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Strengthening ADR System in Indonesia: Learning from ADR Practices in Hungary Saputra, Beny
Indonesian Comparative Law Review Vol 6, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/iclr.v6i2.21984


Integrating Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) into legal systems is essential for improving access to justice, decreasing litigation expenses, and promoting enforced outcomes. This article examines the ADR practices in Hungary, a country that has successfully integrated ADR into its legal system, to gain significant insights for Indonesia, as both countries share the same sociocultural practices for communal dispute resolution. This normative legal research examines Hungary's extensive legal framework, the roles of institutional support structures, and the enforcement of ADR awards. The study employs comparative analysis that systematically evaluates pertinent legal documents, institutional reports, and scholarly literature from Hungary and Indonesia. The study found fundamental factors that contribute to the effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in Hungary including the existence of a clearly established legislative framework, sufficient institutional infrastructure, and effective regulation to enforce ADR decisions. Indonesia can adopt these techniques to improve its Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system, resulting in more streamlined, cost-efficient, and fair processes for resolving disputes and to establish a more unified and efficient ADR system.
Protection Standardization Towards Unemployment in Indonesia Saputra, Beny; Bene, Olivér
Jambe Law Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Jambi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jlj.5.1.123-146


The Covid-19 pandemic triggered a significant recession ranging from 4.4 percent to 5.2 percent. As seen by the high rate of layoffs, the labor market is one of the most impacted industries. To counteract this scenario, the government has implemented a job loss insurance system as part of its broader protection against unemployment program. This research discusses the standarization of Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan (Job Insurance Scheme) in Indonesia with five key principal of the ILO Convention no 168 and its objectives. The method used in this research is comparative law. In analysing legal materials, this research uses qualitative descriptive analysis with using key factor and objective of ILO convention. this study found that JKP or Job loss insurance scheme in Indonesia meet five key principal of the ILO Convention and the objectives
Local Wisdom in Indonesia: Assessing its Legal Status and Role in Forest Protection Helmi, Helmi; Pebrianto, Dony Yusra; Hafrida, Hafrida; Kusniati, Retno; Saputra, Beny
Jambe Law Journal Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Jambi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jlj.6.2.125-141


This study delves into an examination of the role played by local wisdom in the protection of forests. The recognition and acknowledgment of local wisdom, enshrined in customary law within the environments of indigenous peoples, encounters challenges, particularly when the legitimacy of customary law itself is in question, especially concerning forest protection. In addressing these concerns, a normative juridical approach was employed to scrutinize legal source materials. The findings of this research affirm that the recognition of indigenous peoples as legal entities, particularly under international law, necessitates collective consideration. Through this conceptual framework, indigenous peoples can assert their aspirations autonomously and even advocate for international policies aimed at safeguarding and upholding the rights of indigenous peoples globally, with predetermined terms and conditions. The study underscores the contribution of local wisdom to forest protection, exemplified by the formulation of customary forest concepts applicable to indigenous communities. Local wisdom has demonstrated efficacy in averting and mitigating forest damage, particularly within customary forest areas, owing to the steadfast adherence of indigenous peoples to the principles encapsulated in their customary law. Moreover, the effectiveness of local wisdom in forest preservation is bolstered by the intrinsic characteristics of traditional indigenous communities, fostering wise and sustainable forest management practices. The study posits that the normative nature of customary law, as a living legal entity, may face ineffectiveness, potentially jeopardizing its own existence. Nonetheless, it contends that the state should formally recognize the exclusivity of customary law through constitutional and legal frameworks, thereby fortifying the application and viability of customary law within predetermined geographical areas and communities designated by the government
Hungary’s AI Strategy: Lessons for Indonesia’s AI Legal Framework Enhancement Saputra, Beny; Hartati, Hartati; Bene, Olivér
Jambe Law Journal Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Jambi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/home.v7i1.325


This study analyses Hungary's approach to regulating artificial intelligence (AI) by analyzing their AI Strategy (2020-2030) and provides insights for improving Indonesia's legal framework. In Hungary, although there is no dedicated legislation for artificial intelligence (AI), the country places a high importance on adhering to current regulations to regulate AI technologies. This paper does a comparative analysis to evaluate the influence of Hungary's approach on the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), the methods used to enforce regulations, the ethical principles followed, the safeguarding of data, and the extent of international partnerships. This research seeks to offer practical insights for enhancing Indonesia's legal infrastructure in the field of AI governance and technology regulation by comparing Hungary's regulatory landscape with Indonesia's current framework. The purpose of the research is to provide guidance to policymakers and stakeholders in Indonesia regarding effective tactics and best practices based on Hungary's experience. This will assist in enhancing Indonesia's regulatory framework for AI and technology
BIOLOVA Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): VOLUME 2 NOMOR 1 TAHUN 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v2i1.491


This research focuses on the transformation of project-based learning (PjBL) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) during the Covid-19 pandemic, where learning in schools experienced a significant change from conventional learning (face-to-face) to online learning, follow the health protocol physical distancing recommended by the current government. STEM-PjBL online learning through platform was e-learning effectively carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic by providing projects to students involving science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM-PJBL learning enhances learning outcomes, learners' competencies and learning motivations, creates more meaningful learning, helps students solve problems, and supports future careers. The use of online applications for learning in the form of google classroom and social media becomes the main choice based on the level of ease of use. STEM-PJBL. This STEM-PjBL learning also demonstrates students' scientific abilities including reading, observing, and solving problems in daily life. The improvement of life skills includes personal, social, academic and vocational skills. This integration is more effective than conventional learning in improving learning outcomes in the form of creative thinking skills and science process skills. The constraints of online learning include limited internet services, as well as user infrastructure and infrastructure, some of which have not yet been fulfilled, for example smartphones and laptops, so that further and maximum efforts are needed from all parties.
IDENTIFIKASI BAKTERI PEREDUKSI SULFAT PADA KAWAH AIR PANAS NIRWANA SUOH LAMPUNG BARAT Saputra, Beny; Sutanto, Agus; Cholvistaria, Mia; Suprayitno, Suprayitno; Rahmawati, Nala
BIOLOVA Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Volume 2 Nomor 2 Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v2i2.1089


Abstrak: Bakteri pereduksi sulfat atau Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) adalah jenis bakteri obligat anaerob kemolitrotof memanfaatkan donor electron H2. Kemampuan SRB mereduksi sulfat menjadi sulfida mampu mengendapkan logam toksik meliputi Cd, Cu, dan Zn sebagai logam sulfida. SRB memerlukan substrat organik seperti asam piruvat yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas anaerob lainnya. Mekanisme SRB dalam melakukan reduksi sulfat, sulfat digunakan sebagai sumber energi sebagai akseptor elektron dan menggunakan sumber karbon (C) sebagai donor elekton dalam metabolisme dan bahan penyusun sel. Pada kondisi anaerob bahan organik akan berperan sebagai donor elektron. Pembentukan senyawa sulfida melalui proses reduksi yang ditandai oleh penambahan elektron dari bahan organik yang menyebabkan turunnya konsentrasi sulfat dan naiknya pH lingkungan. SRB pada kawah air panas nirwana ini hidup secara anaerob pada suhu lingkungan 600C - 1000C dengan pH 7,4 tingkat kekeruhan air cukup keruh dan kandungan air yang mengandung blerang dengan indikator bau seperti telur busuk dan lingkungan sekitar terdiri dari sedimen batu kapur. Abstract : Sulfate-reducing bacteria (BPS) is a type of chemolithotroph obligate anaerobic bacteria that utilize H2 electron donors. The ability of BPS to reduce sulfate to sulfide is able to precipitate toxic metals including Cd, Cu, and Zn as metal sulfides. BPS requires organic substrates such as pyruvic acid which is produced by other anaerobic activities. The BPS mechanism in reducing sulfate, sulfate is used as an energy source as an electron acceptor and uses a carbon source (C) as an electron donor in metabolism and cell building material. Under anaerobic conditions, organic matter will act as an electron donor. The formation of sulfide compounds through a reduction process is characterized by the addition of electrons from organic matter which causes a decrease in sulfate concentration and an increase in environmental pH. BPS in this nirvana hot spring crater lives anaerobically at an environmental temperature of 600C - 1000C with a pH of 7.4 the level of turbidity of the water is quite cloudy and the water content contains sulfur with an indicator of smell like rotten eggs and the surrounding environment consists of limestone sediments
Analyzing the Code of Hammurabi: Exploring Ancient Legal Principles and Their Relevance in Modern Law Saputra, Beny; Bene, Olivér; Putra, David Aprizon
NEGREI: Academic Journal of Law and Governance Vol 4, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/negrei.v4i1.9965


This study examines the Code of Hammurabi, an ancient legal code that dates to early human history, to investigate its old legal ideas and evaluate their ongoing significance in contemporary legal systems. This study seeks to clarify the fundamental concepts that underlie Hammurabi's rules and their lasting influence on modern legal thinking by conducting a thorough investigation of the Code's provisions and historical background. This research aims to provide significant insights into the development of legal norms and their application in addressing current legal difficulties by analyzing important elements such as justice, equity, and societal order as outlined in the Code. This study examines the degree to which Hammurabi's legal ideas align with contemporary legal frameworks. It provides insightful analysis on the lasting significance and flexibility of ancient legal precedents in creating modern legal jurisprudence. This research enhances our comprehension of the historical origins of law and its enduring importance in contemporary legal discussions.