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Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Akasia (Acacia Auriculiformis) Yunita Sari, Ni Kadek; Adhi Putra, I Made Wisnu
Jurnal Media Sains Vol 2, No 1 (2018): JURNAL MEDIA SAINS
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.946 KB) | DOI: 10.36002/jms 3.v2i1.352


ABSTRAKRadikal bebas merupakan suatu senyawa asing yang masuk ke dalam tubuh dan merusak sistem imunitas tubuh. Jika jumlahnya berlebih, radikal bebas akan memicu efek patologis seperti arterosklerosis, kanker, diabetes dan penyakit degeneratif lainnya. Untuk meredam aktivitas radikal bebas diperlukan antioksidan. Antioksidan merupakan senyawa yang mampu menetralisir atau menstabilkan radikal bebas dengan cara melengkapi kekurangan elektron pada radikal bebas tersebut. Tanaman yang termasuk ke dalam suku fabaceae merupakan tumbuhan yang sebagian besar spesiesnya mengandung senyawa antioksidan. Aktivitas antioksidan pada tanaman Acacia auriculiformis selama ini belum pernah dilaporkan. Penelitian terhadap tanaman Acacia auriculiformis perlu dilakukan, mengingat pemanfaatannya masih sebatas memenuhi kebutuhan serat terutama untuk bahan baku industri pulp dan kertas serta sebagai tanaman pelindung. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dan untuk mengetahui nilai IC50 (inhibitory concentration) dan nilai AAI (Antioxidant Activity Index) dari ekstrak daun muda dan tua Acacia auriculiformis. Sampel kering daun diekstraksi secara maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol. Ekstrak tersebut selanjutnya diuji aktivitas antiradikal bebas berdasarkan kemampuan pengikatan radikal bebas DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak daun muda dan tua Acacia auriculiformis memiliki aktivitas sebagai antioksidan, nilai IC50 dan AAI ekstrak daun muda dan daun tua Acacia auriculiformis berturut-turut adalah 464,2361 ppm (AAI=0,0861), 433,6332 ppm (AAI=0,0922) sedangkan vitamin C sebagai pembanding memiliki nilai IC50 159,6216 ppm (AAI=0,2505).Kata kunci: Antioksidan, radikal bebas, akasia, IC50, AAIABSTRACTFree radicals are foreign compounds that enter the body and damage the body's immune system. If the amount is excessive, free radicals will trigger the effects of pathologists such as arterosklerosis, cancer, diabetes and other degenerative diseases. To reduce free radical activity required antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds capable of neutralizing or stabilizing free radicals by supplementing electron deficiencies in these free radicals. The plant of fabaceae is a plant that most of the species contain antioxidant compounds. The antioxidant activity of Acacia auriculiformis plants has not been reported. Research on Acacia auriculiformis plant needs to be done, considering the utilization is still limited to meet the needs of fiber, especially for the raw materials of the pulp and paper industry and as a protective plant. The purpose of this research is to know the antioxidant activity and to know the value of IC50 (inhibitory concentration) and the value of AAI (Antioxidant Activity Index) from young and old leaf extract of Acacia auriculiformis. Dry samples of leaves are extracted by maceration using ethanol solvent. The extract was then tested for free antiradical activity based on DPPH free radical binding ability (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). The results showed that Acacia auriculiformis leaf extract had activity as antioxidant, IC50 and AAI value of young leaf extract and old leaves of Acacia auriculiformis were 464,2361 ppm (AAI = 0,0861), 433,6332 ppm (AAI = 0,0922) while vitamin C as comparison have value of IC50 159,6216 ppm (AAI = 0,2505).Keywords: Antioxidant, free radicals, Acacia, IC50, AAI
Pengaruh pH dan Konsentrasi Terhadap Enkapsulasi Metformin HCl pada Monmorillonit Teraktivasi Asam Sitrat Sitanggang, Katrin Walensky; Suarya, Putu; Simpen, I Nengah; Adhi Putra, I Made Wisnu
Jurnal Media Sains Vol 1, No 2 (2017): JURNAL MEDIA SAINS
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.674 KB) | DOI: 10.36002/jms 3.v1i2.259


ABSTRAKMonmorillonit telah banyak digunakan sebagai pembawa beberapa jenis obat. Dalam penelitian ini, metformin HCl dienkapsulasi pada monmorillonit alam pada pH yang berbedabeda(3 ? 10) dan konsentrasi larutan metformin HCl yang bervariasi (50 ? 500 mg/L). Sebelumenkapsulasi, monmorillonit alam diaktivasi terlebih dahulu menggunakan asam sitrat 1 N. Spektrofotometer FTIR, diffraktometer sinar-X, and N?Sorption Analyzer digunakan untukmengkarakterisasi material hasil aktivasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah metformin HClyang terenkapsulasi secara maksimum terjadi pada pH 7.? Uji pengaruh konsentrasi larutan awalmenunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi larutan, semakin banyak metformin HCl yangterenkapsulasi pada monmorillonit teraktivasi. Jumlah maksimum metformin HCl yangterenkapsulasi teramati pada konsentrasi larutan 500 mg/L. Luas permukaan dan volume porimonmorillonit alam ditemukan menurun setelah aktivasi menggunakan asam sitrat. Analisis 2menggunakan FTIR menunjukkan pergeseran puncak-puncak serapan monmorillonit setelahaktivasi dengan asam sitrat. Pergeseran puncak difraksi tidak teramati pada pola difraksi sinar-Xyang mengindikasikan kristalinitas monmorillonit tetap terjaga meskipun setelah diaktivasidengan asam sitrat.Kata kunci: monmorillonit, metformin HCl, pH, konsentrasi awal, enkapsulasi, sistem penghantar obat?ABSTRACTMontmorillonite has been widely used as a carrier of several drugs.? In this research, metformin HCl was encapsulated on natural monmorillonite on various pH (3 ? 10) andconcentration of metformin HCl (50-500 mg/l). Natural montmorillonite was activated by citricacid 1 N prior to encapsulation process. FTIR Spectrophotometer, X-ray diffractometer, and NSorption Analyzer were used to characterize the materials. The results showed that the highestamount of metformin HCl encapsulated on natural monmorillonite was occurred at pH of 7. Theeffect of initial concentration showed that the higher the concentration of metformin HCl, the greater the amount of drugs encapsulated on activated monmorillonite. The maximum amount of drug encapsulated was occurred at initial concentration of 500 mg/L. The surface area andpore volume of natural monmorillonite were found to be decrease after activation using citricacid. Analysis using FTIR confirmed the dislocation of absorption peaks after activation withcitric acid. However, the dislocation of diffraction peaks are not observed in XRD pattern,indicated the there were no changes in the crystallinity of monmorillonit after activation. Key words: monmorillonite, metformin HCl, pH, initial concentration, encapsulation, drug delivery system.
Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Penghambatan Enzim α-amilase Ekstrak Air Kombinasi Daun Papasan (Coccinia grandis [L.]) dan Daun Sembung (Blumea balsamifera [L.] DC) Atikawati, Atikawati; Kusumawati, I Gusti Ayu Wita; Putra, I Made Wisnu Adhi; Yogeswara, Ida Bagus Agung
Jurnal Media Sains Vol 3, No 2 (2019): JURNAL MEDIA SAINS
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.915 KB) | DOI: 10.36002/jms 3.v3i2.911


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dan penghambatan ?-amilase pada kombinasi ekstrak air daun papasan dan daun sembung. Ekstrak dibuat dengan cara menyeduh serbuk daun papasan dan daun sembung dengan berbagai rasio (1:3, 1:1, dan 3:1). Penyeduhan dilakukan menggunakan 100 ml air mendidih (100?C) selama 5 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan dalam menangkal radikal bebas DPPH tertinggi terdapat pada sampel kombinasi 1:3 yang dinyatakan dengan IC50 sebesar 1,58?0,06 mg/ml danaktivitas penghambatan ?-amilase tertinggi juga terdapat pada sampel kombinasi rasio 1:3 dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 1,29?0,02 mg/ml. Secara umum, semua kombinasi berpotensi sebagai minuman fungsional antidiabetes.Kata kunci: Daun papasan, daun sembung, aktivitas antioksidan, aktivitas penghambatan ?-amilase, ekstrak air.ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the antioxidant and inhibition of ?-amylase activities of the combination of Coccinia grandis [L.] and Blumea balsamifera [L.] DC water extracs. The extracts wass made by decoctingthe leaves powder in various ratios (1: 3, 1: 1, and 3: 1). Decoction process was done using 100 ml of infuced water (100?C) for 5 minutes. The results showed that thethe highest antioxidant activity in counteracting free radicals DPPH was found in combination of 1:3 expressed by IC50 of 1.58?0.06 mg/ml and the highest ?-amylase inhibitory activity was also found in combination of 1:3sample with IC50 values of 1.29?0.02 mg/ml. In general, all combinations have potential to be antidiabetic functional drinks.Keywords: Coccinia grandis [L.], Blumea balsamifera [L.] DC, antioxidant and inhibition of ?-amylase, water extract.
Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Katalis CaO/Zeolit Alam Putra, I Made Wisnu Adhi
Jurnal Media Sains Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JURNAL MEDIA SAINS
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.345 KB) | DOI: 10.36002/jms 3.v1i1.190


ABSTRAKCaO telah banyak digunakan sebagai katalis heterogen dalam reaksi transesterifikasi. Dalam penelitian ini, katalis CaO/zeolit alam telah berhasil disintesis menggunakan metode impregnasi basah. Campuran zeolit alam dan CaO diaduk di dalam refluks selama 90 oC selama 3 jam. Variasi rasio massa CaO/zeolit alam yaitu 5%, 10%, dan 15% yang selanjutnya diberi label CaO/NZ5%, CaO/NZ10%, and CaO/NZ15%, secara berturut-turut. Analisis menggunakan FTIR menunjukkan bahwa gugus-gugus fungsi zeolit alam tidak mengalami perubahan ketika pengembanan CaO dilakukan. Hasil ini didukung oleh hasil pengukuran menggunakan XRD yang menunjukkan kemunculan puncak-puncak difraksi dari mineral-mineral zeolit alam. Luas permukaan katalis yang diukur manggunakan N2 sorption analyzer menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak jumlah CaO yang diembankan pada zeolit alam, semakin kecil luas permukaan katalis dari 15,201 m2/g sampai 12,928 m2/g. hasil tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa CaO menyusutkan ukuran pori zeolit, sehingga luas permukaan zeolit menurun. Analisis menggunakan metode titrasi asam basa menunjukkan bahwa kebasaan katalis meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah CaO yang diembankan pada zeolit alam.Kata kunci : Katalis, CaO, zeolit alam, impregnasi basah.ABSTRACTCaO has been well known as a great heterogenous catalyst in the transesterification reaction to produce biodiesel. In the present study, synthesis of CaO/natural zeolite catalyst has been succesfully conducted using wet impregnation method. Impregnation was done by stirring the mixture of natural zeolite and CaO in reflux apparatus at 90 oC for 3 hours. The amount of CaO impregnated into natural zeolite were 5%wt, 10%wt, and 15%wt. These catalysts were then labeled as CaO/NZ5%, CaO/NZ10%, and CaO/NZ15%, respectively. Analysis using FTIR showed no change in functional groups when CaO was impregnated into the pores of the zeolite. This result was supported by the result of the XRD pattern which shows the appearance of natural zeolite diffraction peaks. Surface area measurement using N2 sorption analyzer showed the greater the amount of CaO impregnated into zeolite, the smaller the surface area of the catalyst from 15.201 m2/g to 12.928 m2/g. This result indicates that the CaO shrinked the pore size of zeolite, thus, the surface area of natural zeolite decreased. Acid-base titration result showed that the basicity of catalyst increased as the amount of CaO impregnated into natural zeolite increased.Keywords: Catalyst, CaO, natural zeolite, wet impregnation
Analisis Kadar Total Flavonoid dan Fenolik dari ekstrak air kombinsi daun papasan (Coccinia grandis L) dan buah belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa blimbi L) Ate, Olyn Tien; Putra, I Made Wisnu Adhi; Kusumawati, I Gusti Ayu Wita; Nursini, Ni Wayan
Jurnal Media Sains Vol 3, No 2 (2019): JURNAL MEDIA SAINS
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.393 KB) | DOI: 10.36002/jms 3.v3i2.912


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat ekstrak air dari kombinasi daun papasan dan buah belimbing wuluh. Selanjutnya total flavonoid dan total fenolik ekstrak diuji. Ekstrak dibuat dengan merebus kombinasi serbuk daun papasan dan buah belimbing wuluh pada berbagai rasio massa (1:0, 1:3, 1:1, 3:1, dan 0:1) dan jumlah sampel serbuk 1-5 g. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dalam 100 ml air mendidih selama 5 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan flavonoid total tertinggi dan kadar fenolik total 135,1?0,18 mg QE/g bahan kering dan 48,5?3,09 mg GAE/g bahan kering, ditemukan dalam sampel dengan rasio kombinasi 1:3 (1 g). Secara umum, semua kombinasi daun papasan dan buah belimbing wuluh memiliki jumlah flavonoid dan fenolik yang besar dan memiliki potensi besar sebagai minuman kesehatan antidiabetik.Kata kunci: Papasan, belimbing wuluh, total flavonoid, total fenolikABSTRACTCoccinia grandis L and Averrhoa blimbi L have been known to have a great activity to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study was aimed to make water extracts from the combination of Coccinia grandis L and Averrhoa bilimbi L. The total flavonoid and total phenolic content of the extracts was then tested. The extracts were made by brewing the combination of powdered Coccinia grandis L leaves and Averrhoa bilimbi L fruits at various mass ratios (1:0, 1:3, 1:1, 3:1, and 0:1) and amount of powdered samples (1-5 g). The process was done in 100 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes. The results showed that the highest total flavonoid content and total phenolic content of 135.1?0.18 mg QE/g d.m. and 48.5?3.09 mg GAE/g d.m., respectively, were found in the sample with combination ratio of 1:3 (1 g). This results revealed that, generally, all combinations of Coccinia grandis L leaves and Averrhoa bilimbi L fruits have a great amount of flavonoid and phenolic and have a great potential as antidiabetic health beverages.Keywords: Coccinia Grandis L, Averrhoa Bilimbi L, total flavonoid, total phenolic
Pengembangan pangan fungsional berbasis tepung okara dan tepung beras hitam (Oryza sativa L. indica) sebagai makanan selingan bagi remaja obesitas Adiari, Ni Wayan Lisa; Yogeswara, Ida Bagus Agung; Putra, I Made Wisnu Adhi
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.13 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.6.1.51-57


Background : Obesity is an excessive build up of fat in the body thus causing weight far above normal and it can improve the risk of degenerative dissease. Increasing food consumption of high protein, fiber and antioxidants could  solve obesity problem. Soyabean milk waste product (okara) has high protein content but low economic value. Black rice flour has high antosianin, antioxidan and fiber. Functional food with main composition okara and black rice flour could  be an alternative as a  functional food for this matter.Objective : To investigate right formulation of snack bar based on nutritional content and  sensory caracteristic for obese adolescent.Methods : This type of research is an experimental study using Complete Randomized Design with three treatments (Formula I, II, and III) and performed two replications (duplo). Nutritional value data between group  was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) while sensory characteristic were tested by calculating hedonic quality test score.Result : Statistical analysis of nutritional content showed there were significantly different between group (p<0.05), but for antioxidants and phenolics levels and analysis of the sensory quality test were not significantly different (p>0.05). Formula I was most preferred and favored by the panelists with energy content 125.64 g, 9.89% water, 3.13% ash, 19.6% protein, 12.41% fat, 45.07% Carbohydrate, 16.44% total sugar, 15.58 % crude fiber, 208.35 mg/L GAEAC antioxidant, 1.01 mg/100 g anthocyanin and 61.05 mg/100 GAE phenolic.Conclusion : Formula I was the most preferred snack bar by panelist. This formula recommended for obese adolescent.
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA

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ABSTRACTPreparation of zeolite-clay concrete for new ethanol/water pervaporation without heating has been carried out. Concrete was made by mixing natural zeolite, portland cement, natural clay and distilled water in porcelain disk. The mixture was manually stirred until homogenous suspension obtained. The suspension formed was then placed in the mold and allowed to dry in open air for 48 hours. The mass of natural zeolite was varied from 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, and 20 g meanwhile the mass of natural clay was varied from 0, 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, and 5 g. The mass of portland cement was fixed in the value of 10 g. The concrete was characterized by infrared spectrophotometer (IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Material testing machine was used to determine the compressive strength of the concrete agreeable with decided ASTM C349-08 standard.Based on preparation of zeolite-clay concrete, it was found that the increase of the natural zeolite mass from 15 to 20 g caused fracture to the concrete, but water adsorption percentage increased from 27.7% to 35.2%. Meanwhile, the higher the mass of natural clay, the greater the compressive strength of concrete from 130.3 MPa to 179.9 MPa and water adsorption percentage from 28.9% to 32.3%. The adsorption-desorption data showed that the water was faster to adsorb into the concrete than ethanol, whereas the desorption rate of concrete with respect to ethanol was greater than that to water. The difference on desorption rate was then used to separate ethanol/water mixture through pervaporation without heating. Pervaporation test using the concretes resulted in the increase of ethanol feed concentration from 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% to 82.9%, 82.5%, 87.8%, and 93.7% respectively.Keywords: concrete, compressive strength, adsorption-desorption, ethanol/water mixture, pervaporation.
Adsorption of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) on Eggshell Powder I Made Wisnu Adhi Putra; I Gede Widhiantara
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (736.291 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2015.003.02.7


Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) is the main constituent of the detergent active ingredients. Some negative effects may be appear if this compound enters the aquatic environment with high concentration. In this study, the adsorption of LAS on chicken eggshell powder was studied in different contact time, pH, and initial LAS concentration. The adsorption isotherm pattern was also investigated in two different models i.e. Langmuir and Freundlich. Eggshell powder was characterized using FTIR, XRD, and Surface Area Analyzer prior to adsorption test. The maximum amount of LAS adsorbed on eggshell powder was achieved at contact time of 45 minutes, pH of 7, and initial LAS concentration of 75 mg/L. LAS adsorption on eggshell powder was found to follow the Langmuir isotherm adsorption with the adsorption capacity (b) of 1.6218 mol/g, adsorption constant (K) of 6.1660 x 104 L/mol, and the adsorption energy (ΔG° ads) of 27.78 kJ/mol. 
CAKRA KIMIA (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry) Vol 5 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Magister Program of Applied Chemistry, Udayana University, Bali-INDONESIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.355 KB)


ABSTRAK: Biodisel adalah metil ester asam lemak yang dihasilkan melalui reaksi transesterifikasi antara minyak dan lemak dengan alkohol dalam kehadiran katalis. Dalam penelitian ini, pembuatan biodisel dari minyak jelantah dan metanol melalui reaksi transesterifikasi telah berhasil dilakukan menggunakan katalis CaO/zeolit alam. Metode impregnasi basah dipilih untuk menyintesis katalis dengan cara mengaduk campuran zeolit alam dengan CaO dalam sistem refluks pada 90 oC selama 3 jam. Jumlah CaO terimpregnasi pada zeolit alam adalah 5%wt, 10%wt, dan 15%wt. Karakterisasi katalis menggunakan FTIR, XRD, dan N2 sorption analyzer menunjukkan bahwa katalis dengan 15%wt CaO yang terimpregnasi merupakan katalis yang paling baik. Reaksi transesterifikasi dilakukan dalam variasi rasio molar minyak:metanol, waktu reaksi, dan jumlah katalis. Analisis menggunakan GC-MS menunjukkan bahwa kandungan biodisel didominasi oleh metil palmitat, dan metil oleat. Konversi biodisel tertinggi ditemukan pada kondisi rasio minyak:metanol yaitu 1:15, waktu reaksi 5 jam, dan katalis 5%wt. ABSTRACT: Biodiesel is fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) produced by transesterification reaction of oils and fats with an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. In this work, production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil and methanol by transesterification reaction has been successfully conducted using CaO/natural zeolite catalysts. Wet impregnation method was choosen to synthesize the catalyst by stirring the mixture of natural zeolites and CaO in reflux apparatus at 90 oC for 3 hours. The amount of CaO impregnated into natural zeolite were 5%wt, 10%wt, and 15%wt. The catalysts characterization using FTIR, XRD, and N2 sorption analyzer showed that catalyst with 15%wt CaO impregnated into zeolites was the greatest one. Transesterification reaction was carried out in various oil to methanol molar ratio, reaction time, and amount of catalyst. GC-MS analysis confirmed that the biodiesel contents were dominated by methyl palmitate and methyl oleate. The highest biodiesel conversion was found under condition of 1:15 oil to methanol molar ratio, 5 hours of reaction time, and 5%wt of catalyst.
CAKRA KIMIA (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry) Vol 4 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Magister Program of Applied Chemistry, Udayana University, Bali-INDONESIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (577 KB)


Sistem penghantar obat merupakan formulasi obat atau alat yang memungkinkan pemasukan obat ke dalam tubuh dan meningkatkan kemanjuran dan keamanan obat dengan mengontrol laju, waktu, dan situs lepas obat di dalam tubuh. Dalam penelitian ini, sistem penghantar obat dibuat dengan enkapsulasi senyawa aktif antikanker solasodin (SSD) pada zeolit klinoptilolit (CLI) dengan variasi konsentrasi larutan awal solasodin. Sistem penghantar obat hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR, XRD dan N2 sorption analyzer. Jumlah solasodin terenkapsulasi dihitung menggunakan metode gravimetri sederhana. Hasil karakterisasi menggunakan FTIR menunjukkan tidak terjadi perubahan gugus fungsi pada zeolit ketika solasodin dienkapsulasi. Hasil XRD juga menyatakan bahwa tidak terjadi perubahan struktur kristal pada zeolit karena enkapsualasi solasodin. Luas permukaan zeolit ditemukan menurun ketika solasodin terenkapsulasi. Enkapsulasi solasodin pada zeolit klinoptilolit secara optimum terjadi pada pH 9. Jumlah solasodin terenkapsulasi secara maksimum terjadi pada konsentrasi larutan awal solasodin 250 mg/L. Uji in vitro menunjukkan bahwa pelepasan solasodin tidak terjadi pada cairan lambung simulasi (pH 1,2) selama 12 jam. Pada cairan usus simulasi (pH 7,4), solasodin perlahan-lahan lepas pada 4 jam pertama, meningkat drastis pada jam ke-5, dan menurun perlahan-lahan pada jam ke-6 sampai jam ke-12. Drug delivery system (DDS) is drug formulation or device that allows the drugs administration within the body and increases drug efficacy and safety by controlling drugs rate, time, and release sites in the body. In this research, we made drug delivery systems by encapsulating anticancer active compound solasodine (SSD) into clinoptilolite zeolite (CLI) with the variation of initial concentration of solasodine. The as-synthetized drug delivery systems were then characterized by using FTIR, XRD and N2 sorption analyzer. The amount of solasodine encapsulated on zeolite was calculated by using simple gravimetric method. FTIR results showed that there were no alteration in functional groups of zeolite when solasodine encapsulated into zeolite. XRD results also confirmed that there were no zeolite crystalline structure changes after the encapsulation of solasodine. Surface area of zeolite was found to decrease as the solasodine encapsulated into zeolites. Based on the effect of pH test, it was found that the maximum amount of solasodine encapsulated into zeolite structure was occurred at pH of 9. Meanwhile, the encapsulation of solasodine in various concentrations reached the maximum at the concentration of solasodine of 250 mg/L. The release of solasodine did not happen in simulated gastric solution (pH of 1.2) over 12 hours. In simulated intestine solution (pH of 7.4), solasodine was gradually released in the first four hours, drastically released in the fifth hour, and gradually released again in the sixth hour until twelfth hour.