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FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (Maret)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/fj.v2i1.1391


This article reveals the concept of the ideal teacher according to KH. Hasyim Asy'ari. Effective education is that there is an ideal teacher. The ideal teacher is a teacher who understands teacher ethics and educates students conscientiously and meets the standardization of requirements as a teacher, namely having knowledge, faith, noble character and having learning tools and implementing well as well as assessing and improving learning. This article has a problem, namely how the concept of an ideal teacher according to KH. Hasyim Asy'ari. This study uses a qualitative and literary approach by sharpening comparative analysis and triangulation. The result of this research is that the teacher should apply morality as an educator and teacher, the teacher writes the subject matter and the teacher cleans the mind and aims to get the pleasure of Allah swt. A good teacher is a teacher who has morals to students, namely his noble personality when carrying out his functions and roles as teachers; educate, teach and train, both inwardly. Outwardly, such as in speaking softly, spreading greetings, mastering learning materials and methods, easy-to-understand delivery and so on.
Menghasilkan Keunggulan Berkelanjutan Melalui Manejemen Budaya Kerja “Aswaja” di Lembaga Pendidikan Ahmad Halid
An Nahdhoh Jurnal Kajian Islam Aswaja Vol 1, No 1 (2021): An Nahdhoh Jurnal Kajian Islam Aswaja
Publisher : An Nahdhoh Jurnal Kajian Islam Aswaja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (792.149 KB)


ASWAJA's work culture produces work success through building people (personality) fundamentally, namely changing the mindset about workforce and working relationship attitudes well. These two things mean achieving work success by cooperating with others accompanied by faith and good deeds, not by functioning or trying to limit the scope of their activities, close supervision and their approach. The formulation of the problem is how does the work culture of ASWAJA produce sustainable competitive advantages in educational organizations? The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate the efficacy of the "ASWAJA" work culture both in theory and practice has been proven to produce sustainable competitive advantages resulting in sustainable competitive advantages in educational organizations. Therefore, this research is descriptive qualitative. A work culture that produces sustainable competitive advantage is management that uses the "ASWAJA" work culture
FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): FAJAR Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (September)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/fj.v2i2.1620


Blended learning is a learning method that combines two things, namely face-to-face learning directly and online using the Learning Management System. Simply put, this learning method combines a face-to-face learning system at school and school from home. This learning method is a teaching process by combining teacher-led learning activities using pictures, videos, digital assignments, and face-to-face discussions. Classrooms provide opportunities for students and teachers to be able to carry out the face-to-face teaching and learning process directly. While online learning provides opportunities for teachers to provide independent learning using eLearning components such as games, learning videos, and online quizzes. One of the biggest challenges for schools to implement blended learning methods is the absence of a supportive learning management system. In fact, a qualified learning management system is one of the keys to the success of the blended learning method. Because by having a qualified learning management system, teachers can easily arrange modules, exams, or assessments for all students
Improving Semangat Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak Melalui Pendekatan Variasi Pembelajaran Di MTs. Subulus Salam Ahmad Halid; Abu Aman Siddiq Al Ghafir; Imron Ali Rosyidi
MADINAH Vol 6 No 2 (2019): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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It is very important for teachers to apply a variation approach to learning with the consideration that each student has a different character every day and a different capacity in capturing the subject matter presented by the teacher in class. This study aims to find out how individual, group and educative learning approaches increase the spirit of learning Aqidah Akhlak at MTs Subulus Salam which is located at MTs Subulus Salam, Dusun Rowotengu, Pucuan Village, Semboro District, Jember Regency. While the method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through observation, documentation and interviews. The results of the study show that the variation approach can increase the spirit of learning, because there is a combination of teaching methods that are fun for students, and the success of teachers with a variation approach can build good communication between educators and students
STUDY QUR'AN: The Quarantine Program for Memorizing the Qur'an Effectively at Madrasatul Qur'an Islamic Pesantren Mambaul Falah Tambilung Tambak Bawean Gresik Ahmad Halid
Studia Quranika Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Studi Quran
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/studiquran.v7i2.8603


This article explains the quarantine program for quickly memorizing the Qur’an. Because students are motivated to memorize quickly, this quarantine program is exciting. This study examines how the Qur’an Memorizing Quarantine Program at Madrasatul Qur’an Islamic boarding school Mambaul Falah Tambilung Tambak Bawean Gresik can help students memorize the Qur’an in a relatively short period. Using qualitative, descriptive data sources such as observation and interviews, Miles and Huberman analysis, and source triangulation to ensure data validity. The findings of this study indicate that the Koran memorization quarantine program is highly effective because students are solely focused on memorizing the Koran and are constantly guided by ustadz with core and companion or supporting programs. 
Sporadic Model as Applied Islamic Education: an Integration? Ahmad Halid
TSAQAFAH Vol. 19 No. 1 (2023): Tsaqafah Jurnal Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v19i1.8657


This article examines the sporadic evaluation model of learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). Sporadic evaluation of learning has succesfully integrated in MTs. because it emphasizes the novelty aspect (the hallmark of the school). This sporadically has been carried out with its own model, the school certainly has considered the government system such as the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. However, it is considered that there are many weaknesses so that the school uses its own school method, especially the COVID-19 pandemic atmosphere. This study uses qualitative and data collection methods using observation, interviews, and documentation with sharpened data analysis of the Milles and Huberman models. The validity of the data using source triangulation. This research problem is very interesting to study and the aim is that this sporadic model becomes a new breakthrough in increasing the effectiveness of active learning, learning innovativeness, initiative-creative, learning flexibility, self-development, quality learning (perfectionism)and achieving school goals well. Here i state, that sporadic model can be integrated in Islamic Educational system.
The Concept of Tasamuh Culture in the Implementation of Multicultural Society Behavior Ahmad Halid
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 7 No 1 (2023): PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTURAL
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v7i1.20028


This article examines the importance of the concept of tasamuh culture in a multicultural society, this research has succeeded in writing the criteria for tasamuh behavior in pluralism. as a guideline for Muslims in behaving in tasamuh in the midst of a multicultural society. Also as a basis for Jember LPAI residents in carrying out good and forbidding evil in society and government. This article uses descriptive qualitative, active participant observation in Jember LPAI activities once a month every Legi Friday, Tasamuh culture in a multicultural society is orented by the exemplary behavior of the Prophet in the midst of a pluralistic community. He gave an example of a pattern of living together in the midst of theological diversity, culture, racism, language built on the basis of the phrase monotheism (la ilaha illa Allah) in Mecca for 13 years, then he moved to Yathrib (now Medina). Living with a society that does not only consist of one ethnicity, tribe, nation, or religion, but is very diverse. So as to be able to build togetherness in a multicultural society
KEUNGGULAN BERKELANJUTAN MELALUI MANEJEMEN BUDAYA KERJA “AMANU” DI UNIVERSITAS ISLAM JEMBER: Sustainable Excellence Through Work Culture Management “AMANU " At The Islamic University Of Jember Ahmad Halid
Fenomena Vol 20 No 1 (2021): FENOMENA: Journal of the Social Sciences
Publisher : LP2M UIN KH.Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/fenomena.v20i1.43


Lembaga pendidikan Islam mencapai kesuksesan kerja bisa melalui membangun orang-orang (kepribadian) secara fundamental yaitu mengubah pola pikir tentang bagaimana tenaga kerja dan sikap hubungan kerjasama dengan baik. Dua hal ini berarti mencapai kesuksesan kerja dengan bekerjasama dengan orang lain disertai dengan iman dan amal baik, justru bukan dengan cara mengganti tenaga kerja lama dibuang dan tenaga kerja baru difungsikan atau berusaha membatasi ruang lingkup kegiatan mereka, pengawasan ketat pada mereka dan dekti kepada mereka. Itu cara-cara kuno yang tidak produktif. Dengan demikian budaya kerja yang menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif (competitive advantage) yang berkelanjutan (sustainable) adalah manajemen yang menggunakan budaya kerja “amanu”. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis pada temuan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, interview dan dokumentasi. Keampuhan budaya kerja “amanu” baik secara teori maupun praktik telah terbukti menghasilkan keunggulan competitive yang berkelanjutan dalam suatu lembaga pendidikan Islam atau perusahaan.  Islamic educational institutions achieve work success through building people (personality) is fundamentally changing the mindset of how the workforce and the attitude toward cooperative relations well. These two things mean achieving work success by cooperating with others accompanied by faith and good deeds, rather than by replacing old workers discarded and new workers functioned or trying to limit the scope of their activities, strict supervision on them. That's the old unproductive way. Thus, the work culture that produces a sustainable competitive advantage (sustainable) is management that uses the “amanu” work culture. This research method uses qualitative methods with an analysis of the findings. Data collection using observation, interviews, and documentation. The efficacy of “amanu " work culture, both in theory and practice, has been proven to produce a sustainable competitive advantage in an Islamic educational institution or company.
Survival Strategy in Accepting Threats And Opportunities At Pesantren Assunniyah Kencong Jember Indonesia Muhammad Yasaruddin bin Yassir; Ahmad Halid; Dede Husni Mubarok
IJIBS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : LP2M UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/ijibs.v1i1.13


This article reveals very interesting things about the survival strategy of Islamic boarding schools in facing challenges and filling opportunities for educational progress at the Assunniyah Kencong Jember Islamic boarding school. therefore this research uses quantitative methods with an ethnographic study approach to describe the way they think, live, and behave in developing Islamic boarding schools. The research problem is how is the Islamic Boarding School Education Survival Strategy in Facing Challenges and Filling Opportunities for Educational Progress at the Assunniyah Kencong Jember Islamic Boarding School. The survival strategy of the Assunniyah Jember Islamic boarding school in facing challenges and filling opportunities for educational progress uses the TOWS analysis model: Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Strengths. So that the use of this TOWS analysis at the Assunniyah Jember Islamic boarding school can be able to face challenges and fill opportunities and have the strength of tradition in developing Islamic boarding school education programs into a sporadic educational model.
SIRAJUDDIN : Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Sirajuddin Juni 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55120/sirajuddin.v2i2.1275


Artikel ini membahas tradisi pendidikan yang menarik didiskusikan yaitu p endidikanAqlun, Jismun , Nafsun , Qalbun Di Pesantren Nuris Salafiyyah Umbul Sari Jember. Penelitianini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data, observasi, wawancara, dandokumentasi. Informan penelitian ini adalah para ustadz dan para santri. Hasil penelitian iniadalah pendidikan Aqlun, Jismun , Nafsun , Qalbun Di Pesantren Nuris Salafiyyah UmbulsariJember merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi perkembangan para santri. Aqlun, Jismun ,Nafsun , Qalbun merupakan penentuk luasnya berpikir santri dan berperilaku yang baikdalam kehudpan masyarakat.