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Jurnal Art Nouveau Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Mengemas Nilai Lokal dalam Industri Komersial
Publisher : Jurnal Art Nouveau

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Abstract: Kusuma Tirta located in Kedung Pelug, District Candi, Sidoarjo. A family recreation area that has the potential of the concept of water attractions are equipped with restaurant, outbound and fishing for the whole family. Pensions Kusuma Tirta Sidoarjo Regent H. Saifulilah inaugurated on June 23, 2012, was not so open this region as a region rekrerasi family, but also as a center of learning and gathering for anyone. Kusuma Tirta Tourism is quite new tour so not so many people who know about the location of this tour, besides the media campaign in Tirta Kusuma tour is also limited and very less active in promoting so many people from the region itself does not know the information sidoarjo on this tour. this led to less familiar travelers about Tirta Kusuma and does not affect the increase in tourists coming to Kusuma Tirta. The problem is Kusuma Tirta is a relatively new tourist spot and less active in the promotion so that tourists, especially in the area of Sidoarjo themselves do not understand the existence of these places, it takes some effort to promote the parawisatawan, one of which is to design a media campaign that is right for Kusuma Tirta can provide information to the public in order to increase brand awareness Kusuma Tirta. Keywords: Design, Kusuma Tirta, Brand Awareness
PENGARUH ATRIBUT PRODUK TERHADAP SIKAP (Survei pada Ibu Rumah Tangga Konsumen Pewangi dan Pelembut Pakaian Merek “Molto Sekali Bilas” di Desa Bandar Kidul Kecamatan Mojoroto Kota Kediri) Fibrianti, Lina; Fauzi, Achmad; Arifin, Zainul
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 1 (2013): MEI
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya

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Sikap seseorang terhadap atribut produk dapat berbeda – beda karena keyakinan serta evaluasi terhadap atribut yang dimiliki produk tersebut. Di samping itu masih ada faktor lain turut berpengaruh yang pada akhirnya akan menentukan minatnya membeli suatu produk. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa nilai F signifikansi yaitu sebesar 0,000 (α < 0,05), yang berarti bahwa secara bersama – sama variabel – variabel Merek (X1), Mutu (X2), Label (X3), dan Kemasan (X4) mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel Sikap Konsumen (Y). Hasil R2 (koefisien determinasi) sebesar 0,689, berarti bahwa 68,9% variabel Sikap Konsumen akan dipengaruhi oleh variabel bebasnya, yaitu Merek (X1), Mutu (X2), Label (X3), dan Kemasan (X4). Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 31,1% akan dipengaruhi oleh variabel – variabel yang lain yang tidak dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Hasil uji t digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat secara parsial dengan membandingkan taraf signifikan α yaitu 0,05. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa nilai sig. t sebesar 0,040 untuk variabel Merek (X1), Mutu (X2) sebesar 0,045, Label (X3) sebesar 0,046, dan Kemasan (X4) sebesar 0,049. Hal ini menunjukkan nilai sig. t untuk masing – masing variabel bebas kurang dari 0,05 (nilai sig. t < 0,05) yang berarti keempat variabel bebas mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel terikat secara parsial. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa variabel – variabel dalam Atribut Produk baik secara bersama – sama maupun secara parsial mempunyai pengaruh terhadap Sikap. Keempat variabel bebas tersebut menunjukkan variabel Merek memiliki pengaruh yang dominan terhadap Sikap Konsumen. Kata kunci : atribut produk, merek, mutu, label, kemasan, dan sikap
ROTOR Vol 6, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : ROTOR

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Solar water heater is a device that heats water using solar collectors as heat sink of radiation heat, which is forwarded to the pipe containing the fluid heat exchanger (heat exchanger). In this study, conducted comparative testing of solar water heating performance between the performance of the water heater that uses liquid water heat exchanger, airgaram 3.5%, and palm oil. Data collection was performed by taking the data every 30 minutes for 3 hours is at 9:00 to 12:00 pm and the test done 3 times on different days with variations in the type of fluid heat exchanger. From the study data taken include temperature liquid heat exchanger in and out the collector, and the water temperature in the tank, which is then carried out data processing to determine the mass flow rate, density of the fluid, temperature differences in the liquid heat exchanger incoming and outgoing collector (AT) , the performance of solar water heaters (q), and processing the data graphically. The results of the research of some kind of liquid water heat exchanger, brine 3.5%, and palm oil showed that liquid palm oil heat exchanger with a heat capacity of 1,866 kJ / kg. K and a boiling point of 175 0C is the greatest performance, the performance of the lowest value owned by the water. This is due to the value of palm oil heat capacity smaller than a heat capacity of water and greater than the capacity of brine 3.5%, but it is also influenced by the boiling point of palm oil is the highest of any other heat exchanger fluid. Key Words: Heat exchanger, heat capacity, performance, collector, boiling point.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstrak Studi ini mencoba untuk mengetahui model kebutuhan parkir di pusat perbelanjaan di Kota Malang dengan menggunakan metode analisis korelasi, analisis regresi, dan analisis komponen utama. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer yang didapat dari hasil survai di tiga pusat perbelanjaan (Plasa Gajahmada, Plasa Dieng, dan Malang Plasa) dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari pihak-pihak yang terkait. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis korelasi, analisis regresi, dan analisis komponen utama. Variabel-variabel penentu yang diperkirakan dapat mempengaruhi kebutuhan parkir sebanyak 5 variabel yaitu jumlah kedatangan sepeda motor, jumlah kedatangan mobil, jumlah pengunjung yang masuk, luas lantai bangunan, jumlah karyawan. Dari hasil analisis untuk  model  kebutuhan parkir, diperoleh bahwa model kebutuhan parkir untuk sepeda motor yang sesuai adalah Y1 = -4492,641+6,706 X1+2,079 X2+0,056 X3+1,258 X4 + 0,671 X5 dengan variabel-variabel penentu jumlah kedatangan sepeda motor (X1), jumlah kedatangan mobil (X2), jumlah pengunjung yang masuk (X3), luas lantai bangunan (X4), dan jumlah karyawan (X5). Koefisien determinasi (R2) yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 0,832. Persamaan model kebutuhan parkir mobil untuk mobil adalah Y2 = -6094,481 + 13,154 X1 + 4,152 X2 + 0,111 X3 + 2,032 X4 dengan variabel-variabel penentu jumlah kedatangan sepeda motor (X1), jumlah kedatangan mobil (X2), jumlah pengunjung yang masuk (X3), luas lantai bangunan (X4). Persamaan model tersebut memiliki nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,708.Kata-kata Kunci: model kebutuhan parkir, pusat perbelanjaan, regresi komponen utama
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (70.721 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v7i1.1817.%p


Abstrak Studi ini mencoba untuk mengetahui model kebutuhan parkir di pusat perbelanjaan di Kota Malang dengan menggunakan metode analisis korelasi, analisis regresi, dan analisis komponen utama. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer yang didapat dari hasil survai di tiga pusat perbelanjaan (Plasa Gajahmada, Plasa Dieng, dan Malang Plasa) dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari pihak-pihak yang terkait. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis korelasi, analisis regresi, dan analisis komponen utama. Variabel-variabel penentu yang diperkirakan dapat mempengaruhi kebutuhan parkir sebanyak 5 variabel yaitu jumlah kedatangan sepeda motor, jumlah kedatangan mobil, jumlah pengunjung yang masuk, luas lantai bangunan, jumlah karyawan. Dari hasil analisis untuk  model  kebutuhan parkir, diperoleh bahwa model kebutuhan parkir untuk sepeda motor yang sesuai adalah Y1 = -4492,641+6,706 X1+2,079 X2+0,056 X3+1,258 X4 + 0,671 X5 dengan variabel-variabel penentu jumlah kedatangan sepeda motor (X1), jumlah kedatangan mobil (X2), jumlah pengunjung yang masuk (X3), luas lantai bangunan (X4), dan jumlah karyawan (X5). Koefisien determinasi (R2) yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 0,832. Persamaan model kebutuhan parkir mobil untuk mobil adalah Y2 = -6094,481 + 13,154 X1 + 4,152 X2 + 0,111 X3 + 2,032 X4 dengan variabel-variabel penentu jumlah kedatangan sepeda motor (X1), jumlah kedatangan mobil (X2), jumlah pengunjung yang masuk (X3), luas lantai bangunan (X4). Persamaan model tersebut memiliki nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,708.Kata-kata Kunci: model kebutuhan parkir, pusat perbelanjaan, regresi komponen utama
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syari'ah Vol 3, No 2: Desember 2011
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/j-fsh.v3i2.2150


This research purposes to describe the urgence and implementation of asbâb al-wurûd al-hadîtsin understanding of the text of the prophetic tradition. The urgence of asbâb al-wurûd al-hadîs seems in the understanding of the tradition with many component; that are communicator, audince, context (place and time). While the implementation of asbâb al-wurûd al-hadîtsshows in a sample of the tradition about aqiqah, whith background of it. Base on that understanding, we have the polarization meaning of this tradition in its context for the future. The pointers of this development meaning of hadits with asbâb al-wurûd al-hadîts is moral ideal of this traditions as thanksgiving to God for His blessing and the salvation of the baby.   karya ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang kerangka pengembangan pemahaman terhadap makna teks suatu hadis dari sisi urgensi dan ilmplementasi asbâb al-wurûd al-hadîs. Urgensi asbâb al-wurûd al-hadîts nampak pada pemahaman yang menyertakan empat komponen al-bu’du al- mukhatibi (komunikator), al-bu’du al-mukhatabi(audien), al-bu’du al-zamani (waktu) dan al-bu’du al-makani (tempat). implementasi asbâb al-wurûd al-hadis nampak pada sampel hadis tentang aqiqah difahami melalui asbâb al-wurûd yang menyertai hadis tersebut, sehingga diperoleh pemahaman terhadap makna hadis secara beragam, sesuai dengan konteks dan upaya kontekstualisasi makna hadis di masa yang akan datang. oleh karenanya, jumlah atau jenis hewan yang dijadikan aqiqah, bukan persoalan yang harus dipahami secara kaku. Poin penting atau semangat yang ditekankan dalam hadis-hadis tersebut adalah ideal moral yang terkandung di dalamnya, yaitu ungkapan rasa syukur atas keselamatan bayi yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah swt.  
The Effect of Professional Education and Training for Teachers (PLPG) in Improving Pedagogic Competence and Teacher Performance Yusnita, Yeni; Eriyanti, Fitri; Engkizar, Engkizar; Anwar, Fuady; Putri, Nofrina Eka; Arifin, Zainul; Syafril, Syafrimen
Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.017 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/tadris.v3i2.2701


This study is aimed at analyzing the effect of Professional Education and Training for Teachers (PLPG) in improving pedagogic competence and teacher performance. The research used quantitative method through survey approach. The data was taken from 35 respondents using the training exam module and teacher performance instruments. All data were analyzed using software SPSS for Windows release 22.0 through both descriptive and correlation analysis. The result of descriptive analysis of teachers pedagogic competence after taking training test is good (83,74%). Furthermore, Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis shows that there is a significant negative correlation between these activities and teachers performance obtained (rcount) = -0.590 at 0.000 significance level. The results of the analysis show that teachers need to follow the training to improve their pedagogic competence as well as their performance in teaching and assessing. Since the teachers’ knowledge increases, it will definitely have an impact on their performance at school.
THE IMPLANTATION OF CHARACTER VALUES TOWARD STUDENTS THROUGH CONGKAK GAME FOR MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA Agusti, Fardatil Aini; Zafirah, Afifah; Engkizar, Engkizar; Anwar, Fuady; Arifin, Zainul; Syafril, Syafrimen
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 35, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpp.v35i2.13947


This research aims to investigate character values that can be applied on students through congkak game as it is used as a media of mathematics learning. This study used qualitative and quantitative combination or (Exploratory mixed methods designs). The first phase of qualitative data was taken through in-depth interviews to 5 selected informants using purposive sampling technique. The first phase of the data retrieval was intended to gather information related to the content of character values contained in  congkak game. All data interviews were analyzed thematically using NVivo qualitative analysis tool 10. Then, the second phase of the data was taken using a questionnaire to 46 students who were studying in grade V and VI in an elementary school (SD). The second phase of the data retrieval was intended to support the first phase of the research results, the entire data of the second phase analyzed descriptively using quantitative analysis tools SPSS Windows 18.0. Overall, the results of the two phases indicated that there were nine character values contained in the game congkak once it was used as a medium of mathematics learning. The nine-character values were honesty, discipline, hard working, creativity, curiosity, independent, communicativeness, responsibility and appreciation for achievements. The results also proved that the use of instructional media such as traditional game congkak can be used as an intermediary that can be used by teachers in mathematics learning process. In addition, this study shows that even though congkak game belongs to a traditional game among middle societies, in fact, there were characters values as it was investigated scientifically.
Strategi Bersaing Go-Jek Di Tengah Ketatnya Persaingan Moda Transportasi Arifin, Zainul
Arthavidya Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Vol 20, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Arthavidya Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi

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Abstract:Go-jek is the company who created services Ojek based online, namely services Ojek  ordercan be done through application that readily in download by the user smartphone good android and ios . Competition in business modes of transportation demanding Go-Jek to formulate strategy proper that its position as leader unwavering. Research aims to understand result of formulating strategy to using the method QSPM. The kind of research it uses a qualitative methodology descriptive from the analysis business development strategy use IFE and EFEmatrix, IEmatrix, training and QSPM matrix. The research results show that Go-Jek are in a position strong in exploit the power of owned and able to overcome the weaknesses that exist, with a total IFE 3,4144 and are being in exploiting the opportunity for existing and address the threat of with a total EFE 2,7234. Keyword: Strategi, IFE, EFE, SWOT,  QSPM.
Rasio Kesehatan Bank Sebagai Prediktr Resiko Bisnis Perbankan Di Indonesia Arifin, Zainul
Arthavidya Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Vol 16, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Arthavidya Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi

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Kondisi permodalan yang diukur dengan CAR sangatberkaitan dengan penyediaan modal sendiri yang diperlukan untukmenutup resiko kerugian yang timbul dari pinjaman dana dalamaktiva produktif yang mengandung resiko. Pengelolaan aktivadiarahkan pada pengelolaan aktiva produktif dengan maksud untukmemperoleh penghasilan. Kemampuan Bank untuk memperoleh laba(yang diukur dengan ROA dan ROE) dan kondisi Likuiditas (yangdiukur dengan LDR) serta tingkat efisien (yang diukur dengan NIMdan BO/PO) akan menentukan kesehatan suatu Bank, yang akhirnyaakan mempengaruhi resiko bisnis Bank. Penelitian ini dilakukandengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh individual maupunserempak masing-masing variable kesehatan Bank, yaitu:permodalan, kualitas Aset, rentabilitas, likuiditas, dan efisiensiterhadap resiko bisnis perbankan, serta menguji variabel-variabelkesehatan Bank yang mempunyai pengaruh paling signifikanterhadap resiko bisnis perbankan.