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Study of Creatinin Levels of Patients Receiving Antipsycotic Treatment at Mutiara Sukma Psychiatric Hospital, Nusa Tenggara Barat Sukmana, Dhika Juliana; Mentari, Ika Nurfajri; Anjelin, Desak Putu
Medicra (Journal of Medical Laboratory Science/Technology) Vol 4 No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/medicra.v4i2.1616


Mental disorders are clinical and social problems that must be addressed immediately. Long-term use of the drug can cause damage to kidney function and worsen the work of the kidneys. Creatinine is a waste product of creatine phosphate metabolism that occurs in the muscles and is then released into the blood circulation, then transported to the kidneys. The purpose of this study was to determine how the creatinine levels of mental patients receiving antipsychotic treatment at Rumah Sakit Jiwa Mutiara Sukma Hospital, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province. The research method used is qualitative. The type of research used is descriptive, namely looking at data from the Clinical Pathology laboratory installation and medical records to determine the results of examination of creatinine levels in patients with mental disorders. The results showed that from data in the Clinical Pathology laboratory and medical records at Rumah Sakit Jiwa Mutiara Sukma, NTB Province from June-December 2020 with a total of 40 data, there were 30 patients (75%) who had normal creatinine levels, 2 patients (5%) had normal creatinine levels. creatinine levels were low, and 8 patients (20%) had high creatinine levels.
Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Kadar “Gula Reduksi” Nira Aren dengan Penambahan Kapur Sirih Sukmana, Dhika Juliana; Suhada, Adriyan; Yanti, I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Danu; Anam, Haerul
Journal of Authentic Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : LITPAM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/jar.v1i1.636


Nira aren mudah mengalami fermentasi yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas mikroba. Untuk mencegah kerusakan nira akibat fermentasi, dibutuhkan pengawetan menggunakan bahan pengawet dengan waktu yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi waktu penyimpanan terhadap kadar gula reduksi nira aren yang telah ditambahkan kapur sirih. Penelitian ini bersifat true ekperimental yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang timbul akibat dari perlakuan yang diberikan. Perlakuan terdiri atas 4 waktu penyimpanan yaitu 0 jam, 2 jam, 4 jam dan 6 jam dengan masing-masing 6 kali replikasi. Hasil penetapan kadar gula reduksi nira aren masin-masing perlakuan secara berurutan adalah 2,01%, 2,03%, 2,33% dan 0,62%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu waktu simpan maksimal nira aren yang diawetkan dengan kapur sirih adalah 4 jam, sedangkan waktu optimalnya adalah 2 jam. Rekomendasi untuk penelitian lanjutan diuraikan lebih detail dalam artikel ini. The Effect of Storage Duration on the Reducing Sugar Content of Arenga Sap with the Addition of Betel Lime Abstract Aren sap is prone to fermentation caused by microbial activity. To prevent sap damage due to fermentation, preservation using appropriate preservatives is required. This study aims to determine the influence of storage time variations on the reducing sugar content of arenga sap added with betel lime. The study follows a true experimental design conducted at the Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Health Analysts, Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health Mataram, to assess the effects of the treatments. The treatments consisted of four storage times, namely 0 hours, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 6 hours, each with six replications. The results of reducing sugar content determination for each treatment were 2.01%, 2.03%, 2.33%, and 0.62%, respectively. The conclusion of this research is that the maximum storage time for preserved arenga sap with betel lime is 4 hours, while the optimal time is 2 hours. Detailed recommendations for further research are presented in this article.
Gambaran Profil Lipid pada Peminum Kopi di Dusun Sembung Daye Kecamatan Narmada, Lombok Barat Sukmana, Dhika Juliana; Suhada, Adriyan; Noortiningsih, Noortiningsih; Camin, Yeremiah Rubin; Pauzan, Pauzan; Suhaela, Nursani
Journal of Authentic Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : LITPAM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/jar.v1i2.825


Kebiasaan merokok, mengonsumsi alkohol dan kafein membawa dampak yang tidak baik bagi kesehatan. Nikotin yang terkandung dalam rokok dapat meningkatkan sekresi dari katakolamin sehingga meningkatkan lipolisis. Kafein tidak langsung meningkatkan metabolisme energi dalam tubuh.  Konsumsi jangka panjang akan menekan metabolisme energi yang dapat menyebabkan kelelahan adrenal dan berpengaruh buruk pada keseimbangan profil lipid. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran profil lipid peminum kopi di Dusun Sembung Daye. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain cross sectional dan melibatkan 60 orang responden dengan kriteria peminum kopi, pekerjaan yang seragam dan usia produktif. Sampel darah yang diperoleh kemudian diperiksa di Laboratorium RSUD Patut Patuh Patju, sedangkan data kelompok kontrol diperoleh dari hasil pemeriksaan Laboratorium Klinik Vi Diagnostic Mataram. Intrumen yang digunakan untuk mendapat data sekunder berupa kuisioner kemudian bersamaan dengan data profil lipid dianalisis secara statistic menggunakan SPSS (uji t dan chi kuadrat). Dari penelitian ini diperoleh kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, High Density Lipoprotein dan Low Density Lipoprotein peminum kopi secara berturut-turut adalah 183,67 mg/dL, 174,75mg/dL, 47,943 mg/dL dan 107,50 mg/dL. Sedangkan untuk kelompok kontrol 174,80 mg/dL, 118,20 mg/dL, 40,075 mg/dL dan 114,68 mg/dL. Hasil analisis statistik menggunakan uji t dan chi kuadrat menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kadar trigliserida dan HDL pada kelompok peminum kopi dengan kelompok kontrol, dimana kadar trigliserida dan HDL kelompok peminum kopi lebih tinggi.  Kadar kolesterol total dan LDL kedua kelompok tidak berbeda. Kafestol dan kafein yang terdapat pada kopi meningkatkan trigliserida dan cenderung tidak memengaruhi kolesterol total dan LDL, sedangkan asam klorogenat pada kopi memiliki efek sebagai antioksidan yang meningkatkan kadar HDL. Profil Lipid on Coffee Drinker in Sembung Daye Village  Subdistrict of Narmada, West Lombok Abstract The habit of smoking and consuming alcohol and caffeine has an impact that is not good for health. The nicotine in cigarettes can increase the secretion of catecholamines, thereby increasing lipolysis. Caffeine does not directly increase energy metabolism in the body. Long-term consumption will suppress energy metabolism, which can cause adrenal fatigue and adversely affect the balance of lipid profiles. This study described the lipid profile of coffee drinkers in Sembung Daye Hamlet. The research used a crcross-sectional design and involved 60 respondents with the criteria of coffee drinkers, uniform work and productive age. The blood samples obtained were then examined at the Patut Patuh Patju Hospital Laboratory. At the same time, the control group data were obtained from the results of the Vi Diagnostic Mataram Clinic Laboratory. The instrument used to obtain secondary data in the form of a questionnaire and then the lipid profile data were analyzed statistically using SPSS (t test and chi-square). From this study, the total cholesterol, triglyceride, High-Density Lipoprotein, and Low-Density Lipoprotein levels of coffee drinkers were 183.67 mg/dL, 174.75mg/dL, 47.943 mg/dL and 107.50 mg/dL, respectively. While for the control group 174.80 mg/dL, 118.20 mg/dL, 40.075 mg/dL and 114.68 mg/dL. The results of statistical analysis using t and chi-square tests showed differences in triglyceride and HDL levels in the coffee drinker group and the control group, where triglyceride and HDL levels in the coffee drinker group were higher. Total and LDL cholesterol levels were not different between the two groups. The caffeine and caffeine found in coffee increase triglycerides and tend not to affect total and LDL cholesterol, while the chlorogenic acid in coffee has an antioxidant effect that increases HDL levels.