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JURNAL RISET KESEHATAN POLTEKKES DEPKES BANDUNG, Online ISSN 2579-8103 Vol 12 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Poltekkes Depkes Bandung
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung

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Quality and ongoing antenatal care is considered effective in reducing complications during pregnancy. It's important to maintain a healthy pregnancy, improve pregnancy outcomes by identifying complications, promoting healthy behavior and giving clients the opportunity to be actively involved with health care providers. This study aims to determine differences in knowledge of pregnant women about handling risk factors for pregnancy before and after the Android-based Smart Continuity of Care (MONSCA) application and before and after conventional methods (the MCH handbook) are given. The research was carried out in the Tanete Health Center and the Bontobangun Health Center in Bulukumba Regency. The method used is an experimental quasi-experimental type of research (pretest-posttes only control design). In this study, a sample of 18 pregnant women was divided into two groups (9 intervention groups and 9 control groups). The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by different test by looking at normality and Wilcoxon test to see differences in knowledge. The results showed there were differences in the knowledge of pregnant women regarding the handling of pregnancy risk factors before and after the MCH handbook was given with a value of p = 0.024 (p <0.05), it appeared that pregnant women had increased knowledge but there were also pregnant women whose knowledge remained. And there is a difference in the knowledge of pregnant women regarding the handling of pregnancy risk factors before and after the MONSCA application is given with a value of p = 0.007 (p <0.05), it appears that all pregnant women have increased knowledge after being given the MONSCA application. The conclusion of increasing knowledge of pregnant women before and after the Android-based Smart Continuity of Care (MONSCA) application is better than the MCH book. It is hoped that this research can be developed in web-based childbirth childbirth care.
Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara Vol. 15 No. 1 Juni 2017
Publisher : National Institute of Aeronautics and Space - LAPAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30536/j.jtd.2017.v15.a2631


Telemetry Tracking and Command (TTC) of LAPAN’s satellite use UHF frequency. This frequency is susceptible to interference by an amateur radio transmitter. One method to look for an interference transmitter is Doppler Effect. To get the optimal value of the Doppler shift frequency, it is necessary to have stabilized antenna switch as controller of antenna array. The RF switches controlled by an Arduino board produced 500 Hz Doppler frequency. Other hardwares are Demodulator, clock Arduino Board, and Universal Serial Bus  (USB) soundcard as the input for the searching software. The results can be shown using the open access sound Doppler. The system has been able to detect UHF transmitters and repeaters received by the device. For upgrade, the data processing system can be done using Matlab software to easier process and analysis. AbstrakTelemetry Tracking And Command (TTC) satelit LAPAN menggunakan frekuensi UHF. Frekuensi UHF rentan terhadap interference. Salah satu metode mencari pemancar interference menggunakan metode efek Doppler. Untuk mendapat nilai pergeseran frekuensi sesuai efek Doppler yang dibutuhkan, diperlukan sakelar antena yang stabil, yang berfungsi sebagai pengontrol antena array. Rangkaian sakelar RF di kontrol dengan Arduino board menghasilkan Doppler frekuensi 500 Hz. Demodulator, clock Arduino Board dan Soundcard sebagai input software pencari.  Hasil outputnya dapat dilihat dengan menggunakan software open akses sounDoppler. Sistem ini mampu mendeteksi pemancar maupun repeater yang diterima oleh perangkat. Upgrade sistem dari penelitian ini adalah proses pengolahan data dapat dilakukan secara mandiri menggunakan software Matlab sehingga lebih mudah untuk diolah dan dianalisis.
Implementasi Aplikasi Database Untuk Mendukung Sistem Smart card Di STKIP Muhammadiyah Bone Andani Achmad; Zulfajri B. Hasanuddin; Rhiza S. Sadjad; Muh Anshar; Zaenab Muslimin; Andini D. Achmad; Indrabayu Indrabayu; Syafruddin Syarif
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Membangun Masyarakat yang Kuat dan Ulet
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.019 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v2i1.56


Smart campus refers to campus facilities which are supporting all activities of the academics in carrying out the obligations of the Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi using information technology as the backbone. STKIP Muhammadiyah Bone was chosen as a partner in the community service program. In order to welcome a transformation, the campus will direct its services with technology. Currently services such as student registration, attendance input is still done mannually, in the future it will be converted into an electronic system. However, in STKIP Muhammadiyah Bone, it has not applied smart campus system. The proposed solution is to make Smart cards socialization and training and database implementation. After thorough socialization and training which includes hardware, software, procedures and work procedures, furthermore, independent development is carried out by the campus itself. This activity was held for one day and went smoothly judging from the enthusiasm of the staff and students who participated in this activity and the installation of two smartcard systems in the rector and vice rector rooms.
Pelatihan Trouble Shooting Sistem RO di Kecamatan Marusu Kabupaten Maros Dewiani Dewi Djamaluddin; Muh Anshar; Zaenab Muslimin; Rhiza S. Sadjat; Elyas Palantei; Merna Baharuddin; Andini Dani Achmad; Wardi -; Syafruddin Syarif
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Aplikasi Teknologi untuk Hidup Masyarakat yang Lebih Baik
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.146 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v2i2.100


This past year in Tellumpoccoe Village has made effective the performance of equipment with hybrid water supply technology through pump wells and automation technology and integrated filtering systems to improve water quality. For household level consumption, a family sample is taken to clean water and provide assistance during the installation process and the feasibility test for filtered water consumption. Besides that, an engineering team of 26 people had formed. With the passage of time the equipment has been able to be used by the community in tellumpoccoe village well until a major flood disaster occurred in early October last year 2018. So that as a result of the flooding the RO equipment was soaked so that it could no longer be used. New problems arise because of the ignorance of the community to improve the tool. So as to overcome these problems, training is conducted to overcome the existing problems so that the equipment can be reused. So that this community service activity was held which aims to provide training on how to maintain and repair (Trouble Shooting) the existing RO system so that villagers will be able to maintain the sustainability of the clean water mechanism.
Sosialisasi Managemen Parkir Cerdas Pada Departemen Teknik Elektro Universitas Hasanuddin Dewiani Dewi Djamaluddin; Syafruddin Syarif; Andani Achmad; Muh Anshar; Samuel Panggalo; Elyas Palantei; Wardi .; Zaenab .; Merna Baharuddin; Ejah Umraeni; Andini Dani Achmad; Azran Budi Arief; Milleneo .; Al Kautsar
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Kebersamaan dalam Membangun Masyarakat Tangguh dan Gesit
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v5i1.252


The Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University has an automatic gate based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) using employee and lecturer cards. However, it is still often found that vehicles are parked irregularly between the cars and motorbikes of employees and lecturers so that the parking space that should be able to accommodate more vehicles is limited. This service aims to implement a web-based parking reservation and monitoring system. Monitoring the availability of land and parking spaces is displayed in real-time on the website. In addition, users can make reservations on available land through the website online so there is no need to worry about the available parking space being used by other users. This system is placed in the parking lot of the Department of Electrical Engineering which consists of 20 parking slots that are installed in parallel and each slot area is equipped with sensors to indicate the presence of parked vehicles in the right place. Users can reserve a parking slot using a mobile phone that has been integrated with parking management. Parking slots that have been reserved by one user, cannot be used by other users. After the system is installed, demonstrations and socialization are carried out to students, lecturers, and staff of the Department of Electrical Engineering. With this parking access management system, the parking conditions are getting more regular and the security level is getting better because all vehicles that have access in and out are properly recorded.
Sosialisasi Penggunaan Parkir Cerdas Pada Departemen Teknik Elektro Universitas Hasanuddin Dewiani Dewi Djamaluddin; Syafruddin Syarif; Muh Anshar; Intan Sari Areni; Elyas Palantei; Samuel Panggalo; Zaenab Muslimin; Wardi Wardi; Andini Dani Achmad; Hasniaty Hasniaty; Azran Budi Arief; Muhammad Hanan
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Kesadaran Sosial dalam Memperkuat Kehidupan Masyarakat dalam Era Pandemi
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v4i1.164


Departemen Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin memiliki tempat parkir kendaraan yang cukup memadai tetapi belum tertata dengan baik. Dimana sering didapati kendaraan terparkir tidak teratur antara mobil dan motor dosen, pegawai dan mahasiswa sehingga menyulitkan pengendara lain untuk keluar masuk dari lahan parkir. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan sistem identifikasi pengguna kendaraan berbasis kartu RFID untuk membuat dosen, staf dan mahasiswa lebih teratur dalam parkir. Sistem ini dipasangkan pada lahan parkir Departemen Teknik Elektro yang terdiri dari sebuah barrier gate dengan lengan sepanjang 4 m, sebuah controller yang terhubung dengan internet, serta dua buah card reader sebagai akses untuk keluar masuk lahan parkir. Untuk dapat keluar/masuk lahan parkir pengguna kendaraan harus terlebih dahulu menempelkan kartu pada card reader yang ada di jalur keluar/masuk lahan parkir. Setelah sistem terpasang maka dilakukan demo dan sosialisasi kepada mahasiswa, dosen, dan staff Departemen Teknik Elektro. Dengan adanya sistem akses lahan parkir ini kondisi perparkiran semakin teratur dan tingkat keamanan menjadi lebih baik karena semua kendaraan yang memiliki akses keluar masuk sudah terdata dengan baik. Selain itu sistem akses lahan parkir yang dimplementasikan dapat mengurangi waktu untuk pengecekan identitas pengguna kendaraan sehingga menghindari terjadinya penumpukan kendaraan pada akses masuk dan keluar lahan parkir.
Sosialisasi Penggunaan ATM Beras Untuk Membantu Penyaluran Zakat Azran Budi Arief; Andani Achmad; Muh Anshar; Zaenab Muslimin; Merna Baharuddin; Ejah Umraeni Salam; Ansar Suyuti; Ida Rachmaniar S; Elyas Palantei; Syafruddin Syarif; Dewiani Dewiani; Ardiaty Arief; Ikhlas Kitta; Faizal A. Samman; Salama Manjang; Muh. Bachtiar Nappu; Gassing Gassing; Yusran Yusran; Rhiza S. Sadjad; Irwan Setiawan; Fighi S. Permadi
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Mengembangkan Kehiodupan Masyarakat melalui Kesatuan dan Kekuatan
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v5i2.291


Zakat distribution is an activity that is often carried out around the community. At the time of distribution, of course, it takes a long time and can cause queues to be less efficient. To overcome all of that, an ID card-based Rice ATM was created to facilitate the distribution of zakat in the form of rice. By using microcontrollers, ultrasonic sensors, DC motors and web applications. This web application aims to record the identity of the community and also regulate the ration of rice distribution for each citizen. This service was carried out in Parang Bugisi Village, Tinggi Muzzle District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The method begins with conducting socialization activities and giving questionnaires. There were 4 questions used in the questionnaire to determine the level of knowledge of participants. Furthermore, the socialization participants can practice directly the use of Rice ATMs. From the results of the questionnaire before the socialization activity, the majority of participants did not know about the Rice ATM and after participating in the socialization activity, the majority of participants began to understand, it was seen that in the results of the questionnaire there was an increase in understanding of the way it works, benefits and users of the Rice ATM by 86%, 76%, 81% and 52%, respectively.