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Metode Identifikasi Maqâsid al-Sharî‘ah Muhammad Tâhir b. ‘Âshûr dalam Kitab Maqâsid al-Sharî‘ah al-Islâmîyah Aziz, Muhammad
Marâji`: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman Vol 1, No 1 (2014): September
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

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This article attempts to analyze how to know maqâsid al-shari‘ah in any statutes of shari‘at with Muhammad Tâhir b. ‘Âshur’s perspective in the book of Maqâsid al-Sharî‘ah al-Islâmîya. This study concludes that the formula of turuq ithbât maqâsid al-shari‘ah in the perspective of Ibn ‘Âshur refers to three ways: first, through istiqrâ’ (inductive), be it istiqrâ’ on the known-rationale laws, or istiqrâ’ to the postulates of the law which has the same substantive rationale (mushtarak fî al-‘illah), in which the existence of the rationale qualify as maqsûd al-Shâri’; second, through the verses of the Quran which has the clarity of the arguments (wâdih al-dilâlah); and third, through the text of Sunnah mutawâtirah, either mutawâtir ‘amalî or mutawâtir ma‘nawî.
Metode Identifikasi Maqâsid al-Sharî‘ah Muhammad Tâhir b. ‘Âshûr dalam Kitab Maqâsid al-Sharî‘ah al-Islâmîyah Aziz, Muhammad
Marâji`: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman Vol 1 No 1 (2014): September
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

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This article attempts to analyze how to know maqâsid al-shari‘ah in any statutes of shari‘at with Muhammad Tâhir b. ‘Âshur’s perspective in the book of Maqâsid al-Sharî‘ah al-Islâmîya. This study concludes that the formula of turuq ithbât maqâsid al-shari‘ah in the perspective of Ibn ‘Âshur refers to three ways: first, through istiqrâ’ (inductive), be it istiqrâ’ on the known-rationale laws, or istiqrâ’ to the postulates of the law which has the same substantive rationale (mushtarak fî al-‘illah), in which the existence of the rationale qualify as maqsûd al-Shâri’; second, through the verses of the Quran which has the clarity of the arguments (wâdih al-dilâlah); and third, through the text of Sunnah mutawâtirah, either mutawâtir ‘amalî or mutawâtir ma‘nawî.
MEKANIKA: Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 3 No 02 (2017): December
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

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Beberapa daerah di Indonesia, khususnya di daerah dataran tinggi masih dikategorikan sebagai daerah kekurangan air. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kontur tanah yang merupakan bebatuan, dan sumber air tanah yang terlalu dalam, lebih dari 50 meter, sehingga sumber air yang digunakan warga pada umumnya hanya dari sumber mata air. Hal yang bertolak belakang, di daerah dataran tinggi mempunyai potensi kabut yang sangat tinggi. Pada dasarnya, kabut adalah butiran air yang mengumpul dan belum menguap ke udara. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan paranet dan difabrikasi sebagai alat penangkap kabut, sehingga air dari kabut tersebut dikumpulkan dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga. Penelitian dikhususkan di Dusun Nglurah, Desa Wonodadi Kulon, Kecamatan Ngadirojo, Kabupaten Pacitan. Alat penangkap kabut dibuat di dua titik dengan potensi kabut tertinggi, kemudian diambil data berapa air yang dapat ditampung selama lima bulan. Hasil menjanjikan dapat dilihat pada alat penangkap kabut pertama, karena lokasinya memang lebih tinggi dan mempunyai potensi kabut lebih banyak. Rata-rata produktivitas pada alat penangkap kabut pertama adalah 3,6 liter/m2/hari, dibandingkan dengan alat penangkap kabut kedua yaitu 3,2 liter/m2/hari. Secara umum, prototype alat penangkap kabut berfungsi dengan baik..Kata kunci: air, alat penangkap kabut, paranet, produktivitas kabut
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 16, No 1 (2015): Tafsir and Hadith
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.174 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ua.v16i1.3039


One object of charity which to this day is still debated Islamic jurist is zakat profession. There are many things that cause zakat profession are legally without a strong foundation in Islamic legal tradition, including; existence of zakat profession has never been practiced by the Prophet at the time he was still alive, it makes the existence of this zakat profession be considered ahistorical in Islamic law. Even NU, which is listed as a major Islamic organizations, have not decided the concept of zakat profession that has become the lifestyle of the upper middle-class Muslims in Indonesia. Other facts show that the practice of this profession charity raised in Indonesia after the emergence of Yusuf al-Qardlawi book entitled fiqh al-zakah, which is one of the points of study is obligatory zakat for Muslims profession. So the facts mentioned above, this study is important to do. Therefore, the wishes expressed in this study are; how the method istinbath charity law profession perspective of Yusuf al-Qardawi? And what are the implications of these ideas to the output object development of zakat in Indonesia? This study concluded that, the method used by Yusuf al-Qardawi in beristinbath to determine the basis of the profession zakat is obligatory for every Muslim is qiyas method, provided that: Maqis 'alaih it is charity gold and silver; ‘illat it is growing (al-nama'); legal obligation for the profession zakat worth with gold-silver or gold as mandatory alms-silver; and his charity far'u profession. While the implications arising from the results of istinbath method as mentioned above for object development of zakat in Indonesia is, that the object of zakat in Indonesia, which was originally based solely on the object based charity that conventional classical fiqh (gold-silver zakat, agricultural-crops, animals etc.), toward the object charity in the field of occupations and professions that grow and thrive in the modern era, such commissioners, advocates, public accountants etc.
METODE PENETAPAN MAQOSHID AL SYARI'AH: Studi Pemikiran Abu Ishaq al Syatibi Aziz, Muhammad; Sholikah, Sholikah
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 14, No 2 (2013): Islamic Studies
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.44 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ua.v14i2.2655


The spirit and core of each something that is prescribed by Islam, is basically between humans and bring benefit to prevent danger to him. Thus, it is important to note that in addition to undergoing the whole law of God entrusted to his servant, there are also others, is to know the ins and outs of determining the intent and purpose of the pensyariatan a particular law. In this study, before determining how to define maqashid Islamic better writer would also browse and find out how to convey maqashid sharia (thuruq al ma'rifah li maqashid al Sharia), which by the way; research on the particulars of the Quran al Sunnah and al Ijma, in addition, specific temporal aspects, the approach can be based on the proposition logic (aqli) and optimization of the use of reason and the correct ratio through a series of experiments, the empirical habit, a collection of hypotheses. Abu Ishaq Ibrahim al Syathibi is among so many scholars' are very well known in this field of study. According to him, how to set maqashid al sharia: 1) Mujarrad al amr wa al nahy al ibtida'i at tasrihi, 2) Illat consider the context of each command and prohibition, 3) Nothing all maqashid derivatives (at tabi'ah), 4) The absence of information Sharai (sukut al syar'i).
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 15, No 2 (2014): Islamic Studies
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.46 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ua.v15i2.2665


One of the real object of charity to this day is still debatable zakat profession, although its existence is still debated, but many have been put into practice, including the case that the rule in Indonesia, who wants to know in this article are; how the zakat profession in the legal perspective number 23 year 2011 about the management of zakat and Islamic law? This paper uses qualitative research methods to the study of comparative - descriptive - analytic, ie describe the Surah al-Baqarah: 167, hadith of the Prophet narrated by Said bin Abi Burdah, and scholars' opinions, as well as Law No. 23 of 2011, in particular article that talk about charity profession, comparing expert opinion in fiqh, then analyze it critically. This paper concludes; Zakat Law No. profession in perspective. 23 in 2011, to emphasize that the charity has an official and legal profession institutionalized in formal, binding and juridical in the regulation of the state of Indonesia. existence of zakat profession in this regulation, as well as to provide legal certainty on the Muslim individual and business entity owned by Muslims in zakat to mustahiq transfer can also be used as part of Islamic philanthropy that can be used for the welfare of Muslims, the case so this is also part of the basic management of zakat perpspektif Law No. 23 year 2011 is. Zakat profession in Islamic law perspective to emphasize that the obligation of zakat profession based on letters of al -Baqarah: 267 of a general nature, hadiths of a general nature and analyzes of Islamic jurists (fuqaha') good classic or contemporary. The case has implications regarding the result of the material, whether derived from trade, capital investment, honorarium, salary, etc., or even in terms of the time limit should not have been in possession of the property.
Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (115.401 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/jp.v1i2.359


Tujuan diselenggarakannya KKN PPuN Universitas Ahmad Dahlan adalah KKN PPuN dilaksanakan dalam rangka kerjasama dengan Lembaga Seni Budaya dan Olahraga Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah (ditempatkan di Kabupaten Karawang dan Kota Tasikmalaya, Provinsi Jawa Barat; Kota Pekalongan dan Kabupaten Kebumen, Provinsi Jawa Tengah; dan Kota Madiun dan Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Provinsi Jawa Timur).
Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (91.633 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/jp.v1i2.349


KKN Reguler Pemberdayaan dan Pembelajaran untuk Negeri (PpuN) merupakan KKN yangdiharapkan mampu memberdayakan masyarakat untuk mampu mengatasi masalah-masalah yangada. Program – program yang disusun diracang sedemikian rupa untuk mampu menggerakkanmasyarakat itu sendiri. Memaksimalkan potensi lokal yang ada merupakan salah satu tujuan dariprogram-program yang dibuat. Salah satu dari program pemberdayaan masyarakat ialah pembuatanserbuk jahe instan. Serbuk jahe instan merupakan suatu produk olahan dari jahe yang dikristalkandengan cara direbus dengan air dan gula. Besarnya potensi kesehatan dan kimia/gizi yangterkandung dalam jahe dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat produk baru yaitu minuman kesehatanberbentuk serbuk/instan yang lebih praktis dan efisien. Setelah pelatihan ini diharapkan mampumenjadi peluang usaha bagi ibu rumah tangga sehingga secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkanperekonomian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Kalirejo, Bojonegoro.
Advanced Green Technologies Toward Future Sustainable Energy Systems Aziz, Muhammad
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology Vol 4, No 1 (2019): IJOST: VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1, 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijost.v4i1.15805


Currently, the usable energy is basically harvested from the fossil energy sources, including coal, oil, and gas, which are believed to harm the environment due to the emitted GHGs. The awareness to the climate change and limited reserve of fossil energy sources has led to a strong motivation to develop a new energy system which can facilitate three important pillars: security, clean environment, and economic opportunity. This future energy system is strongly expected to be able to blend both fossil and renewable energy sources, while minimize its environmental impacts. To realize it, the primary energy sources are converted to the efficient secondary energy sources, including electricity and hydrogen. These two kinds of secondary energy source are considered very promising in the future, following a high demand in many sectors. In transportation sector, both electricity and hydrogen are believed to become the future fuels as the deployment of electric and fuel cell vehicles is increasing rapidly. In this paper, several potential technologies to produce the energy cleanly from primary energy sources are introduced and evaluated. In addition, clean and efficient technologies in storage and utilization are also described.
Prediction of the remaining service lifetime of inflatable rubber dam with deep hole damage Budiman, Bentang Arief; Sambegoro, Poetro Lebdo; Rahardian, Samuel; Ilhamsyah, Rizky; Firmansyah, Ridha; Juangsa, Firman Bagja; Aziz, Muhammad
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology Vol 5, No 3 (2020): IJOST: VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3, 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijost.v5i3.24936


This paper exhibits a method to predict the remaining service lifetime of inflatable rubber dam by considering the appearance of deep hole damage. The material used for the rubber dam is a composite comprising three layers of woven fabric as fiber and EPDM/SBR 64 474 rubber as a matrix. The service lifetime is predicted by calculating the degradation of rubber dam’s material properties. Simple Rate Law model and Time-Temperature Superposition model are employed to calculate the rubber properties degradation. A finite element analysis is then conducted to investigate stress and strain distributions which occur in the rubber dam membrane during operational loading. Furthermore, the effect of deep hole damage in the rubber dam, which is caused by improper maintenance, is modeled as well. The results show that a 7 mm depth of the hole can accelerate rubber degradation, which causes catastrophic failure. This can happen because two layers of the woven fabric in the rubber dam have been broken. Suggestion to hold up the degradation is also discussed.