Nur Akbar Aroeman
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan THT-KL Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran/RSUP Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung

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Non-Powder gunshot injury of the parapharynx space Raden Ayu Hardianti Saputri; Annika Famiasti; Nur Akbar Aroeman; Agung Dinasti Permana; Sinta Sari Ratunanda
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol 51, No 2 (2021): VOLUME 51, NO. 2 JULY - DECEMBER 2021
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v51i2.402


ABSTRACTBackground: Non-powder firearm is a weapon which used compressed air or CO2 gas to propel lead or steel ball pellets. Trauma caused by non-powder firearm has the potential for significant morbidity and mortality. Head and neck wounds account for 13.8%-30% of all non-powder firearm injuries. Bullets from gunshots often nest in the parapharyngeal space. Purpose: To present a case of non-powder firearm trauma in parapharyngeal space and its management. Case Report: A 13 years-old boy came with non-powder firearm trauma on the left cheek and bleeding from the left nostril. Upon physical examination there was a vulnus sclopetorum sized 0.5x0.5 cm without active bleeding in the left zygoma area. Three dimensional CTscan showed a hyperdense metal lesion in the left parapharyngeal space with 42.6 cm distance from penetrating site to the bullet location. The bullet was then extracted with transparotid approach surgery guided by C-arm imaging. Clinical Question: How is the management of trauma from a non-powder gunshot in the parapharyngeal space? Review method: Literature search through Pubmed, Cochrane Library, and Wiley using non-powder firearm injury in parapharyngeal space and its management as keywords. Result: The search obtained 11 articles. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, one article was found relevant with the topic i.e. one case report of non-powder firearm injury in parapharyngeal space and its surgical management. Conclusion: The safe procedure for retrieving bullets from the parapharyngeal space is in the form of surgery with the help of C-arm imaging to pinpoint the bullet’s location and to prevent further complication.Keywords: non-powder firearm, gunshot injury, parapharynx space, C-armABSTRAKLatar belakang: Senapan angin merupakan senjata yang menggunakan tenaga penggerak berjenis gas CO2 untuk melontarkan peluru. Trauma akibat senapan angin dapat berpotensi fatal. Sebanyak 13,8-30% luka tembak senapan angin terjadi pada daerah kepala dan leher. Salah satu ruang leher yang kerap menjadi tempat bersarangnya peluru adalah ruang parafaring. Tujuan: Melaporkan kasus dan penanganan trauma tembak senapan angin pada parafaring. Laporan kasus: Anak laki-laki berusia 13 tahun dengan riwayat tertembak senapan angin di pipi kiri dan perdarahan dari hidung kiri. Pada pemeriksaan fisis didapatkan vulnus sklopetorum berukuran 0,5 x 0,5 cm tanpa perdarahan aktif di area zigoma kiri. Hasil CT scan 3D didapatkan lesi hiperdens dengan densitas metal pada parafaring kiri, berjarak 42,6 mm dari luka. Benda asing peluru kemudian diekstraksi melalui tindakan operatif menggunakan pendekatan transparotid dengan bantuan C-Arm. Pertanyaan klinis: Bagaimana penatalaksanaan trauma tembak senapan angin pada ruang parafaring? Telaah literatur: Penelusuran literatur melalui Pubmed, Cochrane Library, dan Wiley menggunakan kata kunci luka tembak senapan angin pada ruang parafaring dan penatalaksanaannya. Ditemukan 11 artikel, dan pemilihan artikel berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, terdapat satu penelitian yang relevan. Hasil: Didapat satu laporan kasus tentang luka tembak senapan angin di ruang parafaring dengan tindakan bedah sebagai penanganannya. Kesimpulan: Tatalaksana pengambilan peluru yang aman adalah dengan pendekatan pembedahan dengan bantuan C-Arm untuk mencegah komplikasi lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: senapan angin, luka tembak, trauma, ruang parapfaring, C-arm
Karakteristik Penderita Karsinoma Laring di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Telinga Hidung Tenggorok Bedah Kepala Leher Rumah Sakit dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung Periode Januari 2013 – Juli 2015 Ismi Cahyadi; Agung Dinasti Permana; Yussy Afriani Dewi; Nur Akbar Aroeman
Tunas Medika Jurnal Kedokteran & Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Tunas Medika Jurnal Kedokteran & Kesehatan
Publisher : Tunas Medika Jurnal Kedokteran & Kesehatan

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Karsinoma laring adalah tumor ganas yang berasal dari epitel laring. Penyebabnya adalah merokok, konsumsi alkohol, infeksi human papiloma virus, dan laringofaringeal reflux. Diagnosis berdasarkan dari anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, laringoskopi serat optik, topografi komputer, dan histopatologi. Rancangan penelitian deskriptif retrospektif dari catatan medis penderita yang datang berkunjung ke poli THT KL FK Unpad RSHS Bandung periode Januari 2013- Juli 2015. Dari 1439 penderita keganasan kepala dan leher yang datang ke poli THT-KL sub bagian onkologi RSHS Bandung didapatkan 100 (6,95%) penderita karsinoma laring yang menempati urutan ke 3 pada keganasan kepala leher. Perbandingan laki-laki dengan perempuan sebesar 10:1 dengan usia terbanyak terjadi pada dekade 50 tahun sebanyak 30%. Faktor risiko disebabkan lebih banyak oleh merokok sebanyak 99% dan pasien datang dengan keluhan utama terbanyak adalah sesak nafas sebanyak 54%. Penderita terbanyak datang pada stadium III sebanyak 37%, penatalaksanaannya sebanyak 44% dengan operasi dan radioterapi. Komplikasi yang paling sering adalah terbentuk fistula sebanyak 12%.Kata kunci : karsinoma laring, insidensi, Januari 2013-Juli 2015.Laryngeal carcinoma is a malignant tumor of the larynx. The causes are smoking, alcohol consumption, infection with human papilloma virus, and laringofaringeal reflux. The Diagnosis is based on history, physical examination, laryngoscopy fiber optics, computerized topography, and histopathology findings. The design of descriptive retrospective study from medical records of patients who come to visit ORL-HNS oncology clinic of Hasan Sadikin general hospital Bandung from January 2013 until July 2015. From 1439 patients with head and neck cancers obtained 100 (6, 95%) patients with laryngeal carcinoma. Comparison of men to women is 10: 1. The age of majority in the decade of 50 years as much as 30%. Risk factors resulting from smoking 99%. Most major complaint is difficulty of breathing as 54%. Patients arrive at most stadium III as much as 37%. Patients mostly treated with surgery and radiotherapy as much as 44%. The most frequent complications is fistula formation as much as 12%.Key Word : Laryngeal cancers, incidencies, January 2013 to July 2015
Prevalensi Kanker Sinonasal di Poliklinik THT-KL RS.Hasan Sadikin Bandung, Januari 2013 – Juli 2015 Evy Shavilla; Nur Akbar Aroeman; Yussy Afriani Dewi; Agung Dinasti Permana
Tunas Medika Jurnal Kedokteran & Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Tunas Medika Jurnal Kedokteran & Kesehatan
Publisher : Tunas Medika Jurnal Kedokteran & Kesehatan

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Kanker sinonasal (SNC) relatif jarang, kurang dari 1% dari semua keganasan dan 4% dari tumor di daerah kepala dan leher. Insiden kanker sinonasal sekitar 1: 100.000 orang pertahun di negara berkembang. Kebanyakan berjenis karsinoma sel skuamosa dan adenokarsinoma, terutama pada pekerja yang berhubungan dengan paparan kayu dan debu kulit dan senyawa industri lain. Gejala klinis tergantung lokasi dan luasnya tumor. CT Scan adalah alat analisis terbaik untuk menunjukkan perluasan tumor dan kerusakan tulang. Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi penderita kanker sinonasal di poliklinik THT-Kl Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, Indonesia pada Januari 2013 sampai Juli 2015 Metode: Metode deskriptif dari total sampling catatan medis pasien kanker sinonasal. Karakteristik yang diteliti adalah jenis kelamin, usia, keluhan utama, lokasi tumor, jenis histologis, stadium dan pekerjaan. Hasil: Tercatat 1.081 kanker kepala dan leher pasien di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Januari 2013-Juli 2015. Kanker sinonasal 184 pasien (16,9%), mayoritas pria (67,4%), 47,8% di atas usia 51 tahun. Keluhan utama terutama gejala pada hidung (79,9%). Lokasi tumor terutama di sinus maksilaris (58%), jenis histologis adalah karsinoma sel skuamosa (66,8%), 36,4% pasien bekerja sebagai petani. Sebagian besar pasien datang ke rumah sakit pada stadium III (46,7%). Pengobatan melakukan operasi dan radioterapi (84,2%).Kata Kunci: : Simptom nasal, Kangker Sinonasal, PrevaliensiIntroduction: Cancer of the sinonasal (SNC), is relatively uncommon, comprises of less than 1% of all neoplasms and 4% in the head and neck region. SNC incidence is around 1 : 100,000 person years in most developing countries. Squamous-cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma account for 80% of all sinonasal tumours, and are aetiologically associated with exposure to wood and leather dust particles and other industrial compounds, recognized as an occupational disease. Clinical symptoms depend on tumor location and extent. CT Scan is the best tool to evaluate tumor expansion and bone destruction. Aims: To ascertain the prevalence of Sinonasal cancer at the Otorhinolaringology-Head and Neck Surgery Departement Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia during January 2013 - July 2015 Methods. Total sampling from medical records of sinonasal cancer patients. Specific characteristics studied were gender, age, occupation, chief complaint, tumor location, histological type, staging. Results: There were 1081 head and neck cancer patients, 184 were sinonasal cancer (16,9%). Sinonasal tumor patients are mostly male (67,4%), 47,8% are above 51 years old. The chief complaints were nasal symptoms (79,9%), 36,4% are involved in agriculture. The location was mostly in maxillary sinus (58 %), histological type was squamous cell carcinoma (66,8%), Most patients come in stages III (46,7%). Treatments were surgery and radiotherapy (84,2%).Keywords: Nasal symptoms, sinonasal cancer, prevalence
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA Vol. 2 No. 02 (2020): International Journal of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/ijnpc.v2i02.3898


Abstract Introduction: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is the most found head and neck cancer, which originated from a nasopharyngeal epithelial cell, and predilection site commonly at rosen muller fossa. S100 protein inflammatory mediators are involved in the regulation of cellular processes including inflammation and malignancy. S100 protein plays a central role in the proliferation, regulation of cell apoptosis and metastasis causing continuing growth of cancer cells through activation of STAT3 by IL-6, NF-κB, ROS. Objective: This study aimed to determine the correlation between S100 protein expression levels to the clinical stage of NPC WHO type III. Method: This research is a cross-sectional analytic study. This study was held in the Anatomical Pathology Department of Hasan Sadikin Hospital from August until October 2015. The study was conducted using 29 pieces of secondary data, medical records and paraffin blocks anatomical pathology of NPC patients were examined S100 protein immunohistochemistry. Result: This study was performed from 29 subjects (18 males and 9 females). There was a strong positive correlation between histoscore S100 protein expression with clinical staging p<0.05. There is a significant correlation between S100 protein expression with the clinical stage of NPC WHO type III using double regression analysis (F=15.676, p=0.000). Conclusion: There were significant correlation S100 protein expression levels to clinical stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma WHO type III.
Non-Powder gunshot injury of the parapharynx space Raden Ayu Hardianti Saputri; Annika Famiasti; Nur Akbar Aroeman; Agung Dinasti Permana; Sinta Sari Ratunanda
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol. 51 No. 2 (2021): VOLUME 51, NO. 2 JULY - DECEMBER 2021
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v51i2.402


ABSTRACTBackground: Non-powder firearm is a weapon which used compressed air or CO2 gas to propel lead or steel ball pellets. Trauma caused by non-powder firearm has the potential for significant morbidity and mortality. Head and neck wounds account for 13.8%-30% of all non-powder firearm injuries. Bullets from gunshots often nest in the parapharyngeal space. Purpose: To present a case of non-powder firearm trauma in parapharyngeal space and its management. Case Report: A 13 years-old boy came with non-powder firearm trauma on the left cheek and bleeding from the left nostril. Upon physical examination there was a vulnus sclopetorum sized 0.5x0.5 cm without active bleeding in the left zygoma area. Three dimensional CTscan showed a hyperdense metal lesion in the left parapharyngeal space with 42.6 cm distance from penetrating site to the bullet location. The bullet was then extracted with transparotid approach surgery guided by C-arm imaging. Clinical Question: How is the management of trauma from a non-powder gunshot in the parapharyngeal space? Review method: Literature search through Pubmed, Cochrane Library, and Wiley using non-powder firearm injury in parapharyngeal space and its management as keywords. Result: The search obtained 11 articles. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, one article was found relevant with the topic i.e. one case report of non-powder firearm injury in parapharyngeal space and its surgical management. Conclusion: The safe procedure for retrieving bullets from the parapharyngeal space is in the form of surgery with the help of C-arm imaging to pinpoint the bullet’s location and to prevent further complication.Keywords: non-powder firearm, gunshot injury, parapharynx space, C-armABSTRAKLatar belakang: Senapan angin merupakan senjata yang menggunakan tenaga penggerak berjenis gas CO2 untuk melontarkan peluru. Trauma akibat senapan angin dapat berpotensi fatal. Sebanyak 13,8-30% luka tembak senapan angin terjadi pada daerah kepala dan leher. Salah satu ruang leher yang kerap menjadi tempat bersarangnya peluru adalah ruang parafaring. Tujuan: Melaporkan kasus dan penanganan trauma tembak senapan angin pada parafaring. Laporan kasus: Anak laki-laki berusia 13 tahun dengan riwayat tertembak senapan angin di pipi kiri dan perdarahan dari hidung kiri. Pada pemeriksaan fisis didapatkan vulnus sklopetorum berukuran 0,5 x 0,5 cm tanpa perdarahan aktif di area zigoma kiri. Hasil CT scan 3D didapatkan lesi hiperdens dengan densitas metal pada parafaring kiri, berjarak 42,6 mm dari luka. Benda asing peluru kemudian diekstraksi melalui tindakan operatif menggunakan pendekatan transparotid dengan bantuan C-Arm. Pertanyaan klinis: Bagaimana penatalaksanaan trauma tembak senapan angin pada ruang parafaring? Telaah literatur: Penelusuran literatur melalui Pubmed, Cochrane Library, dan Wiley menggunakan kata kunci luka tembak senapan angin pada ruang parafaring dan penatalaksanaannya. Ditemukan 11 artikel, dan pemilihan artikel berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, terdapat satu penelitian yang relevan. Hasil: Didapat satu laporan kasus tentang luka tembak senapan angin di ruang parafaring dengan tindakan bedah sebagai penanganannya. Kesimpulan: Tatalaksana pengambilan peluru yang aman adalah dengan pendekatan pembedahan dengan bantuan C-Arm untuk mencegah komplikasi lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: senapan angin, luka tembak, trauma, ruang parapfaring, C-arm