah kuno berjudul “Tarekat”, yang merupakan koleksi Museum Geusan Ulun Sumedang, Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian filologi, yakni metode yang digunakan untuk mengedisi teks naskah kuno. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa naskah ini terdiri dari 82 halaman, dan terdapat 128 kata yang tidak dapat dibaca yang disebabkan oleh kerusakan fisik naskah dan menyebabkan kesulitan pembacaan. Terdapat tiga kesalahan penyalinan pada naskah berupa kesalahan mekanis mencakup dua ditografi, yakni kesalahan tulis berupa pengulangan kata, dan satu omisi yang berupa ketinggalan penulisan kata. Naskah ini berisi mengenai ajaran tarekat Qadiriyyah dan Naqsabandiyyah. Ajaran tarekat pada naskah ini dimulai dengan pengenalan la??if, yakni kumpulan lat?fah (bagian halus dari manusia), kemudian pengenalan mengenai macam-macam mur?qabah (perilaku untuk mendekatkan kepada Allah swt), dan setelah itu dijelaskan mengenai tatacara untuk melakoni kedua tarekat tersebut berikut bacaan do’a, wirid, dan hadiahnya. Penelitian ini memberikan informasi penting yang dapat menambahkan pengetahuan atas penelitian-penelitian terdahulu mengenai tarekat di Nusantara yang memiliki keunikan dengan adanya praktek penggabungan ajaran tarekat di masyarakat Nusantara. Pendiri penggabungan tarekat Qadiriyyah dan Naqsabandiyyah adalah Syeikh Ahmad Khatib Sambas (1803 M).Kata kunci: Ajaran Tarekat Qadiriyyah dan Naqsabandiyyah, Naskah Kuno Nusantara. 
Resepsi Naskah Masa'il As-Samarqandi Karya Syeikh Abu Laits As-Samarqandi Supriatna, Agus; Marhadi, Akhmad; Hayunira, Sasadara; Rasiah, Rasiah
Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Vol 21 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Vol. 21 No. 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage, Agency for Research and Development and Training, Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31291/jlka.v21i1.996


Information on the acceptance of the text manuscript is essential as a reference for Islamic teaching materials in Nusantara. This article aims to explain the reception of the ancient manuscript entitled "Masa'il As-Samarqandi" written by Sheikh Abu Laits As-Samarqandi. The study em­ployed philology research and descriptive analytic method with a literary reception theory approach. This ancient manuscript of Masa'il As-Samarqandi (MS) contains questions related to Islamic Aqidah. The study found that Masa'il As-Samarqandi manuscript is an explanatory text about the Islamic Aqidah. The text reception of MS is Qathrul Ghaits (Syarah Masa’il As-Samarqandi ) written by Syeikh Imam Nawawi Al-Bantani). Qathrul Ghaits makes commentary on the MS and adds the explanation from Qur’an and Hadist. The commentary contains the meaning of faith, the branches of faith, faith in Allah swt, faith in Angels, faith in the Prophets, faith in Allah's books, faith in the Last Day, and also discusses the explanation of the consequences of that faith, as well as its reflection on worship. This study indicates that Sheikh Imam Nawawi tried to explain each description of the text based on the reference source referred to. Keywords: Reception of text, manuscript, Masa’il As-Samarqandi, Imam Nawawi   ABSTRAK Informasi penerimaan teks suatu naskah penting diketahui, termasuk naskah kuno Masa’il As-Samarqandi ini yang merupakan naskah yang banyak digunakan sebagai rujukan materi ajaran aqidah Islam di Nusantara.  Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai resepsi teks naskah kuno yang berjudul "Masa'il As-Samarqandi" karya Syeikh Abu Laits As-Samarqandi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian filologi dan metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan teori resepsi sastra. Naskah kuno Masa'il As-Samarqandi ini berisi mengenai pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan Aqidah Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa teks Masa'il As-Samarqandi (selanjutnya disingkat MS) merupakan teks penjelasan mengenai Aqidah Islam, salah satu kitab hasil pembacaan MS adalah Kitab Qathrul Ghaits (Syarah Masa’il As-Samarqandi Karya Syeikh Imam Nawawi Al-Bantani). Kitab syarah ini menjelaskan setiap bagian isi teks MS disertai dalilnya dari Al-Qur’an dan Al-Hadist. Awal penjelasannya berisi mengenai pengertian iman, penjelasan-khusus iman, iman kepada Allah swt, iman kepada Malaikat, iman kepada para nabi, iman kepada kitab-kitab Allah, iman kepada hari Akhir, dan dibahas pula tentang penjelasan konsekuensi keimanan tersebut, juga refleksinya terhadap ibadah. Dilihat dari sisi pembacaan terhadap teks Masa’il As-Samarqandi, Syeikh Imam Nawawi berusaha menjelaskan setiap uraian teks berdasarkan sumber referensi yang dirujuk.  Kata kunci : Resepsi Teks, Naskah Kuno, Masa’il As-Samarqandi, Imam Nawawi
International Journal Management and Economic Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): May: International Journal Management and Economic
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Muda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56127/ijme.v3i2.1287


This research aims to determine the influence of Institutional Ownership and Profitability on Company Value at PT Bisi Internasional Tbk, both partially and simultaneously. The types of research used are quantitative and descriptive research. Data collection techniques were taken from the official website of PT Bisi Internasional Tbk during the 2011-2021 period. The data analysis method used in this research is multiple linear regression with SPSS 25.00. The results of hypothesis testing show that institutional ownership has a significant effect on company value, and profitability has a significant effect on company value. The results of simultaneous hypothesis testing show that Institutional Ownership and Profitability significantly affect Company Value, with a determination value of 71.3%. In comparison, the remaining 28.7% is influenced by other variables not examined in this research.
Journal of Research and Publication Innovation Vol 2 No 4 (2024): OCTOBER
Publisher : Journal of Research and Publication Innovation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to determine whether there is a significant effect between Current Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio on Return on Equity at PT.Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. The method used in this study is a quantitative method by taking data from the financial statements of PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk for the period 2013-2022. Data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination. The results of this research partially show that the Current Ratio variable has a significant effect on Return on Equity, and the Debt to Equity Ratio variable has a significant effect on Return on Equity. Simultaneously the Current Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio on Return on Equity have an influence, Where Fcount is 11,956 while Ftable is 4.46 and significance is 0.006 <0.05. Based on the Coefficient of Determination Test, the results show 0.774 or a percentage of 77.4%. This shows that the influence of the Current Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio on Return on Equity is 77.4%, which means that the influence of these two ratios is quite large and around 22.6% is influenced by other variables not examined in this research.  
PENGARUH OLAH TUBUH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS GERAK Fazriah, Siti Sarah; Nugraheni, Trianti; Supriatna, Agus
Ringkang : Kajian Seni Tari dan Pendidikan Seni Tari Vol 3, No 03 (2023): Desember, 2023
Publisher : Departemen Pendidikan Seni Tari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ringkang.v3i03.48560


Penelitian ini berlatar belakang dari kurangnya kualitas gerak siswa dalam menari dalam aspek kelenturan, kekuatan, kecepatan, koordinasi dan keseimbangan yang digabungkan dengan estetika tari Sunda yaitu wanda, bisa, wiraga, greget dan alus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Proses pembelajaran Tari Jipeng pada ekstrakurikuler tari di SMPN 1 Surade sebelum diberikannya olah tubuh, 2) Bagaimana proses pembelajaran olah tubuh pada ekstrakurikuler tari di SMPN 1 Surade guna meningkatkan kualitas gerak melalui pembelajaran Tari Jipeng, 3) Bagaimana hasil proses pembelajaran olah tubuh pada ekstrakurikuler tari di SMPN 1 Surade yang diterapkan pada pembelajaran Tari Jipeng. Tari Jipeng ini berasal dari Sukabumi, dan direvitalisasikan dengan salah satu tujuannya yaitu menghidupkan kembali dan mengenalkan kembali kesenian yang sudah redup. Penerapan olah tubuh di ekstrakurikuler tari dapat meningkatkan kualitas gerak peserta didiksaat menari.Kuantitatif dalam metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, dan metode yang dipakai ialah Pre-Experimental Designs. Sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan oalah observasi dan test, dan pengumpulan datanya yaitu tes, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan analisisdengan pola  dan desain One group pretest and postest. Pre-test  danpost-test merupakan dua tahapyang terdapat pada desain penelitian ini, pre-tesst ialah tahap sebelum diberikannya treatmen olah tubuh sedangkan post-test yaitu tahap setelah diberikannya treatment olah tubuh.Penelitian ini membuahkan hasil  bahwapre-test lebih rendah dari post-test.Peneliti mendapatkan nilai  thitung ttabel yaitu 50 2,093, maka, Ha diterima. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran tari di ekstrakurikuler SMPN 1 Surade ketika menggunakan pembelajaran olah tubuh terdapat perubahan yang meningkatkan kualitas gerak peserta didik dalam menari.
The Education and Training Program Guideline for Special Guidance Teacher Competence Development in Indonesian Inclusive School Ediyanto, Ediyanto; Mulyadi, Agus; Supriatna, Agus; Kawai, Norimune
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (657.418 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ijds.2018.5.2.15


The provision of inclusive schools in Indonesia requires the fulfillment of several aspects of Inclusive Education. The fulfillment of these needs includes curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, teachers, and learning in accordance with the principles of Inclusive Education. Teachers in inclusive classes must have the competence to teach students with special needs. In addition, inclusive classes also require Special Guidance Teachers as an instructional design or as a team teaching. However, the training program for Special Guidance Teachers has not been developed in a general, comprehensive, and integrated manner. So that in this article an education and training program was developed for the teacher competence development guidelines in Indonesian inclusive school. If every school requires at least one Special Guidance Teacher, then at the elementary formal education level, junior high, high school and equivalent schools, the total number of Special Guidance Teachers is 259,244 teachers. While for the kindergarten level the number of teachers is 85,499 teachers. Competency Standards for Special Guidance Teachers refer to Minister of National Education Regulation No. 16 of 2007 - Academic Qualification Standards and Competencies of Teachers and Minister of National Education Number 32 of 2008 - Academic Qualification Standards and Competencies of Special Education Teachers. In general, there are four competencies that must be mastered by Special Guidance Teachers, namely Personality, Social, Pedagogic, and Professional Standards. The title of this program is “The Education and Training Program Guideline for Special Guidance Teacher Competence Development. This prorgam divided into three main subjects, namely general training subjects, basic training subjects, and supporting training subjects with the number 47 subject and 450 hours. This program has not been validated and field tested yet. In the next research step it is necessary to validate it by experts and to do field test to determine the level of validity and effectiveness of the program.
The Implementation of Multisensory Technique for Children with Dyslexia Supriatna, Agus; Ediyanto, Ediyanto
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.147 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ijds.2021.008.01.17


Children with learning disabilities are a children's physiological or biological condition in which the competence or achievement is not according to predetermined standard criteria—learning disabilities in the form of errors in reading called dyslexia. Children with specific learning difficulties dyslexia experience difficulties in academic aspects; therefore, it is necessary to carry out an academic assessment and material for tutors to improve dyslexia reading skills. The multisensory technique is alternatives that used as reference material for tutors to improve dyslexia reading skills. Multisensory Techniques that can be used include 1) Reading and Spelling Training; 2) Visual Technique; 3) Auditory Technique, and 4) Tactile Technique. The reading and spelling focus on maintaining relationships between sounds and symbols starts with a single letter and continues with consonant combinations, vowel continuation, and complex letter groupings. The Visual Technique can start by using a picture card with the word written on the bottom (flashcard). Auditory technique for children who have difficulty with sound problems, teach a pair of short words and ask the child to say which word is correct. In addition, children with dyslexia will have the best learning by touch, so it is essential to incorporate this learning style into the instruction as a tactile technique.
Strategi Pengembangan Perhutanan Sosial Untuk Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan Supriatna, Agus; Kurniawan Subagja, Iwan; Hakim, Azis; Ermanto, Conrita; Ali, Akbar
Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 6 (2024): Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/cerdika.v4i6.817


Isu kehutanan merupakan salah satu topik utama di era kepemimpinan presiden Joko Widodo. Target RPJMN tahun 2015-2019 dan masih berlanjut pada RPJMN Tahun 2020-2024 merupakan bukti konkrit komitmen kebijakan dalam Pemberian Akses Kelola Kawasan Hutan oleh masyarakat seluas 12,7 juta ha melalui skema perhutanan sosial. Program ini dipercaya mampu mendistirbusikan manfaat secara berkeadilan bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di dalam dan di sekitar kawasan hutan, yang pada akhirnya berimplikasi pada kontribusi terhadap kelestarian hutan. Capaian pendistribusian akses Kelola perhutanan sosial s.d bulan Mei 2024 seluas 6,6 Juta ha yang meliputi 1.314.275 penerima SK dan sebanyak 13.719 Kelompok usaha perhutanan sosial (KUPS)
Efektivitas Pillow Book dalam Promosi Kesehatan Gigi Anak Sekolah Dasar widyastuti, nugraheni; Hasfat, Hamsar; Supriatna, Agus
Media Kesehatan Gigi : Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar Vol 21 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar

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ABSTRAK Karies gigi paling banyak ditemukan pada anak usia sekolah. Pengetahuan anak yang kurang merupakan salah satu diantara faktor penyebab kerusakan gigi. Efek dari ini mengakibatkan kesadaran anak dalam menjaga kesehatan gigi menjadi kurang. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kesehatan gigi yaitu dengan upaya promotive dengan promosi kesehatan melalui penyuluhan kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Pendidikan kesehatan gigi memerlukan media yang tepat. Diperlukan suatu inovasi untuk pengguanaan media yang terkini dan tepat untuk anak yaitu menggunakan inovasi media pillow book. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk menguji media pillow book dalam meningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap kesehatan gigi anak sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian digunakan yaitu quasi eksperimental dengan pre test and post test nonequivalent control group design. Tahapan penelitian yaitu pengukuran tingkat pengetahuan dan tindakan anak sebelum maupun sesudah penyuluhan menggunakan media pillow book pada kelompok intervensi sedangkan kelompok kontrol dengan flipchart. Uji data normalitas dengan shapiro wilk, dilanjutkan dengan wilcoxon test dan mann-whitney test. Hasil uji efektivitas data berpasangan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap anak menunjukkan bahwa nilai p-value kelompok intervensi adalah 0,000 (p <0,05) artinya pillow book efektif. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol adalah 0,180 (p >0,05) artinya media flipchart tidak efektif. Kesimpulan bahwa untuk meningkatan pengetahuan maupun sikap anak sekolah dasar lebih efektif menggunakan media pillow book daripada media flipchart. Kata Kunci : Anak sekolah dasar; pillow book; promosi kesehatan gigi
Penerapan Metode Irene’s Donuts (UKGS Inovatif) Dalam Menurunkan Skor Risiko Karies Pada Anak di SD Integral Al-Bayan Asridiana; Abdullah, Nurwiyana; Febryana, Fakhirah Mentari; Supriatna, Agus
Media Kesehatan Gigi : Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar Vol 22 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32382/mkg.v22i1.20


Caries is the most common disease faced by people in the world. Tooth decay is caused by excessive sugar intake, a lack of dental care, and difficulty accessing standard dental services. Irene's Donuts is a computer program created by Dr. Drg. Irene Adyatmaka that can now be launched using a smartphone thanks to modern technological advances. The program will display a big picture of a child's risk for the possibility of dental caries by filling in the risk factors related to the child's behavior, the condition of the child's dental health, the environmental conditions of the mother and child, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. This study aims to determine the application of the Irene's Donuts (Innovative UKGS) method in reducing caries risk scores in children at Al-Bayan Integral Elementary School. This study used quantitative data analysis, namely univariate analysis. The sample in this study was obtained using the stratified sampling technique, totaling 69 students. Methods of data collection by way of observation using a questionnaire sheet. The results of the study show that the Irene's Donuts method can reduce the caries risk score by applying, giving efforts, and offering anticipation that can be done at home.  Keywords : Irene's Donuts; caries; behavior