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Implementation of GLCM for Features Extraction and Selection of Batik Images Dhimas Arief Dharmawan; Latifah Listyalina
Journal of Electrical Technology UMY Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jet.2128


Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has been a part of Indonesian culture (especially Java) for a long time. Batik cloth in Indonesia has various types of batik textures, batik cloth colors, and batik fabric patterns that reflect the regional origins of the batik cloth. Regarding the image of batik, the texture feature is an important feature because the ornaments on the batik cloth can be seen as different texture compositions. Besides batik motifs, also influenced by the shape characteristics that become parts of each batik motif. This research will add insight and knowledge to understand batik patterns based on the characteristics of batik motifs, namely texture. There are five batik motifs used, namely inland solo batik, semarang coastal batik, sidhomukti batik, parangklithik batik, and sidhodrajat batik. Initially preprocessing is done by cropping and grayscalling. Of the five image motifs, a cropping process is carried out for each motif. The next step is feature extraction. The features of GLCM were selected in this study. From the features contained in the GLCM, in this study four features were chosen, namely contrast, energy, correlation, and homogeneity. The final step is the selection or selection of features. The result of the feature selection of the four features carried out feature extraction are energy and homogeneity.
Aplikasi self-organizing mapping sebagai alat deteksi anemia pada citra sel darah merah Evrita Lusiana Utari; Latifah Listyalina; Desty Ervira Puspaningtyas
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Vol 16, No 2 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Minat S2 Gizi dan Kesehatan, Prodi S2 IKM, FK-KMK UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.044 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.39560


Application of self-organizing mapping as anemia detection using an image of red blood cellsBackground: Anemia is a nutritional problem characterized by changes in blood cell size, especially in microcytic or macrocytic anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is included in hypochromic microcytic anemia because it has a smaller than normal size red blood cell and has a lower than normal hemoglobin (Hb) arising from reduced supply of iron for erythropoiesis (cell maturation process red blood). Analysis based on red blood cell image is a tool to detect anemia using technology applications. Self-organizing mapping (SOM) is one of the artificial neural networks by dividing the input pattern into several groups, so the network output is in the form of groups that are most similar to the input.Objective: To measure the accuracy of SOM for detecting the size of red blood cells in anemia condition.Methods: The type of research was an observational laboratory. The study was conducted at the Electrobiomedical Laboratory of Universitas Respati Yogyakarta from January to August 2018. The sample consisted of anemia and non-anemia red blood cells which had been tested in a laboratory of 92 blood preparations. Stage of measuring red blood cells consisted of pre-processing (cropping, gray scaling, contrast enhancement, and screening), segmentation, feature extraction, and image identification with SOM. The image identification results were concluded by calculating the accuracy of the anemia detection system based on laboratory examination results.Results: The characteristic that distinguishes anemia and non-anemia was in the size of red blood cells. Anemic red blood cells had different pixel intensities than non-anemic red blood cells. The image of non-anemia red blood cells had a full round or oval image. From as many as 92 detections of blood images, five blood images were not by the target results of laboratory tests. The accuracy achieved by the system was 94.57%.Conclusions: The accuracy value of anemia detection using SOM can be used to identify the type of anemia based on red blood cell size.
Automated localisation of optic disc in retinal colour fundus image for assisting in the diagnosis of glaucoma Latifah Listyalina; Hanung Adi Nugroho; Sunu Wibirama; Widhia KZ Oktoeberza
Communications in Science and Technology Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Komunitas Ilmuwan dan Profesional Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21924/cst.2.1.2017.43


Optic disc (OD), especially its diameter together with optic cup diameter can be used as a feature to diagnose glaucoma. This study contains two main steps for optic disc localisation, i.e. OD centre point detection and OD diameter determination.  Centre point of OD is obtained by finding brightness pixel value based on average filtering.  After that, OD diameter is measured from the detected optic disc boundary.  The proposed scheme is validated on 30 healthy and glaucoma retinal fundus images from HRF database.  The results are compared to the ground truth images.  The proposed scheme obtains evaluation result (E) for healthy and glaucoma images is 0.23 and 0.21, respectively.  These results indicate successful implementation of automated OD localisation by detecting OD centre point and determining OD diameter.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pembuatan Sabun Cair dari Minyak Jelantah di Bank Sampah Sidomulyo Maju Wahyu Ratnaningsih; Andri Saputra; Pani Satwikanitya; Mario Sarisky Dwi Ellianto; Latifah Listyalina; Muh Wahyu Sya'bani; Wisnu Pambudi; Uma Fadzilia Arifin
Journal of Appropriate Technology for Community Services Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jattec.vol5.iss1.art5


Keberadaan limbah minyak jelantah merupakan suatu hal yang menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi manusia dan lingkungan. Minyak jelantah adalah minyak goreng bekas yang tidak dapat digunakan kembali karena akan menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan, sedangkan apabila dibuang ke lingkungan secara langsung juga akan menyebabkan masalah lain. Bank Sampah Sidomulyo Maju yang terletak di Desa Sidomulyo, Bambanglipuro, Bantul, Yogyakarta dibangun dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pengelolaan sampah maupun limbah serta meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Limbah minyak jelantah dari rumah tangga yang belum dikelola dengan optimal menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat desa setempat. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan mengolah limbah minyak jelantah menjadi sabun cair. Metode kegiatan ini antara lain memberikan ceramah, diskusi, pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan sabun cair oleh 2 instruktur dan 8 asisten instruktur kepada 30 orang peserta yang di antaranya merupakan anggota bank sampah dan masyarakat Desa Sidomulyo. Hasil kegiatan ini berupa pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam melakukan pengolahan limbah minyak jelantah. Masyarakat diharapkan mampu menerapkan pengolahan limbah minyak jelantah menjadi sabun cair sehingga dapat mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan dan meningkatkan nilai tambah. Keaktifan peserta dan antusiasme juga ditunjukkan oleh kinerja peserta selama pelatihan dan produk sabun cair yang dihasilkan serta kegiatan diskusi yang aktif. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan nilai keterserapan materi yang disampaikan dari 50,51 menjadi 94,17. Kata kunci : bank sampah; minyak jelantah;pemberdayaan masyarakat; sabun cair ABSTRACT The existence of used cooking oil has a negative impact on humans and the environment. Used cooking oil cannot be reused because it will cause health problems, while if disposed of directly into the environment it will also cause other problems. Sidomulyo Maju Waste Bank, located in Sidomulyo Village, Bambanglipuro, Bantul, Yogyakarta, was built with the aim of increasing public awareness about waste management and improving the community's economy. Used cooking oil waste from households that has not been managed optimally is one of the problems that faced by the local village community. This community service activity aims to overcome these problems by utilization of used cooking oil waste into liquid soap. The methods of this activity include giving lectures, discussions, training the production of liquid soap by 2 instructors and 8 assistant instructors to 30 participants, including members of the waste bank and the community of Sidomulyo Village. The results of this activity are in the form of community knowledge and skills in utilization of used cooking oil waste. The community is expected to be able to apply the utilization of used cooking oil waste into liquid soap so as to reduce environmental pollution and increase added value. Participants' activeness and enthusiasm were also shown by the participants' performance during the training and the liquid soap products produced as well as active discussion activities. The evaluation results showed that there was an increase in the absorption value of the material presented from 50.51 to 94.17. Keywords : community empowerment; liquid soap; used cooking oil; waste bank
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknik Elektro Terapan Vol 12, No 3 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jitet.v12i3.4392


Penelitian tentang klasifikasi suara jantung manusia berbasis komputer dimotivasi oleh kebutuhan akan alat bantu yang lebih efisien bagi dokter dalam proses klasifikasi suara jantung daripada stetoskop konvensional. Alat ini memanfaatkan proses komputasi untuk memungkinkan penilaian yang lebih mudah, cepat, dan akurat terhadap suara jantung. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan komputasi, alat ini dapat membantu dokter dalam mendiagnosis kondisi jantung dengan lebih baik. Klasifikasi suara jantung manusia berbasis komputer diciptakan sebagai solusi dalam dunia medis, bertujuan untuk membantu dokter dalam menganalisis suara jantung dan menghasilkan diagnosis yang lebih tepat. Melalui penggunaan metode fractal, alat ini mampu mengolah data suara jantung dengan efisien. Software Klasifikasi Suara Jantung Manusia Berbasis  ini telah terbukti mampu mengklasifikasikan sampel suara jantung menggunakan metode KNN (K_Nearest Neighbour) dengan baik, meningkatkan kinerja diagnosis yang diberikan oleh dokter.