Megah Andriany
School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang

Published : 12 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Jurnal Keperawatan Komunitas Vol 1, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Komunitas
Publisher : Jurnal Keperawatan Komunitas

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Eksudat  luka kronis terdiri atas enzym-enzym yang berpotensi menghambat proses penyembuhan, memperluas luka dan menimbulkan nyeri. Fokus perawatan luka modern pada luka kronis adalah kemampuan perawatan pada manajemen eksudat (pus) secara efisien. Pembalut wanita herbal diproduksi dengan bio teknologi, yang dapat berfungsi sebagi antiseptik. Sehingga pembalut ini merupakan salah satu bentuk terapi non farmakologi untuk mengobati infeksi bakteri tersebut Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui gambaran tentang penggunaan pembalut herbal sebagai absorbend pada perawatan luka penderita diabetes mellitus. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus. Sampel berjumlah 3 responden dengan ulkus diabetes mellitus. Responden pembalutan luka dilakukan dengan kassa biasa ketika kunjungan pertama. Pada kunjungan berikutnya berat kassa ditimbang, dan pembalutan diganti menggunakan pembalut herbal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pembalut herbal mampu menyerap eksudat lebih banyak, mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka, mengurangi peradangan, dan rasa nyeri.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Journal of Health Sciences) Vol 11 No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Unusa Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.77 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v11i2.107


Depression among prisoners is also found in many female former drug users. Treatment to prevent the negative effects of depression should be immediately provided for the former drug users. Self-help groups as an alternative strategy to improve the support system to create an adaptive coping that can reduce depression level. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of self-help groups on depression level in former drug users. The research design used was pre-experiment with one group pre-test and post-test design. Sampling technique using purposive sampling, where only the former drug users who used as sample 19 respondents. Depression level were assessed using Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) II. The result of paired t-test showed that the mean of depression rate has decreased statistically significant, where p value is less than alpha (0,022<0,05). It can be concluded that there is effect of self-help groups on depression level in former drug users
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Journal of Health Sciences) Vol 11 No 1 (2018): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Unusa Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.654 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v11i1.118


Self-reliance of TB patients has an effect on the adherence to treatment in the healing process. To achieve self-reliance, patients require supports from the family and community, as well as knowledge and skills to be able to take care of themselves independently. Healthcare cadres are one form of supports that the patients need to maintain self-care capabilities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of health cadres’ supports on the physical self-reliance in pulmonary TB patients. This study was a quantitative research with a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design with the control group. The samples were 44 patients recruited using purposive sampling technique with inclusion and exclusion criteria and were assigned to two groups: intervention group (n = 22) and control group (n = 22). Instrument used modified healty card owner by Dwidiyanti. The intervention given was in the form of health cadres’ supports given for six times in six weeks. A statistical analysis using paired t-test was performed to identify the effects of the intervention on the physical self-reliance in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. The results showed that the intervention group obtained a p-value of 0.00 and α of 0.05, where p-value < α, or p-value <0.05, indicating that there was an effect of health cadres’ supports on physical self-reliance in patients with pulmonary TB. Meanwhile, in the control group, a p-value of 0.529 and α of 0.05 were found, where p-value >α or p-value > 0.05, indicating that there was no significant difference in the patients’ physical self-reliance after given supports from the health cadres. Support interventions of health cadres improved the physical self-reliance in patients with pulmonary TB.
Distributions of Nursing Student’s Problems with Student Centered Learning Method Andriany, Megah
Nurse Media Journal of Nursing Vol 4, No 2 (2014): (DECEMBER 2014)
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.001 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/nmjn.v4i2.8386


Purpose: Student centered learning (SCL) method is a new approach in Indonesia in which students have to more proactive in achieving competencies. A nursing school in Semarang, Indonesia has applied this method since 2006. Many students’ achievements were obtained from local, national, and regional level. However, several concerns also came up with this method. This study aims to identify students’ problems with SCL methods from 1st to 4th year grades. Methods: Research design was a descriptive quantitative by conducting survey based on the domains and categories from a qualitative study. The questionnaire has been tested the validity and reliability. The researcher kept the items do not valid since they are significant to explore those crucial problems. Univariate analysis was done to measure the problem percentage in each grade. The investigator described each category in quantitative analysis tables. Results: The results showed that the problem percentages found in the early year almost similar with others. Conclusion: This recommends that it needs learning system improvement from life skill competence arrangements, learning scenario design, and tutor’s capacity enhancement.
Aplikasi Teori Self-Care Deficit Orem dalam Konteks Tuna Wisma (Studi Literatur) (The Application of Orem’s Self Care Deficit in Homeless Setting) Andriany, Megah
Nurse Media Journal of Nursing Vol 1, No 1 (2007): MEDIA NERS
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.999 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/nmjn.v1i1.263


Homeless health is government and NGO’s responsibilities for creating optimal citizen health status. Homeless is one of community health nursing clients. The Self Care Theory is used in nursing science for giving conceptual framework as a practical guidance and building self care knowledge through research. Orem described self care as a continuing intervention. It was needed and done by adult to be survived, healthy, and wellness. This theory is also used in homeless setting by many experts. This article aims to describe Orem’s Self Care Theory, describe homeless’ self care, and apply Orem’s Self Care Theory in homeless setting.
Studi Deskriptif Spiritual Well Being Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Laki-laki berdasarkan Usia di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Jawa Tengah: Studi Pendahuluan Fijianto, Dwi; Andriany, Megah; Hartati, Elis
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIK) Vol 13, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIK)

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Abstrak. Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Laki-laki di Indonesia mengalami kelebihan daya tampung Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan (WBP). Kondisi ini mengakibatkan terjadinya masalah psikososial yang berdampak terhadap spiritual well being WBP laki-laki. Penelitian sebelumnya menjelaskan beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi spiritual well being, namun subjek pada penelitian sebelumnya bukan WBP laki-laki yang mengalami masalah psikososial dan tidak berfokus pada salah satu faktor yaitu usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat spiritual well being WBP laki-laki berdasarkan usia WBP. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, dilakukan studi observasional dengan metode penelitian cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah analisis univariat untuk mengetahui presentase usia dan spiritual well being WBP laki-laki. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 115 responden WBP laki-laki dengan kriteria inklusi WBP laki-laki berusia 17-55 tahun, WBP laki-laki yang bisa membaca, WBP laki-laki yang kooperatif, dan WBP laki-laki yang beragama Islam. Instrumen pengambilan data menggunakan Spiritual Well Being Scale (SWBS) Ellison. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan spiritual well being WBP laki-laki meningkat ketika usia dewasa akhir dan lansia awal. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah dengan bertambahnya usia, spiritual well being WBP laki-laki mengalami peningkatan. Kata kunci: spiritual well being , usia WBP laki-laki. Descriptive Study Spiritual Well Being of Male Inmates Guidance by Age at the Correctional Institution of the Ministry's Regional Office Law and Human Rights in Central Java: Preliminary Studies Abstract. Male Correctional Institutions in Indonesia experience an over capacity for inmates. The condition causes psychosocial problems that affect the spiritual well being of male inmates. Previous research explained about several factors influencing spiritual well being, but the subject was not male inmates who experience psychosocial problems and did not focus on age. This study aims to determine the level of spiritual well being of male inmates based on the age of inmates. This type of quantitative research, an observational study with cross sectional research methods. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling with a purposive sampling method. Data analysis was performed by univariate analysis to determine the percentage of age and spiritual well being of male inmates. The total sample of 115 respondents were male inmates with inclusion criteria of male inmates aged 17-55 years, male inmates who could read, male inmates who were cooperative, and male inmates who were Muslim. The data collection instrument used Ellison's Spiritual Well Being Scale (SWBS). The results showed the spiritual well being of male inmates increases when late adulthood and early elderly. The conclusion of this study is that with increasing age, the spiritual well being of male inmates has increases.Keywords: age of male inmates, spiritual well being,
Kesehatan Mental Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Berdasarkan Tingkat Kualitas Hidup: an overview Putri, Prystia Riana; Nurrahima, Artika; Andriany, Megah
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIK) Vol 13, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIK)

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Abstrak. Perubahan standar kehidupan Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan (WBP) yang tidak sesuai dengan target pencapaian memberikan pengaruh terhadap kesehatan mental khususnya kualitas hidup. Namun, penelitian yang membahas mengenai kualitas hidup berdasarkan empat domain (fisik, psikologis, hubungan sosial, dan lingkungan) di Lapas belum tersedia sehingga penelitian ini perlu dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran kualitas hidup WBP. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 100 WBP laki-laki yang didapatkan melalui teknik systemic random sampling di salah satu Lapas Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2019. Menghuni Lapas maksimal 18 bulan, tidak mendapat kunjungan keluarga secara langsung menjadi kriteria penentuan sampel. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah WHOQOL-BREF. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas hidup berdasarkan domain fisik WBP 63%, psikologis 63%, hubungan sosial 56%, dan lingkungan 50%. Simpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa kesehatan mental WBP dapat dilihat dari gambaran kualitas hidup. Hasil penelitian ini akan memudahkan perawat komunitas dalam menentukan masalah dan intervensi keperawatan yang tepat dalam menangani permasalahan di Lapas.Kata kunci: Penjara, perawat Lapas, kualitas hidup, warga binaan. Mental Health Prisoners Based On Quality Of Life: An Overview Abstract. Changes in prisoners living standards that did not accordance with the achievement targets have an impact on mental health especially their quality of life. However, research that discusses the quality of life based on four domains (physical, psychological, social relations, and environment) in prison is not yet available so this research needs to be done to see an overview of prisoners quality of life. This study used a cross sectional design with 100 male prisoners as sample that obtained through systemic random sampling techniques in one of Central Java Prison in 2019. Inhabiting the prison for a maximum of 18 months, no direct family visits were the criteria for determining the sample. The instrument used in this study was WHOQOL-BREF. The results showed that quality of life was based on the physical domain of WBP 63%, psychological 63%, social relations 56%, and environment 50%. The conclusion is mental health can be know from quality of life overview. This research can facilitate community nurses in determining problems and appropriate nursing interventions in dealing with quality of life problems in correctional institutions. Keywords: Correctional nursing, inmates, prison, quality of life
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : STIKES Bethesda Yakkum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35913/jk.v7i2.155


Conditions in prisons forcing the female inmates should be able to make adjustments because it will not affect the occurrence of depression. Depression in female inmates will have an impact on other aspects, namely family, child, and community as well as the presence of a negative view of yourself, others, and future can be a bad influence in a sustainable trigger the occurrence of negative behaviors such as self-mutilation and even suicide. The purpose of this study is to describe the problem of depression experienced female inmates during a period of criminal in Prison. The research method used descriptive quantitative. Data collection was done using questionnaires Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). The subject of study as much as 103 female inmates selected using purposive random sampling with the inclusion criteria of age 18 years and above, already get the verdict to undergo a criminal past and an exclusion criterion is female inmates who are in isolation, do not have a chronic illness and recidivism. The results showed that the average level of depression in female inmates category mild. Keywords: Depression, Correctional Setting; Female Inmates
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNSIQ Vol 7 No 3 (2020): September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UNSIQ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32699/ppkm.v7i3.1024


Prevalensi lansia dengan penyakit Tidak Menular semakin meningkat. Kondisi tersebut menimbulkan dampak fisik maupun psikologis. Alternatif solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk mencegah masalah psikologis khususnya stres pada lansia dengan Penyakit Tidak Menular adalah Supportive Group Therapy. Terkait hal itu, program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melakukan Supportive Group Therapy guna menurunkan tingkat stres pada lansia dan meningkatkan ketrampilan kader dalam penatalaksanaan masalah psikogeriatri. Metode yang digunakan dalam program ini meliputi pelatihan dengan metode ceramah dan praktik mendekteksi dini stres dan implementasi Supportive Group Therapy. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 35 lansia dengan penurunan tingkat stres mengalami penurunan nilai Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-42). dan terjadi peningkatan ketrampilan kader dalam melakukan deteksi dini stres dan pelaksanaan Supportive group therapy. Supportive group therapy dapat menjadi alternatif intervensi dalam penatalaksanaan masalah psikogeriatri pada Lansia dengan Penyakit Tidak Menular.
Gambaran Tingkat Depresi Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Perempuan Menjelang Bebas Safitri, Arintan Nur; Andriany, Megah
Jurnal Perawat Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 3 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (PPNI) Jawa Tengah.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (60.776 KB) | DOI: 10.32584/jpi.v3i3.353


Warga binaan pemasyarakatan (WBP) perempuan menjelang bebas rentan mengalami depresi karena kecemasan terhadap stigma dan perilaku masyarakat setelah bebas. Penelitian tentang tingkat depresi WBP perempuan menjelang bebas sangat terbatas ditemukan, namun penelitian tentang depresi pada WBP perempuan pernah dilakukan dan menunjukkan adanya depresi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat depresi WBP perempuan menjelang bebas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif survei, menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dan pendekatan cross-sectional. Sampel terdiri dari 34 WBP perempuan menjelang bebas secara total sampling dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi berupa WBP perempuan yang bersedia menjadi responden dengan komunikasi baik dan kooperatif, serta menjalani sisa masa pidana hingga tiga bulan, kemudian diukur menggunakan kuesioner Beck Depression Inventory II. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik responden terbanyak adalah usia 18-40 tahun (64,7%), tingkat pendidikan menengah (55,9%), status menikah (50,0%), sisa masa pidana 0-1 bulan (38,2%), beberapa kali kunjungan keluarga dalam setahun (35,3%), lama pidana 4-6 tahun (38,2%), dan pidana karena tindakan yang berkaitan dengan obat terkontrol atau zat psikoaktif lainnya (44,1%). Survei tingkat depresi menunjukkan bahwa 32,4% tidak depresi, 14,7% depresi ringan, 44,1% depresi sedang, dan 8,8% depresi berat. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa mayoritas WBP perempuan mengalami depresi saat menjelang bebas. Perawat correctional perlu lebih memperhatikan aspek psikososial dalam perencanaan pulang. Kata kunci: Depresi, menjelang bebas, WBP perempuan Abstract Female Inmates’ Depression Before Prison Release in Indonesia]Female inmates before releasing are vulnerable to depression due to anxiety’s to public’s stigma and behavior after releasing. Study about female inmates’ depression before prison release was limited to be found, but study on female inmates’ depression has been done and showed depression. The purpose of this study was to measure the percentage and the level of depression among female inmates before being released. This quantitative study was performed using a descriptive survey and cross-sectional approach. There were 34 female inmates who fulfilled the inclusion criteria such as cooperative, agree to become respondents, and remains of prison days less than three months, and all of them were recruited as subjects of this study. The level of depression was measured using Beck Depression Inventory II questionnaire. The characteristic findings: 64,7% were between 18-40 years of age, 55,9% has middle level of education, 50,0% were married, 38,2% has less than 0-1 month prison days, 35,3% had several family visits yearly, 38,2% was sentenced 4-6 years, and 44,1% was jailed in relation for drug related crime. The study showed that 32,4% were not depressed, while 14,7% had mild depression, 44,1% had moderate depression, and 8,8% had severe depression. This study showed that the correctional nurses should play a role to prevent depression among female inmates before being released. Keywords: Depression, before being released, female inmates