Yateman Arryanto
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281

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KINETIKA REAKSI PEMBENTUKAN FUJASIT DARI ABU LAYANG Budyantoro, Arief; Sutarno, Sutarno; Arryanto, Yateman
Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia Vol 7, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia

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Faujasit disintesis dari abu layang secara hidrotermal dalam larutan alkali pada temperature 100oC melalui perlakuan refluks dengan HCl 5M dan peleburan dengan NaOH (rasio berat NaOh/abu layang = 1,2). Kinetika pembentukan faujasit dikaji dengan memvariasi waktu hidrotermal 0-120 jam sedangkan faujasit hasil sintesis dari abu layang diuji kestabilan termalnya pada temperatur 400-900oC. Kestabilan termal faujasit dari abu layang dibandingkan dengan zeolit Y perdagangan. Hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan metoda difraksi sinar-X. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faujasit terbentuk melalui pelarutan komponen penyusun abu layang seperti kuarsa, mullit dan aluminosilikat amorf (waktu hidrotermal 0- 3 jam) membentuk faujasit (waktu hidrotermal 6-48 jam). Setelah waktu hidrotermal 48 jam, faujasit mengalami transformasi fasamenjadi zeolit P dan akhirnya membentuk hidroksisodalit secara sempurna setelah waktu 120 jam. Pola difraksi sinar-X menunjukkan bahwa kestabilan termal faujasit hasil sintesis dari abu layang relative lebih rendah daripada zeolit Y perdagangan. Faujasit hasil sintesis dari abu layang berubah menjadi fasa amorf pada temperatur 800oC sedangkan zeolit Y perdagangan berubah menjadi fasa amorf pada temperatur 900oC.
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol 7, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

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Hydrolysis of clay from Capkala with variation of chloride acid concentratios has been done. Hydrolysis of clay has been conducted by reacting clay in HCl with stirring during 24 hours. Hydrolysis was conducted in several variations of HCl concentration at room temperature. Hydrolyzed clay was characterized by the Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer, Infrared Spectophotometer, and X-ray Diffractometer. The analysis of Spectophotometer of Atomic Absorption was not showed the decreasing of aluminum content of hydrolized clay which is not the extrication of aluminum metal from clay structure. Infrared spectra from hydrolized clay was not showed the eliminated of absorption peak for Al-OH bonds in octahedral layer. Diffractograms of hydrolized clay was not showed the changing angle of 2θ but figuring the increase of intensity of diffraction peak which indicates discharge of pollutant metals from clay structure.
Prospects of Natural Zeolites in Indonesia for Industrial Separations and Environmental Management Arryanto, Yateman; Amini, Siti; Lu, Max G. Q.
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2002)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

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Zeolite as well as molecular sieves are a class of aluminosilicate materials, which have found wide use in industries for separation, purification and pollution control. In the new era of nanomaterials in the 21st century, these nanoporous materials have become more widely used in separation, catalysis and environmental management, even in microelectronic and energy storage sectors. The following briefly shows the great potential of natural zeolites for some important environmental applications: CO2 removal from landfill gas and coal seam gas using Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) with Clinoptilolites: Natural zeolite is not only a cheaper solution to the economical storage system of methane for NGVs but it also present a safer storage medium as alternative adsorbent such activated carbon is flammable and very costly. There is also an increasing interest in indoor air quality control issues among the building industries and health organizations. It has been demonstrated that clinoptilolite is particularly effective adsorbent for odours and some volatiles in indoor environment. Another area of importantnce of natural zeolites is the solar energy application. Zeolites can adsorb water vapour and create effective cooling with solar heat as the energy to regenerate the zeolite. Systems using zeolites can be designed in such a way that combined cooling and heating can be achieved at about 40-60% efficiency. Adsorption of Nitrogen and Oxygen in zeolites for PSA application Cp zeolite deposit has about 75% of the capacity of a commercial Mordenite zeolite for air separation at 30°C. The dynamics studies showed that Cp zeolite is suitable for N2 and O2 separation due to their large difference in adsorption kinetics.
SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI ORGANOLEMPUNG DARI BENTONIT INDONESIA Rahman, Arif; Arryanto, Yateman; Sutarno, Sutarno; Juwono, Ariadne L; Roseno, Seto
Jurnal Spektra Vol 16, No 1 (2015): Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya
Publisher : Jurnal Spektra

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AbstrakSintesis organolempung dari bentonit alam Indonesia telah berhasil dilakukan. Bentonite alam yang digunakan untuk bahan dasar organolempung dipilih dari tiga sampel yang berasal deposite di Sukabumi, Pontianak, dan Pacitan. Spektroskopi FTIR, XRD dan SEM serta kuantifikasi kapasitas tukar kation (KTK) digunakan untuk menganalisis dan menentukan kualitas sampel yang diperiksa. Bentonite dari Pacitan dipilih karena memiliki kandungan montmorillonite tertinggi yakni 71% dan KTK sebesar 77 meq/100g. Selanjutnya, material bentonite terpilih digunakan untuk sintesis organolempung. Surfaktan kationik CTMABr digunakan sebagai pengubah muatan permukaan lempung untuk meningkatkan karakteristik hidrofobik permukaan lempung. Oganolempung hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRD, TGA dan FTIR. Organolempung hasil sintesis menunjukkan spasi antarlapis sebesar 18 – 39 Å. Thermogram TGA menunjukkan bahwa organoclay hasil sintesis memiliki dua kali pelepasan massa CTMABr yang berkorelasi dengan posisi lokasi CTMABr pada dua lokasi yang berbeda. Data-data tersebut memberikan informasi keberhasilan sintesis organolempung berbahan dasar bentonit alam Indonesia menggunakan CTMABr sebagai pemodifikasi permukaan.AbstractSynthesis and Characterization Organoclay from Indonesian BentoniteSynthesis organoclay from Indonesian natural bentonite from Indonesia has been carried out. Natural bentonite has been chosen from three samples from Sukabumi, Pontianak and Pacitan deposites. The FTIR, XRD, SEM spectroscopy and quantification of CEC (cation exchange capacity) techniques were employed to analyze the quality of these samples. Bentonite from Pacitan was chosen as the finest quality of bentonite, because it has bot the highest montmorillonite content i.e 71% and the highest CEC i.e 77 meq/100 g. Furthermore, the bentonite was used as material for organoclay synthesis. Cationic surfactant of CTMABr has been used as surface modifier to improve the hydrophobic properties of clay. The organoclay was then characterized by using XRD, TGA and FTIR. The organoclay has d-spacing of around 18-39 Å. TGA thermogram show that the organoclay has two differences of CTMA group dissociation temperature from the clay surface due to differences of CTMA group location. These data show that organoclay succesfully synthesized from natural Indonesian bentonite and CTMABr as surface modifier.Keywords: Organoclay, Natural Bentonite
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA

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ABSTRACTPreparation of zeolite-clay concrete for new ethanol/water pervaporation without heating has been carried out. Concrete was made by mixing natural zeolite, portland cement, natural clay and distilled water in porcelain disk. The mixture was manually stirred until homogenous suspension obtained. The suspension formed was then placed in the mold and allowed to dry in open air for 48 hours. The mass of natural zeolite was varied from 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, and 20 g meanwhile the mass of natural clay was varied from 0, 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, and 5 g. The mass of portland cement was fixed in the value of 10 g. The concrete was characterized by infrared spectrophotometer (IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Material testing machine was used to determine the compressive strength of the concrete agreeable with decided ASTM C349-08 standard.Based on preparation of zeolite-clay concrete, it was found that the increase of the natural zeolite mass from 15 to 20 g caused fracture to the concrete, but water adsorption percentage increased from 27.7% to 35.2%. Meanwhile, the higher the mass of natural clay, the greater the compressive strength of concrete from 130.3 MPa to 179.9 MPa and water adsorption percentage from 28.9% to 32.3%. The adsorption-desorption data showed that the water was faster to adsorb into the concrete than ethanol, whereas the desorption rate of concrete with respect to ethanol was greater than that to water. The difference on desorption rate was then used to separate ethanol/water mixture through pervaporation without heating. Pervaporation test using the concretes resulted in the increase of ethanol feed concentration from 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% to 82.9%, 82.5%, 87.8%, and 93.7% respectively.Keywords: concrete, compressive strength, adsorption-desorption, ethanol/water mixture, pervaporation.
Zeolit Alam Sebagai Material Coating: Uji Karakteristik Pupuk Coating dan Noncoating Pardoyo, Pardoyo; Lestari, Siswati; Arryanto, Yateman
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi Vol 8, No 3 (2005): Volume 8 Issue 3 Year 2005
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (81.573 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jksa.8.3.69-73


It has been intensively researched to find out the differences of coating and noncoating fertilizer characteristic. Adsorption of water evaporate, pH resistance and influence of material contact area were examined. A distinction between two material structures was analyzed with infrared spectrophotometer. The result showed that at optimum time (70 hours) increase of noncoating fertilizer weight because of water evaporate was 0,9771 gram bigger than coating fertilizer (0,8730 gram). Coating fertilizer was more resistant to pH than noncoating fertilizer. Coating fertilizer dissolved smaller than noncoating fertilizer about 0,02 gram. At the same optimum time, material, which has larger contact area, had the increase of weight bigger than material, which has smaller contact area. The IR spectra of coating fertilizer showed a peak of absorption at 532,3 cm-1 because of vibration T-O which encounter oxygen that has not been found at noncoating fertilizer spectra.Keyword: zeolite, characteristic, fertilizer, coating