Sondak, Calvyn F.A.
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ESTIMASI KANDUNGAN KARBON (C) PADA SERASAH DAUN MANGROVE DI DESA LANSA, KECAMATAN WORI, KABUPATEN MINAHASA UTARA Tidore, Fadli; Rumengan, Antonius; Sondak, Calvyn F.A.; Mangindaan, Remy E.P.; Runtuwene, Heard C.C.; Pratasik, Silvester B.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jplt.6.2.2018.21529


Global warming is one of the environmental issues related to climate change. Coastal blue carbon ecosystems such as mangrove and seagrass have ability to combat global warming. Mangrove ecosystem has an important ecological function in efforts to mitigate global warming, by carbon storage. This study was done in Lansa Village mangrove forest and focused on mangrove leaf litter. The purpose of this study was to estimate carbon content in mangrove leaf litter. Leaf litter samples were collected by using a 1x1 m2 litter trap, which was made of black nylon with a mesh size of about 0.2 cm, 8 traps were put under mangrove trees canopy, with a height of 1.5 m above sea level or at the highest tide. The samples were taken and observed every 7 days. The samples were analyzed by using Dry-Ash Method. The results showed that the average litter production of gram wet weight (Gbb) and gram dry weight obtained during the study were 122.97 gbb m2/28 days, 4.39 gbb m2/28 days, 47.69 gbk m2/28 days, 1.83 gb m2/day. The average of mangrove leaf litter biomass is 30.12 g m2. The highest amount of carbon storage in mangrove litter was 19.30 gram C. The average value of the percentage of carbon content of all plots was 31.38% per day. Based on these results the estimated amount of carbon removal in mangrove leaves was 2.16 t C ha-1 y-1 or 337.18 t C y-1.and 1,237.45 t CO2 y-1.Ekosistem mangrove memiliki fungsi ekologis yang sangat penting dalam upaya mitigasi pemanasan global, yakni sebagai penyerap dan penyimpan karbon Hutan mangrove juga memiliki peran sebagai penyerap karbon dioksida (CO2) dari udara sehingga sangat berguna untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untung mengestimasi kandungan karbon pada serasah daun mangrove di hutan mangrove Desa Lansa, Kecamatan Wori, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode litter trap yang berukuran 1x1 m2, yang terbuat dari nylon berwarna hitam dengan ukuran mata jaring (mesh size) sekitar 0,2 cm, sebanyak 8 buah dipasang di bawah kanopi pohon mangrove, dengan ketinggian 1,5 m di atas permukaan air laut atau pada pasang tertinggi untuk menampung jatuhnya serasah dan diamati setiap 7 hari. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rata-rata produksi serasah gram berat basah (Gbb) dan gram berat kering yang didapat selama penelitian, sebesar 122,97 gbb/m2/28hr, 4,39 gbb/m2/hr, 47,69 gbk/m2/28hr, 1,83 gbk/m2/hr. rata-rata biomassa serasah daun mangrove sebesar 41,07. Jumlah simpanan karbon tertinggi pada serasah mangrove sebesar 19,30 gram C. Nilai rata-rata persentase kandungan karbon dari semua plot adalah sebesar 31,38% per hari, berdasarkan hasil penelitian jumlah estimasi kandungan karbon yang tersimpan pada serasah daun mangrove 2,16 ton/ha/tahun.
AMPLIFIKASI DNA ALGA MERAH (RHODOPHYTA) Eucheuma sp. Djakatara, Paratiti Dewi; Gerung, Grevo S; Ginting, Elvy L; Sondak, Calvyn F.A.; Rumampuk, Natalie D.C.; Mantiri, Desy M.H.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jplt.6.2.2018.21516


Indonesia is a rich source of biodiversity and having a richness species of marine organisms. Indonesia has around 17,000 islands, a suitable place for seaweed growth because of its long coastline. There are around 782 species of seaweed in Indonesia with 196 species of green algae, 134 species of brown algae, and 452 red algae. Any of various seaweeds that potential sources of revenue and mostly can be found around Indonesian waters is Eucheuma sp. including in red algae and can produce carrageenan. Algae Morphological characteristics can be influenced by environmental factors among others: water movement, sunlight, temperature, salinity, and degree of acidity (pH). Beside environmental factors, genetic factors can influence differences in production quality and morphological characteristics of algae. To distinguish morphological characteristics can be analyzed molecularly. In molecular analysis, important steps that must be taken are DNA isolation and genomic DNA amplification. Isolation of red algae DNA in this study using the CTAB method which was modified from Doyle and Doyle (1987), Allen (2006) and Nugroho et al. (2015). Amplification of red algae genomic DNA (Eucheuma sp.) Using COX2 and rbcL genes on PCR. The success of the genomic DNA isolation process and the amplification of COX2 and rbcL genes from Eucheuma sp. detected through UV transilluminator after going through a gel electrophoresis process. Based on this study, several modifications need to be carried out in the DNA isolation stage Eucheuma sp. by using the method of Doyle and Doyle (1987) modifications that need to be carried out include adding vitamin C and liquid nitrogen. Furthermore DNA of Eucheuma sp. successfully amplified by using F-577 and R-753 primers. Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan sumber keanekaragaman hayati dan memiliki kekayaan spesies laut tertinggi. Indonesia memiliki sekitar 17.000 pulau, menjadi tempat yang cocok untuk pertumbuhan rumput laut karena garis pantainya yang panjang. Terdapat sekitar 782 spesies rumput laut di Indonesia dengan 196 spesies alga hijau, 134 spesies alga cokelat, dan 452 alga merah.  Salah satu jenis rumput laut yang potensial dan banyak dijumpai di perairan Indonesia adalah Eucheuma sp. yang termasuk dalam alga merah dan  dapat menghasilkan karaginan. Karakteristik morfologi alga dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan antara lain : gerakan air, cahaya matahari, suhu, salinitas dan derajat keasaman (pH). Selain faktor lingkungan, faktor genetik dapat mempengaruhi perbedaan kualitas produksi dan karakteristik morfologi pada alga. Untuk membedakan karakteristik morfologi dapat dianalisis secara molekuler. Dalam analisis molekuler, langkah penting yang harus dilakukan adalah isolasi DNA dan amplifikasi DNA genomik. Isolasi DNA alga merah dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode CTAB yang di modifikasi dari Doyle dan Doyle, (1987), Allen, (2006) dan Nugroho dkk, (2015).  Amplifikasi DNA genomik alga merah (Eucheuma sp.) menggunakan gen COX2 dan rbcL pada PCR. Keberhasilan proses isolasi DNA genomik dan amplifikasi gen COX2 dan rbcL dari Eucheuma sp. dideteksi melalui UV transilluminator setelah melalui proses elektroforesis gel. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, beberapa modifikasi perlu dilaksanakan dalam tahap isolasi DNA Eucheuma sp. dengan menggunakan metode Doyle dan Doyle, (1987) modifikasi yang perlu dilaksanakan meliputi penambahan vitamin C dan nitrogen cair. Selanjutnya DNA Eucheuma sp. berhasil diamplifikasi dengan menggunakan primer F-577 dan R-753.
ANALISIS TUTUPAN VEGETASI MANGROVE DI PULAU MANTEHAGE, TAMAN NASIONAL BUNAKEN, SULAWESI UTARA Sapsuha, Jufran; Djamaluddin, Rignolda; Sondak, Calvyn F.A.; Rampengan, Royke M.; Opa, Esri T.; Kambey, Alex D.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jplt.6.2.2018.21522


Mangrove forest are typical forest growing on along coasts, river mouth saffected by tides. This study was conducted on April to September 2018 in Mantehage Island, Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi. It was aimed to evaluate vegetation cover change during the period from 1995 to 2017 and to deskrip condition of mangrove vegetation at locations where the vegetation covers were identified to have been change. Image interpretation method and ground checks were applied in the study. RGB composite results of 473 1995 Landsat-5 images, RGB 453 of Landsat-7 images in 2005 and RGB 564 of Landsat-8 images in 2017 showed the area of mangrove vegetation cover in 1995, 2005 and 2017 respectively were 1333.95 ha, 1371.53 and 1383.21 ha. There was an increase in the area of mangrove vegetation cover in 1995-2005 covering an area of 37.58 ha and in the years 2005-2017 covering an area of 11.68 ha. In total there was an additional vegetation cover change of 49,26 ha for 22 years. Result from ground check indicated that the change in vegetation covers occurred at locations subjected to sedimentation, natural recovery at previous clear-cutting areas and area of artificial plantation. The phenomenan of mangrove diebach was found in the middle part between the two mainlands of Mantehage Island.Hutan mangrove merupakan tipe hutan yang khas dan tumbuh di sepanjang pantai atau muara sungai yang dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan April-September 2018 di Pulau Mantehage, Taman Nasional Bunaken, Sulawesi Utara dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi perubahan tutupan vegetasi mangrove di Pulau Mantehage dengan selang waktu 1995, 2005 dan 2017sertaMendeskripsikan kondisi vegetasi mangrove yang teridentifikasi mengalami perubahan tutupan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode interpretasi citra dan survei lapangan (Ground check). Hasil komposit RGB 473 citra Landsat-5 tahun 1995, RGB 453 citra Landsat-7 tahun 2005 dan RGB 564 citra Landsat-8 tahun 2017 menunjukkan luas tutupan vegetasi mangrove pada tahun 1995, 2005 dan 2017 secara berturut-turut adalah 1333,95 ha, 1371,53 dan 1383,21 ha. Terjadi penambahan luas tutupan vegetasi mangrove pada tahun 1995-2005 seluas 37,58 ha dan pada tahun 2005-2017 seluas 11,68 ha, jika dijumlahkan dalam kurun waktu 22 tahun terjadi penambahan luas tutupan vegetasi mangrove sebesar 49,26 ha. Hasil Ground Check di lapangan menunjukkan penambahan luas tutupan vegetasi mangrove terjadi pada lahan yang mengalami sedimentasi, lahan terbuka bekas penebangan yang mengalami pemulihan kembali dan pada lokasi tertentu yang ditanami secara artifisial. Fenomena mangrove dieback ditemukan di lokasi bagian tengah antara dua daratan Pulau Mantehage.
KONDISI EKOLOGI DAN NILAI MANFAAT HUTAN MANGROVE DI DESA LANSA, KECAMATAN WORI, KABUPATEN MINAHASA UTARA Takarendehang, Roberto; Sondak, Calvyn F.A.; Kaligis, Erly; Kumampung, Deslie; Manembu, Indri S.; Rembet, Unstain N.W.J.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jplt.6.2.2018.21526


Mangrove forests are biological natural resources that have a variety of potentials that benefit human life both directly and indirectly and can be felt, both by people who live near the mangrove forest area and people who live far from the mangrove forest area. Mangrove forests also have high economic and ecological values but are very vulnerable to damage if they are not wise in maintaining, preserving and managing them. Collecting data to find out the benefits of mangrove forests for the people of Lansa Village is done by survey methods in the form of direct interviews with the community using the ecosystem.Data collection on the ecological conditions of mangroves is carried out by making plots. The number of plots in this study are nine plots. Each plot has a size of 10x10 m. Retrieval of data in this study are: the type of mangrove, the relative density of species, the relative frequency of types, the closure of relative types, and the index of important values. Based on the results of interviews with the community regarding mangrove forests are mangrove regulation services, mangrove provisioning services and mangrove cultural services. The most extensive assessment of the use of mangrove forests is the construction of embankments of Rp. 2,583,300,000 and followed by utilization of fish Rp. 1,521,429,000 and then utilization of fuel wood Rp259.200.000. With the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Lansa Village, it is Rp.4,363,929,000 per year. Hutan mangrove merupakan sumberdaya alam hayati yang mempunyai berbagai keragaman potensi yang memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia baik yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dan bisa dirasakan, baik oleh masyarakat yang tinggal di dekat kawasan hutan mangrove maupun masyarakat yang tinggal jauh dari kawasan hutan mangrove. Hutan mangrove juga memiliki nilai ekonomis dan ekologis yang tinggi akan tetapi sangat rentan terhadap kerusakan apabila kurang bijaksananya dalam mempertahankan, melestarikan dan mengelolahnya. Pengambilan data untuk mengetahui manfaat hutan mangrove bagi masyarakat Desa Lansa dilakukan dengan metode survei dalam bentuk wawancara langsung dengan masyarakat pengguna ekosistem.Untuk pengambilan data kondisi ekologi mangrove dilakukan dengan pembuatan plot. Jumlah plot dalam penelitian ini adalah sembilan plot. Setiap plot memiliki ukuran 10x10 m. Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini adalah: jenis mangrove, kerapatan relatif jenis, frekwensi relatif jenis, penutupan relatif jenis, dan indeks nilai penting. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan masyarakat mengenai hutan mangrove adalah mangrove regulation service, mangrove provisioning service dan mangrove cultural services. Penilaian pemanfaatan hutan mangrove yang paling banyak yaitu pembangunan tanggul Rp 2.583.300.000 dan diikuti oleh pemanfaatan ikan Rp 1.521.429.000 dan kemudian pemanfaatan kayu bakar Rp 259.200.000. Dengan jumlah total nilai ekonomi hutan mangrove Desa Lansa adalah Rp 4.363.929.000 per tahun.
STRUKTUR KOMUNITAS DAN ZONASI VEGETASI MANGROVE DESA DARUNU KECAMATAN WORI KABUPATEN MINAHASA UTARA Upara, Udin; Kusen, Janny Dirk; Sondak, Calvyn F.A.; Schaduw, Joshian N.W; Tilaar, Sandra Olivia; Lasabuda, Ridwan
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jplt.9.1.2021.33957


Mangrove ecosystem is a collection of distinctive plant types that contained in tropical and subtropical coastal region. The purpose of research was to find out the community structure and mangrove zonation at Darunu Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency. The research was conducted by   the quadrant transect line method. It was done by pulling a straight line, perpendicular from the outermost mangrove area to the land direction, along 100 m by determining three data retrieval Station. To determine the condition of mangrove then density, species frequency, species coverage, important value index, diversity index and equality types were analyzed. The result found 5 mangroves species, namely: Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Avicennia officinalis. The highest density value was R.apiculata, as well as species frequency, while the species coverage value  found in S. alba. The diversity value found at Station 2. The zonation of mangrove vegetation in Darunu village respectively, at Station 1 and 2 in the front was overgrown by R.apiculata species with sandy mud substrate.  The Station 3 was overgrown by S.alba species with sandy mud. Generalyl, this location substrate contains of sandy mud and mud.Keywords : Mangrove, community structure, zonation.