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Geographic information system-based area suitability analysis for seaweed cultivation in South Halmahera Regency Salim, Muslim Hi; Sinjal, Hengky J; Lasabuda, Ridwan
AQUATIC SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT Vol 5, No 2 (2017): October
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jasm.5.2.2017.24564


Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Kesesuaian lahan budidaya rumput laut berdasarkan sistem informasi geografi di Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan The purpose of this study was to determine the development of seaweed cultivation area based on Geographic Information System (GIS) in South Halmahera District Joronga Islands. Determination of the coordinates used a GPS (Global Positioning System). Physical parameters, such as current and visibility, used a flow-meter and Secchi disc, respectively, while temperature and dissolved oxygen measurements used a 550A YSI Instrument. Water salinity was measured using refractometer and pH used litmus paper. Total study area was 4,202.96 ha covering Gonone, Tawabi, and Pula Gala. All data were analyzed and interpolated using the tools of ArcGIS 10.1 to yield a suitability map image. The highly suitable area for seaweed culture (S3) found covered 719.77 ha.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan area pengembangan budidaya rumput laut berdasarkan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) di Kepulauan Joronga Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan. Penentuan  koordinat menggunakan GPS (Global Positioning System). Pengukuran parameter kualitas perairan dan pengamatan kondisi keberadaan lokasi.  Pengukuran parameter fisika berupa arus dan kecerahan masing-masing menggunakan flow-meter dan sechi disk, sedangkan pengukuran suhu serta oksigen terlarut menggunakan water test YSI Instrumen 550A, adapun pengukuran salinitas menggunakan Refraktometer dan pH menggunakan kertas Lakmus.  Semua data dianalisis selanjutnya diinterpolasi menggunakan tools Arcgis 10.1 menghasilkan gambar peta kesesuaian. Wilayah yang sangat sesuai untuk budidaya rumput laut(S3)adalah 719,77 hektar.
Determination of core zone of marine sanctuary in Bahoi Village, North Minahasa Regency Tasidjawa, Sonny; Mandagi, Stephanus V; Lasabuda, Ridwan
AQUATIC SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT Edisi Khusus 1 (2013): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jasm.0.0.2013.2271


Bahoi village is located in West Likupang District of North Minahasa Regency. It is one of the villages that is included in the conservation network of North Sulawesi Province. A marine sanctuary has been established in this village in 2003 and it has been managed by local community, known as community-based marine sanctuary management, since then, this sanctuary has been in operation. As a small community-based marine protected area with lots of users, it requires an appropriate method to determine the Core Zone that allows an effective preservation of the marine biota. This is the driving factor of this study.  The purpose of this study is to examine the processes and output of determining the core zone of a Marine Sanctuary using a conventional method and Marxan Method. The conventional method is a simple method in determining a core zone such as using manta tow technique. While Marxan, it only requires input of data such as spatial and figures to generate information for determining the core zone. After comparing the processes of these two methods in the study site, it was found that Marxan method was more effective and more accurate with lower costs than the conventional one. In addition, the final decision of the core zone depended on the outcome of the village meetings when the conventional method was applied. This long process could be avoided when Marxan method was used. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use Marxan in determining core zones© Desa Bahoi terletak di Kecamatan Likupang Barat Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Desa ini merupakan salah satu desa yang masuk dalam jejaringan kawasan konservasi di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Sebuah Daerah Perlindungan Laut telah didirikan di desa ini pada tahun 2003 dan dikelolah oleh masyarakat setempat, yang dikenal sebagai pengelolaan Daerah Perlindungan Laut Berbasis Masyarakat, sejak saat itu Daerah Perlindungan Laut ini telah beroperasi. Sebagai Daerah Perlindungan Laut Berbasis Masyarakat yang kecil namun memiliki banyak pengguna, diperlukan metode tepat yang akan menentukan Zona Inti yang memungkinkan pelestarian biota laut menjadi sangat efektif. Ini adalah faktor pendorong dari penelitian. Selanjutnya, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji proses dan hasil penentuan zona inti Daerah Perlindungan Laut dengan menggunakan metode konvensional seperti survei manta tow dan marxan. Metode konvensional adalah metode sederhana dalam menentukan zona inti seperti teknik manta tow. Sedangkan marxan, hanya perlu memasukan data seperti spasial dan angka untuk menghasilkan informasi penentuan zona inti. Setelah membandingkan proses dari dua metode di lokasi penelitian, ditemukan bahwa metode marxan jauh lebih baik dari pada metode konvensional, karena lebih efektif, lebih akurat dengan biaya yang lebih rendah. Selain itu, keputusan akhir dari zona inti tergantung pada hasil rapat desa ketika metode konvensional diterapkan, proses panjang ini dapat dihindari jika metode marxan digunakan©
STRUKTUR KOMUNITAS DAN ZONASI VEGETASI MANGROVE DESA DARUNU KECAMATAN WORI KABUPATEN MINAHASA UTARA Upara, Udin; Kusen, Janny Dirk; Sondak, Calvyn F.A.; Schaduw, Joshian N.W; Tilaar, Sandra Olivia; Lasabuda, Ridwan
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jplt.9.1.2021.33957


Mangrove ecosystem is a collection of distinctive plant types that contained in tropical and subtropical coastal region. The purpose of research was to find out the community structure and mangrove zonation at Darunu Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency. The research was conducted by   the quadrant transect line method. It was done by pulling a straight line, perpendicular from the outermost mangrove area to the land direction, along 100 m by determining three data retrieval Station. To determine the condition of mangrove then density, species frequency, species coverage, important value index, diversity index and equality types were analyzed. The result found 5 mangroves species, namely: Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Avicennia officinalis. The highest density value was R.apiculata, as well as species frequency, while the species coverage value  found in S. alba. The diversity value found at Station 2. The zonation of mangrove vegetation in Darunu village respectively, at Station 1 and 2 in the front was overgrown by R.apiculata species with sandy mud substrate.  The Station 3 was overgrown by S.alba species with sandy mud. Generalyl, this location substrate contains of sandy mud and mud.Keywords : Mangrove, community structure, zonation.
Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 8, No 1 (2018): JUNI 2018
Publisher : Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (587.439 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jksekp.v8i1.6703


Pengelolaan pariwisata pesisir Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe telah banyak diteliti namun penelitian yang menekankan pada pengembangan potensi pariwisata pesisir desa bentung belum dilakukan. Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe merupakan kabupaten bahari yang memiliki Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata sesuai dengan PERDA Kepulauan Sangihe Nomor 15 Tahun 2008, yaitu kawasan yang memiliki fungsi utama pariwisata atau memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan pariwisata yang mempunyai pengaruh penting dalam satu atau lebih aspek seperti pertumbuhan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya, pemberdayaan sumber daya alam, daya dukung lingkungan hidup, serta pertahanan dan keamanan Desa Bentung mempuyai atraksi wisata Mairokang Beach Game (MBG) yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengembangan atraksi wisata pesisir di Desa Bentung dengan bentuk diversifikasi produk-produk wisata yang masih banyak selain lomba MBG. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2016 hingga Maret 2017 mengunakan metode observasi, kualitatif dan kualitatif (campuran). Metoda analisis deskriptif dan SWOT digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian mmenunjukkan bahwa potensi sumber daya pesisir di Desa Bentung seperti terumbu karang, hutan mangrove yang memiliki luas 2,82 Ha, keadaan hutan Mangrove tergolong dalam kondisi tidak rusak. Potensi pariwisata pantai Desa Bentung memiliki tiga kawasan pantai yang memiliki pasir yang berbeda yaitu Pantai Bulo, Pantai Nagha, Pantai Mairokang Bentung. MBG melaksanakan kegiatan – kegiatan yang bernuansa budaya Sangihe dan menjadi daya tarik wisata Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe, lomba ini merupakan lomba balap perahu. Hasil penelitian menyarankan erlunya fokus pembangunan sarana dan prasarana pariwisata.Title: Coastal Tourism Development Strategy in The Bentung Village, Sangihe Islands Regency of North SulawesiManagement of Sangihe coastal tourism has been extensively researched; however, research emphasizing on the development of coastal tourism potentials in Bentung Villages has yet been carried out. The regency of Kepulauan Sangihe which is a maritime regency has a Tourism Strategic Area in Sangihe Islands Local Regulation No. 15 Year 2008 which tell that a region that has a major function of tourism or has potential for tourism development that has an important influence in one or more aspects such as economic, social and cultural growth, natural resources empowerment, environmental carrying capacity, defense and security. Bentung Village a tourist attraction such as Mairokang Beach Game (MBG) that held annually. This study focuses on the development of coastal tourism attractions in the village of Bentung with a diversified form of tourism products that are still many other than the MBG competition. This research was conducted between October 2016 until March 2017 using qualtitaive and quantitative observation method (mix method). A descriptive and SWOT analysis were used in this study. Results of the research showed that potential of coastal resources in Bentung Village such as coral reefs, mangrove forest has an area of 2.82 Ha and classified as undamaged. Bentung Beach tourism has three areas that have different sand such as Bulo Beach, Nagha Beach and Mairokang Beach. MBG carries out cultural activities of Sangihe and becomes a tourist attraction of Kepulauan Sangihe Regency, This attraction is a boat racing competition. The research suggests the need to be focused on the development of tourism’s infrastructure and facilities.
Benefit Value of Mangrove Forest in Sarawet Village, Likupang Timur, Minahasa Utara Chika Litawaty Tamsir; Ridwan Lasabuda; Adnan S. Wantasen; Khristin I. F. Kondoy; Alex D. Kambey; Calvyn Sondak
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41499


The purpose of this study is to: 1) identify various types of direct and indirect benefits of mangrove forests, and 2) estimate the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village. This type of research is descriptive and quantitative using survey methods. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to explain the activities of utilizing natural resources of mangrove ecosystems, while quantitative analysis is used to calculate the total economic value of mangrove ecosystems. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method, with a total of 76 respondents. Analysis of the total economic value for the value of direct benefits using market prices, and the value of indirect benefits using replacement costs. The results showed that the people of Sarawet Village use the mangrove forest ecosystem directly in the form of mangrove wood used as firewood and fence stakes, leaves Nipah are made with roofs, and the community carries out fishing and crab activities around mangrove waters.Analysis of the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village amounted to Rp. 6.884.344.178,-/year. The total economic value is obtained from the value of direct benefits including utilization as firewood Rp. 4,160,000,- /year; fence pegs Rp. 87.500,-/year; roof of the house Rp. 330.000,-/year; fishing Rp. 769.174.000,-/year; crab fishing is Rp. 190.320.000,-/year, and the value of indirect benefits is as a barrier to abrasion and seawater waves Rp. 5.920.272.678,-/year. The large economic value of the total mangrove forest ecosystem in Sarawet Village shows that the mangrove ecosystem provides great benefits to the community.Keywords: direct benefit value, indirect benefit value, total economic value, MangroveAbstrakThe purpose of this study is to: 1) identify various types of direct and indirect benefits of mangrove forests, and 2) estimate the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village. This type of research is descriptive and quantitative using survey methods. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to explain the activities of utilizing natural resources of mangrove ecosystems, while quantitative analysis is used to calculate the total economic value of mangrove ecosystems. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method, with a total of 76 respondents. Analysis of the total economic value for the value of direct benefits using market prices, and the value of indirect benefits using replacement costs. The results showed that the people of Sarawet Village use the mangrove forest ecosystem directly in the form of mangrove wood used as firewood and fence stakes, leaves Nipah are made with roofs, and the community carries out fishing and crab activities around mangrove waters.Analysis of the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village amounted to Rp. 6.884.344.178,-/year. The total economic value is obtained from the value of direct benefits including utilization as firewood Rp. 4,160,000,- /year; fence pegs Rp. 87.500,-/year; roof of the house Rp. 330.000,-/year; fishing Rp. 769.174.000,-/year; crab fishing is Rp. 190.320.000,-/year, and the value of indirect benefits is as a barrier to abrasion and seawater waves Rp. 5.920.272.678,-/year. The large economic value of the total mangrove forest ecosystem in Sarawet Village shows that the mangrove ecosystem provides great benefits to the community.Keywords: direct benefit value, indirect benefit value, total economic value, Mangrove.
Status of Seagrass Beds in the Waters around Bahowo, Tongkaina Village, Manado City North Sulawesi Province Festy Togolo; Febry S. I Menajang; Fransine B Manginsela; Khristin I. F Kondoy; Ridwan Lasabuda; Joshian N Schaduw
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): ISSUE JANUARY-JUNE 2023
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v11i1.41816


This research was conducted in November 2021 in the waters around Bahowo, Tongkaina Village, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. Seagrass sampling was carried out using a random sampling method (randomly) with a quadratic transect drawn perpendicular to the shoreline. Thus, 6 species of seagrass were obtained, namely Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium and Halodule pinifolia, with various aquatic environmental conditions. The results of the analysis of the status of the seagrass beds obtained that the seagrass cover value was 50.20% which was included in the "moderate" category, while the seagrass cover per species was Thalassia hemprichii species with the highest cover found was 30.08%, Enhalus acoroides was 21.49% , Halophila ovalis was 6.84%, Thalassodendron ciliatum was 17.39%, Syringodium isoetifolium was 12.31% and Halodule pinifolia was the least common type was 2.35%. The density value of Enhalus acoroides seagrass is 48.375 ind/m2, Halophila ovalis is 14.5 ind/m2, Thalassodendron ciliatum is 35,475 ind/m2, Thalassia hemprichii species with the highest density is 67.25 ind/m2, Syringodium isoetifolium is 27.875 ind/m2 and Halodule pinifolia species density is at least 5.25 ind/m2. The status of the seagrass beds was categorized as "unhealthy" with an average seagrass cover value of 50.20%.Keywords: Seagrass Status, Cover, Seagrass, Bahowo ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2021 di Perairan Sekitar Bahowo, Kelurahan Tongkaina, Kota Manado, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Pengambilan sampel lamun dilakukan menggunakan metode random sampling (secara acak) dengan transek kuadrat yang ditarik tegak lurus garis pantai. sehingga diperoleh 6 jenis lamun yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium dan Halodule pinifolia, dengan kondisi lingkungan perairan yang beragam. Hasil dari analisis status padang lamun diperoleh nilai tutupan lamun adalah 50,20% termasuk ke dalam kategori “sedang”, sedangkan tutupan lamun per jenis yaitu Thalassia hemprichii jenis dengan tutupan yang tertinggi dijumpai adalah 30,08%, Enhalus acoroides adalah 21,49%, Halophila ovalis adalah 6,84%, Thalassodendron ciliatum adalah 17,39%, Syringodium isoetifolium adalah 12,31% dan Halodule pinifolia jenis yang paling sedikit ditemukan adalah 2,35%. Nilai kerapatan lamun Enhalus acoroides adalah 48,375 ind/m2, Halophila ovalis adalah 14,5 ind/m2, Thalassodendron ciliatum adalah 35,475 ind/m2, Thalassia hemprichii jenis kerapatannya paling tinggi adalah 67,25 ind/m2, Syringodium isoetifolium adalah 27,875 ind/m2 dan Halodule pinifolia jenis kerapatannya paling sedikit adalah 5,25 ind/m2. Status padang lamun dikategorikan dalam kondisi “kurang sehat” dengan nilai rata-rata penutupan lamun adalah 50,20%.  Kata kunci: Status Padang Lamun, Tutupan, Lamun, Bahowo
Structure Of Mangrove Communities In Baturapa Village, Lolak District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency Frian Patra; Ridwan Lasabuda; Adnan S. Wantasen
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (696.191 KB) | DOI: 10.35800/jpkt.10.2.2019.24449


The Baturapa Village community uses mangroves to fulfill their various needs (fuel wood, house construction materials, color dyes and synthetic flower-making raw materials). This utilization must be carried out in a controlled manner to preserve the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem. This study aims to determine the extent and the current structure of the mangrove community in Baturapa Village. The research was conducted in the mangrove area of Baturapa Village, Lolak District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi Province in March 2019.The method used was the line transect method to see the mangrove community structure including density, frequency, species dominance and Important Value Index (INP) and diversity index (H’). Mangrove area was calculated using Google earth pro and ArcGis 10.4 software. The outcomes of the calculation of the area of mangrove in the village of Baturapa are 37.4 hectares. The results of the identification of mangroves in the coastal area of Baturapa Village, Lolak District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, have 11 species, with 111 total individuals. Of the 3 line transects, the highest species density is Rhizophora stylosa, 800 trees / ha (line transect III) with relative density ( KR) 57.1%, while T\the highest frequency of species is Rhizophora stylosa with a value of 1.0 with a relative frequency (FR) of 50% (line transect III). The highest species dominance is Rhizophora mucronata with a value of 4.6 where relative dominance (DR) is 53.4% (line transect II). Furthermore, the highest species value index (INP) is Rhizophora stylosa with a value of 118.6 (line transect III). Line transect I has the highest diversity index (H;) with a value of 1.99. A value of 1.99 (H’) greater than 1 and smaller 3.3 means that productivity is sufficient, ecosystem conditions are quite balanced and ecological pressure is moderate.Keywords: Baturapa Village, mangrove area, density, frequency, dominance, index important value, mangrove diversity indexABSTRAKMasyarakat Desa Baturapa memanfaatan mangrove untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan hidupnya (kayu bakar, bahan pembangunan rumah,pewarna jarin dan bahan baku pembuatan bunga sintetis). Pemanfaatan ini harus dilakukan secara terkendali untuk menjaga keberlanjutan ekosistem mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui luasan dan struktur komunitas mangrove saat ini di Desa Baturapa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan mangrove Desa Baturapa, Kecamatan Lolak, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara pada bulan maret 2019. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode line transect untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas mangrove meliputi kerapatan, frekuensi, domimasi spesies serta Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) dan Indeks keaneragaman (H’). Menghitung luas mangrove menggunakan sofware Google earth pro  dan ArcGis 10,4.  Hasil perhitungan luas mangrove  di desa Baturapa  37,4 Hektar. Hasil identifikasi mangrove di wilayah pesisir Desa Baturapa Kecamatan  Lolak Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow terdapat  11 spesies,  dengan total individu sebanyak 111.  Dari ke-3 line transect, kerapatan spesies tertinggi dimiliki Rhizophora stylosa, 800 pohon/ha (line transect III) dengan kerapatan relatif (KR) 57,1 %. Frekuensi spesies tertinggi adalah  Rhizophora stylosa  dengan nilai 1,0 dengan frekuensi relatif (FR) 50% (line transect III). Dominasi spesies tertinggi adalah Rhizophora mucronata dengan nilai 4,6 dimana dominasi relatif (DR) 53,4% (line transect II).  Selanjutnya Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) spesies paling tinggi yaitu Rhizophora stylosa dengan nilai 118,6 (line transect III). Line transect  I memiliki  indeks keanekaragaman (H’)  tertinggi dengan nilai 1,99.  Nilai 1,99 (H’) lebih besar 1 dan lebih kecil 3,3 ini berarti produktivitas cukup, kondisi ekosistem cukup seimbang dan tekanan ekologi sedang. Kata kunci : Desa Baturapa, luas mangrove, kerapatan, frekuensi, dominasi, Indeks                     nilai penting,Indeks keaneragaman mangrove
Seagrass Cover On The Island Of Manado Tua, Bunaken Kepulauan District, Manado City Efraim Bulele; Ferdinand F. Tilaar; Maartianus S. Baroleh; Ridwan Lasabuda; Darus S. J. Paransa; Anneke V. Lohoo
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jpkt.11.1.2020.29888


The lamun is a high level of vegetation that lives in the sub-tropical region. The lamun has a high chance of survival in southeast Asia. In Indonesia, details of the largest tidal wave in the east are so much for research about lamun, one of which is information about the current research project of the lamun ocean in old manado island. The study was intended to obtain information about the percentage of lamun caps in the coastal waters of old manando island. Research is based on the old island of manado, the bunaken islands district, the city of manado was completed in the second week of December. To find out which artic percentage patch on Manado Tua island, a type of seagrass Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acorides, 71% frame presentation. The total 33 square, the 23 squares is Enhalus acorides and 2 of them Thalassia hemprichii while the other 8 squares are occupied by 2 types seagrass. the other net value of the current was 3,4 cm/s, a precentage of current velocity 100%, and when the water rose 0,21 m, whereas a high rise of 2,17 m, the salinity rate of Manado island is 35 ‰, three times that of salinity measurement was achived in lowest scores 26⁰C and the highest figure 29⁰C, the caostal waters substrat Manado tua island to which is sand, rocky, coral reef mixes, sand blends with gravel.Key words : seagrass, percent of cover, Manado tua island ABSTRAKLamun adalah tumbuhan tingkat tinggi yang hidup di wilayah sub-tropis. Lamun mempunyai peluang hidup yang tinggi di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Di indonesia rincian luasan lamun terbesar berada dibagian timur sehingga masih banyak kajian penelitian yang harus diungkapkan tentang Lamun, salah satunya informasi mengenai presentase tutupan Lamun. penelitian kali ini mengenai tutupan lamun di perairan pantai pulau Manado Tua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang persentase tutupan lamun di perairan pantai pulau Manando tua. Penelitian berlokasi di Pulau Manado tua, Kecamatan Bunaken Kepulauan, Kota Manado  dilaksanakan pada minggu kedua bulan Desember. Untuk mengetahui persantese tutupan lamun di pulau Manado Tua menggunakan metode Line transeck . Hasil penelitian di Pulau Manado tua, jenis lamun yaitu: Thalassia hemprichii dan Enhalus acorides, presentase tutupan lamun 71,4%. Total 33 kuadrat, 23 diantarnya adalah Enhalus acorides dan 2 diantaranya Thalassia hemprichii sedangkan 8 kuadrat lainnya ditempati 2 jenis lamun. Parameter biofisik lainnya yang didapat, kecepatan arus rata-rata pengukuran 3 stasiun yaitu 3,4 cm/s, persentase kecepatan arus 100%, kedalam saat air surut 0,21 m sedangkan ketika pasang tertinggi 2,17 m, Pengukuran salinitas di peraiaran pantai pulau Manado Tua diperoleh angka kadar salinitas yaitu 35 ‰, pengukuran suhu dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali dan di peroleh angka terendah 26⁰C dan angka paling tinggi 29⁰C, Substrat perairan pantai pulau Manado yang di temui yaitu berpasir, berbatu,  bercampur terumbu karang, pasir bercampur dengan kerikil. merskipun tingkat keragaman jenis tidak tinggi namun penelitian di perairan pantai pulau Manado Tua menujukan bahwa persentase tutupan lamun berada dalam kategori Baik (≥ 60%). Kata kunci : Lamun, Persentase tutupan, Pulau Manado tua
Structure Of Mangrove Community On Kumo Island Tobelo Subdistrict, North Halmahera Regency Aprianto Rudjubik; Jans Lalita; Gaspar Manu; Ridwan Lasabuda; Rose O. S. E. Mantiri; Calvin Sondak
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jpkt.v11i3.44070


Mangroves are unique plants because they are able to survive in extreme areas with high salinity levels. Mangroves are also often referred to as tidal plants because their growth is influenced by tides. This study uses the quadrant transect line method by determining 3 observation points (stations) taking samples, and determining the condition of mangroves, the calculation of species density, species frequency, species closure, importance value index, and diversity. For environmental variables, several measurements were made, namely temperature, salinity, and type of substrate on Kumo Island. From the results of the study, it is known that mangrove species that have a high density are R.apiculata species and the highest frequency value is in the same species S.alba, while the value of diversity shows a moderate value. The temperature range on Kumo Island is around 29-30 C, as well as the salinity range of 29-30 ppt, and the dominating substrate which is muddy, causes the S.alba species to be found more than other species. Keywords: Kumo Island, Community Structure, Mangrove Abstrak Mangrove merupakan tumbuhan yang unik dan khas karena mampu bertahan hidup pada daerah yang ekstrim dengan kadar salinitas yang tinggi. Mangrove juga sering disebut dengan tumbuhan pasang surut karena pertumbuhanya dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut .Penelitian ini mengunakan metode line transek kuadran dengan menentukan 3 titik pengamatan (stasiun) pengambilan sempel,dan untuk mengetahui kondisi mangrove maka dilakukan perhitungan kerapatan jenis, frekuensi jenis, penutupan jenis, indeks nilai penting dan keanekaragam. Untuk variabel lingkungan dilakukan beberapa pengukuran yaitu suhu, salinitas dan tipe substrat yang ada di Pulau Kumo. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui jenis mangrove yang memiliki kerapatan tinggi yaitu jenis R.apiculata dan untuk nilai frekuensi tertingi ada pada jenis S.alba, sedangkan untuk nilai tutupan ada pada jenis S.alba, untuk keanekaragam menunjukan nilai yang sedang. Kisaran suhu di Pulau Kumo yaitu sekitar 29-30 C, sama halnya dengan kisaran salinitas yaitu 29-30 ppt dan untuk substrat yang mendominasi yaitu berlumpur,hal ini menyebabpkan jenis S.alba banyak ditemukan dari pada jenis yang lain. Kata kunci: Pulau Kumo, Struktur Komonitas, Mangrove
Identification Of Marine Debris By Focusing The Study Of Clean Coast Index On Karang Ria Tuminting Beach Tirza I. A. Poluan; Joudy R. R. Sangari; Ferdinand Frans Tilaar; Lawrence J. L. Lumingas; Wilmy E. Pelle; Ridwan Lasabuda
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): ISSUE JANUARY-JUNE 2023
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v11i1.44018


Marine debris is rapidly gaining worldwide recognition as a major anthropogenic threat to global ocean ecosystems and produces a wide range of negative environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural impacts (UNEP, 2009). East Asia is the region with the fastest growing waste production in the world. Indonesia is in second position after China which produces the most waste in the world (Jambeck et al, 2015). The Beach Hygiene Index is a scaled index in a “Clean Coast” program launched by the Israeli ministry in an effort to solve the problem of littering on Israel's beaches. This index can be used as an indicator of pollution in a marine tourism area. The purpose of this study was to identify types of marine debris in the coastal waters of Karang Ria Tuminting and determine the value of the Clean Coast Index as an indicator of pollution. The collected data was then processed and statistically analyzed using Excel, Orange and SPSS software. Sampling was done by adapting the Shoreline Survey Methodology. approximately 1 month and made 2 direct observations, the plastic and rubber waste categories were found as the most common categories with the first observation being 73.4% and the second observation being 10.1%. The activities of the surrounding community are the main factors causing the abundance of marine debris around the coastal areas. The index value obtained is 39.5 with a total of 395 waste in various categories as stated by NOAA (2016). Keywords: Marine debris, Index, Identification, Category ABSTRAK Sampah laut dengan cepat mendapatkan pengakuan dunia sebagai ancaman antropogenik utama bagi ekosistem lautan global dan menghasilkan berbagai macam dampak negatif lingkungan, ekonomi, keselamatan, kesehatan, dan budaya (UNEP, 2009). Asia Timur adalah wilayah dengan pertumbuhan produksi sampah tercepat di dunia. Indonesia berada pada posisi kedua setelah China yang memproduksi sampah terbanyak di dunia (Jambeck et al, 2015). Indeks Kebersihan Pantai adalah skala indeks dalam suatu program “Clean Coast” yang diluncurkan kementerian Israel dalam upaya untuk memecahkan permasalahan sampah di pantai-pantai Israel. Indeks ini dapat digunakan sebagai indikator polusi pada suatu kawasan wisata bahari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi jenis sampah laut di perairan pantai Karang Ria Tuminting dan menentukan nilai Indeks Kebersihan Pantai (Clean Coast Index) sebagai indikator polusi. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian diolah dan dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Excel, Orange dan SPSS. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi metode Shoreline Survey Methodology. Pengamatan dilaksanakan kurang lebih 1 bulan dan dilakukan 2 kali pengamatan langsung, diperoleh kategori sampah plastik dan karet sebagai kategori yang paling banyak ditemukan dengan komposisi jumlah pada pengamatan pertama sebesar 73.4% dan pengamatan kedua sebanyak 10.1%. aktivitas masyarakat sekitar menjadi faktor utama penyebab berlimpahnya sampah laut di sekitar wilayah pesisir. Nilai indeks yang diperoleh yaitu sebanyak 39,5 dengan jumlah total 395 sampah dengan berbagai kategori sesuai dengan yang dikemukakan oleh NOAA (2016). Kata kunci : Sampah laut, Indeks, Identifikasi, Kategori