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Dampak Sosial Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Terhadap Anak di Kabupaten Bantaeng Yuniar, Jusfira; Mukramin, Sam'un; Haniah, St; Ismail, Lukman
Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Umum Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Umum
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Nalanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47861/jkpu-nalanda.v1i4.338


This research aims to further examine what social impacts are experienced by a child who is a victim of Domestic Violence (KDRT) and to provide equal attention to children as the nation's shoots and is expected to be able to suppress acts of violence which continue to increase every year. This research uses a qualitative method with the type of case study research, namely research on natural object conditions where the researcher is a key instrument, data collection techniques are carried out in a triangulation (combined) manner, data analysis is inductive, qualitative research data emphasizes meaning rather than generalization. The results of the study show that domestic violence greatly affects children's character education. Because children learn and imitate and gain knowledge about the use of violence in solving problems. Children can learn and imitate from acts of violence committed by fathers to mothers, and peers, teachers / lecturers against him.
Pengentasan Kemiskinan Etnis Bajo Melalui Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Mukramin, Sam'un; Haniah, St; Nawir, Muhammad; Ismail, Lukman; Fatmawati, Fatmawati
Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 13, No 2 (2023): (Desember 2023)
Publisher : Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/jksekp.v13i2.12333


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis permasalahan kemiskinan yang dialami oleh etnis Bajo dan merumuskan model strategis dalam pengentasan kemiskinan baik secara konseptual maupun praktis melalui program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) berbasis kearifan lokal di Kabupaten Bone. Penelitian ini kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dari 9 orang informan secara purposive. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Mewujudkan kolaborasi melalui kemitraan dan kerjasama yang melibatkan para ahli, peneliti, dan akademisi melalui program MBKM berbasis lingkungan agar meningkatkan produktifitas berpikir, kreatif, inovatif dan adaptif untuk kesejahteraan etnis Bajo, 2) Pembentukan lembaga swadaya masyarakat cinta kepada alam berfungsi dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk menumbuhkan kemandirian desa dan nelayan, 3) Pelaksana kelembagaan baik formal maupun informal adalah pemrakarsa yang menginisiasi/mengkoordinir hasil perencanaan desa dalam meningkatnya kesadaran potensi dan kelebihan dalam bertindak bijak, 4) Menumbuhkan organisasi rakyat yang bertujuan untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan dan sebagai instrumen dalam perubahan paradigma serta mempraktikkan nilai-nilai baru, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, 5) Memiliki usaha berbasis rumah tangga, berkarakteristik jenis usaha nelayan di permukiman etnis Bajo, berbahan baku hasil laut atau usaha berbahan baku bukan hasil laut, 6) Tersedianya sarana ruang produksi mikro pengolahan hasil laut, sebagai salah satu strategi menjadikan kawasan permukiman etnis Bajo kawasan pusat pengolahan hasil laut, 7) Konservasi kawasan permukiman menjadi eko wisata lokal atau nasional serta menata tempat pengolahan hasil laut agar menjadi pusat penjualan oleh-oleh khas etnis Bajo, dan 8) Sarana infrastruktur sebagai penunjang sistem sosial dan ekonomi dalam memperkuat akses pemerintah dan swasta untuk wilayah pesisir, melalui jaringan sosial masyarakat dan bermitra dengan berbagai pihak. Title: Poverty Alleviation of Bajo Ethnic Through Independent Learning, Independent Campus (ILIC)Program Based on Local WisdomThe purpose of this research is to analyze the problems of poverty experienced by the Bajo tribe so that they can find and formulate strategic models in poverty alleviation both conceptually and practically through the MBKM program based on local wisdom in Bone Regency. This research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach to 9 informants with purposive sampling. The results of the study show: 1) Realizing cooperation through partnerships and cooperation involving experts, researchers and academics through the environment-based MBKM program in order to increase thinking, creative, innovative and adaptive productivity for the welfare of the Bajo tribe, 2) Formation of non-governmental organizations that love nature functions in community empowerment to foster village and fisherman independence, 3) Institutional implementers both formal and informal are initiators who initiate/coordinate the results of village planning in increasing awareness of the potential and strength in acting wisely, 4) Growing community organizations that aim to alleviate poverty and as an instrument in changing paradigms and practicing new values, in everyday life, 5) Having a household-based business characterized by the type of fishing business in Bajo tribal settlements that are made from sea products or businesses based on sea products, 6) Availability micro production space facilities for processing marine products, as one of the strategies to make residential areas of the Bajo tribe a center for processing marine products, 7) Preservation of residential areas to become local or national ecotourism and managing marine product processing areas to become sales centers for souvenirs typical of the Bajo tribe, and 8) Infrastructure facilities to support social and economic systems in strengthening government and private access to coastal areas, through social networks and partnerships with various parties.
Jurnal Adabiyah Vol 21 No 2 (2021): December (Islamic Studies)
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities - Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jad.v21i2a8


Islam and Christian have a concept of religious moderation as a philosophy of belief and guidelines to behave towards followers of other religions that always maintain balance. The existence of Racism, conflict, and violence in the name of religion occurred in Poso, Central Sulawesi is the result of the misinterpretation of verses in the holy book which puts forward individualistic attitudes ego, and extremist thinking. This research was descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. The informants were selected by using the purposive sampling technique and collecting data by reviewing through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research findings showed that religious moderation was essential to be carried out through a) preventive efforts to fight Racism comprehensively, it is not exclusively perceived as a difference, b) values and norms which its essence of maintaining dignity and protecting human life as God's creatures, c) socio-cultural capital and basic principles in building relations between religious adherents, d) strengthening the nation with religious values, Pancasila values, cultural values, human values, washatiyah values, and scientific values and e) massive and measurable socialization of religious moderation with a wisdom approach local people to have an understanding and an alumsuth perspective.الملخصفي الأساس ، لدى كل من الإسلام والمسيحية مفهوم الاعتدال الديني كفلسفة إيمانية ومبادئ توجيهية للسلوك تجاه أتباع الديانات الأخرى الذين يحافظون دائمًا على التوازن. إن وجود العنصرية والصراع والعنف باسم الدين الذي حدث في بوسو ، وسط سولاويزي ، نتيجة سوء تفسير الآيات في الكتاب المقدس ، يطرح مواقف الأنا الفردية والتفكير المتطرف. يعتبر هذا البحث نوعيًا وصفيًا مع منهج دراسة الحالة ، حيث يتم اختيار المخبرين عن طريق أخذ العينات الهادف من خلال الفحص من خلال الملاحظات والمقابلات والتوثيق. تظهر نتائج الدراسة أن الاعتدال الديني مهم للغاية ليتم تنفيذه من خلال: أ) الجهود الوقائية لمكافحة العنصرية بشكل شامل ، وليس حصريًا في عرض الاختلاف ، ب) القيم والأعراف التي يتمثل جوهرها في الحفاظ على الكرامة وحماية الإنسان الحياة كمخلوقات الله ، ج) رأس المال الاجتماعي والثقافي والمبادئ الأساسية في بناء العلاقات بين أتباع الديانات ، د) تقوية الأمة بالقيم الدينية وقيم البانتشاسيلا والقيم الثقافية والقيم الإنسانية وقيموالقيم الوشاطيةالعلمية و هـ) التنشئة الاجتماعية الهائلة والقابلة للقياس للاعتدال الديني مع نهج الحكمة للسكان المحليين بحيث يكون لديهم منظور وفهم مرعب.
SOSIORELIGIUS Vol 9 No 1 (2024): Sosioreligius: Jurnal Ilmiah Sosiologi Agama
Publisher : Departemen Sosiologi Aga,ma, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/sosioreligius.v9i1.49943


Rambu solo’ is a traditional ceremony of the Toraja community that requires the family of the deceased to make a party as a sign of last respect for the deceased who has passed away. The custom, which has been passed down from generation to generation by the Toraja Community, requires the family to perform the last ceremony for the deceased. The purpose of this study is to understand the role and sustainability of Rambu Solo’ in the midst of the dynamics of modernity in contemporary Toraja society and to intintrate the strategies used by the community to maintain and preserve the tradition of Rambu Solo. This research is qualitative with a library research approach, namely by collecting data by understanding and studying theories from various literature related to this research. This research is expected to provide a deeper understanding of how traditions such as Rambu Solo’ remain relevant and preserved in societies facing the pressures of modernity. The results of this study show that the belief system adopted by the Toraja Tribe in the time of their ancestors is the belief in Aluk Todolo where the Toraja Tribe believes in the creator of heaven and earth, known as Puang Matua. This research also shows that the Rambu Solo’ traditional ceremony contains values that describe the indigenous people of the Toraja tribe such as: Tolong-mentohelp, Gotong-royong, and Family.
Penerapan Diskusi Kelompok dalam Meningkatkan Keaktifan Siswa Kelas XI IPS dalam Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar Ismail, Lukman; Juleha, Juleha; Wahyuddin, Wahyuddin; Rezki.HS, Nur Fitriani; Damayanti, Novia; Martinihani, Martinihani; Mustika, Mustika
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1490


The purpose of this research is to increase the activity of class XI IPS students in sociology, at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar. The research method used is classroom action research (CAR). Classroom Action Research is a research activity by examining a learning activity that is given action, which is deliberately raised in a class, which aims to solve problems or improve the quality of learning in class. The cycle used in this study consists of cycle 1 and cycle 2. Each cycle consists of four stages of activity, namely planning, action, observation/evaluation, and reflection. This research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar. This research was conducted for 2 months starting from February 28 to May 1 in the 2022/2023 school year, according to the 2013 curriculum at Muhammadiyah 1 High School Unismuh Makassar. The subjects in this study were 28 students of class XI IPS, consisting of 14 male students and 14 female students. Determining the subject of this study was based on the results of the researchers' initial observations and interviews with teachers in the field of Sociology SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar, while technical data analysis used descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques using achievement criteria. The results of the research from the 1st meeting of the 2nd students were only 5 (46.46%) active people, this can be seen from the results of the teacher's observations in class. The 2nd meeting of students who were active in group discussions were 8 (73.73%) students. In the first cycle of the 1st and 2nd meetings, the average 60.23% was active, and the second cycle - an average of 88.04% with an increase of 27.91% was included in the high category. It can be concluded that after applying the group discussion learning model it can increase the activity of students in class.
Money Politics and Dynasty Politics (Study of Critical Analysis of Threats to Indonesian Democracy) Rinaldi, Rinaldi; Haniah, St.; Fatmawati, Fatmawati; Ismail, Lukman; Afdal, Muhammad
JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi) Vol 9, No 3 (2024): JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi)
Publisher : Universitas of Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jed.v9i3.11552


Dinamika Interaksi Dalam Media Sosial (Studi Media Pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 4 Selayar) Rijaluddin, Rijaluddin; Kaharuddin; Ismail, Lukman
Aksiologi : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Oktober
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/aksiologi.v5i2.260


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran media sosial dalam proses pembelajaran siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 4 Selayar. Jenisspenelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskripitf kualitatif artinya data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata, gambar, bukan berupa angka-angka dengan jumlah responden 15 siswa kelas XI. Pada penelitian ini, pengumpulan data menggunakan beberapa metode diantaranya yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Pada proses observasi peneliti mengamati secara langsung yaitu dengan melihat proses dialektika media social dalam hal ini guru dan siswa SMA Negeri 4 Kepulauan Selayar, seperti melihat kegiatan pembelajaran di dalam kelas maupun di luar kelas. Kemudian proses wawancara peneliti melakulan secara lisan dan tertulis terhadap informan dan proses dokumentasi dituangkan dalam bentuk buku, arsip, dokumen dan gambar yang berupa laporan yang menggambarkan keadaan atau situasi siswa SMA Negeri 4 Kepulauan Selayar. Proses analisis data yang dilakukan penelitian ini menggunakan tiga langkah yaitu reduksi data (Data Reduction), Penyajian Data (Display Data), Penarikan Kesimpulan (Conclusing Drawing Verivication). Hasil penelitian yang telah peneliti lakukan di SMA Negeri 4 Selayar dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media sosial memiliki dampak yang singifikan dalam kehidupan siswa. Interaksi dalam media sosial dapat mempengaruhi cara siswa berkomunikasi, berperilaku dan belajar.