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Sinunö Falöwa sebagai Pelegitimasi Upacara Adat Perkawinan pada Masyarakat Nias di Kota Gunungsitoli: Kajian Konteks dan Kontinuitas Waruwu, Happy Majesty; Purba, Mauly; Dardanila, Dardanila
Resital: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan (Journal of Performing Arts) Vol 20, No 3 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (713.662 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/resital.v20i3.4078


Tulisan ini membahas tentang ritual perkawinan pada masyarakat Nias di Gunungsitoli. Dua hal yang menjadi fokus diskusi pada tulisan ini adalah, pertama, terkait tradisi nyanyian perkawinan yang dikenal sebagai sinunö falöwa, dan kedua, terkait kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Nias yang dikenal sebagai sanömba adu, penyembah Patung. Dengan mengaplikasikan pendekatan etnomusikologis dan metode penelitian deskriptif komparatif, artikel ini mengungkapkan: (i) ritual perkawinan pada masyarakat Nias di Gunungsitoli terlegitimasi lewat penyajian nyanyian perkawinan yang dikenal sebagai sinunö falöwa; (ii) sebagai aspek yang melegitimasi ritual perkawinan, sinunö falöwa merefleksikan aspek-aspek kepercayaan lokal, dan (iii) keberadaan sinunö falöwa menggambarkan keberlanjutan kepercayaan kuno masyarakat Nias yang eksis melalui proses transmisi sinunö falöwa dan harus dilaksanakan melalui ritual perkawinan, falöwa.Sinunö Falöwa As Legitimacy of Indigenous Marriage Ceremony in Nias Community in Gunungsitoli City: Study of Context and Continuity. This paper presents an overview of marriage rituals of the Nias community in Gunungsitoli. Two things become the main focus of the discussion, namely the one related to the tradition of marriage singing known as sinunö falöwa, and the one related to the local beliefs of the Nias community known as sanömba adu, worshipers of the Statue. By applying the ethnomusicological approaches and comparative descriptive research methods, this article reveals: (i) marriage rituals in the Nias community in Gunungsitoli which are legitimized through the presentation of marriage songs known as sinunö falöwa; aspects of local beliefs, and (ii) the existence of sinunö falöwa illustrates the continuation of the ancient beliefs of the Nias community that has been existed through the transmission process of sinunö falöwa and must be carried out through marriage rituals, falöwa.Keywords: sinunö falöwa; sanömba adu; Nias tribe
Paving Block and Canopy Development of "Sweembath" Tourism Village Realizing Community Welfare Tugiman; Ariani, Farida; Dardanila; Suwilo, Saib; Tulus; Sartini, Eva; Bayu; Tafsih, Ma'Ruf; Patriani, Peni; Silalahi, Amlys Syahputra
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): ABDIMAS TALENTA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.984 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v5i2.5177


The Sweembath Bahapal baths were built in 1930 by the Dutch government by employing plantation workers. This bathhouse was used as a place of entertainment by the Dutch. Currently, the management of the Sweembath tourism area has been handed over to the local community as the manager of village tourism. The preliminary survey shows the need for further development so that it is expected to improve the welfare of rural communities. Some of the problems that arise are related to the availability of infrastructure and facilities, as well as lack of promotion, which are inhibiting factors for the development of this tourism potential. The objective of the development of the Naga Sopa "Sweembath" Tourism Village, Bandar Huluan District, Simalungun Regency is to create community welfare. These are: Repairing road structuring facilities in the sweembath tourist area to increase the number of tourism visits that can improve the welfare of the community. The results of the activities carried out by USU's LPPM were road arrangement (paving blocks) and construction of a canopy.
Arrangement of Beauty in the Sweembath Tourism Environment to Achieve Community Welfare Farida, Farida Ariani; Tugiman, Tugiman; Hariadi , Hariadi Susilo; Dardanila, Dardanila; Saib , Saib Suwilo; Tulus, Tulus; Eva, Eva Sartini Bayu; Ma'ruf, Ma'ruf Tafsin; Amlys, Amlys Syahputra Silalahi
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): ABDIMAS TALENTA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (617.161 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v5i2.5223


Repair and construction of facilities and infrastructure for the tourist area of ​​the Sweembath is aimed at increasing the attractiveness of tourists who will visit. This is one of the physical perceptions of what facilities there are in these attractions. Perceptions of the physical function of adequate beauty arrangement, such as the function of facilities and infrastructure, self-power (motivation) of the environment which are factors in tourism development to realize social welfare. Arrangement of beauty in the environment in the tourist area of ​​the sweembath by Binaan Simalungun Village, USU's LPPM, namely (1) installing ceramics along the edge of the pool, (2) painting bridges, (3) making slides and speedboats (4) Installation of life guard chairs ), (4) painting of the outer wall at the entrance to the sweembath, (5) replacing the barrier zinc, (6) the place of purchase and ticket cutting. Improvements and making arrangements for beauty facilities form an impact in the form of responses from collective or individual subjects, such as 1) the presence of visitors who take advantage of the facilities, 2) parking attendants who regulate vehicle parking 3) merchants who sell types of merchandise, 3) Rental of premises, mats, life jackets and changing rooms. The arrangement of this beauty, affects the increase in the welfare of the community, managers and traders in the Sweembath environment.
Marketing Strategy to Increase Sweembath Bathrooms Village, Soppa, Bandar Huluan District, Simalungun District Amlys, Amlys Syahputra Silalahi; Hariadi , Hariadi Susilo; Dardanila, Dardanila; Saib , Saib Suwilo; Eva, Eva Sartini Bayu; Ma'ruf, Ma'ruf Tafsin; Peni, Peni Patriani; Tugiman, Tugiman; Farida , Farida Ariani; Ainun, Nur'ainun
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): ABDIMAS TALENTA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.077 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v5i2.5284


The Sweembath Tour of Naga Soppa Village has long been known by tourists, both the local community and tourists who come from Medan, Asahan, Labuhan Batu and Samosir. The Sweembath Bathing Site in Naga Sopa Village, Bandar Huluan District, Simalungun Regency has an attraction where the water comes from natural springs, water clarity and natural beauty which was once a place for recreation or bathing for Dutch citizens during the colonial era. However, in its development, the Sweembath Tour of Naga Soppa Village experienced ups and downs. Therefore, it is necessary to plan a marketing strategy to increase tourism visits to the Sweembath Naga Soppa Village baths. The marketing strategy that can be done through a marketing mix strategy. The Marketing Mix Strategy consists of product, price, promotion and distribution strategies which in its application is expected to increase the desired response from the target market so that it will determine the success of marketing. This marketing mix uses the 4Ps, namely: Product is something that can be offered to the market in the form of physical goods or services. Price is an amount of money spent by consumers to buy the products or services offered. Place is a distribution channel for selected products and services to be delivered to customers and consumers. while Promotion is an activity from producers to introduce products or services produced to consumers
Increasing the Brand Image of the Sweembath Tourism Area Towards a Tourism Village in Naga Sopa Village, Bandar Huluan District, Simalungun Regency Ma'ruf, Ma'ruf Tafsin; Eva, Eva Sartini Bayu; Peni, Peni Patriani; Hariadi , Hariadi Susilo; Dardanila, Dardanila; Tugiman, Tugiman; Farida , Farida Ariani
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): ABDIMAS TALENTA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.279 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v5i2.5285


 The embossed icon (image) is a promotional media or an identity media of a specific geographic era, whether it is a unique writing or logo that has the aim of attracting the attention of those who see it to be interested and want to look back, they will return to visit the tourist area. making a raised letter icon (image) “” SWEEMBATH 'and' NATURAL WATER EYES 'is a promotional media or media identity, a geographically distinctive name, the origin of the naming is a unique writing or logo which has the aim of attracting the attention of those who see it to be interested and want to look back, they and then return to visit the tourist area and understand the history of the pennant spring. Making large embossed letters to become the sweembath location icon is needed, especially in relation to further promotions that can attract tourist visits. The making of the writing icon will be made at the front gate of the tourist location. The making of the letter icon is proven to be a location for selfies of visitors who generally will display their tourism activities or activities through social media such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and others. The making of these letters has an impact on the promotion of sweembath tourist areas which are expected to increase the number of tourist visits in the future. Measurement of visitor perceptions answers a high level of satisfaction. The number shows that the satisfactionlevel who answered very satisfied reached 90%, and 10% answered satisfied. This condition shows that the sweembath tourist location is in a very significant direction compared to the previous ones. Several stakeholders, such as village managers and sub-district officials, tended to show their surprise at the changes made by USU's LPPM to these tourist sites, which led to a much better image than before. The survey results show that further improvements are needed, especially in the aspect of providing representative prayer facilities (mushola) in these locations. Another very basic condition that requires improvement is road access to tourist sites. The Simalungun Regional Government should be able to repair and maintain roads to these tourist sites so that the economic improvement of the tourism village community in Naga Sopa Village is better. Some of the measurements that were originally going to be carried out were the measurement of the increase in the number of tourist visits after USU's LPPM-assisted village activities. This measurement is difficult to do considering the current conditions related to the Covid 19 pandemic, which The embossed icon (image) is a promotional media or an identity media of a specific geographic era, whether it is a unique writing or logo that has the aim of attracting the attention of those who see it to be interested and want to look back, they will return to visit the tourist area. making a raised letter icon (image) “” SWEEMBATH 'and' NATURAL WATER EYES 'is a promotional media or media identity, a geographically distinctive name, the origin of the naming is a unique writing or logo which has the aim of attracting the attention of those who see it to be interested and want to look back, they and then return to visit the tourist area and understand the history of the pennant spring. Making large embossed letters to become the sweembath location icon is needed, especially in relation to further promotions that can attract tourist visits. The making of the writing icon will be made at the front gate of the tourist location. The making of the letter icon is proven to be a location for selfies of visitors who generally will display their tourism activities or activities through social media such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and others. The making of these letters has an impact on the promotion of sweembath tourist areas which are expected to increase the number of tourist visits in the future. Measurement of visitor perceptions answers a high level of satisfaction. The number shows that the satisfaction level who answered very satisfied reached 90%, and 10% answered satisfied. This condition shows that the sweembath tourist location is in a very significant direction compared to the previous ones. Several stakeholders, such as village managers and sub-district officials, tended to show their surprise at the changes made by USU's LPPM to these tourist sites, which led to a much better image than before. The survey results show that further improvements are needed, especially in the aspect of providing representative prayer facilities (mushola) in these locations. Another very basic condition that requires improvement is road access to tourist sites. The Simalungun Regional Government should be able to repair and maintain roads to these tourist sites so that the economic improvement of the tourism village community in Naga Sopa Village is better. Some of the measurements that were originally going to be carried out were the measurement of the increase in the number of tourist visits after USU's LPPM-assisted village activities. This measurement is difficult to do considering the current conditions related to the Covid 19 pandemic, which limits crowding activities in order to reduce the incidence of Covid 19 infection in the community, and the outcomes achieved, 1) mass media publications, 2) journals, 3) CD activities, and 4) documentary books activities
Reforestation of ‘Village Forest’ to Improve Sustaiability Creative Industries in Desa Siponjot Vinolina, Noverita Sprinse; Sipayung, Antonio Marro; Dardanila; Pintauli, Sondang
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): ABDIMAS TALENTA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.323 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v5i2.5425


This program is conducted to assist Siponjot Village while empowering the people of Siponjot Village to be able to utilize and maximize the benefit of the village forest. Village forest might support the availability of raw materials required for making musical instruments, such as high quality of wood, including how to process wood waste from making musical instruments to be used as creative souvenirs and improve the economic value. The raw material for production determined its results of the production of wood-based musical instruments. Thus, in order to produce a high quality tanginang, hasapi, and gondang, which previously began to be produced by arts crafts in the Sitangkubang area of ​​Siponjot Village, a high quality of raw materials is needed. The community service team surveyed the location of planting seeds for village forest restoration, provided socialization related to the importance of village forest cultivation and the suitability of the Siponjot Village area for the cultivation of these plants. Village forest restoration aims to maintain the beauty and beauty of the village. Implementation of village reforestation activities starting from socializing forest tourism and the strength of village forests to the community, followed by a discussion about village forest management and its economic benefits. Handover of a thousand units of forest plant seedlings given to the villagers of Siponjot as part of the forest restoration program in the area.
Sinunö Falöwa sebagai Pelegitimasi Upacara Adat Perkawinan pada Masyarakat Nias di Kota Gunungsitoli: Kajian Konteks dan Kontinuitas Happy Majesty Waruwu; Mauly Purba; Dardanila Dardanila
Resital: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan (Journal of Performing Arts) Vol 20, No 3 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (713.662 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/resital.v20i3.4078


Tulisan ini membahas tentang ritual perkawinan pada masyarakat Nias di Gunungsitoli. Dua hal yang menjadi fokus diskusi pada tulisan ini adalah, pertama, terkait tradisi nyanyian perkawinan yang dikenal sebagai sinunö falöwa, dan kedua, terkait kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Nias yang dikenal sebagai sanömba adu, penyembah Patung. Dengan mengaplikasikan pendekatan etnomusikologis dan metode penelitian deskriptif komparatif, artikel ini mengungkapkan: (i) ritual perkawinan pada masyarakat Nias di Gunungsitoli terlegitimasi lewat penyajian nyanyian perkawinan yang dikenal sebagai sinunö falöwa; (ii) sebagai aspek yang melegitimasi ritual perkawinan, sinunö falöwa merefleksikan aspek-aspek kepercayaan lokal, dan (iii) keberadaan sinunö falöwa menggambarkan keberlanjutan kepercayaan kuno masyarakat Nias yang eksis melalui proses transmisi sinunö falöwa dan harus dilaksanakan melalui ritual perkawinan, falöwa.Sinunö Falöwa As Legitimacy of Indigenous Marriage Ceremony in Nias Community in Gunungsitoli City: Study of Context and Continuity. This paper presents an overview of marriage rituals of the Nias community in Gunungsitoli. Two things become the main focus of the discussion, namely the one related to the tradition of marriage singing known as sinunö falöwa, and the one related to the local beliefs of the Nias community known as sanömba adu, worshipers of the Statue. By applying the ethnomusicological approaches and comparative descriptive research methods, this article reveals: (i) marriage rituals in the Nias community in Gunungsitoli which are legitimized through the presentation of marriage songs known as sinunö falöwa; aspects of local beliefs, and (ii) the existence of sinunö falöwa illustrates the continuation of the ancient beliefs of the Nias community that has been existed through the transmission process of sinunö falöwa and must be carried out through marriage rituals, falöwa.Keywords: sinunö falöwa; sanömba adu; Nias tribe
Leksikon kegulmaan pada masyarakat Jawa di Perkebunan Fajar Agung, Kecamatan Pegajahan, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai: Kajian ekolinguistik Wiradi Putra; Dwi Widayati; Dardanila Dardanila; Sharina Amanda
KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kembara.v7i1.15432


Masyarakat Jawa Fajar Agung merupakan pekerja perkebunan yang sangat akrab dengan leksikon-leksikon kegulmaan. Keakraban ini dapat terlihat dari penggunaan leksikon yang masih bertahan sampai saat ini. Hal ini merupakan salah satu cara dalam pencegahan punahnya istilah Jawa dalam bentuk leksikon kegulmaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat pemahaman masyarakat Jawa terhadap leksikon kegulmaan di Perkebunan Fajar Agung, serta menjelaskan faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat pemahaman masyarakat Jawa terhadap leksikon kegulmaan di Perkebunan Fajar Agung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang didukung berupa perhitungan hasil respondensi secara kuantitatif. Data leksikon kegulmaan diperoleh melalui angket. Angket berisi data daftar leksikon kegulmaan yang sebelumnya diperoleh melalui wawancara kepada informan kunci. Adapun hasil penelitian ini, yaitu Leksikon kegulmaan pada masyarakat Jawa di Perkebunan Fajar Agung berjumlah 75 buah. Berdasarkan pada pembahasan pertama tingkat pemahaman T (tahu) kelompok usia I (25-45 Tahun) yaitu 83,53% dan kelompok usia II (46-60 Tahun) yaitu 83,15% sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat Jawa di Perkebunan Fajar Agung masih mengenal dan menggunakan leksikon-leksikon kegulmaan dalam bahasa Jawa. Berdasarkan pembahasan kedua, terdapat dua faktor kebertahanan yang memengaruhi tingkat pemahaman leksikon kegulmaan pada MJFA, yaitu yaitu faktor yang berkaitan dengan linguistik dan non-linguistik. Faktor linguistik yang memengaruhi kebertahanan leksikon kegulmaan pada MJFA, yaitu berhubungan dengan tendensi MJFA terhadap bahasa Jawa. Kemudian faktor non-linguistik, yaitu perilaku konservatif MJFA terhadap gulma, adaptasi fisiologi gulma terhadap herbisida, konsistensi penggunaan peralatan tradisional pengendalian dan pemberantasan gulma, kesejahteraan MJFA, pendidikan MJFA.
Sindrom Misogini Dalam Cerpen “Wah Wah Wah’ Karya Tsi Taura: Analisis Psikologi Sastra Lela Erwany; Rosliani Rosliani; Dardanila Dardanila
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) Vol 4, No 4 (2022): Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS), May
Publisher : Mahesa Research Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.323 KB) | DOI: 10.34007/jehss.v4i4.1078


Short stories as part of literature are the universe of reality in which there are events experienced by the actors. In the short story Wah Wah Wah, it can be seen the presence of a psychological phenomenon experienced by the main character. The psychological phenomenon was studied using a literary psychology approach and misogyny. The method used is a qualitative method with a hermeneutic approach. This approach is considered capable of maintaining the authenticity of the text. The results of this study indicate that the misogyny contained in the Wah Wah Wah short story is caused by trauma or the treatment of his wife, children, and daughter-in-law to the character Si Aku. Before marriage he did not hate women. This can be seen from his attitude towards his dead mother. He didn't hate his mother. Due to chronic misogyny, eventually gradually turned into a permanent mental disorder. This is because there is no treatment from a psychologist and family support. He experiences stress and his soul is disturbed or crazy.
Metalingua: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa Vol 19, No 2 (2021): METALINGUA EDISI DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/metalingua.v19i2.928


The Javanese people of Fajar Agung Plantation (JPFAP) are workers who are very familiar with the lexicons of weeds. It can be seen from their sustainability until today as the way of preventing it from extinction. This writing aims to describe the level of the Javanese’ understanding of the lexicon of weeds in Fajar Agung Plantation and to explain the influencing factors using a qualitative approach which is supported by the quantitative calculation of the respondents. The data of the lexicon were obtained through a questionnaire which was listed through an interview with the key informants. The results shows that the list consists of 75 lexicons. Based on the first discussion, the level of understanding T (Tahu) for age group I (25—45 years) is 83.53% and age group II (46—60 years) is 83.15%. It means that the Javanese people in Fajar Agung Plantation still recognize and the lexicons in Javanese. Based on the second discussion, there are two factors affecting their level of understanding, namely linguistics and nonlinguistics factors. The linguistic factors is their  tendency towards Javanese language. The nonlinguistic factors are their conservative behavior towards weeds, the physiological adaptation of weeds to herbicides, the consistency in the use of traditional weed control and eradication tools, the JPFAP welfare, the JPFAP  education.