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Kajian kesesuaian mutu kakao rakyat Sulawesi Selatan dengan SNI 01-2323-2002 ., Sulistyowati; Moeljono, Andrianto; ., Utomo; Hilman, Muti Sophira
JURNAL STANDARDISASI Vol 7, No 3 (2005): Vol. 7(3) 2005
Publisher : Badan Standardisasi Nasional

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Biji kakao merupakan salah satu komoditas sumber devisa dari sektor perkebunan, yang banyak diusahakan oleh rakyat terutama dari Sulawesi Selatan. Komoditi tersebut selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dalam negeri juga diekspor, antara lain ke USA dan Eropa. Peningkatan mutu komoditi perlu dilakukan, dan diharapkan dengan adanya peningkatan mutu dapat pula meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Salah satu upaya yang akan dilakukan saat ini, adalah dengan mensyaratkan setiap biji kakao yang akan diperdagangkan harus memenuhi persyaratan yang tertuang dalam SNI 01-2323-2002, Biji kakao. Sebelum ketentuan tentang persyaratan biji kakao untuk ekspor diberlakukan secara wajib, perlu dilakukan kajian terhadap kemampuan petani, kesiapan pedagang pengumpul dan eksportir untuk menerapkan SNI tersebut. Diharapkan hasil kajian penerapan SNI biji kakao ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan bagi regulator, lembaga penilaian kesesuaian dan unit terkait lainnya dalam kegiatan penerapan SNI, dan untuk mengetahui kesiapan produsen dalam penerapan SNI 01-2323-2002, Biji kakao. Dari hasil kajian ini diketahui bahwa tingkat pemenuhan syarat umum dalam SNI 01-2323-2002 untuk contoh biji kakao yang diambil dari petani, pedagang, dan eksportir relatif sangat rendah. Faktor pembatasnya adalah kadar kotoran (waste), dan kadar air. Tingkat pemenuhan contoh biji terhadap syarat khusus SNI 01-2323-2002, dimana faktor pembatasnya adalah kadar biji tak terfermentasi pun cukup rendah. Berdasarkan pemenuhan terhadap persyaratan umum dan persyaratan khusus tersebut, biji kakao dari Sulawesi Selatan masuk kedalam tingkat mutu yang paling rendah
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi pendidikan Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi pendidikan

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ABSTRAK   SULISTYOWATI, Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kontekstual dan Gaya Kognitif terhadap Sikap Nasionalisme Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Kabupaten Badung Tahun Pelajaran 2009-2010 . Tesis, Singaraja: Program Studi Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (PEP) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha   (Undiksha ) Singaraja, 2011.   Tesis ini sudah dikoreksi dan diperiksa oleh Pembimbing I: Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd  dan Pembimbing II: Prof. Dr.  Nyoman Dantes.   Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Kontekstual, Gaya Kognitif dan Sikap Nasionalisme.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran Kontekstual dan Gaya Kognitif terhadap Sikap nasionalisme Siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Kuta,Badung menggunakan metode eksperimen semu dengan desain post test only control group design. Instrumen berupa inventory gaya kognitif digunakan untuk mengukur tingkatan gaya kognitif field independent maupun field dependent siswa, dan tes sikap nasionalisme digunakan untuk mengukur sikap nasionalisme siswa. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik random sampling memperoleh sampel 90 orang kelompok eksperimen dan 90 orang kelompok kontrol. Analisis data menggunakan analisis varians(Anava) dua jalur dan Uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) secara umum sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kontekstual lebih baik dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional dengan FA(hitung) =112,17 yang signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5%; (2) terdapat pengaruh interaksi yang signifikan antara  pembelajaran Kontekstual dan gaya kognitif siswa terhadap sikap nasionalisme dengan FAB(Hitung) = 254,358 yang signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5%, (3) untuk siswa yang memiliki gaya kognitif field independent, sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kontekstual lebih baik dengan sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional dengan Q(Hitung) 26,54 yang signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5%; (4) untuk siswa yang memiliki gaya kognitif field dependent, sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional lebih baik dengan sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kontekstual dengan Q(Hitung) 5,358 yang signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Berdasarkan temuan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran kontekstual dan gaya kognitif dapat meningkatkan sikap nasionalisme siswa. ABSTRACT     SULISTYOWATI, The Effect of Implementing CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) and Cognitive Style on Nationalism Behavior in Student Class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Kuta, Badung Regency, in the Academic year of 2009/2010. Thesis, Singaraja: The Research Methodology and Educational Evaluation Study Program, Post Graduate Studies of Ganesha Educational University (Undiksha) Singaraja, 2011.trument of cognitive style inventor   This thesis has been corrected by Supervisor I: Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd and Supervisor II: Prof. Dr. Nyoman Dantes.   Key words: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Cognitive Style and Nationalism Behavior.   This research is aimed to determine the influence of contextual learning and cognitive style on student nationalism behavior. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Badung by using quasi-experimental method with design post test only control group design. The instrument of cognitive style inventory used for measuring student cognitive style level of field independent, field dependent and nationalism behavior test used for measuring student nationalism behavior. The sample took by random sampling technique, involving sample 90 people in experiment group and 90 people in control group. Data analysis was done by using variants analysis (Anava) dual band and Tukey test. The research revealed that: (1) generally nationalism behavior in students who followed contextual teaching was better than students who followed conventional teaching with FA(count) =112,17, significant on signification level 5%; (2) there were significant interaction influence between contextual teaching and student cognitive style on nationalism behavior with FAB (count) = 254,358 significant on signification level 5%; (3) for student who have cognitive style field independent, nationalism behavior student who followed contextual teaching better than nationalism behavior student who followed conventional teaching with Q(count) 26,54 significant on signification level 5%; (4) for student who have cognitive style field dependent, nationalism behavior students who followed conventional teaching was better than nationalism behavior of the students who followed contextual teaching with Q(count) 5,358 significant on signification level 5%. Based on the finding of this research, we can come to conclusion that contextual teaching and cognitive style were able to increase student nationalism behavior.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2011)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.112 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jpepi.v1i1.64


ABSTRAK   SULISTYOWATI, Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kontekstual dan Gaya Kognitif terhadap Sikap Nasionalisme Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Kabupaten Badung Tahun Pelajaran 2009-2010 . Tesis, Singaraja: Program Studi Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (PEP) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha   (Undiksha ) Singaraja, 2011.   Tesis ini sudah dikoreksi dan diperiksa oleh Pembimbing I: Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd  dan Pembimbing II: Prof. Dr.  Nyoman Dantes.   Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Kontekstual, Gaya Kognitif dan Sikap Nasionalisme.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran Kontekstual dan Gaya Kognitif terhadap Sikap nasionalisme Siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Kuta,Badung menggunakan metode eksperimen semu dengan desain post test only control group design. Instrumen berupa inventory gaya kognitif digunakan untuk mengukur tingkatan gaya kognitif field independent maupun field dependent siswa, dan tes sikap nasionalisme digunakan untuk mengukur sikap nasionalisme siswa. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik random sampling memperoleh sampel 90 orang kelompok eksperimen dan 90 orang kelompok kontrol. Analisis data menggunakan analisis varians(Anava) dua jalur dan Uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) secara umum sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kontekstual lebih baik dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional dengan FA(hitung) =112,17 yang signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5%; (2) terdapat pengaruh interaksi yang signifikan antara  pembelajaran Kontekstual dan gaya kognitif siswa terhadap sikap nasionalisme dengan FAB(Hitung) = 254,358 yang signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5%, (3) untuk siswa yang memiliki gaya kognitif field independent, sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kontekstual lebih baik dengan sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional dengan Q(Hitung) 26,54 yang signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5%; (4) untuk siswa yang memiliki gaya kognitif field dependent, sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional lebih baik dengan sikap nasionalisme siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kontekstual dengan Q(Hitung) 5,358 yang signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Berdasarkan temuan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran kontekstual dan gaya kognitif dapat meningkatkan sikap nasionalisme siswa. ABSTRACT     SULISTYOWATI, The Effect of Implementing CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) and Cognitive Style on Nationalism Behavior in Student Class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Kuta, Badung Regency, in the Academic year of 2009/2010. Thesis, Singaraja: The Research Methodology and Educational Evaluation Study Program, Post Graduate Studies of Ganesha Educational University (Undiksha) Singaraja, 2011.trument of cognitive style inventor   This thesis has been corrected by Supervisor I: Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd and Supervisor II: Prof. Dr. Nyoman Dantes.   Key words: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Cognitive Style and Nationalism Behavior.   This research is aimed to determine the influence of contextual learning and cognitive style on student nationalism behavior. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Badung by using quasi-experimental method with design post test only control group design. The instrument of cognitive style inventory used for measuring student cognitive style level of field independent, field dependent and nationalism behavior test used for measuring student nationalism behavior. The sample took by random sampling technique, involving sample 90 people in experiment group and 90 people in control group. Data analysis was done by using variants analysis (Anava) dual band and Tukey test. The research revealed that: (1) generally nationalism behavior in students who followed contextual teaching was better than students who followed conventional teaching with FA(count) =112,17, significant on signification level 5%; (2) there were significant interaction influence between contextual teaching and student cognitive style on nationalism behavior with FAB (count) = 254,358 significant on signification level 5%; (3) for student who have cognitive style field independent, nationalism behavior student who followed contextual teaching better than nationalism behavior student who followed conventional teaching with Q(count) 26,54 significant on signification level 5%; (4) for student who have cognitive style field dependent, nationalism behavior students who followed conventional teaching was better than nationalism behavior of the students who followed contextual teaching with Q(count) 5,358 significant on signification level 5%. Based on the finding of this research, we can come to conclusion that contextual teaching and cognitive style were able to increase student nationalism behavior.
Dampak Kawasan Industri Millenium Terhadap Kondisi Sosial, Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Masyarakat Desa Peusar Kecamatan Panongan Kabupaten Tangerang Fatchurrokhman, Muhammad Furqon; ., Sulistyowati
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 9, No 01 (2020): Periode Wisuda Januari 2020
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Keberadaan Kawsaan Industri Millenium yang dihuni oleh ratusan perusahaan yang bergerak di berbagai sektor di Desa Peusar Kecamatan Panongan mengakibatkan terjadinya dampak sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan bagi masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memetakan dampak Kawasan Industri Millenium terhadap kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan masyrakat Desa Peusar Kecamatan Panongan. Metode yang digunakan ialah kualitatif dengan pendekatan desktiptif. Penghimpunan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi.Berdasarkan teori Thomas R. Dye yang digunakan dalam penelitian mengenai lima dimensi evaluasi dampak menunjukan bahwa dari segi ekonomi, perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat mengalami perubahan kearah yang lebih positif. Hal  ini dikarenakan terbukanya lapangan kerja yang luas bagi masyarakat Desa Peusar dari perusahaan – perusahaan di dalam Kawasan Industri Millenium dan bertumbuhnya unit – unit usaha baru yang dapat ditekuni masyarakat seperti kontrakan, warung makan, warung kelontong dan sebagainya, serta pengepulan limbah industri yang berasal dari tenant Kawasan Industri Millenium. Selanjutnya, secara sosial, pandangan masyarakat terhadap pendidikan kini sedikit demi sedikit mulai berubah. Mereka mulai membekali diri mereka dengan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, terlebih untuk menunjang kehidupan karir. Kemudian terkait lingkungan, Kawasan Industri Millenium menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan berupa polusi udara, sulitnya akses terhadap air tanah, pencemaran Sungai Cimanceuri dan perubahan temperatur udara.Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik ialah Kawasan Industri Millenium ini berdampak pada kehidupan masyarakat Desa Peusar khususnya dalam aspek sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Saran yang dapat diberikan ialah dalam keberjalanan kebijakan ini stakeholder terkait perlu saling berkordinasi dan bersinergi agar dampak sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan yang dihasilkan tidak merugikan masyarakat.        Kata kunci: Dampak, Sosial-Ekonomi-Lingkungan, Kawasan Industri Millenium
faktor faktor penentu kemenangan pasangan ridho yahya dan andriansyah fikri dalam pilkada kota prabumulih tahun 2013 VOLINNATA, WINDU; ., FITRIYAH; ., SULISTYOWATI
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 03 (2016): Volume 5,Number 3, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Diversity of the determinant factors of the triumph of the candidate encouraged to researchedof “ The Determinant Factors of the Triumph of Couple Candidate of Ridho Yahya andAndriansyah Fikri in Prabumulih’sDirect Local Election in 2013”. The desaign of thisresearch was qualitative descriptive with 99 respondents chosen by random sampling whichwas held in 2013.In 2013, Prabumulih rehold direct local election for the second that was to choose mayor andvice mayor during the period of 2013-2018 with 7 couples of candidate, and was winned byRidho Yahya–Andriansyah Fikri. This victory was determined by (a) sosiological factor (b)psychological factor (c) rational factor.The findings of this research is important for the political elite to study the dynamics andtendency of the voter behaviour. But, because of the method of this research was qualitative,so it will be a necessary for the further research to conduct quantitative research.  Key Words : Direct local election, determinant factor of the triumph of candidate,personality factor 
Strategi Dinas Pasar Kota Semarang Dalam Mewujudkan Daya Saing Pasar Tradisional Terhadap Keberadaan Pasar Modern Prawira, Bangkit Kun; ., Sulistyowati
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 8, No 04 (2019): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Adanya strategi kebijakan dari Pemerintah Kota Semarang melalui Dinas Pasar Kota Semarang untuk turut mewujudkan daya saing yang dibutuhkan pasar tradisional di kota Semarang ditengah menjamurnyapasar modern . Kota Semarang merupakan salah satu kota di Jawa Tengah yang sering dijadikan lahanbisnis oleh para investor, baik investor asing maupun investor local dibandingkan dengan kabupaten/kota diJawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Deskriptif Kulaiitatif. Penelitian Kualitatif adalah penelitian yangbermaksud untuk memahami fenomena apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian misalnya perilaku,persepsi, motivasi, tindakan secara holistic, dan dengan cara deskripsi dalam bentuk kata-kata dan Bahasa,pada suatu konteks khusus alamiah dan dengan memanfaatkan berbagai metode alamiah. Penelitiandeskriptif digunakan untuk menggambarkan tentang apa yangs edang diteliti dan menjadi pokokpermasalahanan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan mengenai strategiyang dilakukan Dinas Pasar Kota Semarang dalam meningkatkan daya saing pasar tradisional terhadapkeberadaan asar modern adalah dengan melakukan strategi intervensi fisik, rehabilitasi ekonomi, danrevitalisasi sosial. Pada strategi intervensi fisik, dinas pasar kota Semarang melalukan perbaikan struktur,infrastruktur, sarana maupun prasarana pendukung dari pasar tradisional untuk menciptakan lingkunganberbelanja yang nyaman bagi konsumen sehingga tetap memilih untuk daang dan berbelanja di pasartradisional yang fasilitas dan lingkungannnya tidak kalah dari pasar modern.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 03 (2016): Volume 5,Number 3, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTThis research is made to explain the result of evaluation study on Collaborative Forest Management (CBFM) in Pemalang Regency in the years 2012-2014. The purposes of this policy are (1) increase prosperity, quality of life, economic capacity, and society’s social, (2) increase the role and responsibility of PT Perhutani (Persero), society of forest village, and the interested parties to forest resource management, (3) increase quality of forest resource, productivity, and forest’s security, (4) encourage and harmonize forest resource management that appropriate with regional development activity, also suitable with social dynamic condition of forest village society, and (5) create employment, increase chance of have a business, and also increase both society and state income.To explain the evaluation of implementation and the result of Collaborative Forest Management (CBFM) this research used qualitative method which focused on purposive sampling technique and snowball sampling method. The data was obtained from primary and secondary data. The methods of collecting data used were interview, documentation, and literature study.The result showed that the implementation of Collaborative Forest Management (CBFM) in Surajaya Village, Pemalang Regency, in the years 2012-2014 has worked well. The aim of this policy has achieved that proved by the high participation of farmer following PHBM’s activity, the security of forest is decrease, and maintaned ability of farmer to forest resource management. The policy has given benefit to target, for example economic needs’s farmer can be fulfilled in daily life, society can utilize land freely, capability to increase prosperity and absorption of labor. In the other hand, the implementation of this policy has obstacle in its target and the implementation. However, the government, executor institute or Perhutani, and target want to this policy to be still defended. The expectation is this policy still be continued and improved, for example in funding for PHBM activity.Keyword: policy evaluation, Collaborative Forest Management, forest conservation and empowerment
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 03 (2017): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Poverty is a classic problem of mankind in every part of the world and becomes a complex issue because it is not just about low income. The low level of education, skills, and the lack of introduction to technology are the human resource constraints that are closely related to the causes of poverty. Purbalingga regency is one of the areas with a high percentage of poor people who are always ranked in the poorest areas in Central Java Province. The purpose of this research is to analyze the policy of poverty reduction by Purbalingga Government through establishment of Boarding School of SMK Negeri 3 Purbalingga.This study uses mixed methods between qualitative and quantitative with a qualitative approach remains the main approach. Data collection techniques were carried out, among others, by collecting documents and in-depth interviews with actors involved in the policy, and using a research questionnaire to the research subjects of alumni / boarding school graduate SMK Negeri 3 Purbalingga. Analysis of research data is done by combining primary data obtained and findings in both qualitative and quantitative data.Based on the research that has been done, it is known that the policy has been implemented optimally, consistently, and there is a continuous suitability of vision among policy actors in 3 different Heads of District (Bupati), and achievements that can penetrate TOP 35 in Public Service Innovation Competition (SiNovik) 2016. Quantitative data shows that there is an increase of living standards of alumni SMK Negeri 3 Purbalingga coming from poor families, as the object of poverty problem in Purbalingga Regency. This shows that policies that have the principle of breaking the poverty chain have succeeded in reducing the number of poor people, the sustainability of the program is likely to reduce poverty significantly.Keywords: Poverty Reduction, Education Implementation Model, Policy Implementation.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 7, No 04 (2018): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2018
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Generasi Pesona Indonesia (GenPI) is a community that was inaugurated by the Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia. This community stands as an effort in the development of Indonesian tourism, especially in tourism promotion.  GenPI is spread in 22 provinces, one of them is in Central Java. Central Java has 511 destinations in 35districts/cities. However, the amount of tourism potential can cause problems in terms of tourism marketing that is not evenly distributed. This is due to the the inability of the Central Java government to market these tourist destinations.This research aims to find out and analyze the role of GenPI Central Java in developing Central Java tourism as seen from the perspective of community development and how the forms of coordination are created between GenPI, government and society in developing tourism in Central Java. Type of research used in this research is analytical descriptive research type through qualitative approach. Sources of data used in the form of primary data derived from the results of in-depth interviews of research informants and secondary data in the form of archives and documentation. The technique of selecting informants using purposive sampling.The results of this research indicate that forms of movement made by GenPI  Central Java are very instrumental in helping the government in promoting tourism in Central Java. People who feel the impact of the forms of movement carried out by GenPI in the development of tourism are the people involved and play a direct role in the tourism development program conducted by GenPI. The GenPI movement as community development itself is divided into two, namely creative movements or creative values and commercial movements or commercial values. GenPI has a form of coordination that involves and connects academics, business people, communities, government, and the media both in the movement and in coordination, GenPI divides it into 6 ex-residency areas so that the role given can be evenly distributed throughout the Central Java region.The suggestion that can be conveyed in this research is that the GenPI Central Java needs to consolidate and strengthen its membership in overcoming internal and external problems. Creating good communication in the GenPI Central Java with the outsiders such as the government and the society. The Central Java GenPI should not only move to gather the masses but must pay attention to aspects related to the sustainability of a destination. Innovations must be carried out to support the sustainability of tourism in Central Java by considering community-based aspects. Keywords : Generasi Pesona Indonesia, Tourism, Community Development
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 04 (2017): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution of Hotel Tax to Local Revenue and obstacles in the tax collection of hotels in Semarang City Government and the efforts made by the Office of Management of Finance and Regional Assets Semarang City to increase the acceptance of Hotel Tax.This research method used descriptive qualitative research method with library data collection and field study which consist of observation, documentation and interview. The research object used is Hotel Tax and Local Taxes obtained from the Office of Financial Management and Regional Assets Semarang City Government in 2011 to 2015. In this study researchers used secondary data and primary data. Primary data is data obtained in the form of words and actions from the results of interviews with informants. Informants from this research are employees of the Office of Financial Management and Regional Assets Semarang City. While secondary data is data obtained from literature books, documents, statistical data or archives from the Office of Financial Management and Regional Assets Semarang City.Based on the results of the research note that the development of hotel taxes in 2011 up to 2015 continues to increase with the average rate of hotel tax growth per year 15.6% although income from Hotel Tax always increase every year but its contribution to the Original Regional Revenue shows results in category is very less with an average of 4.98% from 2011-2015. The obstacles encountered are lack of human resources and still low awareness in paying taxes.Keywords : Contributions, Hotel Tax and Local Own Revenue