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A Need Analysis for Development of Online Advertising E-Booklet on Entrepreneurship Education Desy Wahyuningrum Mujiati; Suyitno Muslim; Rina Febriana
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan Vol 3 No 4 (2020): Regular Issue
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jptk.v3i4.8723


This research aims to describe the results of the needs analysis for the development of online marketing e-booklet learning media in entrepreneurship subjects. In this research, the needs analysis refers to: (1) The great opportunity to become an entrepreneur in the Food & Beverage (F&B) Study Program because of the presence of online sales application technologies such as Gofood, Grabfood, and the Open PO sales system; (2) The problem of theoretical learning entrepreneurship; (3) Media needed in online marketing practices. This research uses survey, observation, interview and literature study methods in collecting data. The results of a survey conducted on alumni of SMK Tata Catering, namely 96% stated that attractive product images could attract consumers; 94% agree that making attractive drawings is part of entrepreneurship lessons. The results of the book literature study used marketing material is theoretical. The results of observations on students of class XI Catering and interviewing entrepreneurship teachers at SMK 1 Tambun Selatan found that: 1) Teachers still teach Offline marketing methods; 2) There is no interactive learning media to make online advertising on product marketing in entrepreneurship subjects. The results of this study concluded that students need interactive learning media in learning activities. Thus, this research is used in developing online advertising marketing e-booklet media on entrepreneurial subjects
Philosophy of Science: Matter and Matter as an Ontology of Chemistry Bayu Saputra; Suyitno Muslim; Novi Ayu Safira
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia Vol 10, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

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Abstract: Philosophy of Science: Matter and Matter as an Ontology of Chemistry. Philosophy and science can be used by humans as an effort to understand the concepts and methods of a scientific discipline. Substantially and historically, philosophy and science have an important role in giving great influence to human life. One of the sciences, namely chemistry, is no exception, which has a major influence on human life. Ontology in chemistry can be understood as a science that discusses what we want to know and a study of chemical theory. A more in-depth ontology of chemistry is a discussion in order to find or get the essence of something related to chemistry. Chemistry is defined as the study of matter, its properties, structure, and changes in matter and the energy that accompanies these changes. This article aims to explain the ontology of chemistry, namely substances and matter according to experts and their development. This article uses qualitative research methods which include literature studies, where a review of books and journals is carried out to enrich and the results of empirical research are used as secondary data to strengthen arguments which are then synthesized into a single unit to provide meaningful information. The results showed that there are two ontological aspects of chemistry, namely the concept of chemistry which means the composition, nature, structure, change and energy that accompanies the change of a material and the object of chemistry, namely substance or matter.Keywords: Substance and Matter, Chemical Ontology DOI : 10.23960/jppk.v10.i3.2021.03
Philosophy as The Foundation of Science in The Development of Chemistry Ahmad Tohir; Suyitno Muslim; Novi Ayu Safira
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia Vol 10, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

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Abstract: Philosophy As The Foundation Of Science In The Development Of Chemistry. This article aims to present an explanation of philosophy as the basis of science in the development of chemistry. This article uses the literature review method. The library sources used in this article are journals and books on the development of chemistry. The results of the research show that (1) Philosophy serves as the basis from which philosophy is obtained the truth which becomes the basis or foundation of chemistry. By learning something related to chemistry through knowledge (philosophy) is a step to get true and objective knowledge about chemistry. (2) Chemists and scientists agree on the basis of the development of chemistry, namely to obtain answers to the what and why questions about matter in nature, each of which will produce facts and theoretical knowledge about matter whose truth can be explained by mathematical logic. Finally, (3) The study of chemistry in its development includes aspects of ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The ontology aspect includes the chemical concept of matter and matter. The epistemological aspect includes the understanding of chemistry that is obtained and developed based on experiments and theories. While the axiological aspect of chemistry includes the usefulness of values for human understanding so that humans will be better at the surrounding nature and use various natural processes that take place in it to meet the needs of human life. Keywords: Philosophy, Development of ChemistryDOI: 10.23960/jppk.v10.i3.2021.19
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 10 No 01 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35450/jip.v10i01.269


This research aims to provide a detailed study of the philosophy of mathematics, the relation of the philosophy of mathematics with learning, anduncover problems in the study of mathematics from the perspective of mathematical philosophy. The research method used is a qualitative researchmethod with a review literature approach to surveying several articles about mathematical philosophy and problems in mathematics learning. Basedon the research results, it can be concluded that the philosophy of mathematics is a reflection of the science of mathematics itself and affirms themeaning of truth in mathematics. The scope in the philosophy of mathematics can be categorized into four branches of science, namely mathematicalepistemology, mathematical ontology, mathematical methodology, and mathematical logic. The implementation of learning consisting of inputs,processes, and outputs cannot be separated from the role and position of mathematical philosophy. Obstacles in the performance of education can becaused by the unconnected part of the philosophy of mathematics in the learning process.
Pengembangan Modul Cetak Pada Mata Pelajaran Produktif Teknik Komputer Dan Jaringan Di SMK Negeri 2 Watampone Muldiyana Muldiyana; Nurdin Ibrahim; Suyitno Muslim
JTP - Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Vol 20 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.015 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/jtp.v20i1.7845


This study aims to produce a product in the form of Printing Module and Networking Printing Productive Computer for students of class X SMK. The research methodology uses R & D method. The model used is Derek Rowntree model which consists of three stages: planning, preparation of writing, writing and editing. The product testing phase begins with the validation of several material experts and media experts. Validation results by experts show the average test of material experts obtained 4.74 and media experts obtained 4.3, means the print module products are feasible and very well used. The next product tested to a number of students of class X with small group stage that is 3 respondents with face-to-face method get the overall average value 3,48, and large group trial 25 respondents with field evaluation test method obtained an average value of 4, 2 Conclusion Print module productive subjects of computer engineering and network SMK Negeri 2 Watampone good and feasible to use.Keywords: Development Research, Crane Rowntree Model, Printed material, Printed media and module Computer Asissted Instruction (CAI).
Pengembangan Paket Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Kelas VIII SMPN 2 Cimanggu Kecamatan Cimanggu Kabupaten Pandeglang Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Devi Elisa; Suyitno Muslim; Etin Solihatin
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 5 No 1 (2019): JURNAL ILMIAH WAHANA PENDIDIKAN
Publisher :

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This study aims to produce a product in the form of an integrated science learning package for students class VIII in junior high school to improve science learning outcomes. research methodology using the R & D method. The development model used is the Derex Rowntree and the design of the Sitepu learning material which consists of three stages; the preparation stage, the writing preparation stage, and the writing and editing stage. The product testing phase begins with the validation of several experts such as material experts, media experts and instructional design experts. With the acquisition of an average material expert of 3.31 media experts with the average of 3.6 and an instructional design expert with the average of 3.85, it means that the integrated science learning package is feasible to use. Furthermore, the product was tested for the number of students of class VIII with one to one test as many as 3 students, obtained an overall average score of 3.36 and the test filed test as many as 22 respondents with an average gain of 3.67. In conclusion, the integrated science learning package developed has been very good and feasible to be used in the science learning process.
Jurnal TEKNODIK Jurnal Teknodik Vol. 25 No. 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi Kementerian Pendidikan Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32550/teknodik.v25i2.897


Salah satu tantangan bagi dunia pendidikan saat ini  adalah bagaimana mengembangkan pendidikan karakter bagi  siswa selama masa new normal. Kemendikbudristek menetapkan  6 indikator dari Profil Pelajar Pancasila. Guna mempermudah  internalisasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila dalam pembelajaran baik oleh  guru maupun siswa, dikembangkan Platform Merdeka Mengajar  (PMM). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan  pemanfaatan Platform Merdeka Mengajar dalam menginternalisasi  nilai-nilai Pancasila. Sampel penelitian adalah guru-guru sekolah  penggerak dan SMK Pusat Keunggulan yang telah mengikuti bimtek  PMM tahun 2021. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner,  observasi dan wawancara terbatas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa: 1)Profil Pelajar Pancasila pada hakikatnya merupakan salah  satu upaya internalisasi nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam pembelajaran,  2) PMM memiliki peran signifikan dalam penerapan Profil Pelajar  Pancasila pada pembelajaran paradigma baru, dan 3) Internalisasi  nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam penerapan Profil Pelajar Pancasila di  masa new Normal berbantuan Platform Merdeka Mengajar dengan  cara diterapkan dalam karakter keseharian yang dibangun dan  dihidupkan dalam diri individu setiap pelajar melalui budaya sekolah,  pembelajaran intrakurikuler, kokurikuler, maupun ekstrakurikuler di  sekolah. Peningkatan pemanfaatan Platform Merdeka Mengajar  dalam menginternalisasi nilai-nilai Pancasila melalui Profil Pelajar  Pancasila, perlu didukung dengan upaya peningkatkan kualitas dan  kuantitas konten Profil Pelajar Pancasila serta dukungan kebijakan  dalam pemanfaatan PMM dan sinergi kolaborasi antara sekolah,  pemerintah, masyarakat serta pemangku kepentingan. PMM dapat  menjadi salah satu solusi dalam penguatan pembelajaran karakter  melalui internalisasi nilai Pancasila bagi siswa generasi milenial,  terutama pada saat pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas di masa new normal pandemi Covid-19. One of the challenges in education today is student  character education during the new normal era. The Ministry of  Education, Culture, Research, and Technology sets 6 indicators of  the Pancasila Student Profile. To enhance the internalization of the  Pancasila Student Profile in learning by both teachers and students,  the Merdeka Mengajar Platform (MMP) is developed. The objective  of this research is to know the implementation of MMP in internalizing  the values of Pancasila. The sample is teachers of driving schools  and Center of Excellence Vocational Schools who have participated  in the PMM technical guidance in 2021. Data collection is through  questionnaires, observation, and limited interviews. The result  show that: 1) Pancasila Student Profile is essentially an effort to  internalize Pancasila values in learning; 2) MMP has significant  roles in the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile in the  new learning paradigm; and 3) The internalization of Pancasila  values in the implementation of Pancasila Student Profile in the  new normal era with MMP is applied in daily characteristics that are  developed and enhanced in every student through school culture,  intra-curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular learning at school  by applying it to the daily character that is built and brought to life in  each student through school culture, intra-curricular, co-curricular,  and extra-curricular learning at school. The improvement of MMP  implementation in internalizing Pancasila values through Pancasila  Student Profile should be supported by increasing the quality as well  as quantity of Pancasila Student Profile contents, by policies in MMP  implementation, and collaboration between schools, government,  and other stakeholders. MMP can be one of the solutions to enhance  character education through the internalization of Pancasila values  for millennial students, especially during the limited face-to-face  learning in a new normal era of pandemic covid-19  
Akademika : Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Vol 10 No 02 (2021): Akademika : Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan
Publisher : Akademika : Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34005/akademika.v10i2.1448


The purpose of this research is to find out the improvement of students' mathematical understanding skills whose learning uses Skinner's learning theory through the Picture and Picture model. The research method used is a true experimental method with a purposive sample of class VIII SMPIT Ibnu Hajar Mandiri Bekasi for the 2020/2021 academic year, amounting to 36 students. Sampling was done purposively with SPSS 26. The instruments are in the form of test questions describing students' mathematical understanding abilities on function material and questionnaire sheets. The results showed that learning mathematics using Skinner's learning theory through Picture and Picture models can increase students' mathematical understanding skills by 81% with very good interpretation, besides that there are differences in the mathematical understanding of students whose learning uses Skinner's learning theory through Picture and Picture models with students who the learning does not use Skinner's learning theory but through the Picture and Picture model. Of the total 36 students, there were 29 students who experienced an increase, so that the student's response after using Skinner's learning theory through the Picture and Picture model was considered good
Module Hypercontent for Gross Motor Learning Ahmad Syaikhu; Suyitno Muslim; Etin Solihatin
EDUCATIO : Journal of Education Vol 8 No 2 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29138/educatio.v8i2.1248


This study aims to develop a hypercontent-based gross motor learning model. The subjects of this research were students of the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta. This study uses the Research and Development (RnD) method. Develop gross motor learning models conceptually, procedurally and physically. Through expert one-to-one tests in the field of early childhood education materials, learning design, learning media and Indonesian. As well as one to one tests, small group tests and large group tests for students. This research can be a guide for future researchers in developing gross motor learning with the same approach or a different approach. This research produced learning products in the form of gross motor learning models, printed modules and learning videos. Hypercontent-based gross motor learning can facilitate students and increase student success in early childhood gross motor learning.