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Pembangunan jalan Tol Manado-Bitung adalah kerja sama patungan yang melibatkan kontraktor domestik dan kontraktor asing untuk mengerjakan sebuah proyek bersama-sama dalam waktu yang telah ditetapkan dalam kontrak, yang lebih dikenal dengan Internasional Joint Operation. Kerja sama ini memerlukan standar kontrak yang menjadi acuan untuk memulai rangkaian proyek. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi perjanjian kontrak FIDIC dan Kontrak Nasional pada Kontraktor IJO Proyek Infrastruktur Jalan Tol Manado-Bitung.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif dimana hasil survey, kuisioner dan wawancara diolah dengan metode analisa SWOT.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:dalam kerja sama Internasional Joint Operation pada proyek Tol 1 bentuk kontrak adalah FIDIC, sedang pada proyek Tol 2 menggunakan kontrak Nasional, sehingga kualitas dokumen kontrak yang digunakan juga mempunyai kerangka masing-masing sebagai acuan kerja. Faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi salah satu kinerja proyek adalah adanya potensi sengketa; dan berdasarkan Analisa SWOT, model strategi penerapan perjanjian kontrak FIDIC pada Tol 1 dan Kontrak Nasional pada Tol 2 sudah tepat dengan mempertimbangkan jenis sengketa dan penyebab sengketa dalam pelaksanaan proyek.  Kata Kunci: Tol Manado-Bitung, kontrak, kerja sama, kontraktor domestic, kontraktor asing, IJO, FIDIC, SWOT
JURNAL ILMIAH MEDIA ENGINEERING Vol 7, No 4 (2017): Jurnal Ilmiah Media Engineering
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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The change of Spatial Plan of Manado City in district Mapanget from the sub service center of the city into a new city center made the growth of infrastructure increased along with the rapid growth of population causing the increasing of drinking water demand in the area. To meet the needs of drinking water in district Mapanget required a water supply system development by conducting a feasibility study so that with the feasibility result is expected to have an effort from the government and the investors to make water supply system investment in the district of Mapanget.The feasibility study process of water supply system in district Mapanget starts from identifying the factors become an investment feasibility indicator and conducting water supply system development analysis from that indicator. From the analysis of the feasibility factors we perform the economic feasibility calculation of the calculation of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PP).The results of identification obtained by water supply system feasibility factors are technical, social, institutional and economic. From each factor is obtained the following results, for technical factors made water supply system distribution system planning that consists of raw water sources are Kuwil Reservoir, production units in the form of installation of water management and pumps, reservoir units and pipeline units. From the social factor, the water requirement in the year of 2025 is 12,585,91 m3 / day and the year 2036 is 19,741,23 m3 / day with the subsidy level of water supply system from the community as much as 51%. As for the institutional factor, management and operation of water supply system is done by the Provincial Government of North Sulawesi in this case UPTD Air Minum Public Works Department of North Sulawesi Province. The results of the calculation of the investment economy of several assumptions on interest rates obtained value of BCR is more than 1, NPV is positive, IRR value is greater than the value of interest rate used and Payback Period for interest rate 5% - 20% less than 15 years so the project is declared feasible to be implemented. Keywords: Investment feasibility, water supply system, BCR, NPV, IRR, Payback Period 
Mapping of Waste Bank Management Area in Manado City Piet Pusung; Felly Warouw; Shirly Lumeno
Journal of Sustainable Engineering: Proceedings Series Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35793/joseps.v1i1.6


The problem of waste is very worrying because it has a direct impact on humans, especially the inclusion of plastic elements in the human body through fish and food exposed to microplastic. One way to overcome the problem of waste is to reduce waste from its source by sorting methods from the source and managed further through the process of recycling or upcycling into new products. Reducing waste from its source by sorting and then saving it in a Waste Bank is one promising breakthrough and can encourage people to actively participate in environmental management. The purpose of this study was to obtain a mapping model of the waste management service area in the city of Manado as needed. The research data was obtained through research on smash applications for waste banks supporting field research through observation and interviews. Data was analyzed by mapping the position of waste banks in the city of Manado. Furthermore, comparing the three garbage banks in Manado city to find a pattern of waste bank management with various indicators. The results of the study indicate that the current mapping of the position of waste banks in Manado consists of the center, the suburbs and outside the city. Furthermore, the results of the comparison of the three garbage banks conclude that the most effective waste bank is a waste bank in a residential area. An effective waste bank is one of the strategies for implementing 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) in waste management at its source at the community level. The implementation of the waste bank in principle is a social engineering to invite the public to sort out waste for environmental sustainability and public welfare.
Persepsi Risiko Terhadap Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan Tenaga Kerja dalam International Joint Venture pada Proyek Infrastruktur Puti Farida Marzuki; Shirly Susanne Lumeno
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 18 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2011.18.1.2


Abstrak. Risiko kontraktor akibat penyediaan dan pengelolaan tenaga kerja merupakan tantangan pada international joint venture (IJV) pada proyek karena tenaga kerja domestik dan asing dengan latar belakang dan pola pikir yang berbeda harus bekerja sama di dalam aliansi yang baru untuk mencapai tujuan proyek. Makalah ini membahas persepsi terhadap faktor risiko penyediaan dan pengelolaan tenaga kerja melalui suatu studi kasus pada suatu proyek pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia yang dilaksanakan oleh dua mitra yang bergabung di dalam suatu IJV. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan survei melalui suatu kuesioner yang diisi oleh tenaga kerja kedua mitra tersebut. Hasil penelitian mengenai persepsi ini mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara masalah penyediaan dan pengelolaan tenaga kerja yang dihadapi oleh mitra asing, mitra domestik serta berbagai level manajemen dalam IJV. Perbedaan ini terutama terdeteksi melalui persepsi mereka terhadap permasalahan yang terkait dengan peraturan dan perizinan, pengetahuan dan pengalaman kerja, serta kompensasi/reward. Adanya indikasi perbedaan persepsi antar mitra dan antar level manajemen mengenai faktor risiko yang berpeluang merugikan kontraktor dapat mempengaruhi kinerja joint venture yang harus dicerminkan oleh kualitas kerja, produktivitas kerja, dan hubungan kerja. Identifikasi persepsi responden ini selanjutnya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk merancang mitigasi terhadap risiko kerugian yang dihadapi IJV pada proyek akibat pengadaan dan pengelolaan tenaga kerjanya. Abstract. Contractor's risk involved with the recruitment and management of workers is a challenge in project based international joint ventures (IJV) as domestic and foreign workers with different backgrounds and diverse mind set have to collaborate in a new alliance and face a dynamic situation in a relatively short period to achieve the project's objectives. This paper analyzes the perception of the contractors' workers on this risk through a case study of an infrastructure project executed by an IJV in Indonesia. A questionnaire is completed by the IJV partners' workers to collect data. The results indicate that the foreign and domestic partners in the IJV as well as its management levels face different problems of workers recruitment and management. This is mostly revealed through their different perceptions on problems related to regulations, work knowledge and experience, as well as compensation/reward. Meanwhile, it is also shown that consolidation, communication, language, and work environment are perceived as the main important factors to achieve the expected project's performance. Perception differences among the joint venture partners and management levels have the potential to influence performance. This perception identification can be further used in decision making by an IJV to mitigate the risk involved with workers procurement and management.