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IMPLEMENTATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION TO PREVENT ADOLESCENT DELINQUENCY Haerudin Haerudin; Mitra Sasmita; Rahma Dilla Zainuri; Siti Masruroh; Supian Ramli
International Journal of Teaching and Learning Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Adisam Publisher

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A stage of human development known as adolescence separates childhood from maturity. It's too advanced to be referred to as childhood, but it can be considered adulthood. Adolescence is a time of both physical and psychological transformation. The reproductive system grows in tandem with physical growth, and teenagers will go through more intense psychological changes than earlier generations. Among other things, the pervasive instances of drug abuse, promiscuity, crime, fraudulent diplomas, and various violent acts point to the issue of moral decay in the educational system. Aside from that, a lot of young people don't exhibit admirable moral qualities like courtesy, kindness, tolerance, humility, helpfulness, and social solidarity. There are two ways that character education is utilized to prevent adolescent delinquency: Character education is imparted through extracurricular activities, habituation, and Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM). Religion, honesty, tolerance, discipline, diligence, inventiveness, patriotism, and curiosity are among the character traits imparted.
BUANA ILMU Vol 8 No 2 (2024): Buana Ilmu
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/bi.v8i2.7233


Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kajian tentang hadits – hadits bulan rajab. Subjek pdalam penelitian ini adalah kitab – kitab hadits tentang bulan rajab. Dalam melakukan pengkajian dan penelitian peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (liberary research), yaitu dengan mengumpulkan, mengklasifikasikan, merumuskan masalah dengan sumber primer yaitu dengan kitab hadits. Adapun Pembahasan ini bersifat deskriptif. Dalam pengumpulan data berdasarkan pada dua sumber, yaitu pertama, sumber primer, yang dalam penelitian ini adalah kitab – kitab hadis-hadis tentang keutamaan bulan Rajab, Kedua yaitu sumber skunder yakni kitab-kitab Rijal al- Hadits, kitab-kitab Takhrij, Makatbah alSyamilah. Dalam pengolahan data, langkah pyang ditempuh adalah men-takhrîj hadis-hadis yang dikutip, menyusun keseluruhan sanad, kritik sanad dan menghukumi haditsnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada penilaian hadits pertama itu haditsnya di hukumi palsu karena terdapat perowi hadits yang tertuduh memalsukan hadits, hadist kedua dhoif, dikarenakan ada perowi yang dhoif, hadits ketiga,empat dan lima dihukumi palsu dikarenakan tidak diketahuisanad dan perowi yang meriwayatkan haditsnya.
BUANA ILMU Vol 8 No 2 (2024): Buana Ilmu
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/bi.v8i2.7237


Pemilu adalah satu proses demokrasi yang harus dilaksanakan untuk memilih para pemimpin, baik sebagai wakil rakyat di lembaga legislatif (ahl al-halli wa al-‘aqdi) maupun kepala negara --presiden dan wakilnya-- yang disebut dengan khalifah. Untuk itu setiap warga negara wajib menggunakan hak pilihnya, dan khusus bagi umat Islam wajib memilih orang-orang yang terbaik, sesuai pilihan hati nuraninya masing-masing, tanpa adanya pengaruh, intimidasi dari partai politik manapun, baik partai nasional maupun partai lokal.
Analisis Kepemimpinan Rasulullah Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Agama Islam Muh. Dzihab Aminudin; Mitra Sasmita; Haerudin Haerudin; Rahma Dilla Zainuri; Al-Amin Al-Amin
Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): JURNAL ILMIAH GLOBAL EDUCATION, Volume 5 Nomor 2, Juni 2024
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/jige.v5i2.2810


The biggest crisis in the world today is the crisis of example or uswah. The need for a leader who has character like the Prophet Muhammad is very necessary because many people who serve as leaders do not have the character that a leader should have in terms of educational leadership. Leadership is the characteristic of a leader in assuming formal moral and legal responsibility for all the implementation of his authority which has been delegated to the people he leads. As an exemplary leader who is an ideal model of leadership, Rasulullah was gifted with four main characteristics, namely: Sidiq, Amanah, Tablighi and Fathonah. Sidiq means honest in words and deeds, amanah means being trustworthy in maintaining responsibilities, tablig means conveying all kinds of goodness to the people and fathonah means being intelligent in managing society
Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam di Tingkat Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi Siti Masruroh; Haerudin Haerudin; Bayu Priyatna
NYIUR-Dimas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/nyiur.v3i1.424


The purpose of study program-based community service is as an effort by lecturers to carry out the tridarma of higher education. In this case the Directorate General of Islamic Higher Religious Education (Diktis) provides a national level grant program for all lecturers under the ministry of religion. On this occasion, we propose a service with the theme Implementation of Freedom to Learn Islamic Religious Education at the Elementary School/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Level by utilizing Information Technology, namely making an application "Islamic Smart Learning" for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al I'anah Dusun Kalihurip Duren Village, Klari District, Karawang Regency. This service activity is a contribution of the PAI Study Program to the world of elementary/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah education as a means of utilizing information technology in the independent learning program with the principle of independent learning, it is assumed that students are given freedom to access learning media that is more intelligent and enjoyable. So that the learning potential of students will grow more measurably and directed because there are more interactive learning media.