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Kepuasan Klien Terhadap Pelayanan Kesehatan Berdasarkan Analisis Diagram Kartesius Di Klinik Prima Medika Sidoarjo Widiharti, Widiharti; Sari, Diah Jerita eka
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Vol 6, No 2 (2021): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v6i2.2760


BPJS insurance makes the community free to choose the best service place for themselves and their families. Prima Medika Sidoarjo clinic also serves BPJS participants so that most of the visitors come from the BPJS membership. The customer's expectations from time to time continue to develop according to their needs. Intense competition which will make Prima Medika clinic make improvements. The purpose of this study was to analyze patient satisfaction of the health service at the Prima Medika Sidoarjo clinic.The design of this study used a cross sectional method. The population in this study were all patients who visited at Prima Medika Sidoarjo clinic in March - April 2018. The sample in this study was 110 patient. Satisfaction analysis using cartesius diagram.Client satisfaction with service in terms of the gap between experience and expectations on; reliability was very satisfied (92.34%), responsiveness was very satisfied (98.89%), very satisfied beliefs (96.52%), empathy was very satisfied (90.50%), very satisfied (84.61%). Based on the Cartesius diagram of 18 items entered in position A is 3 items, position B is 3 items, position C is 4 items and Position D is 7 items.Based on the analysis of the cartesius diagram the level of patient satisfaction on health services at the Prima Medika Sidoarjo clinic was largely very satisfied while the items on administrative services and procedures were not complicated and the improvement of facilities and infrastructure the level of patient satisfaction was still at a satisfied level.Some suggestions and recommendations that can be proposed include: Prima Medika Sidoarjo clinic need to improve service quality countinously and improve infrastructure facilities regularly.
The Effect Of Blood Type On The Incidence Of Diabetes Mellitus In The Elderly Diah Jerita Eka Sari; sestiono Mindiharto, S.PSi., M.Kes
Journal of Public Health Science Research Vol 1 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/jphsr.v1i2.2479


The increasing population of the elderly in the community cannot be separated from the health problems they experience. Various problems related to the decline in physical condition in the elderly will lead to various degenerative diseases . F. Degenerati disease f in elderly if not handled properly will decrease the quality of their lives so that it can increase morbidity and mortality. Various diseases degenerati f the most widely experienced by the elderly, among others, joint disorders, hypertension, mental and emotional disorders, heart disease, cataracts, stroke, and diabetes mellitus. Diabetes afflicts many Indonesians. Every year it gets bigger in number, and this can be disastrous. Diabetes is a very dangerous disease. If not treated properly, it will cause various complications that can make people suffer and can even cause death. Complications can include nerve damage, impaired blood circulation, kidney problems, heart problems, high blood pressure, and so on. The number of diabetics in Southeast Asia is Singapore 12.8%, Thailand 8%, Malaysia 16.6%, and in Indonesia 6.2% (IDF 2015). If in 2015 it is at number seven as a country with the highest number of diabetes patients in the world, in 2040 it is estimated that Indonesia will rise to number six. Blood type is a key to the entire immune system, and an essential explanatory factor in a person's health profile. Blood group antigen creates antibodies. Several studies on blood groups have shown that certain blood groups have a risk of certain problems or diseases related to the interaction of miscroscopic substances on the surface of red blood cells interacting with the immune system . Blood type cannot be changed, but knowing the effect of blood group on the incidence of diabetes mellitus allows for proper preventive action
Social Media and Mental Health Issue among Students during Pandemic Covid-19 Syiddatul Budury; Andikawati Fitriasari; Diah Jerita Eka Sari
Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Vol 8, No 4 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jkj.8.4.2020.551-556


Covid-19 pandemic makes students studying from home, most of all activity had been doing at home, it makes students having more time to access the social media to update information and to communicate with others. The aim of this research was to analyze the effect of social media to depression, anxiety and stress and self esteem among students. The population is nursing students and the research consist of 118 students, data taken through online system and using Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, Rosenberg Self Esteem and social media using scale. Data was analyzed by pearson correlation test, and the result showed that social media has effect to depression, anxiety and stress occurrence (p-value <0.05) and has no effect to self esteem (>0.05). Using social media have to having screen time to prevent psychosocial problems and social media addiction.
Personal Hygiene and Early Mobilization with Perineum Wound Healing Aidha Rachmawati; Diah Jerita Eka Sari; Nourma Yunita
JURNAL KEBIDANAN Vol 9, No 2 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jkb.v9i2.4366


Postpartum mothers who have perineal wounds are susceptible to infection because they are not clean and will affect the length of healing of the perineum. Early mobilization is a policy to quickly guide postpartum mothers out of their beds and walk and can smooth blood flow so as to accelerate the healing of perineal wounds. Perineal wounds due to rupture or laceration are areas that are not easy to keep clean and dry. If healing of wounds is not handled properly it will cause imperfect rupture wound healing. Perineal rupture is a birth canal injury that occurs at the time of the baby's birth, either using or not using a tool. The aim was to determine the relationship of personal hygiene and early mobilization with healing of perineal wounds on postpartum 7th day mothers in Pasanggar Pamekasan Village. Method Analytic, cross-sectional, purposive sampling, population of 38 postpartum mothers, 34 samples of postpartum mothers.The results of the study good day-to-day personal hygiene of postpartum mothers (67.6%), good early mobilization (61.8%), good perineal wound healing (58.8%), good personal hygiene, good perineal wound healing (87 %), early mobilization of good perineal wound healing is good (76.2%). Rank Spearman test, personal hygiene with perineal wound healing p = 0,000 α 0,05 and mobilization with wound healing p = 0,002 α 0,05 means that there is a significant relationship. Conclusion there is a relationship between personal hygiene and early mobilization with healing of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers on the 7th day.
Pengaruh Senam Bugar Lansia Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia Dengan Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Burneh Bangkalan Diah Jerita Eka Sari; Mardiana Mardiana
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing Vol 1 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijpn.v1i2.2303


Lanjut usia rentan mengalami perubahan,salah satunya pada sistem kardiovaskuler dengan penyakit yang sering terjadi berupa hipertensi. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya hipertensi adalahkurangnya aktivitas fisik. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh Senam Bugar Lansia terhadap tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi di Puskesmas Burneh Bangkalan. Desain penelitian pra eksperimental dengan metode one group pre-post test design. Populasi sebanyak 50 lansia hipertensi dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 45 lansia dengan teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar observasi dan pengukuran tekanan darah menggunakan sphygmomanometer dan stetoskop. Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dengan SPSS 16.00. Sebelum melakukan senam bugar lansia sebagian besar mengalami hipertensi stadium 1 sebanyak 30 lansia (66,7%), dan setelah melakukan senam bugar lansia hampir seluruh lansia mengalami hipertensi stadium 1 sebanyak 37 lansia (82,2%), nilai uji statistik didapatkan hasil p = 0,002 α = 0,05 maka p<α dan H1 diterima. Ada pengaruh senam bugar lansia terhadap tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi di puskesmas burneh bangkalan.
Pengaruh Kompres Hangat Jahe Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Rheumatoid Arthritis Pada Lansia Diah Jerita Eka Sari; Masruroh Masruroh
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing Vol 2 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijpn.v2i1.2793


Nyeri sendi merupakan keluhan utama yang sering dirasakan setiap penderita rheumatoid arthritis. Nyeri dapat ditangani dengan penatalaksanaan non farmakologis yaitu dengan kompres hangat jahe. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kompres hangat jahe terhadap intensitas nyeri rheumatoid arthritis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Pra-Experimental dengan rancangan One Group Pre-Post Test Design. Populasi sebanyak 48 lansia, jumlah sampel sebanyak 43 lansia, menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon signed rank test (p < 0,05). Sebelum diberikan kompres hangat jahe, sebagian besar responden mengalami nyeri sedang yaitu sebanyak 23 orang (53%), sedangkan sesudah diberikan kompres hangat jahe, sebagian besar responden mengalami nyeri ringan yaitu sebanyak 29 orang (67%). Statistik menunjukkan bahwa p = 0,000 sehingga Hi diterima. Ini berarti kompres hangat jahe memiliki efek yang signifikan terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri rheumatoid arthritis. Ada pengaruh pemberian kompres hangat jahe terhadap intensitas nyeri rheumatoid arthritis pada lansia.
Upaya Penurunan Kejadian Karies Gigi pada Anak Melalui Colouring Book sebagai Media Health Education di Sekolah Dasar Wilayah Gresik Diah Fauzia Zuhroh; Diah Jerita Eka Sari; Ernawati Ernawati; Yusuf Hermansyah; Ainul Mufidah
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 02 (2021): May
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (580.052 KB) | DOI: 10.53690/ipm.v1i01.36


The incidence of dental and oral health problems in school-age children is still quite high, so it is necessary to provide health education with appropriate media for them. The results of the survey at Madrasah Ibtidayyah Negeri 1 Gresik class 1 showed that 80% of children had cavities. None of the students' teeth were filled. 64% of children have tooth decay / teeth, and this triggers the high incidence of dental infections in children. 80% of children brush their teeth twice a day. 63% of children do not have the habit of brushing their teeth before going to bed. The response through a digital survey to the use of health education media in the form of coloring books makes children happy and is expected to increase children's desire to maintain dental health as in the book
Penerapan Pola Hidup Sehat Sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Penyakit Penyerta (KOMORBID) Diah Jerita Eka Sari; Widiharti Widiharti
Indonesian Journal of Community Dedication in Health (IJCDH) Vol 2 No 01 (2021): IJCDH VOL 02 NO 01
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.513 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/ijcdh.v2i01.3128


Covid-19 ini bisa menyerang hampir seluruh kalangan usia, namun demikian data yang ada saat ini menunjukkan bahwa kelompok usia lanjut dan orang yang mempunyai riwayat penyakit kronis (ko-morbid) memiliki risiko untuk terkena lebih sering dan dengan komplikasi yang lebih buruk dari penyakit ini. Hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus termasuk penyakit tidak menular yang jumlah penderitanya menunjukkan peningkatan setiap tahun. Kedua penyakit tersebut merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang tidak dapat disembuhkan tetapi dapat terkontrol dengan perawatan rutin. Metode yang digunakan selama pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain pemberian pendidikan kesehatan melalui pemberian buku saku pola hidup sehat, pemeriksaan kesehatan berupa pemeriksaan tekanan darah dan kadar gula darah dan follow up penerapan pola hidup sehat pada lanjut usia. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat antara lain lebih dari setengah lansia memiliki tekanan darah diatas normal, sebagian besar lansia memiliki gula darah normal dan sebagian besar sudah menerapkan pola hidup sehat yang meliputi kebiasaan olah raga, diet seimbang sesuai penyakit, istirahat cukup dan rutin kontrol. Kesimpulan dari hasil kegiatan, penyakit degeneratif potensial komorbid seperti hipertensi dan diabetes melitus tidak bisa disembuhkan tetapi dapat dikontrol. Pemeriksaan kesehatan secara teratur dan penerapan pola hidup sehat secara konsisten dapat mengontrol penyakit degeneratif yang potensial menjadi penyakit penyerta atau komorbid covid-19. Kata kunci— komorbid, hipertensi, diabetes melitus
Perawatan Rentang Gerak Pada Lansia Di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Hargo Dedali Surabaya Diah Jerita Eka Sari; Diah Fauzia Zuhroh
Indonesian Journal of Community Dedication in Health (IJCDH) Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.117 KB)


Pada sendi lansia terjadi perubahan pada jaringan ikat sekitar sendi seperti tendon, ligamen, dan fasia yang mengalami penurunan elastisitas. Sendi kehilangan fleksibilitasnya sehingga terjadi penurunan luas gerak sendi. Penurunan rentang gerak pada lansia dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya aktivitas atau gerakan sehingga menurunkan kualitas hidup lanjut usia. Berdasarkan fenomena diatas menjadi penting untuk meningkatkan motivasi diri lansia agar melakukan latihan secara mandiri dan memberikan penguatan kepada lansia yang kurang memiliki keinginan untuk bergerak agar melakukan latihan dan beraktifitas secara mandiri sesuai kemampuan serta memastikan lansia melakukan latihan ROM untuk mempertahankan rentang gerak lansia. Diharapkan dengan meningkatkan motivasi diri lansia melalui penyuluhan dan pemberian latihan ROM dapat menjaga dan meningkatkan rentang gerak lansia sehingga lansia dapat beraktifitas secara mandiri sesuai kemampuan.Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain pemberian penyuluhan atau Pendidikan kesehatan kepada lansia tentang latihan rentang gerak aktif dan pasif dilanjutkan dengan pemberian latihan rentang gerak aktif dan pasif dan dilakukan evaluasi secara berkala terhadap tingkat kemandirian lansia yang tinggal di Panti Sosial Tresna werdha Hargo Dedali Surabaya.Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat antara lain adanya peningkatan partisipasi lansia dalam kegiatan latihan rentang gerak dan ada peningkatan tingkat kemandirian lansia dalam aktivitas sehari-hari.
Pengaruh Terapi Musik Klasik Terhadap Tingkat Depresi Lansia Di Langkap Burneh Bangkalan Faisal Fathul Muin; Diah Jerita Eka Sari; Dwi Faqihatus Syarifah Has
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing Vol 3 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijpn.v3i1.4122


Proses menua ditandai dengan terjadinya berbagai perubahan atau regresi (penurunan fungsi), yang meliputi fisik, psikologis, dan sosial. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut akan menimbulkan masalah pada lansia. Salah satu masalah gangguan emosional pada lansia yaitu depresi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh terapi musik klasik terhadap tingkat depresi pada lansia di Masyarakat Langkap Burneh Bangkalan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pra-Eksperiment One Group Pre-Post Test Design. Populasi 34 lansia. Jumlah sampel diambil 31. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling dengan instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar kuesioner. Uji statistik menggunakan Wilcoxon dengan p=0,05. Hasil penelitian sebelum perlakuan didapatkan hampir setengah lanjut usia mengalami depresi ringan dan depresi sedang (45,2%), dan setelah perlakuan didapatkan sebagian besar tidak depresi/minimal (80,6%). Hasil uji statistic didapatkan p=0,000 (p < α 0,05) berarti H0 ditolak. Ada pengaruh terapi musik klasik terhadap tingkat depresi pada lansia di Desa Langkap Kecamatan Burneh Kabupaten Bangkalan.