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Perceptions of the Benefits of ICT on Teacher Performance at Santa Lusia Sei Rotan Middle School Sidabutar, Hotmaida; Purba, Saud; Rangkuti, Irsan
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 6, No 4 (2023): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v6i4.7776


Santa Lusia Junior High School is a junior high school in Medan City, precisely in Sei Rotan, where this school is located in the Batang Kuis area, Desli Serdang District, North Sumatra. In the application of the learning process carried out by several existing teachers, there are still many teachers who apply learning models that do not apply digital-based information and communication technology (ICT), where the learning models and methods carried out still use learning methods that is no longer relevant to the development of learning, so that it will affect the ability of students to understand, describe, and master the material taught which in the end students follow the old system by remembering and memorizing, not understanding the learning material, because teachers at Santa Lucy Junior High School apply a memorization and remembering system instead of increasing literacy skills to master the existing material. In addition, some teachers at Santa Lucy Junior High School still do not understand the use and benefits of information and communication technology for the learning process and can be used as new learning models and methods, where the lack of understanding makes teachers at Santa Lucy Junior High School less understand and know that the benefits of information and communication technology are very important for improving the quality of learning, and improving the quality and capacity of teachers for the better. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive research method, where the results of the study explain that the benefits of ICT have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance at Santa Lusia Sei Ratan Junior High School, where by using ICT in the learning process is expected to improve teachers' ability to understand learning material used to increase students' understanding and ability to master learning material.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Buku Saku Berbasis Mind Mapping Tematik Tema 5 Subtema 1 di Kelas V SD Negeri 106810 Sampali T.A 2022/2023 Tanjung, Khairun Nisa; Simbolon, Naeklan; Rangkuti, Irsan; Mailani, Elvi; Manurung, Imelda Free Unita
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 7 No. 3 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v7i3.10460


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan ke keefektifan media pembelajaran Buku Saku Berbasis Mind Mapping pada pembelajaran Tema 5 subtema 1 komponen Ekosistem Kelas V SD Negeri 106810 Sampali T.A 2022/2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, wawancara, angket dan tes. Kefektifan produk di ukur dari hasil belajar siswa melaui intstrumen pre test dan post test. Hasil kevalidan oleh validator ahli materi sebesar 90% termasuk kategori “sangat layak” dan ahli media sebesar 86% masuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Penilaian oleh pendidik memberikan 92% masuk kategori “sangat layak”. Hasil belajar siswa Pretest dan Post test menggunakan Media Buku Saku Berbasis Mind Mapping adanya peningkatan dari 52,64 menjadi 89,28. Hasil uji N-Gain score 0,88 dengan persentasi 88,29% dengan kriteria “sangat efektif”. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Media Buku Saku Berbasis Mind Mapping layak digunakan menjadi media pembelajaran tematik dan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di kelas V SD Negeri 106810 Sampali.
Analisis Kesulitan Belajar IPA Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 064017 Medan Kec. Medan Perjuangan Fitriyani, Romi; Ananda, Lala Jelita; Rangkuti, Irsan; Rozi, Fahrur; Manurung, Imelda Free Unita
Journal of Student Development Informatics Management (JoSDIM) Vol 3, No 2: JoSDIM | Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Labuhanbatu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/josdim.v3i2.5081


Thisresearchaimsto: (1) Determinethetypesofstudents' learningdifficulties in sciencesubjects in classIV of SD Negeri064017 Medanand (2) To describe the factors causing each student's learning difficulties in understanding science learning in grade IV SD Negeri064017 Medan. The population in this study was class IV students, totaling 24 students.  The data collection method used in this research is a questionnaire method with a research instrument in the form of the guttman scale.The analysis technique uses quantitative techniques which are calculated using percentages.  The results of this research show that the difficulty of learning science in class IV students at SD Negeri 064017 Medan is in the high category with a percentage of 57.83%.  With the percentage of alternative answers for each indicator, namely the interest indicator learning difficulty is 59.08%, the motivation indicator learning difficulty is 50.83%, the readiness indicator learning difficulty is 48.61%, the Physical indicator learning difficulty is 39.58%, the learning indicator is learning difficulty  family environment was 59.72%, learning difficulties were school environment indicators at 63.54%, and learning difficulties were community environment indicators at 89.58%.
Perspectives on Educational Leadership and Decision-Making in the Era of Digitalization Sari, Puspita; Purba, Saut; Rangkuti, Irsan; Nasrun, Nasrun
JMSP (Jurnal Manajemen dan Supervisi Pendidikan) Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Vol. 8 No. 1 November 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um025v8i12023p34


Changes in the digital era affect education. To synergize with change, educational leaders must be able to adapt. The problems presented are a research gap that will become a scientific discourse related to leadership perspectives and decision-making in the era of digitalization. The aim of the research will be limited to discussing the educational leadership model in the digital era, which is expected to be a solution to educational problems, and how the facts in the field describe the perspective of educational leadership in decision-making with the rise of digitalization. A deeper perspective of educational leadership related to the spirit of positive change in further educational improvement.The purpose of this research is to determine the model of educational leadership in the digital era and the perspective of educational leadership in decision-making with the rise of digitalization. This research is qualitative research using the literature study method. Literary sources are limited from the last four years, namely articles or writings published in 2019-2023. The results of this study found several models of leadership in the digital era, namely collaborative leadership, transformational leadership, democratic leadership, participatory leadership, and coercive digital leadership. Meanwhile, decision-making with a digitalization perspective is the use of educational data
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Efektifitas SIM di SD Swasta Santa Lusia Sei Rotan Sinaga, Ester Justina; Purba, Saut; Rangkuti, Irsan
Journal of Information System and Education Development Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Information System and Education Development
Publisher : Manna wa Salwa Foundation (Yayasan Manna wa Salwa)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


SD Santa Lusia Sei Rattan is a private elementary school located in Sei Rattan Batang Kusi Deli Serdang, where the elementary school does not have a complete information system, detailed and valid, so that it affects the quality of the information submitted, where the information presented still does not show a good level of credibility, where the decisions of information users tend to be wrong in determining the operational sustainability of SD Santa Lusia Sei Rotan. This situation affects the satisfaction of information users whose satisfaction tends to decrease due to receiving invalid and non-credible information systems. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive research method. The data collection technique was carried out by observation studies, interviews using questionnaires and documentation studies. The population in this study is teachers who teach at Santa Lusia Elementary School which amounts to 35 teachers, where the sampling technique is carried out using the census method, where this census method is a sampling method whose sempel members are part of the population, where the number of samples in this study is 35 teachers who teach at Santa Lusia Sei Rattan Elementary School, where the results of the study can be explained that partially only the variable of information quality has a positive and significant effect on the variable of SIM effectiveness at SD Santa Lusia Sei Rotan, while simultaneously the variable of information quality and user satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the variable of SIM effectiveness at SD Santa Lusia Sei Rattan.
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jh.v15i1.58248


: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : kelayakan, kepraktisan serta keefektifan video animasi menggunakan powtoon pada mata pelajaran IPAS Daerahku Kebanggaanku Topik A dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD. Nilai persentase dari aspek materi yang diberikan oleh validator adalah 89% dengan kategori kelayakan “SANGAT LAYAK”. Nilai persentase dari aspek soal yang diberikan oleh validator adalah 88% dengan kategori kelayakan “SANGAT LAYAK”. Nilai persentase dari aspek media yang diberikan oleh validator adalah 96% dengan kriteria kelayakan “ SANGAT LAYAK”. Nilai persentase dari aspek kepraktisan yang diberikan oleh validator adalah 92% dengan kriteria kelayakan “SANGAT PRAKTIS”. Dari hasil perbandingan rata-rata pre-test dan post-test, ditemukan bahwa terdapat nilai 84%  dengan kriteria kepraktisan “ SANGAT EFEKTIF”.
Strategies for Accreditation Management Towards an Excellent Rating Puri, Dian Ratna; Lubis, Wildansyah; Rangkuti, Irsan
Journal La Sociale Vol. 5 No. 6 (2024): Journal La Sociale
Publisher : Borong Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journal-la-sociale.v5i6.1404


This article explores the comprehensive strategies implemented by MTs. Swasta Nurul Iman Tanjung Morawa to achieve educational excellence and accreditation. The school's approach encompasses leadership and vision, curriculum enhancement, faculty development, student engagement, community involvement, infrastructure improvement, quality assurance, data-driven decision making, extracurricular activities, and partnerships. Leadership provides strategic direction, aligning goals with accreditation standards. Curriculum enhancement ensures relevance and quality of educational experiences. Faculty development fosters professional growth through training and support. Student engagement promotes holistic development and a supportive learning community. Community involvement leverages stakeholder support and resources. Infrastructure improvements create conducive learning environments. A rigorous quality assurance system monitors and enhances educational practices, informed by data-driven decision making. Extracurricular activities enrich student experiences beyond academics. Partnerships with stakeholders and networks enhance resources and professional development. These initiatives underscore MTs. Swasta Nurul Iman Tanjung Morawa's commitment to educational excellence, preparing students for future challenges and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and community impact.