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KLASIFIKASI ILMU DALAM ISLAM PERSPEKTIF IMAM AL GHOZALI Nurul Laylia; Muhammad Nur Hadi; Syaifullah Syaifullah

Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/muallim.v2i2.2276


The background of this research is how the classification of knowledge according to Imam al-Ghazali in the book of Ihya 'ulumuddin. With the aim to describe the classification of science and the reasons of Imam al-Ghazali in the classification of knowledge contained in the book of Ihya' Ulumuddin. The benefits of this research are that parents today still pay attention to education for their children by not looking at the side between primary and secondary sciences. This study includes the type of literature that takes data from inanimate objects in the form of books or books, using a qualitative approach. using Content Analysis techniques in analyzing data based on the content contained therein. From the results of the study showed that Imam al-Ghazali classified science into two types namely fardlu 'ain and fardlu kifayah. Which is fardlu 'ain science only consists of syar'iyyah science and fardlu kifayah science consists of two kinds namely syar'iyyah science and ghoiru syar'iyyah science. Included in the primary sciences are religious sciences such as kalam science, tasawwuf science, and syariah science. Whereas secondary science is a branch of primary science such as mathematics, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences and political sciences.

Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/muallim.v3i1.2403


Social institution is a system of behaviour and relationships that are cantered on activities to meet the complexity of needs in people's lives that emphasize systems of behaviour or norms to meet needs. social institution in human life is an association or unit of human beings who live together. Social institution is where there is an organizational structure and a factor, which is shared by members of the group so that the relationship between them grows closer. In order to win the competition, every society must master various fields of science, technology (science and technology) and the professional skills and expertise needed to spur the added value of various industrial sectors and economic equality in a sustainable manner. The very strong emphasis on human resource development, as mandated by the 1945 Constitution, namely education is oriented towards efforts to educate the nation's life, shows that the Indonesian nation has a very large commitment to catching up with other nations in the world.

Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/mu'allim.v3i2.2651


The created universe is one of the signs of Allah's power. Not a few verses of the Qur'an invite us to reflect on His creation is no exception about the universe. Allah created humans and commissioned humans to perform imarah on earth by managing and maintaining it. As a caliph on earth, of course there are several principles that need to be considered by humans, namely first, the principle of responsibility for the universe and everything in it so that its sustainability is maintained. Second The principle of Compassion and Concern for Nature, humans should treat nature with a sense to love, cherish, and preserve the universe and all its contents, without discrimination and without domination.
INOVASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM Muhammad Nur Hadi; Syaifullah; Wiwin Fachrudin Yusuf

Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/muallim.v4i1.2948


This research is motivated by the current condition of Islamic religious education in Indonesia, which is still experiencing problems in various aspects and efforts to improve it have not been carried out in a basic way, seeming improvised. The government's attention to Islamic education is very small, on the other hand the government expects the people to have a socialist and religious spirit. It can be said that Islamic education in Indonesia occupies a "second class" in a Muslim-majority society. Social change is essentially a part of cultural change. Aspects of culture are art, science, knowledge, technology, philosophy. Ibn Khaldun said in his muqodimah there is no human society that does not change, meaning that the work of stopping the course of change is an impossible job. In social change, an in-depth philosophical study is needed to produce values ​​that can bring more benefits to society, to realize the values ​​contained in philosophy can be pursued in various ways, one of which is through education. With education, humans can communicate their culture and intellectual heritage to future generations, and provide inspiration and life goals.
Bulletin of Scientific Contribution: GEOLOGY Vol 13, No 1 (2015): Bulletin of Scientific Contribution
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Geologi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1099.101 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/bsc geology.v13i1.8385


Kalwat Geothermal Field administratively is located in North Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province. Litologies of this research area divided by pyroclastic flows and lava. The heat source of this location comes from Mahawu Mountain that located in the southwest outside the research area. Lithology which acts as the cap rock layer is form by pyroclastic flow that has clay minerals which impermeable. Based on petrographic and PIMA abalysis, the alteration minerals that arise are dominated bu montmorillonite and halloysite, so the alteration type of this research area is argilic type and located at the northwest and southwest of research area. The water type that appears are dilute chloride-bicarbonate type and bicarbonate type. Based on the calculation of paleotemperature and geothermometer, there is increase of temperature during the form of mineral and the recent temperature. This is due to increased of volcanic activity in the research area. This research area is water-dominated and moderate temperature system that has range of temperature at 209-2100 C.

Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/muallim.v2i1.2201


This article is a written idea related to the development of learning media. Along with the adoption of the 4.0 industrial revolution era, the dynamics of learning should also follow it by starting to reduce the use of conventional learning media and starting to switch to modern learning media. Learning media in the digital era must be aligned with technological developments. Learning media must be interesting, close and interactive with students. The Tik Tok application comes with a negative impression from the community, but ironically, the average millennial generation really enjoys this application. Based on the premise of these facts, a middle ground generalization can be drawn that the Tik Tok application will be an interesting and fun learning medium if it is processed and used appropriately. Through the tik tok application, an educator can create interactive learning and in accordance with the situations and conditions of students and be able to adapt to the times.
Implementation Of Traditional Risk Management As Loss Prevention In Coconut Production Results Muhammad Nur Hadi
AKADEMIK: Jurnal Mahasiswa Ekonomi & Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): AKADEMIK: Jurnal Mahasiswa Ekonomi & Bisnis
Publisher : Perhimpunan Sarjana Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In Kalimantan, coconut is one of the main commodities which is a source of community income. This happened, because the characteristics of Kalimantan's soil are very suitable for coconut plantations, so that most of the people have coconut gardens. However, in the process of raising it to make money, there are many risks. These conditions encourage farmers to be able to find solutions, so that coconut products remain a source of income. This study aims to analyze the risks in coconut plantations, which have an impact on selling value/price, economic value, income, to welfare. The research method used is quantitative with regression analysis as a causal estimation tool between variables. The research sample was taken randomly from 150 coconut farmers in the Kalimantan region. The results showed that the risk in the coconut industry is the reduction in the number of trees due to the conversion of mining and other plantations. Then another risk is operational costs that are not balanced with the selling price. This condition is often complained of by farmers, and because they do not have the ability to overcome it, farmers can only reduce the number of production activities, starting from maintenance to distribution.
Menyikapi Radikalisme Perspektif Hadits Nabi Saw Ali Mohtarom; Muhammad Nur Hadi; Ahmad Ma'ruf

Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/mu'allim.v5i2.4156


This paper explores the management of radicalism in Indonesia as an extremist and terrorist phenomenon, drawing on the hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW. It adopts a qualitative approach and literature review as a research methodology, using the Integrative Review model. According to the Prophet's Hadith, two approaches are suggested: preventive action and repressive action. Preventive actions involve promoting attitudes of moderation, tolerance, compassion, justice, equal rights, and caution in issuing fatwas. On the other hand, repressive measures, in line with the hadith found in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, are directed towards addressing the actions of hypocrites and khawarij to safeguard the unity of the Muslim Ummah and protect the well-being of the Muslim community..