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Penerapan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) pada Sistem Informasi Pemilihan Asisten Praktikum Gustalika, Muhamad Azrino; Rakhmadani, Diovianto Putra; Segara, Alon Jala Tirta
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v5i3.3065


Each campus has technology that is used to communicate and exchange information using technology in the form of a website. The use of the website itself has penetrated into the world of education, one of which is the laboratory on campus. Laboratory on campus cannot be separated from the existence of a practicum assistant. Every semester the faculty of informatics opens registration for practicum assistants, but there are obstacles that candidates who register still use the manual method in their selection. So they need the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. This study uses the Simple Additive Learning method which will increase the highest score level of 1.39 with the weight indicator used in the selection of practicum assistants and get an average score of 4.9 out of 5.0 so that it is very effective for admins (laborers) to manage and lecturers, to see recommendations for prospective practicum assistants, the best are web-based
Penerapan Metode System Usability Scale dalam Pengujian Rancangan Mobile Apps Gamification Tari Rakyat di Indonesia Arief Rais Bahtiar; Muhamad Azrino Gustalika
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v6i1.3510


Indonesia has many dances in each region. Traditional dance and folk dance are dances that existed in Indonesia before the development of contemporary dance. As one of the local cultures in each area, dance art is included in local content at the elementary to high school level. The changing curriculum has disrupted local cultural education in the world of education some time ago. In addition to these factors, the lack of interactive learning media at least affects. The purpose of this study is to develop a learning pattern for folk dance as a local culture in Indonesia through an interactive mobile application. In addition, this research is used to help preserve and introduce the folk dance arts of each region to students in Indonesia. Gamification can be an alternative for developing folk dance learning. What usually happens is the lack of innovation in conventional learning media to attract students' interest in studying local culture, especially folk dance as a local content subject. This activity is a folk dance education about history, regional origins and dance movements. The result of this application is a folk dance game in Indonesia. There are several levels that must be passed to be able to complete this game. Each season will be taken 3 people who get the reward. The rewards that we design are based on the prizes preferred by elementary, junior high and high school students. Based on the results of the System Usability Scale evaluation, the prototype designed got a score of 86.25% and was considered to have met the usability element.
Pelatihan Desain Grafis Photoshop dan Coreldraw di Korem 071 Wijayakusuma guna Meningkatkan Kemampuan Desain Grafis bagi para Anggota TNI Bita Parga Zen; Muhamad Azrino Gustalika
Dedikasi Sains dan Teknologi (DST) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Dedikasi Sains dan Teknologi : Volume 1 Nomor 1, Mei 2021
Publisher : Information Technology and Science (ITScience)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1075.617 KB) | DOI: 10.47709/dst.v1i1.952


Seiring perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, banyak hal yang dapat merubah kehidupan masyarakat melalui teknologi. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan setiap manusia harus memiliki keahlian sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman. Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto memfasilitasi hal itu melalui tridarma perguruan tinggi yakni dosen melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat agar masyarakat bisa memperoleh kemampuan yang di butuhkan saat ini. Melalui pengabdian masyarakat di harapakan memapu menjembantani antara pihak yang akan melakukan pelatihan dengan pihak kampus yakni Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto. Institut Telkom Purwokerto bekerja sama dengan Korem 071 Wijayakusuma dalam hal peningkatan kualitas terhadap peserta pelatihan dengan menggunakan pelatihan desain grafis. Pelatihan ini di ikuti sebanyak 31 peserta dari anggota dan keluarga Korem 071 Wijayakusuma. Oleh karena itu pelatihan ini sangat di butuhkan agar para peserta bisa mengembangkan dan menerapkan hasil dari pelatihan ini ke bidang industri seperti membuka usaha sendiri. Sebelumnya para peserta kurang dalam memahami dan mengetahui manfaat dari pelatihan desain grafis untuk kehidupan mereka. Oleh karena itu Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto meyiapkan pemateri yang handal dalam memberika pelatihan desain grafis agar para peserta bisa memanfatkannya dengan baik. Pelatihan desain grafis ini di laksanalan selama dua hari di laboratorium milik Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto dimana hari pertama peserta akan di beri pelatihan berupa pembuatan logo dan poster dengan menggunakan aplikasi Coreldraw dan hari kedua pembuatan banner dan desain web menggunakan apliaksi Photoshop. Dalam hal ini peserta sangat antusias dengan di adakannya pelatihan desain grafis dengan di tandai dengan kuisoner kepuasan peserta pelatihan dimana rata-rata dari mereka merasa sangat setuju atau puas terhadap pelatihan ini, sehingga di harapkan adanya pelatihan yang berkelanjutan.
Peran Kompetensi melalui berfikir komputasi dalam membangun karir di dunia IT menuju Era Society 5.0 Bita Parga Zen; Gita Fadila Fitriana; M. Azrino Gustalika
Dedikasi Sains dan Teknologi (DST) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Dedikasi Sains dan Teknologi : Volume 1 Nomor 2, Nopember 2021
Publisher : Information Technology and Science (ITScience)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (458.63 KB) | DOI: 10.47709/dst.v1i2.1122


Society 5.0 merupakan suatu konsep Society yang berpusat pada manusia (human-centered) dan berbasis teknologi (technology based) yang pertama kali dikembangkan di Jepang. pengembangan dari revolusi industri 4.0 yang dinilai berpotensi mendegradasi peran manusia dengan mengembangkan kecerdasan buatan, penjelasan mengenai Science performance (PISA) diharapkan semua peserta memahami terkait literasi ilmiah seorang anak berusia 15 tahun di Indonesia dalam penggunaan pengetahuan ilmiah untuk mengidentifikasi pertanyaan, memperoleh pengetahuan baru, menjelaskan fenomena ilmiah, dan menarik kesimpulan berbasis bukti tentang masalah yang terkait dengan sains, sebagai masyarakat baru yang menggabungkan teknologi baru ini di semua industri dan aktivitas sosial dan mencapai pembangunan ekonomi dan solusi untuk masalah sosial secara paralel. Hal ini menjadi sebuah perhatian bagi kita semua bahwa pentingnya sebuah literasi, untuk memulai literasi dibutuhkan sebuah pemikiran Berfikir Komputasi, oleh karena itu dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini dibutuhkan pentingnya sebuah pemikiran dalam berfikir kompetensi agar dapat bersaing di dunia industri teknologi maupun menuju era society 5.0 agar kedepan indonesia menjadi negara maju dan sumber daya manusia dapat bersaing di dunia internasional.
Prototype Desain User Interface Aplikasi My School Menggunakan Metode Lean UX Mawar Auliya Insani; Muhamad Azrino Gustalika; Iqsyahiro Kresna
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) Vol 3 No 4 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (598.629 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/josh.v3i4.1806


Currently, Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2, Tangerang Regency, has problems memorizing chapter 30 as a mandatory requirement for school graduation. The system used today uses a manual and simple method by using a memorization card provided by the school. This makes students find it difficult in terms of managing the memorization track record that students take. Not only students, but teachers find it difficult because they do not have a clear track record related to memorizing juz al-Quran where the memorization card can be torn, wet and even lost. Based on these problems, technology is needed that can assist students and teachers in managing the track record of memorizing al-quran juz 30. The technology uses the Lean UX to solve problems in the User Interface My School Application Lean UX. Using the Lean UX will make it easier for the school to get faster feedback from students and develop systems that do not yet exist in the school. From the evaluation obtained, that the prototype of my school application using the lean ux method can be accepted by users because it produces a percentage of the average value of usability testing of 81% to 100%, it can be said that the category is very feasible , which is worth 82%. Then in the validity test average value is above 0.220, which means that the data is valid. Furthermore, the reliability test produces a Cronbach Alpha of 0.928, where the magnitude of the reliability factor ranges from 0 to 1, and the higher the reliability factor, the more consistent the measurement results.
Aplikasi Pembelajaran Sejarah Masjid Saka Tunggal Cikakak Kecamatan Wangon Kabupaten Banyumas Berbasis Mobile Mira Sayekthi; Muhamad Azrino Gustalika; Shintia Dwi Alika
PETIK : Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Petik vol 8 no 2 tahun 2022
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/jpetik.v8i2.2020


Abstrak — Masjid Saka Tunggal merupakan salah satu masjid tertua yang terletak di Desa Cikakak Kecamatan Wangon Kabupaten Banyumas. Berdasarkan penyebaran kuesioner wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Masjid Saka Tunggal 73,3% mengalami kesulitan untuk mencari informasi mengenai Masjid Saka Tunggal. Salah satu Cara untuk mempermudah wisatawan dalam mencari informasi mengenai Masjid Saka Tunggal adalah melalu pembuatan aplikasi pembelajaran Masjid Saka Tunggal berbasis android. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi Masjid Saka Tunggal yaitu Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) sebab metode tersebut memiliki tahapan-tahapan yang cocok digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi pembelajaran serta memiliki tahapan yang lebih detail dan jelas. Aplikasi yang telah dibuat kemudian diuji menggunakan metode Black Box Testing untuk mengetahui apakah aplikasi secara fungsional telah berjalan dengan baik. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil kuesioner dengan menggunakan pengkodean skala likert. Dari 50 data kuesioner didapatkan nilai signifikasi sebesar 5% atau 0,195 dimana nilai yang didapat dari kuesioner tersebut lebih besar dari pada nilai signifikasi. Sedangkan nilai Cronbach's Alpha pada 17 buah pertanyaan memperoleh hasil sebesar 0,787 > 0,60, dinyatakan reliabel.Kata kunci— Android, Black Box Testing, Cronbach's Alpha, likert, Masjid Saka Tunggal, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). Abstract — Saka Tunggal Mosque is one of the oldest mosques located in Cikakak Village, Wangon District, Banyumas Regency. Based on the questionnaire distribution of tourists visiting the Saka Tunggal Mosque, 73.3% had difficulty finding information about the Saka Tunggal Mosque. One way to make it easier for tourists to find information about the Saka Tunggal Mosque is through the creation of an android-based Saka Tunggal Mosque learning application. The method used in making the Saka Tunggal Mosque application is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) because this method has stages that are suitable for use in making learning applications and have more detailed and clear stages. The application that has been made is then tested using the Black Box Testing method to find out whether the application is functionally running well. The data used in this study were obtained from the results of a questionnaire using Likert scale coding. Of the 50 questionnaire data obtained a significance value of 5% or 0.195 where the value obtained from the questionnaire is greater than the significance value. While the Cronbach's Alpha value on 17 questions obtained a result of 0.787 > 0.60, declared reliable. Key words — Android, Black Box Testing, Cronbach's Alpha, likert, Saka Tunggal Mosque, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC).
Rancang Bangun E-Commerce Berbasis Single Page Application (SPA) Menggunakan ReactJS Zarkasih Akhmad; Muhamad Azrino Gustalika
PETIK : Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Petik vol 8 no 2 tahun 2022
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/jpetik.v8i2.2019


Abstract — Advances in information technology currently have a significant influence on all sectors, including changes in the business sector. Electronic commerce or more often referred to as e-commerce is one approach to the use of information technology in business. The Ozchic store is located in the city of Solo, focusing on selling fashion needs but does not yet have e-commerce so that it does not meet the needs of users in shopping. In the development of website applications, traditional architecture has a weakness in the use of wasteful bandwidth when making requests from the web server so that the Single Page Application (SPA) architecture using ReactJs is used in developing this website with efficient data management from a fast and interactive web server. SPA uses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to dynamically update pages. On the website that has been created, the application only makes requests to the server only if the user needs it, so the application loads faster the first time than without using SPA. If the user has previously visited the website page, then the website does not need to make a request again if it has previously made a request. In developing using the ReactJs library, the source code can be separated into a component so that development becomes efficient. In testing the functionality of the Ozchic e-commerce website application using Blackbox testing, the results of testing the functionality of the application run well. Then testing using usability testing with 30 respondents who filled out 16 questionnaire questions resulted in a score of 76.91% which according to usability standards had a good grade. From the results of testing using the method on the application, it can be concluded that the Ozchic web application can run well.Keywords— Single Page Application, ReactJs, E-Commerce Abstrak— Kemajuan teknologi informasi telah memberikan pengaruh yang cukup signifikan pada semua sektor, termasuk perubahan pada sektor bisnis. Electronic commerce atau yang lebih sering disebut dengan e-commerce merupakan salah satu contoh dalam pemanfaatan teknologi informasi di sektor bisnis. Toko Ozchic terletak di kota Solo berfokus menjual kebutuhan fashion namun belum memiliki e-commerce sehingga belum memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna dalam berbelanja. Pada pengembangan aplikasi website, arsitektur tradisional memiliki kelemahan pada penggunaan bandwidth yang boros pada saat melakukan request dari web server sehingga arsitektur Single Page Application (SPA) dengan menggunakan ReactJs digunakan pada pengembangan website ini dengan pengelolaan data yang efisien dari web server yang bekerja cepat dan interaktif. SPA menggunakan Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) untuk memperbaharui halaman secara dinamis. Pada website yang telah dibuat, aplikasi hanya melakukan request ke server hanya jika pengguna membutuhkannya, sehingga aplikasi lebih cepat dimuat pada pertama kali dibanding tanpa menggunakan SPA. Jika pengguna sebelumnya sudah mengunjungi halaman website, maka website tidak perlu melakukan request kembali jika sebelumnya sudah melakukan request. Dalam melakukan pengembangan menggunakan library ReactJs, source code dapat dipisahkan menjadi sebuah komponen sehingga pengembangan menjadi efisien. Pada pengujian fungsionalitas aplikasi website e-commerce Ozchic menggunakan blackbox testing, hasil pengujian fungsionalitas pada aplikasi berjalan dengan baik. Lalu pengujian menggunakan pengujian Usability dengan 30 responden yang mengisi 16 pertanyaan kuesioner menghasilkan skor 76,91% dimana menurut standar usability memiliki grade yang baik. Dari hasil pengujian menggunakan metode pada aplikasi, maka dapat disimpulkan aplikasi web Ozchic dapat dijalankan dengan baikKata kunci — Single Page Application, ReactJs, E-Commerce
Penerapan Teknologi Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Ilmu Tajwid Berbasis Android Alip Adhani; Muhamad Azrino Gustalika; Iqsyahiro Kresna A
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 9, No 5 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v9i5.4693


Mutiara Islam Integrated Islamic Elementary School is a superior school for students of Islamic religious education. At this school, it is related to Islamic religious education, one of which is the basics of tajwid. The science of recitation is very important in reading the Qur'an, because one of the things that needs to be done is to apply it when reading the Qur'an to understand the science of recitation. Different levels of students' understanding of the applied learning process methods. Building interactive learning media in which there is an attractive visualization further increases students' enthusiasm for learning and increases students' understanding of the material being taught. This research builds interactive learning media of recitation based on augmented reality with software application development adopting the Android Mobile Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method in the form of a computer application. The tracking method of augmented reality (AR) technology that can be used in this research is marker-based tracking. Based on the results of functional testing shows that the application is functioning properly. In the test results, the angle shows a tilt angle of 20 degrees with a high pass rate and a maximum angle limit of 80 - 90 degrees using smartphones with different specifications. The results of the analysis of user satisfaction, good test results were carried out through a questionnaire with a total of 30 respondents giving an average SUS score of 86.8, which leads to the conclusion that the application can be accepted by users with a Excellent adjective rating category
Implementasi Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Pada Daerah Pasca Bencana Dengan Protokol DSR Alon Jala Tirta Segara; Aditya Wijayanto; Muhamad Azrino Gustalika; Afifah Dwi Ramadhani
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 9, No 4 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v9i4.4508


Indonesia is one of the countries that has a very large potential for disaster. If a disaster occurs then all activities will stop because the infrastructure is damaged. One of the example is digital payment activitiy. It will stop because there are failure because the existing system is loss. The proposed research is to conduct modeling using cellular ad hoc networks (MANET). An Ad-Hoc network is a standalone configuration for configuring the network infrastructure of devices that can self-configure wirelessly connected devices. In its development, Mobile ad hoc networks can be used in many ways. One of the example is in disaster management. In this study, we recommend restructuring the network by using a mobile ad hoc network to replace network infrastructure damaged by disasters. We are trying to design a replacement network infrastructure to replace the damaged network infrastructure so that payment transactions can be carried out continuously until the restoration of the new network infrastructure can be built. The protocol used in this study is the DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) protocol, this protocol has the advantage of finding routes when there is damage to the links between nodes. From the simulation results using NS-2, by increasing the number of nodes in the simulation area, it shows that there is a decrease in packet loss to 0%. There is an increase in delivery success of almost 98% when the number of nodes is increased. And there is a decrease in delay with the addition of the number of nodes
Pengenalan Huruf Hijaiyah Berbasis Augmented Reality Pada Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an Audrey Hillary; Muhamad Azrino Gustalika; Yohani Setiya Rafika Nur
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 9, No 5 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v9i5.4694


The introduction of hijaiyah letters is only done manually using the Iqra 'book. The introduction is done by reading the letters and reciting them, so that the introduction process is still less interesting, especially for children who are just starting to learn the Qur'an and know the hijaiyah letters. An interactive learning is needed in the form of audio-visual so that children tend to be more responsive, one of the supporting factors for interactive learning is the existence of media or learning facilities that use mobile-learning (M-learning) technology. This study aims to introduce hijaiyah letters to children by using an application based on Augmented Reality technology, which can be operated using an Android smartphone. Data collection methods used in this study were observations and interviews conducted at the Al-Barokah Baturraden TPA. This research refers to the multimedia development method, namely the multimedia development life cycle (MDLC) as a system model in building applications. The output of this application is that the application will display a video on the smartphone screen containing the hijaiyah letter learning material. On the results of blackbox testing, namely functional testing, obtaining a percentage of 100%, which means the features in the application function properly in accordance with the design objectives. In usability testing using the usability scale system calculation, the score is 81.71 which means it gets an acceptable (high) category for acceptability or acceptance level, grade B for grade scale or application level and excellent rating for adjective rating or application rating which indicates that the application is acceptable. by the user. By using Augmented Reality-based applications, students can learn hijaiyah letters interactively and interestingly.