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REKONSTRUKSI NAMA PAPUA DAN IRIAN DALAM LINTASAN SEJARAH Burdam, Yohanes; Winoto, Darmawan Edi; Rahman, Eka Yuliana
HISTORIA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Historia : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah

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This study attempts to reconstruct the use of the names Papua and Irian in the Indonesian Historical Path; and describe the dynamics of local struggle and the role of intellectuals before and after Indonesia's independence in interacting with the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The research uses a structuralism approach from Christopher Lloyd (1988), historical methods from Marc Bloch (1988), and the "Collective Active" theory from Charles Tilly (1978, 1993) for the explanation of facts. Data is collected by studying documents (archives, books, and interviews). Data collected from archives and interviews were carried out by historical criticism, and interpreted into facts which were then assembled into historical accounts of the process of naming Papua and Irian and its relation to the local dynamics of intellectual struggles before and after Indonesia's independence to integrate with the Republic of Indonesia. The results of the study revealed that the name "Papua" was given Ortez de Retes and then was used by the Dutch for the large island together with the population and their culture. However, the name Papua by the Netherlands tends to be negative meaning for local residents. Over time, the intellectuals emerged thinking and struggling to find a name to replace the name Papua with Irian.
Sejarah Penyebaran Islam di Konfederasi Turatea Abad XVII (Tinjauan Sistem Pemerintahan dan Religi) Eka Yuliana Rahman
Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 9 No 1 (2020): JPS - Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah, Volume 9 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah Pascasarjana UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (859.072 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JPS.091.02


This study aims to examine the history of Islamization in the Turatea Confederation, a review of the government and religious systems, especially in the XIII Century. This research is based on a note from Christian Pelras, Anthropologist of the Bugis-Makassar, said that before the Gowa-Tallo kingdom made Islam a royal religion, the ruler (aristocrats) and the people of the Turatea Confederation had embraced Islam through the practice of power relations between the kingdom, religious leaders and the people . This study uses qualitative methods to find and describe in analysis and interpret the socio-cultural conditions of the people in the Turatea Confederation before and after Islam. The results show that the pattern of power distribution centered on figures as local authorities is the most effective means of spreading religious teachings. The development of Islamic religious symbols changed the system of government and belief by strengthening the Islamic tradition in the Turatea Confederation. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menelaah sejarah Islamisasi di Konfederasi Turatea dalam tinjuan sistem pemerintahan dan religi khususnya pada Abad XIII. Riset ini didasari oleh adanya catatan dari Christian Pelras, Antropolog kajian kebudayaan Bugis-Makassar menyebutkan, sebelum kerajaan Gowa-Tallo menjadikan Islam agama kerajaan, penguasa (bangsawan) dan rakyat Konfederasi Turatea telah menganut Islam melalui praktik relasi kekuasaan antara kerajaan, tokoh agama dan rakyat. Riset ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan secara analisis serta menginterpretasikan kondisi sosial budaya masyarakat di Konfederasi Turatea sebelum dan sesudah Islam. Hasilnya menunjukkan, pola distribusi kekuasaan yang berpusat pada figur sebagai penguasa lokal merupakan sarana paling ampuh menyebarkan ajaran agama. Perkembangan syiar agama Islam mengubah sistem pemerintahan dan kepercayaan dengan makin menguatnya tradisi Islam di Konfederasi Turatea.
JISIP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Vol 6, No 1 (2022): JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan)
Publisher : Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/jisip.v6i1.2783


This study aims to analyze how traditional Minahasa dances can be used as a source of character education, through an analytical approach to cultural values. This study uses a qualitative method, because it is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral data in the Minahasa community. It is also supported by an ethnographic method that focuses on personal experience, and participation born from the field observation process. The results of the research that become cultural values as a source of character education are building Minahasa identity such as courage, agility, valor and especially togetherness. This can be seen in the character of the dancer who is hard, disciplined and firm, mirrors the attitude of uniting and unifying each other, the attitude of chivalry and soldiering. The dancers wear red Minahasa woven clothes and make-up that looks firm and full of authority and has an attitude of courage
The Role of Local Governments in the Development of Village-Owned Enterprise in Sambas Regency Arief Maulana; Reza Pratama Riansyah; Eka Yuliana Rahman
Jurnal Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal) Vol 12, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal), June
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jap.v12i1.6260


This study aims to analyze and explain the strategy of Sambas Regency to develop Village-Owned Enterprises to improve the community's economy. This study also examines the obstacles/constraints experienced by local governments in developing Village-Owned Enterprises in their regions. The authors used qualitative methods with case study variants and literature studies as data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Sambas Regency Government in fostering Village-Owned Enterprises is felt to be getting better, as indicated by its role through the Agency of Social and Village Community Empowerment Services which always facilitates village government and Village-Owned Enterprises management by providing training, coaching, and supervision. In addition, the management of Village-Owned Enterprises is still quite difficult due to problems such as limited human resources. Until now, there are still many obstacles that must be resolved by the local government or the Village-Owned Enterprises managers themselves.
Penggunaan Aplikasi “AMELIA” Pembelajaran dalam Jaringan Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Aldegonda Evangeline Pelealu; Eka Yuliana Rahman; Aksilas Dasfordate
Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/gulawentah.v5i2.7393


Knowledge Management (Manajemen pengetahuan) merupakan proses rangkaian kegiatan penguasaan teknologi informasi yang tidak lepas dari pengelolaan. Learning Management System atau LMS elektronik sebuah platform untuk penyebaran materi pembelajaran online guna meningkatkan kinerja akademik dengan penyediaan sumber daya berbasis web. Kendala yang sering dihadapi di institusi pendidikan dalam menerapkan E-Learning sistem kurang menyesuaikan dengan kondisi dan tingkat knowledge dari penggunanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan aplikasi AMELIA (Aplikasi Manajemen Pembelajaran dalam Jaringan UNIMA) serta kemudahan menggunakan aplikasi  pembelajaran daring pada jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Manado. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian survey deskriptif, untuk sampel pada penelitian ini mahasiswa semester 2 angkatan 2019 Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Manado. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Dalam penelitian ini satu rombongan belajar sebanyak 38  mahasiswa dan sekitar 25 orang atau 65,8 % yang mengisi form efektif, dan kurang efektif sebanyak 13 orang atau 34,2 % dalam proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi Amelia dikondisi wabah Covid-19. Kemudahan dalam akses oleh  29 orang atau sekitar 76,3% mengatakan kesusahan dalam mengakses karena masalah internet maupun kekuranga kuota dan  9 orang atau sekitar 23,7 % mudah dalam mengakses aplikasi Amelia. Kemampuan menggunakan Fitur dalam aplikasi Amelia 22 orang atau sekitar 57,9% mengungkapkan tidak mudah dan 16 orang atau sekitar 42,1 % mengatakan mudah dalam menggunakan fitur yang terdapat dalam LMS UNIMA yakni Aplikasi Amelia. Penggunaan alat elektronik oleh mahasiswa dalam mengikuti kuliah menggunakan aplikasi Amelia  yaitu 37 orang atau sekitar 97,4% menggunakan Handphone dan 1 orang atau 2,6% menggunakan Laptop. Persepsi mahasiswa dengan penggunaan aplikasi Amelia untuk pembelajaran dalam jaringan dirasa efektif dimana semua materi mata kuliah yang diprogram telah tersedia dalam satu aplikasi.Kondisi pandemi mempengaruhi tingginya tingkat efektivitas dalam pembelajaran secara daring dimana saat ini menghadapi wabah Covid-19 peraturan menteri masih menghimbau untuk kuliah dalam jaringan dan meminimalisir kegiatan yang berada di kampus.
The Role of Local Governments in the Development of Village-Owned Enterprise in Sambas Regency Arief Maulana; Reza Pratama Riansyah; Eka Yuliana Rahman
Jurnal Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal) Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal), June
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jap.v12i1.6260


This study aims to analyze and explain the strategy of Sambas Regency to develop Village-Owned Enterprises to improve the community's economy. This study also examines the obstacles/constraints experienced by local governments in developing Village-Owned Enterprises in their regions. The authors used qualitative methods with case study variants and literature studies as data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Sambas Regency Government in fostering Village-Owned Enterprises is felt to be getting better, as indicated by its role through the Agency of Social and Village Community Empowerment Services which always facilitates village government and Village-Owned Enterprises management by providing training, coaching, and supervision. In addition, the management of Village-Owned Enterprises is still quite difficult due to problems such as limited human resources. Until now, there are still many obstacles that must be resolved by the local government or the Village-Owned Enterprises managers themselves.
Urgensi Kurikulum Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Di Sulawesi Utara: Sebuah Kajian Diversifikasi Kurikulum Eka Yuliana Rahman
Jurnal Pattingalloang Vol. 10 No. 2, Agustus 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

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Pengembangan kurikulum yang mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk mengembangkan potensi daerah belum berjalan secara baik di masing- masing tingkat satuan pendidikan, hal ini ditandai dengan belum memasyarakatnya kurikulum muatan lokal yang mengembangkan potensi masing-masing daerah dan masih banyaknya muatan lokal yang seragam antara sekolah yang satu dengan yang lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi fenomenologi dan menggunakan pendekatan pustaka sebagai pendukung dalam mengumpulkan sumber bahan bacaan dan literatur yang relevan juga menggunakan studi lapangan untuk  melakukan observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap informan. Riset awal ini berangkat dari permasalahan yang penulis amati dilapangan. Berdasarkan pengambilan data wawancara bersama tenaga pendidik yang ada di Sulawesi Utara yang melihat potensi luar biasa yang dimiliki oleh suku Minahasa sebagai salah satu suku yang eksis di Sulawesi Utara dengan menginginkan adanya upaya pengembangan kurikulum yang menyesuaikan dengan potensi budaya yang dimiliki. Mengembangkan kurikulum nasional menjadi muatan kurikulum dengan kearifan lokal dalam bentuk diversifikasi kurikulum merupakan hal yang penting untuk dilakukan sebab kondisi dan siatuasi lingkungan sekolah, serta keragaman karakter peserta didik memerlukan pendekatan yang heterogen. Diperlukan asesmen diagnostik atau penelitian dan observasi yang massif terhadap kondisi peserta didik serta lingkungan tempat mereka belajar.Kata Kunci :  Diversifikasi Kurikulum 2; Kearifan Lokal 3; Sulawesi Utara AbtractAbstrak Curriculum development that prepares students to develop regional potential has not gone well at each level of the education unit, this is indicated by the not yet socialized local content curriculum that develops the potential of each region and there are still many uniform local content between one school and another. another. This study used a qualitative method using phenomenological studies and using a literature approach as a support in collecting relevant sources of reading material and literature as well as using field studies to conduct observations and in-depth interviews with informants. This initial research departs from the problems the author observes in the field. Based on data collection from interviews with educators in North Sulawesi who saw the extraordinary potential possessed by the Minahasa tribe as one of the tribes that exist in North Sulawesi, they wanted efforts to develop a curriculum that adapted to their cultural potential. Developing the national curriculum into curriculum content with local wisdom in the form of curriculum diversification is an important thing to do because the conditions and situations of the school environment, as well as the diversity of students' characters require a heterogeneous approach. Diagnostic assessment or research and massive observation of the conditions of students and the environment in which they learn are needed.Keywords : Curriculum Diversification 2; Local Wisdom 3; North Sulawesi
Ahsan: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 2 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Dakwah Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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Communication skills are a specific skill as a result of learning to convey and receive messages effectively, while communication competencies emphasize more on how a person's behavior in communicating is in accordance with their role so as to achieve the expected goals. Competence determines how a person uses the skills they have to achieve success. Someone who is competent in communicating will be able to determine the appropriate pattern of communication in various situations and conditions and be able to adjust his actions accordingly. The teacher is a person who is considered capable of transferring teaching materials, ideas, other insights to students must be seen as a teaching and learning process. But teachers also cannot be anti-criticism, in fact with criticism and suggestions it will add other insights and feedback in learning will be more lively and fun. Communication skills are very necessary to achieve success in learning. With communication skills, students will easily communicate various things related to learning material, both orally and in writing. This research uses a type of research in the form of library research. Literature study is related to theoretical studies and several references that cannot be separated from scientific literature. Teachers are the party most responsible for the ongoing effective communication in the learning process, so teachers as educators are required to have good communication skills in order to produce an effective learning process, in accordance with learning objectives. The era of the 21st century or often referred to as the era of globalization, is marked by the rapid development of science and technology. The development of science and technology brings many changes in human life. These changes can be seen from lifestyle, culture, mindset, life orientation, needs, hopes, so that the mobility of human life runs very fast. Every changing era will bring positive and negative impacts for humans, so that humans must be able to survive in dealing with it. Schools as educational institutions have an important role in preparing the nation's young generation to be able to compete in the era of globalization. The role of the History teacher, especially in schools, is to have control in molding and shaping the young generation of the nation's hope.
Pedagogical Studies in the Framework of Cultural Literacy Skills at School : Observation of Labschool UPI Junior High School and Kartika XIX-2 Junior High School Eka Yuliana Rahman
Jurnal Ilmiah Iqra' Vol 17, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/jii.v17i2.2623


In the school environment, understanding culture is also important. Every generation changes with its challenges. Multiple intelligence can be an approach in understanding students. Observations in two private schools were carried out with the aim of seeing the extent and form of cultural literacy carried out in private schools. Pedagogical studies in the frame of cultural literacy as an effort to maintain the local heritage that exists in the West Javanese community in Bandung City, especially kasundaan. Two schools that are carried out the observation process, namely UPI Lab School and SMP Kartika XIX-2 in carrying out the learning process also pay attention to environmental factors that shape the character of students.  The results showed that cultural literacy was carried out by teachers and the school environment with a variety of approaches and even through learning resources. The results of this study also found that the activities took place, students followed them enthusiastically, despite the degradation of understanding of Sundanese and the limited Sundanese culture that was deeply understood by students. Further research is needed to see how far the results or impact felt by students after the implementation of cultural literacy carried out by the school.
Aqlam: Journal of Islam and Plurality Vol 8, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/ajip.v8i2.2640


Abstract: The research on the early arrival of the Muslim community in Tomohon Javanese Village (Kampung Jawa Tomohon) has its own story, unlike the Muslim community in Kampung Jawa Tondano Minahasa, which was pioneered by Kiyai Mojo and his followers in 1829. In the Tomohon area, Islam was allegedly introduced by several people from the sultanate of Banten. This research aims to investigate how the early arrival of Banten Muslims introduced Islam in Tomohon. This research uncovered the story of who and how the Banten Muslims first arrived. Method of research using observation, document study and in-depth interviews with key informants. This research found that Tubagus Buang was a pioneer also as the leader of the first group of Banten Muslims to arrive in Tomohon Minahasa. He was a mysterious figure. Tubagus Buang's grave is still believed by the residents of Sarongsong Javanese village to be in their area, namely Kalapa Empat. In the Sarongsong District they settled in the Kayu Payung area. For a long time in the area they chose to procreate through marriage with Minahasa women. In addition, the typical Islamic traditions in Tomohon Javanese Village come from the tariqat tradition inherited from Banten, such as the Lebaran Ketupat celebration and Rudat art. There has not been much writing on the history of Tomohon Javanese Village.Key Words : Kampung Jawa Tomohon, Tubagus Buang, Minahasa MuslimsAbstrak: Penelitian mengenai awal mula kedatangan komunitas Muslim di Kampung Jawa Tomohon memiliki cerita tersendiri, berbeda dengan komunitas Muslim di Kampung Jawa Tondano Minahasa yang dipelopori oleh Kiyai Mojo dan para pengikutnya pada tahun 1829. Di daerah Tomohon, Islam diduga diperkenalkan oleh beberapa orang dari kesultanan Banten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana awal mula kedatangan Muslim Banten memperkenalkan Islam di Tomohon. Penelitian ini mengungkap kisah tentang siapa dan bagaimana Muslim Banten pertama kali datang. Metode penelitian menggunakan observasi, studi dokumen dan wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Tubagus Buang adalah seorang perintis sekaligus pemimpin kelompok pertama Muslim Banten yang tiba di Tomohon Minahasa. Ia adalah sosok yang misterius. Makam Tubagus Buang masih diyakini oleh warga kampung Jawa Sarongsong berada di wilayah mereka, yaitu Kalapa Empat. Di Kecamatan Sarongsong mereka bermukim di daerah Kayu Payung. Sejak lama di daerah tersebut mereka memilih beranak pinak melalui pernikahan dengan perempuan Minahasa. Selain itu, tradisi Islam yang khas di Kampung Jawa Tomohon berasal dari tradisi tarekat yang diwarisi dari Banten, seperti perayaan Lebaran Ketupat dan kesenian Rudat. Saat ini belum banyak tulisan yang membahas tentang sejarah Kampung Jawa TomohonKata Kunci: Kampung Jawa Tomohon, Tubagus Buang, Minahasa Muslim