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Agrotekma: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Ilmu Pertanian Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Agrotekma: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Ilmu Pertanian, Desember
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v4i1.2949


The experiment was aimed to know the effect of seed biomatriconditioning with rhizobacteria to improve growth and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). The experiment was conducted in the Field of Animal Husbandry Agriculture Faculty, Haluoleo University from August up to November 2010. The experiment was arranged based on randomized completely design (CRD) which consisted of 5 seed biomatriconditioning with rhizobacteria treatments, namely: without seed biomatriconditioning (M0), seed biomatriconditioning with Bacillus sp. CKD061 + rice hulls charcoal (M1), seed biomatriconditioning with Bacillus sp. CKD061 + red brick powder (M2), seed biomatriconditioning with Pseudomonas fluorescens PG01 + rice hulls charcoal (M3), and seed biomatriconditioning with Pseudomonas fluorescens PG01 + red brick powder (M4). Every treatment was replicated 3 times, therefore, overall there were 15 experimental units. Data obtained were analized using analysis of variance and followed with Duncan?s Multiple Range Test. The result showed that seed treatment with biomatriconditioning using rhizobacteria gave significant effect in improving growth and yield of sorghum. Seed biomatriconditioning with sp. Bacillus CKD061 + red brick powder was the most effective treatment in increasing plant height, leaf area, dry weight of plant bomass, grain weight, and 1000 seed weight of sorghum.
Biomatriconditioning Benih dengan Rizobakteri untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Handayani, Fitrianti; Sutariati, Gusti Ayu Kade; Madiki, Abdul
Agrotekma: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Ilmu Pertanian Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Agrotekma: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Ilmu Pertanian, Desember
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agr.v4i1.2949


The experiment was aimed to know the effect of seed biomatriconditioning with rhizobacteria to improve growth and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). The experiment was conducted in the Field of Animal Husbandry Agriculture Faculty, Haluoleo University from August up to November 2010. The experiment was arranged based on randomized completely design (CRD) which consisted of 5 seed biomatriconditioning with rhizobacteria treatments, namely: without seed biomatriconditioning (M0), seed biomatriconditioning with Bacillus sp. CKD061 + rice hulls charcoal (M1), seed biomatriconditioning with Bacillus sp. CKD061 + red brick powder (M2), seed biomatriconditioning with Pseudomonas fluorescens PG01 + rice hulls charcoal (M3), and seed biomatriconditioning with Pseudomonas fluorescens PG01 + red brick powder (M4). Every treatment was replicated 3 times, therefore, overall there were 15 experimental units. Data obtained were analized using analysis of variance and followed with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The result showed that seed treatment with biomatriconditioning using rhizobacteria gave significant effect in improving growth and yield of sorghum. Seed biomatriconditioning with sp. Bacillus CKD061 + red brick powder was the most effective treatment in increasing plant height, leaf area, dry weight of plant bomass, grain weight, and 1000 seed weight of sorghum.
THE INCREASING CAPACITY CAPTURES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR GOAT FARMERS Purbaningsih, Yuli; Helviani, Helviani; Tatra, Afsitin Joan; Jannah, Raodatul; Rahim, Abdul; Handayani, Fitrianti; Rahman, Irsan; Nekstriani, Nekstriani
International Journal of Engagement and Empowerment (IJE2) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): International Journal of Engagement and Empowerment
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53067/ije2.v3i3.133


The livestock sector is the most important factor in supporting food security to support sustainable development in Indonesia. The livestock sector is one of the sub-sectors which is a driving force for development, especially in rural areas. Goats are livestock that are widely kept and are well known by the Indonesian people. People like to breed goats because their body size is not too big. Goat farming has an important role in Indonesian livestock as a meat producer to meet domestic needs, and also has the potential to supply the export market. Marketing of goats is very wide open, however there are several problems faced by farmers, namely, the quality of goats is influenced by the type of nutrition/fodder provided and the type of goat itself. Goat farming for rural communities is a side job, but it is mandatory, looking at the condition of the community in Toari District, Kolaka Regency, which shows that every household has at least 7 goats. By increasing the capacity to capture business opportunities for goat breeders, goat breeders can increase their income
Pelatihan Pembuatan Kerupuk Ikan Bagi Kelompok Nelayan Teri Jaya Desa Toari Kabupaten Kolaka Handayani, Fitrianti; Ilham Antariksa Tasabaramo; Maretik, Maretik; Marita Ika Joesidawati; Fadiana, Mu’jizatin; La Mpia; Fitrah Adelina; Saleh, Ramlah; Saparuddin, Saparuddin; Djunarlin Tojang; Anci, Anci; Syehrina Aldiana; Kurniawati, Kurniawati; Nurul Islamiyah; Rian Aldi
Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin
Publisher : Kuras Institute & Scidac Plus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51214/00202303699000


Kelompok Nelayan Teri Jaya merupakan kelompok Masyarakat yang produktif secara ekonomi yang berada di Desa Toari Kabupaten Kolaka Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Berbagai potensi yang dimiliki dengan tersedianya sumber daya alam laut yang cukup menjanjikan baik itu berupa perikanan budidaya maupun berupa perikanan tangkap. Hasil tangkapan ikan tersebut hanya dikeringkan dan dijual mentahan ke pasar. Hal ini dikarenakan belum adanya pengetahuan dan belum adanya penyuluhan atau pelatihan terkait diversifikasi pengolahan hasil perikanan menjadi produk pasaran yang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat seperti pembuatan kerupuk yang berbahan dasar ikan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam pengolahan hasil perikanan menjadi produk yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi secara berkelanjutan. Metode kegiatan dilakukan dengan cara pemaparan materi oleh narasumber dan dilakukan praktik langsung pembuatan kerupuk ikan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini ialah mitra Kelompok Nelayan Teri Jaya telah mengetahui dan mampu mengolah ikan menjadi suatu produk yang bernilai jual. Tujuan kegiatan ini telah tercapai yaitu meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra Kelompok Nelayan Teri Jaya, peningkatan produktivitas dan pendapatan yang memiliki daya saing serta dapat dijadikan sebagai usaha dalam upaya meningkatkan perekonomian Masyarakat.
AGROTEKSOS, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian Vol 33 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Agroteksos Desember 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/agroteksos.v33i3.1004


Soil fertility provides an overview of the condition of the soil to provide nutrients. As land management is carried out intensively and over a long period of time, a decrease in soil fertility occurs. The research objectives to identify the chemical characteristics of the soil and evaluate the level of fertility of the soil planted with pineapple plants. This research was carried out in Walambeno Wite Village, Parigi District, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Walambeno Wite Village is one of the central pineapple areas in Muna Regency. Soil samples were taken using the proportional sampling method on land planted with pineapple plants, at a processing layer depth of 0-30 cm. The soil chemical property parameters analyzed in the laboratory are KTK, pH H2O, C organic, N total, P available, K2O and wet saturation. Determination of soil fertility status is guided by the Soil Research Center. The research results show that the chemical characteristics of the soil in pineapple plantations are soil pH values with slightly acidic to neutral state, low to high C-organic, medium total nitrogen, very high P2O5, low to medium K2O, K2O medium to high KTK and high KB. The soil fertility status is low at location 2, medium at location 2, and high at location 3. The factors inhibiting soil fertility at the research site are low levels of C-organic and K2O.
Response of Cocoa Seed Growth Received by Bio-priming Technique Treatment Handayani, Fitrianti; R, Mustafa; Maretik, Maretik
Journal of Biological Science and Education Vol 3, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Journal of Biological Science and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31327/jbse.v3i2.1702


Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is one of the people's plantation crops with promising prospects because it can flower and bear fruit throughout the year. One of the efforts to improve the quality of cocoa seeds is by increasing the viability and vigor of seeds through seed invigoration techniques. This study aimed to determine the effect of biopriming invigoration treatment techniques in increasing cocoa seeds' viability, vigor, and growth. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Agronomy Unit of the Faculty of Agriculture of Halu Oleo Kendari from April to May 2019. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments: Control (B0), Bio-priming Bacillus sp. CKD061 (B1), Bio-priming Pseudomonas flourescent (B2), a combination of Bio-priming Bacillus sp. CKD061 with Pseudomonas fluorescent. Each treatment was repeated three times, so there were 12 experimental units. The data obtained were analyzed using variance analysis and continued using the Least Significant Difference Test (LSD). Based on the results of research that biopriming treatment using rhizobacteria has the best influence on the viability, vigor and growth of cocoa seeds. Keywords: Biopriming, cocoa seeds, rhizobacteria, seed growthÂ