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Ideal Fuzzy Semiring Atas Level Subset Saman Abdurrahman
Jurnal Fourier Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Matematika Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/fourier.2022.111.1-6


Semiring merupakan salah satu perluasan dari ring, dengan cara menghilangan salah satu aksioma pada operasi pertama yaitu aksioma invers. Pada semiring terdapat konsep subsemiring dan ideal dengan kondisi bahwa setiap ideal semiring adalah selalu subsemiring. Tetapi kondisi kebalikannya belum tentu berlaku. Selain konsep subsemiring dan ideal semiring, pada struktur semiring diperkenalkan konsep homomorfisma semiring. Kondisi ini, analog dengan homomorfisma di ring, sehingga sifat-sifat yang ada pada semiring dapat dinduksi dari sifat - sifat di ring, seperti konsep image dan preimage di bawah homomorfisma semiring analog dengan konsep image dan preimage di bawah homomorfisma ring. Konsep ideal pada semiring jika dipadukan dengan konsep fuzzy, akan menghasilkan konsep baru, yaitu konsep ideal fuzzy semiring. Pada makalah ini, akan diperkenalkan konsep ideal fuzzy semiring, image dan preimage ideal fuzzy dari suatu homomorfisma semiring. Lebih lanjut, akan diselidiki sifat-sifat ideal fuzzy semiring, image dan preimage ideal fuzzy dibawah homomorfisma semiring melalui suatu level subset. [Semiring is one of the extensions of the ring by disappearing one of the axioms in the first operation, namely the inverse axiom. In semiring, there is the concept of subsemiring and ideal with the condition that every ideal semiring is always subsemiring. However, the opposite condition does not necessarily apply. In addition to the concept of subsemiring and the ideal of a semiring, in the semiring structure was introduced the concept of semiring homomorphism. This condition is analogous to the homomorphism in the ring so that the properties present in the semiring can be induced from the properties in the ring, such as the concept of image and preimage under the homomorphism of semiring analogous to the concept of image and preimage under the homomorphism of the ring. If combined with the fuzzy concept, the ideal concept in semiring will produce a new concept, namely the ideal concept of fuzzy semiring. This paper will introduce the concept of an ideal fuzzy semiring, image, and preimage ideal fuzzy from a semiring homomorphism. Furthermore, the properties of the fuzzy ideal semiring, image, and preimage of the fuzzy ideal will be investigated under the semiring homomorphism through a subset level.]
Pelatihan Pembuatan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di SMPN 14 Banjarbaru Saman Abdurrahman; Lilis Harianti Hasibuan; Mochammad Idris; Na’ímah Hijriati; Juwita Lasterina; Sheryn Amelia Puteri; Gusti Muhammad Rosyadi; Audinta Sakti Firmansyah; Nor Hidayati
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.4 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202274.201


CLASSROOM ACTİON RESEARCH-MAKING TRAİNİNG IN SMPN 14 BANJARBARU. Classroom Action Research is practical research intended to improve classroom learning. This research is one of the efforts of teachers or practitioners in the form of various activities carried out to improve and or improve the quality of learning in the classroom. Classroom Action Research can be interpreted as a process of studying learning problems in the classroom through self-reflection to solve these problems by carrying out various planned actions in real situations and analyzing any effects of the treatment. Classroom Action Research is one of the scientific publications in the context of sustainable teacher professional development aimed at improving and improving the quality of learning processes and outcomes or the quality of education in general. The article describes the implementation of Classroom Action Research Assistance Activities and Scientific Article Writing at SMPN 14 Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. This activity is important because it can stimulate the creativity of teachers to conduct Classroom Action Research. The benefit of this activity is that teachers become more and more skilled in choosing or making appropriate learning methods for their students from time to time. Another impact of this activity can certainly improve teacher careers to a higher level.
Penjumlahan dari Subnear-ring Fuzzy Saman Abdurrahman
Jurnal Matematika Integratif Vol 11, No 1: April, 2015
Publisher : Department of Matematics, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.041 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jmi.v11.n1.9367.1-6


Dalam makalah diperkenalkan konsep penjumlahan subnear-ring fuzzy, penjumlahan ideal fuzzy dari near-ring, dan membuktikan beberapa sifat dari konsep ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penjumlahan dari subnear-ring fuzzy adalah subnear-ring fuzzy, dan penjumlahan ideal fuzzy dari near-ring adalah ideal fuzzy dari near-ring.
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan Vol 17 No 2 (2023): BAREKENG: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/barekengvol17iss2pp1131-1138


If one of the axioms in the ring, namely the inverse axiom in the addition operation, is omitted, it will produce another algebraic structure, namely a semiring. Analogous to a ring, there are zero elements, ideal (left/right) in a semiring, and the cross product of the semiring ideal. The analog of the fuzzy semiring has zero elements, ideal (left/right), and the cross product of the semiring fuzzy ideal associated with the membership value. This paper will discuss the cross-product of two (more) fuzzy ideals from a semiring. Furthermore, the cross-product of two (more) fuzzy ideals from a semiring will always be a semiring fuzzy ideal. But the converse is not necessarily true.
SIFAT SUBGRUP NORMAL DARI ANTI SUBGRUP NORMAL FUZZY Cendikia Hira; Saman Abdurrahman; Thresye Thresye
Publisher : Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/epsilon.v17i1.9135


A fuzzy set is a concept theory that provide a solution of problem that cannot be explained by crisp set. Along with time, research of a fuzzy set are combined with algebra that produce fuzzy algebra. One of the research is a fuzzy subgroup and fuzzy level subset. The other research is an anti fuzzy subgroup that is inspired by a fuzzy subgroup. The purpose of this research is to write further study of anti fuzzy subgroup properties by induction of properties of fuzzy algebra such as fuzzy set, fuzzy subgroup, and anti fuzzy subgroup. The research procedure is to study the basic concept of fuzzy set, fuzzy subgroup, and anti fuzzy subgroup. Using that concept to proof the properties of the anti fuzzy subgroup. The conclusions are in the anti fuzzy subgroup, set  with  anti fuzzy subgroup is a subgroup of a group  that can be applied to complement of  and normal anti fuzzy subgroup closely related to anti fuzzy left coset, right coset, and middle coset.     
HASIL KALI SILANG ω- SUBSEMIRING FUZZY Saman Abdurrahman; Thresye Thresye; Alya Hanifah Arif; Jumiati Jumiati; Tiara Roihatul Jannah
Publisher : Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/epsilon.v17i2.8748


Fuzzy semirings are one of the results of a combination of semirings and fuzzy sets. Semiring is one of the extensions of the ring. The cross product of two or more semirings gives a semiring. We are motivated to conduct cross-product research on fuzzy semiring based on the condition of cross-product semiring. This paper introduces the direct product of two (more)  fuzzy subsemirings. In addition, we investigate the relationship between the cross product of two (more) fuzzy subsemirings and the cross product of two (more) level subsets that are subsemiring