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PENGKAJIAN SISTEM USAHATANI BAWANG MERAH DI SULAWESI SELATAN Thamrin, Muh.; , Ramlan; , Armiati; , Ruchjaniningsih; , Wahdania
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 6, No 2 (2003): Juli 2003
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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One of the problem of shallot in South Sulawesi is low productivity, due to low quality of seed plant,suitable packaged technology is not available, powerless support institution level of farmer, and small scale offarming system. The assesment was conduct at farmer land in Bangkalaloe village, Bontoramba subdistrict,Jeneponto district, South Sulawesi from May to August 2002. Two treatment were studied, introcuced technologyand farmer technology, involved cooperator farmer and non cooperator farmers. Activities carried out werecaracterisation farmers, existing technology package to farmers level were: superior variety Bangkok; fertilizer (10t/ha manure goat, 175 kg/ha Urea, 175 kg/ha SP-36, 175 kg/ha KCl and 400 kg/ha ZA); integrited pest/deseasmanagement; post harvest and harvest is right. The result showed that the farmers had practiced growing shallot 15years, with area of 0.20 – 0.50 ha. Package technology adoption is 71.5 % for cooperators and 21.3 % by noncooperators.The shallot productivity by cooperator was 11,4 t/ha and 9,0 t/ha non-cooperators. Income and R/CRatio of cooperator farmers were RP. 13,772,000, - and 1.94, while in non-farmers cooperator, the sameparameters were RP. 6,842,000,- and 1.44.Key words : farming system, technology adoption, shallot  Rendahnya produktivitas bawang merah di Sulawesi Selatan antara lain disebabkan penggunaan benihyang tidak bermutu, tidak tersedianya paket teknologi spesifik lokasi, lemahnya dukungan kelembagaan, dan skalausahatani yang kecil. Pengkajian dilaksanakan di desa Bangkalaloe, Kecamatan Bontoramba, KabupatenJeneponto, Sulawesi Selatan pada bulan Mei sampai Agustus 2002. Metode pengkajian menggunakan duaperlakuan yang dibandingkan yaitu penerapan sistem usahatani anjuran dan non anjuran (cara petani setempat).Masing-masing kegiatan diulang pada 14 petani koperator dalam kelompok tani yang sama pada lahan petaniseluas 3,0 ha. Pengkajian diawali dengan survei pendahuluan/karakterisasi dan penerapan paket teknologi yangmeliputi: penggunaan varietas unggul Bangkok; pemupukan (10 t/ha pupuk kotoran kambing, 175 kg/ha Urea,175 kg/ha SP-36, 175 kg/ha KCl dan 400 kg/ha ZA); pengendalian hama/penyakit secara terpadu; serta panen danpasca panen yang tepat. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan adalah data biofisik dan sosial ekonomi. Analisis datadilakukan terhadap keragaan pertumbuhan, produksi, pendapatan usahatani dan sosial ekonomi denganmenggunakan uji t, R/C Ratio dan statistik deskriptif. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan paketteknologi anjuran diusahakan oleh petani yang sudah berpengalaman 15 tahun dengan luas pengusahaan rata-rata0,20-0,50 ha. Adopsi paket teknologi usahatani bawang merah baru mencapai 71,5 persen untuk petani koperatordan 21,3 persen pada petani non koperator. Produksi bawang merah pada petani koperator mencapai 11,4 ton/hadengan keuntungan bersih (NPV) Rp. 13.772.000,- per ha atau R/C Ratio 1,94; sedang non koperator hanya 9,0t/ha dengan keuntungan Rp. 6.842.000,- per ha atau R/C Ratio 1,44.Kata Kunci : sistem usahatani, adopsi teknologi, bawang merah
PENDIDIKAN DASAR SEBAGAI PERINTIS TERDEPAN DALAM PENGUATAN KARAKTER MUSLIM Fadillah, Ahmad Arif; Rafida, Aura Rahmatun; Wulandari, Cahya; Yuliawati, Dea; Ningrum, Dwi Rahayu Kusuma; Aen, Kurotul; Sahrurosi, Putri Adinda; Maulidya, Sarah; Wahdania; Nurzahro, Yufaida; Aulya, Zahra
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.69 KB) | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i2.220


Basic Education as a leading pioneer in Strengthening Muslim Character has a relationship with character education. The implementation of Strengthening Character Education is carried out with the principle of school-based management which is the responsibility of school principals and teachers, as the fulfillment of the workload of teachers and school principals (Article 6 paragraph 3,4,5 PP 87/2017). According to President Joko Widodo's directive, character education at the basic education level gets a larger portion than education that teaches knowledge, for Elementary Schools by 70% while for Junior High Schools by 60%. The point of this research is management of strengthening characters education in elementary schools are includes planning, implementation and evaluation. The research method is descriptive qualitative through observation, documentation and interview.The result of this research obtained depiction that the first,the reinforcement of character education students have been implemented well through the preparation of goals, strategy and policy mapping and procedure mapping and program improvement using RPP and syllabus design; second, the implementation of character education runs well through activities of religious activities, nationalism cultivation, social care and environmental awareness; third, evaluation of the strengthening of character education management students through supervision activities on the implementation of activities by carrying out reflections, analysis and follow-up plans.
The Effect of Activity on Firm Value with Dividend Policy as an Intervening Variable Ijma; Syahputra , Rendy Aziz; Wahdania
Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship Vol 8 No 1 (2024): Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JOBBE.008.1.12


This research aims to determine and explain whether dividend policy mediates the effect of activity on company value. The population in this study were 19 Processed food sub-industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2022 period. The data analysis tools used were the classical assumption test, path analysis, and hypothesis testing consisting of the coefficient of determination test, t-test, and Sobel test with the help of the SPSS Version 29 application. The research results showed that: (1) Activity does not affect dividend policy. (2) Activity has a significant effect on firm value. (3) Dividend policy does not affect firm value. The results of the Sobel test showed that (4) dividend policy could not mediate the effect of activity on company value. This is because investors focus more on the company's ability to generate profits and grow in the future, and high dividends can give a negative signal. Companies that retain profits and reinvest in profitable projects are generally preferred by investors and have the potential to increase the company's value in the future.