Nifriza, Ifna
STKIP Yayasan Abdi Pendidikan

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Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/exposure.v11i1.7121


This research aims to analyze grammatical problems faced by the seventh semester students of STKIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh in writing introduction chapter of research proposal. The research also determines the caused of those problems. 50 students involved in the study. The study showed that the students had grammatical problems in writing introduction chapter of research proposal, exactly in tenses 293 problems (37.66%). The caused of students’ grammatical problems is overgeneralization. Dealing with the way of lecturer teaching grammar, it was found that the grammar lecturer strategy was still inappropriate. Thus, it is suggested to English lecturer to use various teaching strategies in teaching grammar to make the students master grammar before starting writing. 
English Teachers' Online Teaching Difficulties at Senior High School 1 Payakumbuh Districts Ifna Nifriza
LITERATUR: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran Vol 2 No 2 (2022): LITERATUR: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/literatur.v2i2.3978


Abstract: This research was conducted to find out the difficulties faced by English teachers in teaching English through online class at SMA Negeri 1 Kec. Payakumbuh. The participants of this research are four English teachers. Qualitative descriptive design is used in this research. The purpose of this research was to describe difficulties faced by English teachers in teaching English through online class. Instrument data of this research was interviewed. The results of this research showed that the difficulties faced by English teachers in teaching English through online class as follows; lack of students’ motivation and engagement, unstable internet connection and limited quota, time consuming to prepare materials of online class, the absence of a representative online class platform, and needs for professional development and trainings. New difficulties were found in this research, decreased interaction among teachers, shortage of time, lack of recognition students’ characters and lack of a fair assessment. Keywords: online class, teaching english, difficulties.
Journal of Education, Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Vol 5 No 01 (2022): JURNAL ELLITE ( JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, LINGUISTICS,LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE TEACHI
Publisher : Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/ellite.v5i01.5034


The study aims to know whether or not the application of kindling strategy is effective to improve students’ reading skill at the tenth grader of SMK. The population of this study was 538 students with the number of sample 40 students in class X.1. The research was experimental research in which only one class which was treated using the technique. The research instrument was reading test. the test was valid because it had content validity. To answer the hypothesis the data was scored by using T-test formula to see whether not the application of Kindling strategy gives significant effect in reading.
Students’ Attribution in Online Learning at English Department Students of Stkip Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh Desfi Yenti; Ifna Nifriza
Modality Journal: International Journal of Linguistics and Literature Vol 1, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal IAIN Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.641 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/mj.v1i2.5125


Abstrak Pembelajaran daring dapat dianggap sebagai salah satu jalan alternative system pendidikan dimana proses pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan ICT dengan bantuan jaringan internet. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya tidak mudah bagi sebagian mahasiswa atau sulit dan dapat diatasi bagi sebagian yang lain atau mudah. Atribusi adalah bagaimana seseorang mengakui penyebab dari kesuksesan atau kegagalannya dalam kehidupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi atribusi mahasiswa bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran daring menggunakan metode quantitatif. Angket digunakan sebagai instrument pengumpul data yang terdiri dari 32 butir yang disebar kepada mahasiwa responden. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis secara quantitatif melalui penghitungan statistic dengan menggunakan rumus tertentu. Temuan menunjukkan mahasiswa menganggap kesuksesan mereka ataupun kegagalan meraka dalam pembelajaran daring umumnya disebabkan oleh usaha mereka sendiri sebagai faktor internal. Kesulitan atas tugas yang diberikan menjadi faktor eksternal terkecil yang menjadi penyebab kesuksesan dan kegagagalan pembelajaran daring. Hal ini berimplikasi bahwa kesuksesan dan kegagalan disebabkan oleh factor nternal yakni kurangnya usaha. Dengan demikian perlu solusi dengan peningkatan mutu pmebelajaran bahasa Inggris terutama bagaimana membangkitkan motivasi dan kesadaran belajar mandiri mahasiswa.Kata Kunci: Attribusi, pembelajaran daring, factor internal, ekternal, kesuksesan, kegagalanAbstractOnline learning can be seen as an alternative to the education system in which teaching and learning process is conducted by utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) through integrating an internet connection. However, there are some students who carry out online learning   successfully while some are difficult to carry out online learning or failure. Attribution is    how people explain the causes of their own successes and failures. This study aims to identify students’ attribution in online learning at English university students. This research used a quantitative design. The questionnaire was used as the instrument of research which consists of 32 items distributed to respondents. Then, the data were analyzed quantitatively through statistical account using certain formula. The results showed that students perceive their success and failure in online learning was mostly caused by their efforts as internal factor. Task difficulty as external factor was the least causes of students ‘success and failure in online learning. This finding implies that students perceive their success and failure in online learning were caused by internal factor that is lacking of effort. Therefore, the solutions are needed to improve the quality of English online learning process especially to maintain students’ motivation and effort to be autonomous.Keywords: Attribution, Online Learning, Learning English, success, failure  
Students’ Attribution in Online Learning at English Department Students of Stkip Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh Desfi Yenti; Ifna Nifriza
Modality Journal: International Journal of Linguistics and Literature Vol 1, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal UIN Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.785 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/mj.v1i2.5125


Abstrak Pembelajaran daring dapat dianggap sebagai salah satu jalan alternative system pendidikan dimana proses pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan ICT dengan bantuan jaringan internet. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya tidak mudah bagi sebagian mahasiswa atau sulit dan dapat diatasi bagi sebagian yang lain atau mudah. Atribusi adalah bagaimana seseorang mengakui penyebab dari kesuksesan atau kegagalannya dalam kehidupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi atribusi mahasiswa bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran daring menggunakan metode quantitatif. Angket digunakan sebagai instrument pengumpul data yang terdiri dari 32 butir yang disebar kepada mahasiwa responden. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis secara quantitatif melalui penghitungan statistic dengan menggunakan rumus tertentu. Temuan menunjukkan mahasiswa menganggap kesuksesan mereka ataupun kegagalan meraka dalam pembelajaran daring umumnya disebabkan oleh usaha mereka sendiri sebagai faktor internal. Kesulitan atas tugas yang diberikan menjadi faktor eksternal terkecil yang menjadi penyebab kesuksesan dan kegagagalan pembelajaran daring. Hal ini berimplikasi bahwa kesuksesan dan kegagalan disebabkan oleh factor nternal yakni kurangnya usaha. Dengan demikian perlu solusi dengan peningkatan mutu pmebelajaran bahasa Inggris terutama bagaimana membangkitkan motivasi dan kesadaran belajar mandiri mahasiswa.Kata Kunci: Attribusi, pembelajaran daring, factor internal, ekternal, kesuksesan, kegagalanAbstractOnline learning can be seen as an alternative to the education system in which teaching and learning process is conducted by utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) through integrating an internet connection. However, there are some students who carry out online learning   successfully while some are difficult to carry out online learning or failure. Attribution is    how people explain the causes of their own successes and failures. This study aims to identify students’ attribution in online learning at English university students. This research used a quantitative design. The questionnaire was used as the instrument of research which consists of 32 items distributed to respondents. Then, the data were analyzed quantitatively through statistical account using certain formula. The results showed that students perceive their success and failure in online learning was mostly caused by their efforts as internal factor. Task difficulty as external factor was the least causes of students ‘success and failure in online learning. This finding implies that students perceive their success and failure in online learning were caused by internal factor that is lacking of effort. Therefore, the solutions are needed to improve the quality of English online learning process especially to maintain students’ motivation and effort to be autonomous.Keywords: Attribution, Online Learning, Learning English, success, failure  
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/exposure.v11i2.9204


This study is descriptive qualitative. The sample of this study was sixth semester students in English department of STKIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh. There were 31 students. The writer choose the sample by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument of this study was the questionnaire which was consist of 30 items based on survey of reading strategy developed by Mokhtary and Sheorey in 2002. Based on data analysis the data can be shown as follow: in using Global Strategy; 8.44% students chose always, 36.22% students chose often, 43.67% students chose sometime, 10.91% students chose seldom and 0.74% students chose never. Meanwhile, in using problem solving Strategy; 12.91% students chose always, 43.15% students chose often, 38.737% students chose sometime, 3.63% students chose seldom and 1.61% students chose never. Last, in using support strategy; 15.43% students chose always, 36.2% students chose often, 35.12% students chose sometime, 11.83% students chose seldom and 1.43% students chose never. Based on the data, it can be concluded that metacognitive strategy in reading comprehension applied by the students  were Support strategy and then followed by Problem – solving strategy and Global strategy.Keywords: metacognitive strategy, reading comprehension, STKIP students 
Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Teams Games Tournament terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan Sri Mures Walef; Ifna Nifriza; Fadilla Taslim; Agnesia Ningrum
Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran (KIBASP) Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Jurnal KIBASP (Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran)
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/kibasp.v6i1.4881


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran cooperative teams games tournament terhadap keterampilan menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Mungka. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen. Jumlah populasi 106 siswa, penarikan sampel menggunakan purposive sampel sampling, dengan jumlah sampel 50 siswa yang tersebar dari kelas eksperimen 25 siswa dan kelas kontrol berjumlah 25 siswa. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan tes unjuk kerja dengan indikator penilaian sistematika surat lamaran pekerjaan dan unsur kebahasaan surat lamaran pekerjaan. Hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil uji t (t-test) dalam kelas eksperimen membuktikan t-hitung dengan t-tabel (4,201>2,064), karena thitung lebih besar dari t-tabel maka H1 (hipotesis alternatif) diterima. Selanjutnya hasil uji t (t-test) dalam kelas kontrol membuktikan t-hitung dengan t-table (2,270>2,064), karena thitung lebih besar dari maka H1 (hipotesis alternatif) diterima. Hasil uji t (t-test) hasil perbandingan t-hitung dengan t-tabel (2,706>2,021), karena t-hitung lebih besar dari t-tabel maka H1 (hipotesis alternatif) diterima. Simpulan, keterampilan menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan berpengaruh kuat dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran cooperative teams games tournament. Kata Kunci: Model Cooperative Teams Games Tournament, Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan
Ensiklopedia Education Review Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Volume 5 No 1 April 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/eer.v5i1.1732


Covid-19 sudah setahun masuk ke Indonesia, bahkan di berbagai negara. semua kegiatan telah dihentikan karena pandemi, termasuk pendidikan. Pemerintah bertekad untuk melaksanakan proses pembelajaran online hingga batas waktu yang tidak pasti. pembelajaran online, yaitu proses belajar mengajar melalui suatu media atau aplikasi yang terjadi antara guru dan siswa. Dalam pembelajaran online, persepsi siswa akan muncul dalam pembelajaran. Persepsi bisa disebut tindakan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang proses pembelajaran online.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif . Participan dari penelitian adalah dari angkatan 2017-2019 mahasiswa prodi pendidikan bahasa inggris di STKIP Abdi Payakumbuh tahun ajaran 2020/2021 yang berjumlah 32 orang. Metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data yaitu dengan kuisioner. Kemudian untuk menganalis data,peneliti menggunakan langkah langkah yang dikemukakan oleh Gay (2012:239) yaitu : data managing,reading/memoing,classifying,interpreting,dan writing report.Setelah melakukan penelitian,dapat dilihat hasil nya secara umum adalah siswa memiliki persepsi yang tidak bagus (99,09) terhadap pembelajaran daring yang dilakukan oleh kampus STKIP Abdi Payakumbuh. Jadi dapat dikatakan baahwa pembelajaran daring tidak bisa membuat siswa mengerti tentang materi dari pembelajaran,tidak bisa menambah pengetahuan dalam bahasa inggris.Kata kunci: persepsi siswa,belajar online
The Application of RCRR (Read, Cover, Remember, Retell) Technique in Teaching Reading at Junior High School Ifna Nifriza; Sri Mures Walef
EDULIA: English Education, Linguistic and Art Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2023): EDULIA: English Education, Linguistic and Art Journal
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/edulia.v3i2.6734


This research was experimental research. The population of this research was the VIII grade students of SMPN 2 Kec. Luak Payakumbuh. There were four classes of the eight grade students, total population was 88 students. The sample of this research had chosen by using cluster sampling. The experimental class was VIII.3 that had taught by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) strategy and the control class was VIII.4 had taught by using conventional class in teaching reading. The instrument of this research was reading test in multiple choice test form. It was valid because the students have learnt the material. Then, the instrument was reliable because the result of split-half was 0.65 gave positive association. To get the data, the researcher used the t-test formula that suggested by Gay and Airasian. The result of the research was analyzed by t-test formula and the researcher got t-calculated was 8.38. After that, the researcher compared to t-table was 2.021. Where the level of significant was 0.05 with degree of freedom was 43. After analyzing the data, the researcher got t-count higher than t-table. So, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. It means there was a significant effect of teaching reading by using Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) strategy at the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Kec. Luak. Keywords : RCRR, Teaching Reading, The Application.