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JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Journal of Advanced English Studies
Publisher : Study Program of English Literature

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47354/jaes.v3i1.84


Translation now becomes important in human culture. Translation is the act of process of rendering what is expressed in one language or set of symbols by means of another language or set of symbols. This research aims at analyzing the cultural transfer and how the procedures in translation on mobile application of ‘Tangkap Reptil’ from Indonesia into the English. The Source Language (SL) used is Indonesian, then translated into the Target Language (TL) in the form of English. The data were taken from mobile application ‘Tangkap Reptil’ where it is an application that connect the community with the nearest reptile community that is ready to assist the community in securing reptiles. This mobile application is the result of New Lecturer Research Grant 2019 by Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Kemeristekdikti. The theory applied is theory of translation proposed by Newmark related to culture and translation processes. He divided the translation procedures into fifteen translation procedures. The research is qualitative, and the data were analyzed descriptively. The data was collected by using observation method completed by applying the note taking technique. In this paper, the researcher wants to study how a translator transfer the cultural issues from SL to TL and discuss the procedures he used. Despite translating with awareness to the culture, the research concern to the transferring process in this literary work by focusing on the choosing of equivalence word that makes the culture from SL transfer smoothly into TL.
Sistem Keamanan Ruangan Berbasis Internet of Things Menggunakan Single Board Computer Rima Dias Ramadhani; Afandi Nur Aziz Thohari; Novanda Alim Setya Nugraha
InfoTekJar : Jurnal Nasional Informatika dan Teknologi Jaringan Vol 4, No 2 (2020): InfoTekJar Maret
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/infotekjar.v4i2.2338


Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is a security system to monitoring a room. In recent years, the use of CCTV is becoming less effective. CCTV usually have expensive rental fees and expensive device. Surveillance system using CCTV still need security officer to monitoring room condition through TV Screen. In this research purposed to build surveillance system using artificial intelligence method. The system features are detect object and send notification through Short Message Service (SMS). Single Board Computer (SBC) is used to processing video data. Technique for detecting objects is Structural Similarity (SSIM). Thought this technique, system have more accuration because it can't read shadow as object. Based on testing result obtained that system can detect object and send notification to user through SMS. System can't read object if low light intensity, but if high intensity of light the system can detect objects that have far position. Maximum frame rate that used to capture video is 60 fps, because limitation of SBC that used.
Sentiment Analysis of Cyberbullying on Instagram User Comments Muhammad Zidny Naf'an; Alhamda Adisoka Bimantara; Afiatari Larasati; Ezar Mega Risondang; Novanda Alim Setya Nugraha
Journal of Data Science and Its Applications Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Journal of Data Science and Its Applications
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21108/jdsa.2019.2.20


Instagram is a social media for sharing images, photos and videos. Instagram has many active users from various circles. In addition to sharing submissions, Instagram users can also give likes and comments to other users' posts. However, the comment feature is often misused, for example it is used for cyberbullying which includes one act against the law. But until now, Instagram still does not provide a feature to detect cyberbullying. Therefore, this study aims to create a system that can classify comments whether they contain elements of cyberbullying or not. The results of the classification will be used to detect cyberbullying comments. The algorithm used for classification is Naïve Bayes Classifier. Then for each comment will pass the preprocessing and feature extraction stages with the TF-IDF method. For evaluation and testing using the K-Fold Cross Validation method. The experiment is divided into two, namely using stemming and without stemming. The training data used is 455 data. The best experimental results obtained an accuracy of 84% both with stemming, and without stemming.
Optimasi Akurasi Metode Convolutional Neural Network untuk Identifikasi Jenis Sampah Rima Dias Ramadhani; Afandi Nur Aziz Thohari; Condro Kartiko; Apri Junaidi; Tri Ginanjar Laksana; Novanda Alim Setya Nugraha
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 5 No 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.185 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v5i2.2754


Waste is goods / materials that have no value in the scope of production, where in some cases the waste is disposed of carelessly and can damage the environment. The Indonesian government in 2019 recorded waste reaching 66-67 million tons, which is higher than the previous year, which was 64 million tons. Waste is differentiated based on its type, namely organic and anorganic waste. In the field of computer science, the process of sensing the type waste can be done using a camera and the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) method, which is a type of neural network that works by receiving input in the form of images. The input will be trained using CNN architecture so that it will produce output that can recognize the object being inputted. This study optimizes the use of the CNN method to obtain accurate results in identifying types of waste. Optimization is done by adding several hyperparameters to the CNN architecture. By adding hyperparameters, the accuracy value is 91.2%. Meanwhile, if the hyperparameter is not used, the accuracy value is only 67.6%. There are three hyperparameters used to increase the accuracy value of the model. They are dropout, padding, and stride. 20% increase in dropout to increase training overfit. Whereas padding and stride are used to speed up the model training process.
Premise: Journal of English Education and Applied Linguistics Vol 11, No 2 (2022): Premise Journal: e-ISSN 2442-482x, p-ISSN 2089-3345
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/pj.v11i2.4911


The study aims to explore, analyze, and determine the possibility of Moodle platform accommodating English learning personalization. The study applied a convergent parallel design mixed-method and was concerned with a quantitative survey and qualitative case study (deductive approach). The findings indicated and determined the personalization of English learning Moodle-based, and those elements included adjustable material and mechanism, concentrated instruction, component-based decisions, and English language learner observation. The adaptability Moodle system accommodated the personalization approach in learning English Moodle-based. The feature involved is isk, file, folder, IMS Content Package, Label, Page, URL (Resources) and Choice, Database, Feedback, Forum, Glossary, Lesson, (LTI) External tool, Quiz, SCORM, Wiki, Workshop (Activities). According to the findings, the Moodle environment became a relevant system to accommodate English pedagogy with a personalization approach. Online learning personalization choices range from simple settings to applications and Moodle capabilities to offer intelligent assistance. This scenario includes modifying developed on interactivity and communication Moodle settings
Analisis Sentimen Masyarakat Terhadap Vaksinasi Covid-19 di Twitter Menggunakan Metode Random Forest Classifier (Studi Kasus: Vaksin Sinovac) Muhammad Yusril Aldean; Paradise Paradise; Novanda Alim Setya Nugraha
Journal of INISTA Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Mei 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20895/inista.v4i2.575


Pada tahun 2019 terjadi musibah yang melanda berbagai negara didunia termasuk Indonesia. Terjadi penyebaran virus secara cepat dan menyeluruh, yaitu Virus Covid-19. Kasus Covid-19 pertama di dunia terdeteksi di Kota Wuhan, Provinsi Hubei, China. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus sindrom pernafasan akut Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2. Indonesia sendiri sudah melalukan langkah vaksinasi untuk Virus Covid-19, dengan menggunakan beberapa jenis vaksin yang salah satunya adalah Vaksin Sinovac. Program vaksinasi yang dilakukan di Indonesia menuai banyak pro dan kontra khususnya dari masyarakat. Banyak dari masyakarat yang menyampaikan pendapatnya melalui media sosial berbasis teks, salah satu sosial media yang sering digunakan adalah Twitter. Sehingga sentimen masyarakat yang terdapat di media sosial dapat menjadi tolak ukur bagaimana informasi melalui media sosial yang diterima oleh masyakarat adalah hal positif ataupun hal negatif, sehingga dapat dievaluasi bersama. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah metode machine learning untuk menganalisis sentimen masyarakat pada program vaksinasi menggunakan Vaksin Sinovac. Penelitian ini menggunakan tweet sebanyak 1500 data dengan pembagian 2 kategori yaitu positif dan negatif. Pengoalahan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan Algoritme TF-IDF serta penyeimbangan data menggunakan SMOTE. Model yang dibuat akan dilatih dengan Algoritme Random Forest Classifier dan akan divalidasi menggunakan K-fold Cross Validation dan Confusion Matrix. Hasil pada penelitian ini adalah sentimen masyarakat terhadap Vaksinasi Sinovac adalah positif dan model dapat memprediksi sentiment sebuah tweet dengan akurasi mencapai 79% dan nilai Precision sebesar 85%, Recall sebesar 90% dan F1 Score sebesar 88%..
Designing of english challenge mobile game application as the media of english language learning Vito Pratama Putra Setyadharma; Emi Iryanti; Indra Hidayatulloh; Novanda Alim Setya Nugraha
Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology Vol 1, No 1 (2020): (March)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jeatech.v1i1.34756


English became the first foreign language that came to Indonesia in 1967. The human needs of English can already be seen through lots of official scientific works in English and its intense competitions globally. However, still, many people finds it difficult to learn English, for example, the difficulty in understanding tenses, differences between writing, reading and pronouncing. By relying on the latest features on smartphone, which on the mean time, smartphone is one of many gadgets that is the most practical to use in anywhere and anytime, plus, with gaming contents as the best multimedia entertainer application, learning English will be more interactive and easier to use. In this research, Construct 2 is used as The Developer App and Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) method of Rido Ramadan and Yani Widyani’s version is used as The Development Method. The game system tested by using black box and by giving out Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction to 24 respondents, to test the system’s usability. It resulted 80,83% for the whole of the system,  meaning that the whole system is quiet interesting in the respondents’s view. Then, the screen display gained 80,41%, this means that the screen display is very interesting and did not confuse the respondents. Technology and information game gained 75,41%, this means that the information contained in the game is quiet good, however, further development is needed. The introduction of the game’s system gained 71,63%, means that some of the system’s ability did not run effectively and needed further repairment and development. The last, usability and user interface gained 76,25%, this means that the game is quiet interactive to the respondents.  
Devote : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Devote : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global, Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (654.782 KB) | DOI: 10.55681/devote.v1i2.402


Agribusiness utilizes inorganic waste that can be recycled to produce selling points such as basket bags from plastic waste and dolls from cloth waste. There is a superior product in this business unit, namely processed Jenitri seeds which are processed into handicrafts. Jenitri seeds are not only used as an ornamental tool. In certain beliefs, the work of Jenitri seeds is used as a worship tool and a medical device. Therefore, Jenitri seeds have a fairly high selling value compared to other handicrafts because of their various functions. Adiluhur Tourism Village is a village that is currently under development as a tourist spot with the name Kebumen English Tourism Village (KWIK) and is located in Adiluhur Village, Kec. Adimulyo, Kab. Kebumen. There are 3 business units that are superior and are still in the development stage, namely business units in the fields of tourism (agro-tourism), agriculture (agriculture), and handicrafts (agribusiness). Currently, the primary superior unit in Adiluhur Tourism Village is a business unit in the tourism sector. Agrotourism is managed by CV in collaboration with BUMDes (Village Owned Enterprise) Mulia Jaya. The tour featured in this unit is an introduction to several types of captive animals (various types of snakes, monitor lizards, sea urchins, iguanas, mongooses, Australian geckos, crocodiles, alligator fish, and many more) as well as a museum containing ancient agricultural tools (bronze spoon, harrows, sickles, hoes, nails, antique lamps, and many more). The potential that is being developed in this unit is outbound with the target visitor being Elementary Schools. Not only that, the agro-tourism manager plans to work with the BKSDA (Natural Resources Conservation Center) in caring for the animals in the unit.
Peningkatan Kapasitas Pokdarwis Pada Tata Kelola Desa Wisata Kampung Tudung Di Desa Grujugan Kecamatan Petanahan Kabupaten Kebumen Halim Qista Karima; Novanda Alim Setya Nugraha; Siti Khomsah; Sena Wijayanto
Indonesian Journal of Community Service and Innovation (IJCOSIN) Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : LPPM IT Telkom Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20895/ijcosin.v3i1.943


Desa wisata merupakan inovasi dalam pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia, salah satunya desa wisata Kampung Tudung di Desa Grujugan Kecamatan Petanahan Kabupaten Kebumen Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Desa wisata Kampung Tudung diharapkan mampu meningkatkan perekonomian Desa Grujugan. Kampung Tudung dikelola oleh kelompok sadar wisata (Pokdarwis) Pringgondani. Saat ini desa wisata Kampung Tudung belum mempunyai tata kelola yang baik. Permasalahan penting yang dihadapi yaitu pemenuhan dokumen dan syarat-syarat pengajuan surat keputusan resmi sebagai desa wisata. Surat tersebut bisa didapat dengan mengajukan reviu ke pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Kebumen. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan kapasitas Pokdarwis Pringgondani dalam tata kelola desa wisata Kampung Tudung. Metode pengabdian berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan. Tahapan pelaksanaan meliputi observasi, persiapan, implementasi dan evaluasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat meningkatkan kapasitas Pokdarwis dibuktikan dengan dihasilkannya dokumen borang self assessment untuk pengajuan surat keputusan desa wisata. Dari self assessment tersebut, Pokdarwis dapat memprediksi skor kategori desa wisata Kampung Tudung, yaitu 80 poin atau masuk kategori desa wisata maju. Kegiatan ini mampu meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan Pokdarwis Pringgondani dalam mengelola desa wisata sebesar rata – rata 17,97%.
Strategi Penerjemahan Dokumen Administrasi Berbahasa Inggris Dalam Lingkungan Bisnis Startup di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan XYZ) Novanda Alim Setya Nugraha; Rizky Eka Prasetya
Jurnal Serasi Vol 20, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Akademi Sekretari Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36080/js.v20i2.2243


Perusahaan startup di Indonesia harus dapat mengatasi tantangan dalam mengelola bisnis mereka, termasuk dalam hal penerjemahan dokumen administrasi. Namun, tantangan budaya dan bahasa yang berbeda dapat menyebabkan kesalahan dan masalah komunikasi yang dapat memengaruhi kinerja bisnis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi strategi penerjemahan dokumen administrasi yang efektif dan efisien bagi perusahaan startup di Indonesia, serta mempertimbangkan konteks budaya dan bahasa yang berbeda dalam proses penerjemahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus pada perusahaan startup XYZ di Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan karyawan, serta melalui analisis dokumen administrasi yang telah diterjemahkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan startup XYZ menggunakan strategi penerjemahan dokumen administrasi yang efektif dengan mengandalkan layanan penerjemah profesional dan software penerjemah yang terkini. Selain itu, perusahaan juga memperhatikan konteks budaya dan bahasa yang berbeda dengan mencari informasi terkini mengenai bahasa dan budaya di negara target. Perusahaan juga memastikan bahwa penerjemah yang mereka gunakan memiliki pengalaman dan keahlian di bidang bisnis. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas penerjemahan dokumen administrasi sangat penting untuk kinerja bisnis perusahaan startup di pasar global. Kesalahan dalam penerjemahan dokumen administrasi dapat menyebabkan kesulitan dalam komunikasi, ketidaksepakatan antara perusahaan dan mitra bisnis, serta potensi masalah hukum. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan startup di Indonesia harus memperhatikan strategi penerjemahan dokumen administrasi yang efektif dan efisien untuk memastikan kesuksesan mereka di pasar global