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Propaganda Fide dan Kebijakan Tentang Imam Diosesan di Wilayah Misi dalam Instruksi La Missione Universale Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso; Henricus Pidyarto Gunawan
Studia Philosophica et Theologica Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Litbang STFT Widya Sasana Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/spet.v23i1.515


Diocesan priests’ moving or transferring abroad - at any motives – will affect both positively or negatively to the diocese they leave. Human mobility which is supported by the nowadays advanced and varied transportation facilities, enabling the greater possibility of this mobility. This research is discussing on the instruction of the Propaganda Fide entitled La Missione Universale issued issued on April 25, 2001, which regulates the diocesan priests’ mobility. Through the legal research method, with a juridical-normative approach, this study aims to analyse the degree of legal synchronisation between the instruction and the laws above it. It also analyses the legal synchronisation between the instruction and its implementation at a lower level, namely the follow-up by the Italian Bishops' Conference in the form of agreement document. The research shows that the instruction is corresponding to the laws above it, and its implementation at the diocesan level is in line with the instruction above it. Previously, the moving abroad of a diocesan priest is seen from negative side of the disciplinary point of view only. The instruction now puts it positively in a broader context, that is, in the frame of missionary collaboration and communion among particular Churches. Inter-diocesan co-operation in the form of exchange of priests for a specific pastoral ministry is an effective means to carry out the missionary mandate of the Church. The inter-diocesan collaboration of the priest exchange for a special pastoral service is an effective means to undergo the mission of the Church.
Kelompok Basis Gerejani Dan Tantangan Sosio-Budaya Terhadap Penghayatan Perkawinan Katolik Masyarakat Urban Ferdinandus Ngambut; Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso; Antonius Denny Firmanto
Vox Dei: Jurnal Teologi dan Pastoral  Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Ekumene Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46408/vxd.v4i1.226


The focus of this research is the socio-cultural influence and challenges of urban communities for the passion of marriage promises from Catholic couples and the importance of involvement in the ecclesiastical base group environment for the passion of marriage. Marriage for Catholics is a lifelong communion between a man and a woman and is open to the birth and education of a child. This study was conducted using a methodology between interviews and literature studies. Researchers conducted interviews with five Catholic couples who lived in one of the base environments of Ijen Parish, Diocese of Malang, namely the Santa Clara neighborhood. This research found that the socio-cultural life of urban society today is really a severe challenge for the marriage passion of Catholic families. Many of the lifestyles that develop in the socio-cultural context of urban societies today clash with the nature of marriage according to the Catholic Church. In the midst of these challenges, participation in ecclesiastical base groups is a great way to help couples stay true to their marital vows. The ecclesiastical base group became the place where they gained edification, shared, and supported each other in the light of God's word.
“Kisah Musa” sebagai Panduan Pertumbuhan Rohani dalam Pemikiran Spiritual Gregorius dari Nyssa Antonius Denny Firmanto; Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso; Edison RL Tinambunan
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Intheos Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30648/dun.v8i1.980


Abstract. The “race” to virtue is important in Gregory of Nyssa’s spiritual theology. In this article, De Vita Moysis (The Life of Moses) became the key texts for everyone who ended his life still striving for the “finish line.” The biblical patriarch Moses never set foot in the promised land but had to be content to gaze on it from afar. In a similar way, final perfection, typified in the Platonic sense as a state of undisturbed rest, eludes readers of Gregory’s The Life of Moses. In the “divine race along the course of virtue,” they are to strain “constantly” for the “prize of the heavenly calling.” The true perfection consists not in reaching the destination itself but rather in taking part in the journey, which is a process of incessant “becoming” through participation in the life of God. It means that “becoming Christian” is continuous improvement of the quality of the interior and exterior aspects of a Christian life.Abstrak. “Perjalanan” menuju kebajikan penting dalam teologi spiritual Gregorius dari Nyssa. Dalam artikel ini, “Kisah Musa” menjadi teks kunci bagi setiap orang yang mengakhiri hidupnya masih berjuang untuk “garis finis.” Tokoh Alkitab Musa tidak pernah menginjakkan kaki di tanah perjanjian tetapi harus puas melihatnya dari jauh. Dengan cara yang sama, kesempurnaan final, yang dilambangkan dalam pengertian Platonis sebagai keadaan istirahat yang tak terganggu, meloloskan pembaca “Kisah Musa” karya Gregorius. Dalam “perjalanan ilahi di sepanjang jalur kebajikan,” mereka harus “terus-menerus” berjuang untuk “hadiah panggilan surgawi.” Kesempurnaan sejati tidak terdiri dari mencapai tujuan itu sendiri melainkan mengambil bagian dalam perjalanan, yang merupakan proses “menjadi” tanpa henti melalui partisipasi dalam kehidupan Tuhan. Artinya, “menjadi Kristen” adalah perbaikan terus-menerus kualitas dalam aspek interior dan eksterior kehidupan Kristen.
Keterlibatan Klerikus Dalam Politik: Tinjauan Hukum Gereja Dan Kesaksian Hidup San Giovanni Xxiii Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v33i32.194


This research raises the theme of clerical involvement in politics, which still creates pro and con reactions. The questions answered in this research are what, how, and to what extent clerics may engage or are prohibited from engaging in politics. What are the reasons and purposes of the Catholic Church in prohibiting its clergy from engaging in politics? What are the legal consequences for the clerics involved in practical politics? Is there any good example for clerics in engaging in politics? This research uses the normative research method of Church law. The problem is approached using the deductive method, by departing from the legal norms of the Church which are elaborated using documents issued by the Holy See. The research also uses the inductive method through a study on the testimonies of the life of St. John XXIII. The deductive and inductive approaches are combined to find the scope of meaning and the proper and wise application of the ecclesiastical norm regarding clerical involvement in politics. The study found that the clerical mission cannot be separated from politics. The call to configure oneself fully to the person and mission of Christ requires clerics to take the side of the small, the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized by conducting sharp socio-political criticism agaist unfair, unequal and discriminatory government or economic systems. The teaching of clerics should have a political impact on the lives of the faithful, especially the laity, to the point of encouraging them to become fully involved in practical politics to fight for justice, truth, peace and the common good with other members of society. However, concern for the political problems of the nation must never lead clerics to become directly and actively involved through political parties. Such involvement will divide the communion of the people, will mix politics and religion, and will run the risk of creating hostility both within the Church itself and outside the Church. Violation of the prohibition to actively participate in political parties results in the suspension of the cleric concerned. As the life witnessed by St. John XXIII, clerics are to be fathers of all people, persons of dialogue and peace, above all parties and for all parties. Clerics represent the Church that does not bind itself to any particular political system, and remains present and works in whatever political system, which is democratically selected and established by all citizens
Menelaah Pengertian Dialog demi Mencapai Dialog Kehidupan Ricky Setiawan Pabayo; Yohanes Endi; Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 6, No 2 (2024): Maret 2024
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v6i2.473


The main focus of this discussion is to examine the attitude of Saint Francis of Assisi and Sultan Malik al-Kamil in building tolerance between religions, especially in West Borneo. St. Francis of Assisi's concern for the war that claimed so many lives at that time, made him feel that humans had begun to forget the social value of other people's lives so that an attitude of mutual suspicion arose within themselves to bring each other down through their religious beliefs. Religion is a personal human affair with God, not a human affair that interferes with the affairs of other human beings with the God they believe in. Therefore, if there is someone who interferes in such matters, a different ideological understanding will emerge. The government is trying to promote a prosperous life by daring to accept the differences that exist in Indonesia. The interreligious dialogue that was created aims to provide answers to the problems that occur to create peace. The goal to be achieved from this research is to build a lively dialogue that overrides religious ideology that leads to acts of tolerance towards others. Therefore, it is necessary for the Indonesian people to first understand what is meant by dialogue. Dialogue is understood as an artistic value in understanding when discussing the meaning, when someone conveys something, it is hoped that it will be responded with sympathy for the other person. If this is not done, then the dialogue is only limited to ordinary discussions or only to dispel suspicions. The novelty of this research is to examine and reflect on the attitude of the meeting of Saints and Sultans in building peace in maintaining the value of life in humans, which at this time has also begun to be forgotten due to differences.
Menelaah Pengertian Dialog demi Mencapai Dialog Kehidupan Pabayo, Ricky Setiawan; Endi, Yohanes; Raharso, Alphonsus Tjatur
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 6, No 2 (2024): Maret 2024
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v6i2.473


The main focus of this discussion is to examine the attitude of Saint Francis of Assisi and Sultan Malik al-Kamil in building tolerance between religions, especially in West Borneo. St. Francis of Assisi's concern for the war that claimed so many lives at that time, made him feel that humans had begun to forget the social value of other people's lives so that an attitude of mutual suspicion arose within themselves to bring each other down through their religious beliefs. Religion is a personal human affair with God, not a human affair that interferes with the affairs of other human beings with the God they believe in. Therefore, if there is someone who interferes in such matters, a different ideological understanding will emerge. The government is trying to promote a prosperous life by daring to accept the differences that exist in Indonesia. The interreligious dialogue that was created aims to provide answers to the problems that occur to create peace. The goal to be achieved from this research is to build a lively dialogue that overrides religious ideology that leads to acts of tolerance towards others. Therefore, it is necessary for the Indonesian people to first understand what is meant by dialogue. Dialogue is understood as an artistic value in understanding when discussing the meaning, when someone conveys something, it is hoped that it will be responded with sympathy for the other person. If this is not done, then the dialogue is only limited to ordinary discussions or only to dispel suspicions. The novelty of this research is to examine and reflect on the attitude of the meeting of Saints and Sultans in building peace in maintaining the value of life in humans, which at this time has also begun to be forgotten due to differences.
The Resilience of Catholic Migrant Workers' Marriages: Socio-Religious Challenges in South Malang, Indonesia Lamatokan, Yohanes Victor Baro Bitan; Raharso, Alphonsus Tjatur
Potret Pemikiran Vol 28, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/pp.v28i1.2878


This study examines the resilience of Catholic migrant workers' marriages in South Malang, Indonesia, within a diverse socio-religious context. The research aims to explore the challenges faced by Catholic couples in maintaining long-distance marriages and to analyze the strategies they employ to preserve marital harmony. Utilizing a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods, this study involves in-depth interviews with two Catholic couples, one of whom works as a migrant worker. The results indicate that couples face dual challenges: economic pressures driving migration and the complexity of maintaining religious identity as a minority. Strategies employed include intensive communication, strengthening faith, and involvement in church communities. Analysis using "superdiversity" and "lived religion" theories reveals how couples negotiate their Catholic identity in a diverse social context. The discussion highlights the importance of contextual pastoral support and interfaith dialogue. In conclusion, the resilience of Catholic marriages in the context of migration and diversity requires complex negotiation between religious teachings, socio-economic realities, and personal interpretations, potentially contributing to broader social harmony.