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Implementasi Progressive Muscle Relaxation Efektif Menurunkan Kecemasan Anak SDN Tangkilsari 1 Banten Sebagai Penguat Program Reopen School: Implementation of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Effectively Reduces Anxiety in SDN Tangkilsari 1 Banten Children as Reinforcement for Reopen School Program casman; Veronica Rahmawati; Ernawati; Puspita Lestari; Malianti Silalahi; Rio Nardo
Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Komunitas Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/jpkk.Vol2.Iss1.1166


Pandemi COVID-19 membawa dampak buruk pada anak, terutama anak sekolah yang mengalami kecemasan karena rencana sekolah kembali setelah sekian lama menjalani penutupan sekolah. Rencana pemerintah untuk kembali membuka sekolah secara tatap muka pun dirasa belum sepenuhnya siap. Hal ini terlihat dari rendahnya angka anak memakai masker dan mengikuti protokol kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan mengedukasi siswa terkait protokol kesehatan dan implementasi relaksasi otot progresif untuk menurunkan kecemasan sebagai pendukung kesiapan program kembali sekolah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu edukasi penggunaan masker dan prosedur cuci tangan serta implementasi relaksasi sebanyak tiga kali seminggu dengan durasi 30 menit tiap sesi relaksasi pada 21 siswa SDN Tangkilsari 1 Pandeglang Banten. Pengukuran kecemasan menggunakan instrumen HARS. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 100% siswa mampu memperagakan penggunaan masker dan cuci tangan 6 langkah dengan benar. Hasil juga menunjukkan terjadi penurunan nadi dan skala kecemasan secara signifikan setelah penerapan relaksasi otot progresif (p=0,001). Penurunan nadi setelah relaksasi penurunan nadi 8,81±8,171. Kecemasan anak yang sebelumnya ada pada tingkat kecemasan sedang menjadi kecemasan ringan pada post test pertama dan kedua, serta pengukuran post test ketiga rerata tidak ada kecemasan pada siswa. Pengabdian masyarakat berupa edukasi protokol kesehatan dan implementasi PMR ternyata terbukti meningkatkan kesiapan siswa untuk kembali sekolah.  Abstrack Children have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly student who are anxious as a result of school closures. The government's plan to restart face-to-face classrooms is still in the works. The low number of student who follow health routines exemplifies this point. As a supporter of the preparedness for the return to school program, this community service activity aims to educate student about health protocols and the use of progressive muscle relaxation to decrease anxiety. The approach employed included teaching on the usage of masks and hand washing procedures, as well as the application of relaxation three times a week for 21 students from SDN Tangkilsari 1 Pandeglang Banten, with each relaxation session 30 minutes. Anxiety is measured with the HARS instrument. The results showed that all students were able to demonstrate proper mask wearing and hand washing procedures. After using progressive muscle relaxation, the pulse and anxiety scales both decreased significantly (p = 0.001). Pulse 8.81±8.171 was reduced after relaxation. Children's anxiety that was previously at a moderate level of anxiety became mild anxiety in the first and second post-tests, as well as in the third post-test measurement of the average level of anxiety in students. Community service in the form of education on health protocols and the implementation of PMR was proven to increase students' readiness to return to school.
Implementasi Terapi Kelompok Teraupetik dan Peer Leadership Guna Menurunkan Prodroma dan Ide Bunuh Diri Remaja Malianti Silalahi; Casman; Dian Fitria; Tri Setyaningsih; Veronica Rahmawati; Zakiyyah Atshillah; Adinda Salsabila
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 02 (2022): May
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (725.678 KB) | DOI: 10.53690/ipm.v2i03.131


Suicide is a one of adolescents mental health problem in Indonesia. Some adolescents with psychological problems show symtomp such as suicidal ideation, have planned suicide and progress to suicidal attempt if the problem unsolved. One of preventive activity is provide education about early signs and symptoms of early psychosis (prodroma early psychosis). Based on the survey done by team showed that there was fourty adolencents in one of Pasar Baru villages had not been exposed to education related to suicide in adolescents. This is a priority problem to solved, so that it is important to give counseling and education to adolescent. Nursing Intervention therapy involed to two activity such as Therapeutic Group Therapy is the one of therapy consist of knowledge about adolescent growth and development task. Next intervention is giving education dan counceling about the description of the prodroma of early psychosis, and followed peer leadership as an effort to prevent suicide in adolescents. Therapeutic Group Therapy and Peer Leadership as nursing therapy to prevent suicide in adolescents which is applied to the one of area in Pasar Baru urban Village. The method is through counseling and discussions followed by therapeutic group therapy and peer leadership to adolescents. The result has been shown through these two therapy can reduce prodroma early psychosis 64.3% in adolescents and decrease in suicidal ideation to 14.3% post therapy.
Pengkajian Keperawatan yang Efektif bagi Gay dengan HIV/AIDS Malianti Silalahi
Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Volume 3/Nomor 2/Juli 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan RS Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.391 KB) | DOI: 10.33377/jkh.v3i2.55


Nursing care is a form of nurse care that can help in overcoming health problems, including those with gay / HIV / AIDS. Nursing assessment can be one of the keys to the successful implementation of nursing care. This study aims to explore effective nursing studies for gays with HIV / AIDS. This research is qualitative research with qualitative descriptive design. Data collection uses in-depth interview techniques with semi structure and uses field notes to 14 participants and is analyzed by thematic analysis. This study produced two themes, namely the focus of the assessment technique at the beginning of the meeting and the scope of the comprehensive study. Gay with HIV / AIDS takes time to establish trust and closeness with nurses. Assessment techniques at the beginning of the meeting are things that must be considered by nurses in the nursing care process. Open attitude must be considered in conducting nursing studies.
Terapi Kelompok Terapeutik dan Terapi Kognitif Perilaku Efektif Menurunkan Prodroma Remaja dengan Orang Tua Bercerai Malianti Silalahi; Novy H. C. Daulima; Mustikasari Mustikasari
Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Volume 5/Nomor 2/Juli 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan RS Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.337 KB) | DOI: 10.33377/jkh.v5i2.102


Adolescent is a growth phase that is quite vulnerable because it is a phase of searching for self-identity. At the stage of adolescent development, the role of parents is needed because it is a place for teens to ask in the process of finding their true identity. Some studies show that parental divorce primarily has a negative impact on adolescent psychology. Adolescent mental health due to divorce parents need to get treatment by knowing the initial signs and symptoms of early psychosis and providing nurses nurses' actions and specialist actions. The writing of this scientific paper explains the results of therapeutic measures of nurses, therapeutic group therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in reducing the rate of prodroma in adolescents with divorced parents. The method used is case series. Analysis was carried out on 6 teenagers, ages 13-16 years and had divorced parents. Results: Adolescents with divorced parents had increased prodroma rates after receiving therapeutic group therapy, but there was an increase in the achievement of developmental tasks and an increase in cognitive, emotional and psychosocial developmental abilities that were the basis for reducing prodroma. Cognitive behavioral therapy reduces the rate of prodroma in adolescents with divorced parents. The need for further research related to the effectiveness of therapy with more samples.
Program GERCEP BU dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Peran Ibu dalam Optimalisasi Peran dan Fungsi Keluarga Dian Fitria; Malianti Silalahi; Tri Setyaningsih; Jehan Puspasari; Fendy Yesayas
APMa Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : STIKES Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47575/apma.v3i1.388


Keluarga memiliki peranan penting didalam membangun kesehatan dan kesejahteraan sosial. Nilai, budaya, pendidikan, kesehatan, didalam msyarakat dibangun didalam keluarga. Sebaliknya permasalahan yang terjadi didalam masyarakat juga terjadi tidak terlepas dari fondasi yang dibangun didalam keluarga. Permasalahan seperti perceraian, kekerasan, NAPZA, putus sekolah, pergaulan bebas, hingga masalah kejiwaan. Peran ibu didalam keluarga yang optimal dapat meningkatkan keharmonisan dalam keluarga serta mencegah munculnya permasalahan tersebut terjadi dimasyarakat. Seorang ibu didalam keluarga yang belum mencapai tugas perkembangan dewasanya akan berdampak pada perannya didalam keluarga. peran dan fungsi keluarga yang tercapai. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan peran ibu didalam keluarga adalah dengan memberikan terapi kelompok terapeutik (TKT) usia dewasa.Terapi ini merupakan salah satu terapi spesialis keperawatan jiwa, terapi menggunakan metode pemberian edukasi, dan latihan stimulasi. Terapi ini memberikan edukasi mengenai tahap tumbuh kembang psikologis dan melatih peserta TKT untuk mencapai tumbuh kembang tersebut. Adapun aspek yang dilatih adalah aspek biologis, psikoseksual, kognitif, bahasa, emosi, bahasa, kepribadian, moral, spiritual, sosial yang dikaitkan dengan peran dan tugas keluarga. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat ibu telah memiliki kemampuan dasar 73% dan setelah dilakukan kegiatan TKT meningkat menjadi 95% mengalami kenaikan sebesar 22% pada ibu di wilayah RW 03 Kelurahan Pasar Baru. Dengan adanya kenaikan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan ibu dalam mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi didalam keluarga, dan terapi ini dapat dijadikan salah satu upaya dalam intervensi yang diberikan pada kegiatan posyandu, sehingga posyandu tidak hanya berfokus pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak tetapi juga orang tua dalam menjalankan peran didalam keluarga.
Publisher : Badan Pelaksana Kuliah Kerja Nyata Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/buguh.v3n1.794


Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) merupakan metode untuk menguji kompetensi klinik secara objektif dan terstruktur dalam bentuk putaran/station dengan waktu tertentu. Artikel ini berupaya memberikan gambaran dan penjelasan terkait program pelatihan OSCE standar nasional secara komprehensif terhadap pengetahuan dosen. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan model deskriptif-analitik. Hasilnya pengetahuan dan wawasan dosen meningkat dalam hal metode penilaian ujian keterampilan klinik dengan pendekatan OSCE. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai pre-test dan post-test yang menunjukkan pengetahuan dosen terkait OSCE rata-ratanya mengalami rerata kenaikan pengetahuan setelah melakukan pelatihan OSCE sebesar 35,29%. Selain itu, dosen juga dapat mengaplikasikan dan merancang model ujian keterampilan klinik dengan OSCE di laboratorium keperawatan, sehingga dapat mempersiapkan mahasiswa dalam menghadapi Exit-Exam. Mahasiswa keperawatan yang terlibat dalam pelatihan OSCE ini juga mendapatkan manfaat berupa pengalaman nyata dalam melakukan ujian keterampilan klinik secara komprehensif. Artikel ini juga berkontribusi bagi institusi pendidikan keperawatan untuk menerapkan metode OSCE dalam ujian keterampilan klinik sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesiapan mahasiswa dalam program Exit-Exam.
Persepsi Mahasiswa Baru yang Mengalami Kesurupan Terkait Stres Akademik Malianti Silalahi; Casman Casman; Kurniawan Kurniawan; Khoirunnisa Khoirunnisa
Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Volume 6/ Nomor 2/ Juli 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan RS Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (366.83 KB) | DOI: 10.33377/jkh.v6i2.133


Introduction: dissociative trance is susceptible to occur in first year student. This is associated with their ability in dealing with academic stress. Objective: this study aimed to explore the perception of freshmen year who experience trance that were associated with stress. Methods: this qualitative research used descriptive methods. The sampling technique was a purposive sampling. The participants were freshmen in the first semester and students who experienced mass trance. This study used in-depth interview as data collection technique. Result: there were five main themes, psychological responses and coping mechanisms of freshmen year who experience a trance in adapting to a new environment, perceptions of students who experience a trance that are in line with attitudes and emotional states in dealing with stress, impact namely of unresolved stressors on students who are in a trance experiencing a mass trance, the support system needed by students who are in a trance to cope with stress, and the process of the occurrence of a trance. Conclusion: stress factors and responses to cope the stress, as well as beliefs and heredity are considered as triggers for the occurrence of trance in freshmen year. This study described students' perceptions of the occurrence of trance. Further research is needed to find out the specific factors of trance.
Dampak Covid-19 : Stres pada Orang Tua dengan Kejadian Emotional Abuse pada Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) Dian Fitria; Malianti Silalahi; Tri Setyaningsih; Fendy Yesayas
Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Volume 6/ Nomor 2/ Juli 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan RS Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (653.138 KB) | DOI: 10.33377/jkh.v6i2.138


Introduction: the Covid-19 has made all aspects of life adapt to a new pattern of life. Learning method has changed to be a online distance learning. The role of parents in this methods, have agreat enough proportion for assistance, especially for elementary school-aged children. This is a additional tasks for parents, and can generate a new burden and daily stress. The patience of parents in providing assistance is needed, because it will cause violence to children, such as verbal and behavioral violence, which causes children to experience emotional abused. Objective: this research was conducted to find out how the behavior of students during the adaptation period of new habits, the influence of knowledge on Covid-19 prevention behavior and the factors that influence student behavior in preventing Covid-19. Methods: this research is a quantitative research with a cross sectional design. Data analysis using Pearson correlation test. The research sample was 285 parents assistance online learning for elementary school-aged children, with non-probability sampling method. Result: results showed that there was a significant and positive relationship correlation between stress on online learning assistance and emotional abused conducted on children, (P = 0.0005). Conclusion: parents need education about the impact of emotional abused on their children and Educational institutions need to pay attention to the level of comprehension of parents in assistance children's learning, especially in the use of systems or applications learning.