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J-PIPS (Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Vol 5, No 2 (2019): JPIPS
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jpips.v5i2.7031


This research aims to determine the effect of guided inquiry learning model on social studies motivation and learning outcomes of class VII students of SMP 01 Sumbergempol Tulungagung. The method in this research uses quantitative methods. The sample in this research amounted to 70 students with 34 students of experimental class and 32 students of control class. Data analysis using T-test and Mannova tests. The results of this research show: 1) the influence of a guided inquiry learning model on student learning motivation. Hypothesis testing obtained t count (13.673) t table (1.995) then accept H_0. 2) The influence of guided inquiry learning model on student learning outcomes. Hypothesis testing obtained t count (15.433) t table (1.995) then accept H_0. 3) There is a significant influence of guided inquiry learning model on student motivation and learning outcomes. Based on the results of the manova test, the significance value is 0,000. This value is below the probability value of 0.05 (0,000 0,05). It is known that this test shows H_a received then H_0 is rejected. This means that there is a significant influence between the use of a guided inquiry learning model on motivation and learning outcomes of class VII students of SMPN 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung. This research contributes to creating active, creative and effective learning so that students' motivation and learning outcomes can increase.Keywords: inquiry; motivation; learn results
Research and Development Journal of Education Vol 10, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/rdje.v10i1.22942


Strategi pembelajaran yang tepat untuk diterapkan dalam mengajar matakuliah edupreneurship adalah dengan memadukan materi dikelas dan praktek lapangan. Hal ini untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa dalam menghadapi tantangan dalam dunia wirausaha. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan implementasi Matakuliah Edupreneurship di lingkungan program studi PGMI IAIN Kediri serta bagaimana analisis strategi pembelajaran kooperatif yang efektif untuk diterapkan. Metode penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dan jenis penelitian ini studi kasus yang fokus pada strategi pembelajaran Matakuliah Edupreneurship. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mengambil partisipan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan subyeknya adalah 40 mahasiswa PGMI Strata 1 Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Kediri. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, observasi kelas dan wawancara mendalam kepada dosen dan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Prodi PGMI IAIN Kediri telah memasukkan matakuliah kewirausahaan didalam kurikulumnya yang diwujudkan dalam Matakuliah Edupreneurship. Strategi pembelajarannya menyesuaikan dengan yang tercantum dalam RPS yang kemudian diterapkan baik dalam bentuk materi maupun praktek. Dalam bentuk materi seperti presentasi dan diskusi dikelas tentang business plan sesuai ide usaha kreatif inovatif secara mandiri sehingga berdampak signifikan dalam meningkatkan minat dan keterampilan berwirausaha pada mahasiswa, Observasi laboratorium kewirausahaan FEBI, dan tulisan artikel jurnal yang bereputasi yang terbukti berperan penting dalam mengembangkan jiwa edupreneurship mahasiswa. Aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut menggunakan strategi pembelajaran Experiential Leaning, Inquiri, dan Problem Based Learning serta Project Based Learning. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan implikasi praktis bagi lembaga pendidikan tinggi dalam merancang kurikulum dan metode pembelajaran yang lebih kreatif, inovatif dan efektif yang orientasinya menghasilkan lulusan yang siap dan cakap berwirausaha di era industry saat ini.
Literature Study on Problems of Office Management Vocational School Teachers in Implementing Learning Technology Basuki, Andi; Susilowati, Eni; Umatin, Choiru
International Education Trend Issues Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): International Education Trend Issue

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56442/ieti.v2i2.534


This systematic literature review investigates the challenges faced by vocational school teachers in implementing educational technology. Adopting the PICOC framework, it synthesizes findings from 10 articles published between 2014-2024, selected from Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, and ProQuest databases. The review explores factors influencing teachers' readiness and effectiveness in integrating technology, such as digital competence, infrastructure, and leadership support. Key challenges identified include time constraints, inadequate training, and limited technical support. Strategies to enhance readiness involve continuous professional development, ICT expert support, diverse training programs, and collaborative learning communities. The findings contribute to developing effective policies and initiatives to support vocational teachers in successfully leveraging technology, ultimately improving education quality and preparing students for the digital era.
Urgensi Mutu Pelayanan Customer Service Dalam Meningkatkan Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Nasabah Umatin, Choiru; Vanessa, Chelsea; Sulkha, Atina; Nurkholifah, Noviana; Pambudi , Adjie; Al Muiz, Mochamad Nasichin; Ridwanulloh, M. Ubaidillah
WADIAH Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): Wadiah: Jurnal Perbankan Syariah
Publisher : Program Studi Perbankan Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/wadiah.v8i2.1509


ABSTRACT Service capability plays an important role for the sustainability of a company in increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The main priority of a company engaged in banking services is customer satisfaction. In winning the increasingly competitive competition, the Bank strives to provide the best service (service excellent). This study aims to determine the importance of retaining customers and reaching potential customers. In addition, to find out how to maintain and improve the quality and loyalty of its customers. The research uses a library research method in which data is collected based on academic data bases, digital libraries, and repositories of educational institutions. Some references are obtained from books, scientific journals, articles and research reports relevant to customer service quality research in improving customer quality and loyalty. The result is that customer service quality has a crucial role in shaping customer perceptions of financial institutions. Quality of service is very concerned about satisfaction and loyalty to maintain a positive brand image or image in the eyes of the community. The effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty can show that customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty. Increasing service quality has an impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty is also increasing. Conversely, if the quality of Customer Service service decreases, it will have an impact on worsening customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Memorizing Hijaiyah Letters for Children with Moderate Mental Retardation Using VAKT-Based Media Rois, Muhammad; Umatin, Choiru; Prameswati, Laudria Nanda; Laili, Ummiy Fauziyah; Rahmawati, Novi Rosita
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 2: October 2023
Publisher : LP2M Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/ijomer.v1i1.906


This research aims to develop VAKT-based learning media (Visual, Audio, Kinesthetic, Tactile) for hijaiyah letters memorization of children with a moderate level of mental retardation. The research was conducted at Putera Asih Special School (SLB) Kediri. The method used was Research and Development (R&D) combined with the ADDIE model. However, this research only reached the design stage. The data were collected using interviews, observation, and questionnaires. Based on the assessment by media experts, the videos, flashcards, and plasticine developed were very feasible to use, with an average of 90,4%. Also, the material experts stated that the material in the VAKT was very suitable for use at 85%. In addition, the result of the media acceptance questionnaire calculation reached 85%. It means that the VAKT-based learning media was very suitable for use by children with moderate mental retardation to memorize hijaiyah letters at Putera Asih Special School.
Membangun Karakter Sosial Ekonomi Siswa SD/MI Melalui Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial / Building the Social Character of Elementary Education Students Through Learning Social Sciences Umatin, Choiru; Widayanti, Desi; Nasichin Al Muiz, Mochamad
Al-Mudarris: Journal Of Education Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): edisi APRIL
Publisher : STAI Ma'had Aly Al-Hikam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32478/al-mudarris.v6i1.1488


This study answers the problems of SD/MI students who lack social character in interacting in their surroundings. This study tries to explain about the efforts of social studies teachers as educators in the formation of social character in SD/MI students. Social character education is an education that is urgent in shaping the child's personality to become a socially good human being with a series of situations. The method / approach used in this paper is the library research approach, while data collection is carried out by examining and exploring a number of journals, documents and books (both electronic and printed) and sources of data and or information. others that are considered relevant to the study. The findings obtained in this study that teachers 'efforts in developing students' social character include exemplary, inculcation or enforcement of discipline, habituation and creating a conducive atmosphere. The teacher also plays the role of instructor in the form of planning and implementing classroom learning. The teacher's role as a motivator and inspiration is manifested in the form of support, example, creativity, appearance, association, ways of communication and social care in the surrounding environment. The teacher's role as a trainer is realized in the form of building character awareness and character education activities in social interaction.