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Journal : ENGAGEMENT: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Learning Video Making Training In Pangkep Regency South Sulawesi Retyana Wahrini; Hasbi
ENGAGEMENT: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (642.021 KB) | DOI: 10.58355/engagement.v2i2.22


In mid-2019 all countries in the world faced the Covid-19 pandemic caused by the Corona virus. Until now, in early 2022, this pandemic has not yet found a cure and is even continuing to expand and more and more people are infected with this virus. The outbreak of this virus caused the Indonesian government to impose large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) and restrictions on community activities (PKM) level 3, level 2 and level 1 for areas affected by this disease, including the city of Makassar. One of the impacts of imposing restrictions in the world of education is causing schools and campuses to implement online learning or learning from home. Based on these conditions, designing and preparing the learning process involves many components and activities that must be well planned, systematic and measurable using internet technology and interactive applications. However, most of the teachers who teach in education units in elementary schools in Pangkajene and the Islands districts are still experiencing problems in preparing learning tools, especially audio-visual media which can be an alternative in delivering teaching material. Conditions like this have the potential to be used as a target location for community service activities in terms of training in making learning videos with screen recording applications. In addition, teachers in general already have laptops and even schools in general have personal computers, so understanding of computer operation is very good. Considering the many benefits, community service activities are carried out at SD Negeri 25 Taraweang, Labakkang District, Pangkep Regency, effective for 2 (two) months.
Learning Video Making Training In Pangkep Regency South Sulawesi Retyana Wahrini; Hasbi
ENGAGEMENT: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Community Development
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58355/engagement.v2i2.22


In mid-2019 all countries in the world faced the Covid-19 pandemic caused by the Corona virus. Until now, in early 2022, this pandemic has not yet found a cure and is even continuing to expand and more and more people are infected with this virus. The outbreak of this virus caused the Indonesian government to impose large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) and restrictions on community activities (PKM) level 3, level 2 and level 1 for areas affected by this disease, including the city of Makassar. One of the impacts of imposing restrictions in the world of education is causing schools and campuses to implement online learning or learning from home. Based on these conditions, designing and preparing the learning process involves many components and activities that must be well planned, systematic and measurable using internet technology and interactive applications. However, most of the teachers who teach in education units in elementary schools in Pangkajene and the Islands districts are still experiencing problems in preparing learning tools, especially audio-visual media which can be an alternative in delivering teaching material. Conditions like this have the potential to be used as a target location for community service activities in terms of training in making learning videos with screen recording applications. In addition, teachers in general already have laptops and even schools in general have personal computers, so understanding of computer operation is very good. Considering the many benefits, community service activities are carried out at SD Negeri 25 Taraweang, Labakkang District, Pangkep Regency, effective for 2 (two) months.
Training On Repairing Household Electrical Equipment In Pare Pare Community, South Sulawesi Retyana Wahrini; Hasbi
ENGAGEMENT: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Community Empowerment
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58355/engagement.v2i3.34


This community service activity was carried out for the people of Pare Pare South Sulawesi. This service activity is carried out in the form of training in the maintenance and repair of household electrical appliances. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide community service by providing training on: how to maintain household electrical appliances in general, diagnose damage, and repair damage based on diagnosis. Materials provided in this training include: maintenance of household electrical appliances, repair of damage to household electrical appliances, operation of household electrical appliances, and installation of household electrical devices. The implementation of community service regarding household electrical appliances ran smoothly. This community service activity has yielded results; increasing participants' knowledge of the benefits of maintaining electrical appliances, increasing participants' knowledge of damage diagnosis, and increasing participants' knowledge of correct repairs of household electrical appliances..
PKM Kelompok Usaha Ayam Broiler “Peternakan Ayam PATMA” Di Kelurahan Lompoe, Kecamatan Bacukiki, Kota Parepare Retyana Wahrini; Reski Febyanti Rauf; Ninik Rahayu Ashadi
ENGAGEMENT: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Community Service
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58355/engagement.v2i4.40


Permasalahan yang dialami oleh UKM Peternakan Ayam Patma berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor produksi yang dapat menimbulkan resiko kerugian seperti pemberian pakan, tenaga kerja serta pemasarannya. Selama ini terdapat keluhan dari pekerja dimana pekerja harus membawa ember besar yang berisi pakan yang menyebabkan pekerjaan mengalami keterlambatan dalam pemberian pakan yang menyebabkan kematian pada ayam broiler. Permasalahan lainnya terjadi dimana ayam harus diangkut dengan tangan saat panen tiba menuju tempat penimbangan sebelum dijual yang mengakibatkan kelelahan terhadap pekerja dan juga dapat mengakibatkan guncangan pada ayam broiler sehingga kurang fit saat dijual sehingga dapat menimbulkan kematian terhadap ayam broiler sebelum dijual. Permasalahan lainnya adalah dari segi pemasaran. Pemasaran ayam broiler di Peternakan Ayam Patma selama ini masih mengandalkan pesanan dari tetangga yang membutuhkan daging ayam segar dan juga membuka lapak dipinggiran jalan untuk menarik konsumen dalam mengkonsumsi ayam broiler. Sistem pemasaran mitra sangat bergantung pada pesanan dari tetangga, kerabat dan informasi dari mulut kemulut. Adapun solusi dari beberapa permasalahan tersebut adalah membuat alat bantu Manual Material Handling (MMH) berupa sebuah tempat pakan ayam menggunakan rell yang berfungsi meringankan pekerjaan dalam pemberian pakan dan mempermudah pengangkutan ayam broiler saat panen. Sedangkan dalam segi pemasarannya solusi yang kami tawarkan berupa penjualan ayam broiler melalui situs website dan sosial media yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan proses penjualan ayam broiler sehingga peternak tidak lagi menjual di lapak pinggir jalan dalam memasarkan ayam broiler yang telah dipanen. Berdasarkan dari solusi yang ditawarkan, maka target luaran adalah penambahan aset mitra berupa 1 unit alat Manual Material Handling (MMH) berupa sebuah tempat pakan ayam menggunakan rel yang berfungsi meringankan pekerjaan dalam memberikan pakan dan mempermudah pengangkutan ayam broiler saat panen serta toko online berupa website. Kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan diantaranya: (1) observasi, (2) tahap rancang bangun, (3) desain alat, (4) pembekalan mitra, (5) pelatihan mitra
Education And Training On Searching For Teaching Materials From The Internet For Teachers In Pangkep District Edy Sabara; Retyana Wahrini; Mustamin
ENGAGEMENT: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Community Service
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58355/engagement.v2i4.67


This Community Service Program (PkM) is entitled Education and Training on Searching Teaching Materials from the Internet for Teachers in Pangkep Regency. In the midst of globalization, teachers should not be like frogs in a shell. Teachers must have broad and globalized insights as an effort to improve education. Teachers should not only transfer information/learning materials that are "stale" (not contemporary) to students. The material taught by teachers does not solely come from textbooks, but there is information as learning material that can be obtained through other sources. One source that can be used as a medium to browse the latest information is the internet. The internet is currently not a rare item. Almost every time we use the internet in every activity to find various references and information needed. Currently in Pangkep district, teachers certainly have a variety of learning media and teaching materials used in the teaching and learning process, teachers access a variety of information for their teaching materials. It's just that to be able to access it, you need skills in the form of ways or techniques to make the internet a medium for searching learning resources. In fact, most teachers in Pangkep District do not know and master the techniques of operating and using the internet. Given the importance of this, it is necessary to hold training on the use of the internet as a medium for searching learning resources for teachers in Pangkep District.